Over The Rainbow 6 A Song For You I do not own the Sailor Moon characters! Just the idea and Lydia! “I love it when there's a full moon. Hmm." Grandpa Hino commented as he walked around the temple. "Reminds me of when we used to go camping and roast marshmallows with my grandpa.” "Huh?" he spotted someone on the roof. Zoicite! Zoicite laughs wickedly. "Who are you?" he demanded, "What are you doing up there?" "Grr," he growled. "I feel evil." "Queen Beryl will happy once I get the next crystal from this old crystal," Zoicite said. She used the crystal on Grandpa Hino, but he uses his strength to keep the crystal from controlling him. "No!" she hissed. "It's not working!" she sent a powerful wind at the old man, making him fall off the roof. His yells were carried to Raye's ears. "Huh?" Raye gasped. Her crows flew away and to Zoicite, harassing her. "Huh? Crows. Yuck! I hate crows!" The crows made her leave, for the moment. "Grandpa!" Raye shouted. She found him on the ground. "He must've fallen off the roof. Grandpa, what happened? Did you lose your balance?" The noise stirred a young man who was sleeping on the steps. "Gee," he yawned, "I thought temple life was supposed to be peaceful." "Who are you?" Raye demanded, "The temple is closed." One look at Raye and he fell head over heals for her. "WHOOAAAH! My name's Chad! I'm a struggling musician. I've heard lots of good things about this place. Please let me stay! Please, I'll do anything! Please!" -- The next day, Raye told the other sailor scouts about what happened. "Maybe he should go to a doctor," Serena suggested. "He refuses to go," Raye explained. "He fell from the roof," Mina said. "He really should go." "I know," Raye said, "but I wonder how he fell down in the first place." "So who's the cute guy?" Lita questioned, pointing to the guy with her grandpa. "What cute guy?" Mina and Serena shouted, looking around. When they spot Chad with Grandpa, they get hearts in their eyes and squeal over his good looks. "Oh, him," Raye groaned, "His name is Chad. We found him here last night. He's a musician." "A musician?" Serena asked, "Oh wow!" Ami however, changed the subject. "So, have you found out what happened with the last crystal?" "Huh?" the others gasped. "Luna told me that the blue crystal was found," Ami explained. "Who was the carrier?" Mina asked. "It was Rita," she answered. "Rita?" Lita gasped, "as in, Andrew's Rita?" "The Rita who is now studying bugs in Africa Rita?" Serena added. "Yes, you dorks, it is that Rita," Raye grumbled. "And that mysterious sailor scout is the one who found it." "At least it's not in the hands of the Negaverse," Ami said. "But I just wish we knew who she was. There are 2 crystals left." Grandpa Hino, however, was acting rather peculiar. He's somersaulting in the air with a rope and wearing a tablecloth as a cape, as if he were a super hero. "All right, Chad, just like that." He said. "What?" he asked, "No way! I'm a singer, not a monkey." "Use your fear!" He gave it a try but the rope broke and landed flat on his face. "Hey, wisemiester," he groaned, "am I a black belt yet? Ughnn." He collapsed and the girls came as Grandpa Hino poured water over his head. "Get up!" Grandpa Hino demanded. "We're not finished." "Grandpa, what have you done with him?" Raye demanded. "Look, Raye, your grandpa has turned to a super hero!" Serena ho-hoed when she noticed the tablecloth. "It's a table cloth," she insisted. "Move it Chad," Grandpa Hino commanded, "You can't be laying around on the job if you're going to be MY apprentice." "He doesn't look too good," Ami said. "I'm waiting." Raye, however, decided go and help him. "Chad, are you going to be all right, you think?" "Huh?" he mumbled, "I guess so. But check my face. Is anything out of place?" "No, your face is going to be fine," she replied. Raye turned to her grandfather. "What are you trying to do? Ruin his career now?" "He asked me to teach him the ways of the temple, so that's what I did!" her grandfather shouted back. "At least he listens to me…not like some members of my own family!” Then he came to tears and started to cry on Raye. "If I don't train him, you'll be left all alone to run the temple, but you can't do it