REVENGE Chapter: 1 Title: eye by eye .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. A STANDARD DAY.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..-.-.-.-.-.-.-- ----Humm Darien --- Serena was asleep rolling in her warm little bed, every single day she was late for School (and for everything) and every day, before she get into bed, she promise herself that she’d wake up early the next morning, and guess what…… jajajajajajaja she never make it. “Serena wake up” ……………….. “Serena wake up”………………… nothing “WAKR UP” yelled Luna really loudly directly, in her eardrums, Serena who was in betweens la la land and real world saw a nuclear bomb, aimed directly against her eardrums, shot and score. Craasshhhhhhh “haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” that wake her up “Shut up Luna I heard you the first time … I don’t know --- she whispered between her teethes --- why do you have to wake me up so early, I bet is not even 6am,” She raised her head up lazily looking for her bunny alarm jeje “nooooooooooooooooooooo 7:45 already, I’m going to be late... again” Faster than a twister she get up dress up herself and went downstairs. “Hi mommy, hi daddy” she greeted, and meanwhile one hand was busy combing her hair the other one grabbed her lunch, and then giving her parents a flash of her blond self, she let them gasping, in her escape to the colds streets of Tokyo. “I’m going to be late noooooooo” she was running like it was not tomorrow, hers eyes straight down sorting rocks or whatever it came in her path, she ran and ran and…... PUUUUMMMM CRRAAASSSSHHHH. “Haaayyy ….(eyes blinking)….hummmmmmm” she looked up, with hers gorgeous blue eyes, just to see, her protector, her adorable, boyfriend Darien, whom (like always) was the one she bumped into. “Darien” she yelled lauder than usual, hugging him at the same time and then grab his arm, and before he had time to tell anything, she started to drag him towards her school. “can you walk me to school” she pleaded he stopped dead in his tracks “I’m sorry, Serena but I can’t” “But why…. Why not ---- she made a little pout----- your internship doesn’t start until an hour you have plenty of time” she ended whining a bit (jejeje a little more than a bit but who cares). “Yea, but I promised Madison, to join her, in a talk with her supervisor” said a very collected Darien, like it was nothing. “and you’r going to leave me, just like that, for her?” asked a very incredulous Serena a little bit jealous, (jajaja just a little bit) pouting and with a sad expression in her eyes. “ho come on Serena don’t be a child, we had talked about this a lot before now, I had female and males friends. -----hummm more females than males thought a very suspicious Serena – but any thought left her mind when he lifted her chin, and looked at her sweetly just to give her a very paternal kiss in her forehead. What can I said, by that moment she was melted away, “Ok" – she, signed in resignation, watching her watch, her eyes widening -----hooo nooo--- “I’m going to be late again” her voice reached glass breaking proportions, and Darien just winced at the sound, and didn’t make any attempt to give her back, her good bye kiss. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. - Darien and his female friends .-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Darien came back to Tokio after the defeat of Galaxia and he was back for good, and since that moment, Serena didn’t think of anything but him, she believed (ho yeah yeah little fool) that, after being apart for a year, he would want to be with her all the time. Just like she wants to be with him, like when Seiya was there and always was hanging out with her, wanting to go to the movies, to the ice cream parlor etc. and with Darien every thing should be no just like that but better (hoooo how wrong can she be). At first Darien entered in the internship at hospital, and he was only free two afternoons between weeks and the weekends, she was allowed to see him just one day a week the Friday afternoons, in the dream date for both of them, but they see each other besides that? Nooooooooooooooooo. He was always to busy to see her, ‘cause his friends (female friends mind you) wanted to hang out with him, and he was always at the movies o whatever with his friends, Serena boiled with jealousy and confronted him, but he never losing his cool demeanours, asked her to stop acting like that, that she was acting as a child, that it was fine for him to hang out with his friends without her, he tell her something like this: “come on Serena – his voice so mature and suave – don’t be jealous, I don’t date anyone I just hang out with them, I never hugged them or kissed them, don’t be silly, I just go out with them because I need to be with mature persons – his voice turns out to be more suave and sweet --- you know that I just love you, and they are just my school friend I see them in a every day basis, we talks about the same things, and some of them ask me to tutored them, that’s all going on, please understand, I treats you an ice cream, what about that". Hu hum and she belived him (please note the sarcasms) Ok lets get rationals So Darien often hangs out with his friends, who by the way weren’t introduced to Serena and when she asked about them, he only answered “friends” aaaarrrrggggggg But…. That was the whole truth? Jealousy gets the best of Serena, and meanwhile he was hanging out with Madison (Serena found out --- you don't need to know how---that she was his best friend) she followed them, she dressed herself , in an x-files coat and some sunglasses, and now she was stalking, she go wherever they go. She was they shadow. The day deeds were: two chasing cats (they were protecting their territory, the ally besides the restaurant where Darien and madision have dinner). Popcorn butter was stuck on her dress and a wet coat shiled her bones. how that happened, simple. She was trying to hide when a child come out of nowhere yelling youma youma and lunched a water ball at her. (she swore that he could be sailor scout with that perfect aim) At home, she lay in her bed really tired, signed and let her eyes wandering and get loss in the starts, the moon was shining for her, she close her eyes, remembering him being so happy with Madisson, he looked so relaxed and it hurts her, it hurt to know that she wasn’t the only one making him happy, knowing that she wasn’t good enough for him. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.DREAM DATE.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- The BOO restaurant, was a well known romantic place, its tables weren’t under roof, they were under the sky at the moon light, in betweens beautiful gardens, millenarian trees gives a little more light and privacy to all the costumers, giving them a warm feeling of intimacy. Serena wore a beautiful silver dress, which hangs up in her curves, and her hair was without her trademarks odangoes falling in suaves waves at her back. When Darien arrived for her he was left gaping at her elegant and beutifull presence, she looked so gorgeous, but she had a sad look in her eyes ---- what happen to my Serena --- The dinner was going on in a very romantic way, he hugged her, and both were sited in a bench besides a rosaleda, he whispered sweet lovely nothings in her ears, sending shivers down her back, she turn her eyes to look at him directly, his eyes looked at her with adoration, and endless love ---but that was all what she want to see there, she doesn’t know but something was missing she was feeling so much needing so much and he was doing nothing about it--- don’t be a fool Serena, there is nothing more / all couples do the same---- But deep inside, her head whispered that something was missing. She wasn’t able to be completely happy and he notice it--- is she still jealous? I thought she was over this, she knows I only love her and nobody else, I’ll never cheat on her, and they are just my friends. He leaned to her, and sweetly, barely touched her lips, in a tender gesture, however that simple tender gesture, send feelings of pleasure trough her entire body, she leaned to him a little more, and wait for something. But that something even if she didn't know what it was never came. ---why, why he never do something more, anything, why this isn’t progressing ---- “Darien do you think I’m pretty” Darien looked at her incredulous, how can she ask that and today of all days, she looked like a fallen angel, “Serena – he said his voice husky --- you’r my angel, the most beautiful creature in the universe” ---if I’m your angel, why do you always let mi alone, why dont you kiss me more and more deeply, she thought but said nothing more--- “Serena don’t be a child, Darien it’s right, he is just trying to have fun, to no bore his life expending time with an airhead like you” Rey was laughing when she said this. (yeah yeha we all love her) Serena frowned – why she had to be so mean to me / and here I’m, looking for a little help from my friends, but they are at his side, and now I highly doubt that they would help me with the plan, but if they don’t help me ….what plan? Her face shows her frustration –what I’m going to do – she asked herself for the million times. “Serena don’t worry he loves you, I’m the goddess of love if anyone I can tell, he can’t live with out you” ---Then love isn’t enough --- she thought, a bitter feeling running trough her body remembering all the moments he was happy without her. “Serena, -- quietly Amy speak for the first time – maybe if you study a little bit more, he’ll be more interested and would want to expend his time with you --- she finished in a shy whisper --- ho no she is going to kill me --- but to her surprise, Serena just looked at her. -- Amy is right I have to add that to my plan, but if they don’t help me what plan?--- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.--.-. ANDREW CROWN .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Serena left her friends, and went to the crown, she didn’t found any help in her friends, and frankly she has had it, she can stand it anymore, she understand him, but he understand her, she had been trough this for six months now, and nothing changes, she only sees him at Fridays and he continue hanging out with Madison, Susan or whoever, she doesn’t give a shit who, it only matters that it wasn’t her, she tried really hard not be jealous, but now she was depressed every day more, she entered at the crown her face facing the floor, even her odangos where down. She sited herself in the loneliest place, and zone out in the darkest thoughts. ----Serena is here, ho god, she look so sad, what’s wrong with her? --- she and Darien always seemed happy, although, I hadn’t see them together in a long time, Darien is always hanging out with his friends, he’ll never cheat on Serena I know that, But, it’s ok to let her alone, so he can be with his friends, he shocked his head and headed towards her. “hi sunshine, how’s my favourite costumer, hey take it ----- talked Andrew cheerfully sliding a chocolate milkshake at her ---- it’s on me” “thanks” Serena’s eyes shined but just a second, and she was once again in depression, seeing this Andrew took a sit right at her side. “Serena you are like my baby sister, you always managed to brightened my life, so tell me what’s wrong, maybe I could help you” “no, Andrew I’m so sorry, but if I tell you, you are going to think, that it’s silly” now her eyes were down in shame, and she cover her face with her hands. “Serena if something is bothering you, if something is making you unhappy, then believe me, is not a silly thing, come on tell me, aren’t I you best friend”. He lifted her chin with his hand in a sweet motion, and looked at her, sweetness coming out of his chocolate eyes, telling her that he was there for her. “the thing is ….. naaaa is silly” “tell me anyway” “it’s just that Darien doesn’t have time for my anymore” her head, was once again down in shame. ----I knew it, that baka / cheer Serena up / note to myself ….. get out, search, find and kill my ex best friend. “that’s not a silly thing Serena, JA if I didn’t expend all my free time with Rita, she would …. It doesn’t matter (the details could be scary for the youngers readers) “really, and don’t you get bore” “of course not, she is my daylight, my angel, I wan to be with her all the time” “then Darien doesn’t love me” her head sunk down a little more in her arms. “Not Serena, it’s not that, I’m sure, I know him, and he loves you more than life, he is just a little bit of an asshole --- just a little bit? Duno I wonder..? ---- but tell me hadn’t you thought in doing something about that” asked a very curious Andrew, at hearing this, her head snapped up, and a beautiful smile appeared in her mouth, the sad look in her eyes gone like magic. “Andrew, you’ll help me?” …………..hoooooo her voice was so full of hope. “I’ll go to the end of the earth just for you little sister, so tell me --- asked him curious again, what kind of plans could have, such a naïve and pure soul like her sister ---- how can I help you?” A Machiavelli smile went trough her face, and she whispered her plan to Andrew, he smiled and his eyes shined mischievously, --- yep is definitely worth to see this --- “are you sure that you and Rita will be Ok” “jajaja don’t worry she’ll love it” JAJAJAJAJAJAJA thanks to Andrew help The plan eye by eye………….. started Hello I’m Mexican I love anime, and this is my second try in translating a fic, if anyone is interested (and can read Spanish ), this is the first chapter, but just the half of it, I splited in two ‘cause it was too big, you can find it here in some want to help me in editing it, it’s welcome, you don’t have to translate, just edit it, well thanks And don’t forget, read and review o send an e-mail to