Over The Rainbow 9 Clear as Crystal I do not own the original characters of Sailor Moon, got it. "Thank you for saving us, Eternal Sailor Rainbow," Sailor Moon said. "No problem." "You're the one who got all the crystals," Mercury said, "how were you able to get them all by yourself?" "I was just lucky, I reckon," Eternal Sailor Rainbow replied. "I'm sure we'll make a great team." 'This is so cool,' Sailor Moon thought, 'an Eternal Sailor Scout! And I feel like I know her!' "Now lassies," Lucky said, "time to get to business. The Negaverse are going to hit us hard if we're not ready for them." "Right," Luna said, "sailor scout meeting tomorrow at the temple." "I'll be there," Eternal Sailor Rainbow said, picking up Lucky. "It was great meeting all of yeh. Now I must go. Until we meet again." She smiled and took off. 'Need to find Tuxedo Mask. He's damaged…he left. I told him to stay put!' "It must be cool to fly," Sailor Moon sighed. "Amazing she got the crystals all by herself," Mars said. "She's in a hurry," Mercury said. "Almost rude," Venus grunted, "I can't believe she never heard of me! Where's this chick from?" "Well, I think she's wicked cool," Sailor Moon bragged, "and I'm glad we finally got to meet her!" "Yeah, me too!" Jupiter added. "We are sorry we didn't get the crystals, your majesty," Zoicite said. "Give us one more chance. We'll get Sailor Rainbow, those crystals and get rid of Tuxedo Mask too." "No, let's not." Queen Beryl said. "But he's after the crystals too," Malachite explained. "Perhaps I was wrong about thinking Sailor Rainbow would side with us," Beryl admitted. Malachite and Zoicite exchanged glances. Queen Beryl was actually admitting it was a bad idea! "The crystals have made her too strong for us to handle," she explained. "I want Tuxedo Mask instead. He's weak and it will be easier to control him. He'll get the crystals back for us. Zoicite, I want you to trick Tuxedo Mask into coming to the Starlight Tower." "How?" "Threaten that we know the true identity of Sailor Rainbow," she replied. "He's too soft and he will give himself up for her. I want him alive." "Yes, my queen." Darien dragged himself home with whatever strength he had left in him. "Can't…believe I was so stupid…If it wasn't for Sailor Rainbow I would've been in big trouble," he leaned against his door for a while. "I gotta rest and put something on my shoulder. I hope Lydia's all right. Why did she help me?" He walked away from the door, a big blood spot left where he had been leaning. Groaning, he collapsed down on the couch. He didn't get time to relax, for the TV mysteriously came on. "Huh?" "Nice place, Darien," said Zoicite from the picture screen. "How'd you find me?" he demanded. "I told you," she hissed, "the Negaverse sees everything. You didn't think you could hide forever, did you, Tuxedo Mask? "What do you want, Zoicite?" "The rainbow crystals and Sailor Rainbow," she admitted. "I know," he growled, "but you're not getting the crystals or Sailor Rainbow! I know you're only after her because she has the crystals and you want to make her one of you!" "Protective of her, aren't we?" she questioned, "My, my, my." "You expect me to lead her to you, tell you her identity," Darien huffed, "but you forget it!" "Oh, but we already do," Zoicite lied. "You have her?" He grunted, shifting forward, "let her go! What--" "Calm down," she insisted, "we don't have her…yet. But I have a challenge for you, Tuxedo Mask." "Name it." "We need those crystals and Queen Beryl would like some company." "Get to the point," he growled. "That's why we wanted Sailor Rainbow." "Liar!" he shouted. "You wanted her to become one of you. Beryl's not lonely! She doesn't know how it feels to be lonely!" "We're going after Sailor Rainbow," Zoicite said. "And we'll force her to join us." "You can't make her do anything," Darien said. "She almost killed you, Zoicite, and she'll follow though for sure this time!" "Oh, but we have ways. You can't protect her, Darien." She hissed, "we'll get her soon." "Wait a second!" Darien shouted, "You need someone, then take me instead! You leave her alone!" "You? As weak as you are," she said, "in exchange for Sailor Rainbow? But why? She'll prove more to us than you." "I'm