yourself. Raye turned to her friends. "See what I mean? Usually he's so happy, but now he's like this all the time." Chad got up. "All right, that's it. I need to finish today's training so my master will be happy again." He reached a gong. "O great temple gong, as I ring you, please shower this place with peace and happiness." But when he pulled the rope, he got a shower all right, a very wet one. He stood there in surprise and groaned as Grandpa laughed at him. "Ha-ha Chad! I got you, I got you!" he cried as he danced around, "the old water in the bucket trick works every time." "Knock it off, Grandpa!" Raye cried. Serena however, thought it was funny and howled with laughter. "Serena, stop it," Ami whispered. Grandpa heard Serena's laughter. "You thought it was funny, right?" "Of course, Grandpa," she said, "It was the best." "Maybe I should take you to be my apprentice too, eh?" and they both start laughing. "You must be running a fever or something to say that," Raye said. "Excuse me, Raye," Chad said, "but don’t' you think you're over reacting?" "Just stay out of this, okay Chad?" she asked. "It was just a joke." "Stay out of it!" she hollered. "Whoa!" "Grandpa, you're going to see a doctor," Raye muttered, "Ever since you've fallen off the roof, you've been acting like a granola bar." "Don't listen to her, Grandpa," Serena said, "a pitbull with a toothache has a better sense of humor than her. Cuter too." "Who wants to go flying?" Grandpa Hino asked. "I've figured it out," Raye grunted, getting angry and taking it out on Serena, "You got meatballs on the side of your head to go WITH THE MEATBALLS INSIDE!" and she knocked Serena down. "Mmph." Serena started to cry, "did you see that, Raye hurt me!" "Get a life, Raye," Lita said, "you shouldn't push people like that." "Yeah, big bully," Serena sniffed. "Lita's right, Raye," Amy said, "apologize right now and she'll stop crying." "Hmph," Raye groaned. "Fine, be that way, brat," Amy muttered. "I'm sick of having to break up your pre-adolescent fights." "Can't we just have some fun or something?" Mina questioned. "Yeah, give us a call when you're outta diapers." Lita added. The three of them walked away as Lydia walked up. "Fine, go ahead and leave!" Raye shouted. "Hi, lassies!" Lydia said. "Thought I'd come and visit the temple. I've always visited the Irish temples to cheer me up. Works wonders, huh?" She looked at Raye, "What's Raye so angry about?" "Yeah, whatever," Lita groaned. "Today might not be the day," Ami whispered. Lydia walked to Serena. She noticed the tears that Serena was wiping away. "Serena, what's wrong?" She asked, hurrying to her best friend. "Raye pushed me!" she shouted. "Why'd you do that for?" Lydia demanded. "Why would you care?" Raye growled. "Raye, can I talk to you?" Chad asked. "NOT NOW CHAD!" she screamed. "Oh…" he groaned. "Uh, maybe we should get outta here, Serena," Lydia said. "Let's go and find some four leaf clovers or something." "Nice accent," Chad said, noticing her accent. "Austrian?" "No, no," she laughed, "Irish. I'm from Dublin." She looked at her locket and noticing that it was flashing indigo believed that he was the carrier of the indigo crystal. She didn't notice Raye's grandfather acting peculiar behind Chad. 'Hmm, is this cute laddie the carrier of the indigo crystal?' "Dublin, wow!" he gasped. "What's your name, laddie?" she asked. "C-Chad," he stammered, "y-yours?" "Lydia, Lydia MacGreggor," she said. Serena giggled at how fast Chad was taken by Lydia's accent. 'I wish I could get guys to notice me as fast! She's a hunk magnet! Maybe if I stick around her I might get some guys to notice me!' "Chad, why don't you tell her about your music?" Serena asked. Raye however, was getting steamed. She stood with a scowl on her face. "Music?" Lydia murmured. "I'm a musician!" Chad blurted. "Wow, well, what are you doing here?" Lydia inquired with a grin. "Hiding from your fans?" "S-something like that," he admitted, blushing. "Well, you needn't hide from me, laddie," Lydia said. "I'd love to hear you play for me someday." "You wouldn't mind?" he asked. "Of course not.” Lydia chuckled. “Why do you think I asked? Being Irish, I love music!" "Sounds great!" he cried, "maybe if I