serious," Darien said. "I'll be your little hound dog. Leave the sailor scouts alone. If you want a sailor scout, you'll have to get one some other way." "All right," Zoicite said. "Let's have a duel. If I win, the Negaverse takes both of you. If you win, we take you. Come to Starlight Tower at five, alone. Oh, and Darien, you might want a doctor to take a look at your shoulder. It must be painful. Ha-ha-ha!" Her face disappeared and the TV shut off. Darien groaned and lied across the sofa and fell fast asleep within moments. A dream came and he was so into it that he didn't hear the knock on his door. "Darien?" Lydia said. "Darien, it's me, Lydia. Serena told me where you lived. The yellow crystal showed me something. Now the Negaverse is after you. They're going to trick you into helping them, Darien. Don't let them fool you. Darien, are you there? Please let me in." She peered through the peephole. "Darien? If you're not here, then I hope you're at the hospital getting that shoulder taken care of. And if you are here, you'd better be resting and not ignoring me!" She waited for the door to open but it didn't. She sighed. "All right, be careful, Darien. Here, I'm leaving you a four-leaf-clover for luck." She laid it down on the mat. "I just found it. Please be careful and don't listen to anything the Negaverse says. I've got to go, 'sailor scout meeting.'" She sighed, "Take care, Darien." She turned to leave and hoped that Darien wouldn't do exactly what she warned him not to. However, she did not know that he already had a visit from Zoicite. In his sleep, Darien was smiling. The dream he was having seemed so vivid. It was almost like recollection of something. He pictured a young boy sitting alone next to a riverbank. He had deep blue eyes and black hair. The surroundings were beautiful but the boy didn't seem to notice them, for he was crying. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the sun shined brightly. Birds were chirping and there was a vast rainbow stretching over the sky. He looked so lonely. "I wish I had friends," the boy mumbled, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "Wish I wasn't alone." "Hey, down on your luck?" chirped a cheerful voice. The boy turned around to see a pretty red-braided pigtailed girl. Her eyes shined like dark, indigo sapphires and her smile was as bright as the sun. She was dressed in rags and had dirt on her fingers and cheeks. He pegged her as a peasant girl, but as poor as she was, she looked awfully cheerful. In one hand she held an empty water bucket and in the other, a four leaf clover. "Who are you?" the boy asked. "I'll be you friend if you let me," she said, stepping close. "My name is Lydia." "Prince Darien." "You're a prince?" she asked, dipping her bucket into the river. "So why are you so sad?" "Lonely." "Well, you don't have to worry about being lonely and having bad luck anymore," she told him. "I'll be your friend and here's something to give you good luck." She pressed in his hand--a four-leaf clover--smiled and walked away before he could thank her, drops of water splashing from her bucket. "Thank you," he whispered, though she was gone. "I'll never forget you." Amy, Raye, Mina and Lita hung around the temple waiting for Serena and the real identity of Sailor Rainbow. "She's late again," Raye grumbled. "I thought she'd be the first person here if she really wanted to know who was really Sailor Rainbow." "Yeah," Mina said dryly. "She really seemed to like her." "I think we need her," Amy said. "She has the rainbow crystals." "Yeah, Amy's right," Lita added, "I bet she's really cool if we just give her a chance." "Hey, lassies, is this the sailor scout meeting?" All four girls gasped and hugged each other. "Aah!" Lydia stepped forward and giggled with Lucky at her feet. "Hey." "Lydia, you're Sailor Rainbow?" Lita asked. Lydia nodded. "Surprised?" "Wow, we had no idea!" "Serena should be here any minute," Raye said. "She'll be surprised when she finds out you're really Sailor Rainbow." "Serena's a sailor scout?" she gasped. "Yeah, she's Sailor Moon." "Who woulda thought," Lydia mumbled. "I wonder what's taking her," Amy said. "Please, Mrs. H," Serena begged, "now is not a good time for detention. I can finish it tomorrow!" She left the school in a hurry, wondering who the girl behind Sailor Rainbow was. 'I hope she doesn't think I'm a total snob!' Darien's eyes shot open, "How long have I been sleeping?" He looked at his watch. It was almost time for his duel with Zoicite. The dream was still in his head as he went to his door and opened it. He nearly stepped on something. "Huh?" He stepped back and bent down. It was a four-leaf clover. His heart full, he bent down to pick it up. It reminded him of the boy and girl in his dream, the girl with the four-leaf clover. 'She must've been here,' he thought. He sidestepped and looked down the hall. "Lydia?" But she was gone. "Thanks, Lydia." He said, smiling as he pocketed the gift. As Serena turned, she found Darien and decided to give him a hard time. "Hey, there's a bee on your back!" She whacked him on his wounded shoulder and grinned. "Ow!" "It's gone now," she said. "Thank you," he winced, for once, being nice. "I hate bees. I appreciate it, Meatball Head." "Ooh! Stop calling me that!" she hissed, "I get it enough from Raye, I don't need it from you! You're lucky Lydia's not here or she'll make you regret it and you'd better stop calling her Licorice Head too!" "Okay, I won't say it anymore," he promised. "I'd better get going. If you see Lydia today, tell her I said hi. Bye, Serena." He grunted as he walked away. "Wow, he was actually nice to me," Serena muttered. "No way." Then she noticed her palm. It was red. "What's this? Oh my, looks like, BLOOD? He must be hurt. Something's not right, I'd better go follow him." Five o'clock was approaching. Darien reached an alley, "I think I should see a doctor. I'd need all the strength I could get." "Hey!" someone grabbed his healthy shoulder. Daren turned around and readied himself with a karate chop. "Aahh!" He saw Serena, "Why are you following me?" he demanded. "Cool your jets, would ya?" "Sorry, you just surprised me." "Well, you don't need to go ballistic, Darien." She said, "I'm just worried about you." "What for?" "You're bleeding. That didn't happen in Karate class, did it?" "Why do you care?" he questioned. "'Cause, well, your Raye's friend." She muttered. "Just leave me alone." "Ooh." "It's not serious," he insisted. "Not serious?" she questioned, "Ha! I got a C in first aid, I should know." Darien reached Starlight Tower. Zoicite was watching. "Right on time," she muttered. As he approached, a strange field surrounded Darien. "What's happening?" "Darien, what's going on?" Serena cried, running after him. "Huh?" he looked back, "Serena, you've got to get out of here!" "Wish I could," she whispered. Then they were transported to Starlight Tower. "I’m getting worried," Amy said, "where is she?" Lydia started to feel more anxious than Amy. 'Darien, no, you wouldn't.' She thought. Then she got an image in her head, the Starlight Tower. 'I'm coming to stop you, Darien.' Lydia turned and started to walk away. "Hey, where're ya going, Lydia?" Lita asked. "Starlight Tower," she replied, "Care to join me?" "Of course, you're one of us now," Amy said. "Let's go!" Lydia laughed. “Something bad is going to happen.” Darien and an unconscious Serena came up on the transit. "Hello, Darien," Zoicite said. "Who's your friend?" "She's not Sailor Rainbow," Darien growled, "if that's what you're thinking." "Oh?" she muttered, and then thought. 'He is too soft.' "Let's get this over with, Zoicite," Darien muttered. But she was stalling. She laughed. "What's so funny?" "You've fallen right into our trap," she cackled. Malachite appeared. "You double crossed me!" Darien shouted. "What is he doing here?" "I'm the referee, of course," Malachite retorted. "Are you backing out?" Darien demanded. "No, we are having this duel," Zoicite said. "I've been waiting of this for a long time." "Zoicite, remember our orders," Malachite said. "And what were those?" Darien demanded, pulling out a rose and hurling it to Zoicite's face. "AAAH!" Zoicite screamed, "my face!" Her screaming woke up Serena. "Hey, that's Zoicite," Serena said, "Why is she arguing with Darien?" "You hurt my face," Zoicite said, "and you're going to pay for it. I'll be on the roof. You have two minutes and you don't show up, we're taking Sailor Rainbow here. " "I'm not Sailor Rainbow," Serena muttered, confused. "Oh, don’t lie," Zoicite hissed, "Malachite!" Malachite appeared behind Serena, grabbed her and disappeared again. "Serena!" Darien shouted. "She's not Sailor Rainbow!" "We'll see, won't we?" Zoicite demanded as she disappeared. "Hope you're a good runner." The room shrouded in fog. Icicles formed on the ceiling and began to drop. Darien headed for the elevator. "Serena's a big Meatball Head," Darien muttered, "but I can't let anything happen to Lydia's best friend." "I don't see any way in, guys," Sailor Mars said. "Mercury, can you do a computer scan?" Jupiter asked. Sailor Mercury activated her VR visor. "Darien's trapped in an elevator." 'Darien, no!' Eternal Sailor Rainbow thought angrily, tightening her fist. 'You'd better be okay, because I want to box yer ears when this is all over!' "Wait a minute," Sailor Mercury added, zooming in. "Oh no, Serena! Zoicite has her! On the roof!" "I see them," Jupiter said. "We can't get in," Mercury said, "everything's sealed." "We've got to get in that building some how," Luna said. "We'll need a lot of luck," Artemis said. "Good thing we've got the sailor scout of luck with us right here," Lucky said, looking up to his partner. "Ready?" "Aren't I always?" Eternal Sailor Rainbow asked jokingly. "Let's give her some room," Sailor Mercury said. "RAINBOW PRIMARY TARGET!" she targeted a door. "RAINBOW FULL SPECTRUM!" Her rainbow-ranged energy flare tore the door right off its hinges. The sailor scouts stood amazed. "Wow, did you see what she did?" Sailor Mercury whispered. "How about an instant replay?" Mars asked. "I could have done that," Sailor Venus bragged. "So could I," Sailor Jupiter added, "but I want to save all my energy when we kick some Nega-butt! Way to go, Rainbow!" she said, winking at her. "Nothing like a direct approach, I say!" "Thanks," Sailor Rainbow said, walking to the entrance and holding her hand out. "After yeh!" Jupiter ran in first, slapping Rainbow a high-five. Mars and Mercury went by her. "You've sure got manners." Mercury said. "And cool attacks too," Mars added. "Coming, Sailor Venus?" Rainbow asked. Sailor Venus groaned and went inside. Darien looked down at the four-leaf clover in his hand. "Lydia, I'm doing this for you. Don't worry; I'll get Serena back. I'll stop the Negaverse. I hope I just get lucky enough to do it." He looked at the roof of the elevator. "Can't this thing go any faster?" "Are you ready?" Malachite asked Zoicite. "Yes," she said, "I've never been so ready for anything in my whole life." She touched the scratch on her cheek. "He's going to pay for cutting my face." "Revenge can be sweet," he told her. "Just don't get carried away." "What do you want with Darien?" Serena demanded, wriggling in Malachite's grasp. "What's the deal?" "You'll find out soon enough," Zoicite said. "Malachite--get ready." Malachite looked over the city. "Soon, the Universe will be no more. Only the Negaverse will prevail. Hm-hm-hm." Dark energies began to collect around the city. He summoned dark powers. Every light in the city went out. The elevator jiggled. It came to a stop. "We're stopping now," Darien said. "Ha-ha-ha!" Zoicite laughed. "Who cares what Beryl wants? I'm in charge of Darien's destiny now." She juggled a fireball. "Too bad he's going to have a little accident." She threw it down the elevator shaft. "Oh no, fire!" Darien shouted. "Darien!" Serena shouted from the rooftop. 'I gotta get him out of there!' "Such a pity," Zoicite said, "I'll just tell Beryl it was an accident. She won't mind since I have Sailor Rainbow here." "This is it then," Darien groaned. "I'm not Sailor Rainbow," Serena shouted, "but I am a sailor scout! Sailor Moon! MOON PRISM POWER!" she changed into Sailor Moon and saved Darien from the elevator shaft. "Ironic," Zoicite muttered, "I wanted to get Sailor Rainbow but got Sailor Moon instead." "What?" Darien said. "Hello, Darien," Sailor Moon said. "S-Serena?" "I guess I'll just take you then, Darien," Zoicite said, "Or should I say, Tuxedo Mask?" "Oh, give me a break," Sailor Moon groaned. "I am," Darien said. "No way. Darien?" He showed her a rose. "Mm hmm. They're after Sailor Rainbow, Serena. And they wanted me to bring her to them. I guess they thought you were her." "You know who she is?" "Sailor Rainbow is your best friend," he whispered. "Molly?" "No, your new best friend," he corrected, "Licorice Head." "Don't call Lydia that!" she shouted immediately then caught on, "Lydia, my best friend, Sailor Rainbow?" "Well, now that you both know who she is," Zoicite said, "I want her!" "Go Sailor Moon," Darien commanded, "This doesn't concern you." "Of course it does!" Sailor Moon shouted, "they're after my best friend!" "You want to fight to protect her," Zoicite said, "then let's do it!" "You're on," Darien transformed to Tuxedo Mask. 'Darien my dream hunk?’ And how was Lydia able to find out who he really was before me?' Behind Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon, there was a glint. A sharp, deadly ice crystal! "Well come on then," Zoicite commanded, "let's get this over with." "Fine." She threw the crystal. It flew at Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon saw it…but too late. "WATCH OUT!" It plunged into him. "NOO!" He fell to the ground. "Do you guys hear that?" Sailor Rainbow asked the others. "It sounded like Serena! I hope we're not too late!" Sailor Moon rushed to his side. "Tuxedo Mask--don't leave." "It's up to you now to protect Sailor Rainbow and the crystals," he winced. She nodded, "yes. My best friend." "And…I want you to know…that I've always been on your…the scout's side…and I'll always will be…" his hand fell to the ground and he slipped into unconsciousness. "Now I just need to get rid of the scouts and take Sailor Rainbow and the crystals," Zoicite said under her breath. Sailor Rainbow and the others came, but too late. "No!" she shouted. "I'm too late! The blundering fool, I warned him!" Sailor Moon looked up, "Rainbow, he was only trying to save you and the rainbow crystals." "Sailor Moon," she sniffed. "I can't let him leave on my account," Sailor Rainbow said, walking to the other side. "He's our friend. This is all my fault!" "I wish there was something I could do for him," Sailor Moon said, "he's always been there for me when I needed him. Wish…there was something we could do." "Dear Darien," they spoke in unison, "you can't go!" A tear fell down both the two sailors’ eyes. Sailor Rainbow's belt glowed. "Sailor Rainbow," Moon whispered, "look!" Sailor Rainbow looked down and backed up. Her body began to glow like the time she became Eternal Sailor Rainbow, but it was backwards in violet to red. She looked down at the crystals in shock, a surprised squeak escaping her throat. The violet rainbow crystal came off her belt and the violet color surrounding her disappeared and one by one, the rainbow crystals came off her belt. The other scouts, the cats and even Malachite and Zoicite watched in surprise as Sailor Rainbow changed from an eternal scout, to a super sailor scout, and to finally, the first sailor stage. Weakened without the crystals, Sailor Rainbow fell over Tuxedo Mask’ chest. “Sailor Rainbow!” Sailor Moon exclaimed, shaking her shoulder. “Not you too!” “The—c-crystals,” Sailor Rainbow gasped. "They must've been what made her so powerful!" Mars cried, "and now…" she broke off when she noticed the crystals becoming one with Moon and Rainbow's tears. "The Silver Imperium Crystal!" Luna shouted. "Brilliant!" Lucky gasped. "What happens now?" Artemis questioned. "Not sure," Luna replied. "Maybe the moon princess will be revealed." The crystal united with Sailor Moon's crescent wand. As if in a trance, Sailor Moon stood to grasp it. Everyone realized it. "It's Sailor Moon!" Venus cried. "She's the moon princess!" Sailor Mercury shouted. With a bleak smile, Sailor Rainbow forced her head up, "my dear friend from the past," she whispered, "the moon princess, Sailor Moon, Serena." "Huh?" Sailor Mercury looked down at Rainbow. "Dear friend from the past?" Sailor Moon became dressed in a magical, royal gown. Truly, she was the moon princess. "We've finally found her, Artemis," Luna said. "About time too," he commented. "Now the three friends are finally reunited after all these years," Lucky said. "What?" both Luna and Artemis asked. 'Hm-hm. Me Serena, a princess? Now this is way past weird.'