just played for you then--" "CHAD, GO FINISH YOUR LESSON!" Raye screamed. "Uh, okay," Chad mumbled. "Nice to meet you, Lydia." He backed away and Lydia waved at him. "You too, laddie," she said. "Come on, Lydia," Serena urged, "Raye's in one of her moods. It's not safe!" "So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about, Chad?" Raye asked. "About your grandpa," he replied. "He's not himself," she said, "I'd understand if you want to leave." "No, actually," he said, "I'd like to stay and learn more about you temple." "It's not like this everyday," she said quickly. "And I'd like to get to know your friends too," he added. "That Irish girl, do you know her very well?" Raye groaned but tried to be nice. "Oh, Lydia? She’s a foreign exchange student. Only got here a few weeks ago. I don't know her all that well. You'd have to ask Serena, they're like best friends or something." "I envy you, Lydia," Serena said as she played the Sailor V game at the arcade. "You envy me?" Lydia questioned. "Yeah, you're pretty, have a cool accent and you're lucky in everything, tests, meeting guys, everything!" "Oh, I'm not that lucky," Lydia shrugged, folding her arms. "I don't have a boyfriend." "But you will soon, I'm surprised you don't have at least 7!" she cried. "And what about Andrew?" "I was cheering him up," Lydia insisted. "I wish I was as lucky as you!" she gasped when she lost the game for the tenth time. "Oh no! I'm dead! And I was so close! So close! I'm all out of tokens too! Waaah!" "Hey, you've must've been practicing," Lydia said, noticing the score. "Getting lucky, Serena." "How come you're so lucky?" Serena demanded, "What's your secret? I need to know!" "I'm Irish?" Lydia guessed. "There's gotta be more than that!" Lydia smiled. "Okay, here, you can have my lucky rabbit's foot," she said, handing her a white rabbits foot. "Hey, thanks Lydia!" she cried. "No problem," Lydia said. "I've got six others at home!" "Six?" "Hey, if you're done, can I give the game another go?" Lydia questioned, poking Serena out of the seat. Just seconds in the game, she's doing perfect and started to draw a crowd, including Game Machine Joe and Andrew. "I know her, you know," Andrew bragged. "Do you?" Game Machine Joe questioned, "Well, I'm the one who taught her how to get past level 7 in the racing game." "Liar, she figured it out on her own!" huffed another boy. "The girl's a genius! Way better than you, Game Machine Has-been!" "She just got lucky," frowned a girl next to him, possibly his girlfriend. "Who are you?" he demanded. "She's the queen of the games!" "But Bobby--" she cried and ran off. Serena looked at Lydia and then at the crowd she was drawing, "Uh, Lydia, do you know you're drawing a crowd?" "Yeah-yeah," Lydia muttered, "quiet down, this level's a bit tricky." Serena tried to make the best of it anyway. She turned to the other people in the back. "Step up, everyone! Come see Lydia beat this game! Who wants to bet? Don't be shy." The guys put their hands in their pockets and pull out their money. "Ten saying she finds all the secrets." "You're on, pal!" "Five saying doesn't make it." "Don't be crazy! She can win any game here in this arcade!" Lydia however did not notice that Serena was taking bets to see how far Lydia could get on the game. "And if Lydia wins, the highest bidder will go out with meee!" Serena cried. They were silent and Lydia gasped, almost getting herself hurt the game but quickly continued. "Serena, what're you talking about?" "Just keep playing!" she whispered to her. "Oh wait," Serena rephrased, "I'll give out Lydia's number and mine too if you want!" "Yeah!" "Lydia came all the way from Ireland to check out the cute laddies," she said, trying to copy an Irish accent, "so let's make her feel welcome okay?" "Yeah!" "Oh my gosh--I WON!" Lydia shouted. "I won, I won!" "She won! She won!" Serena cried. Lydia turned and saw the bunch of guys staring at her. "Um, hello?" They crowded around her and gave her hugs and kisses. "Wow, can I have your number?" "Your friend here said we can get it if you won!" "How come you're still single? Aren't we good enough for you?" "YOU'RE A GODDESS! I AM NOT WORHY!" "I think I'm a bit too lucky," Lydia admitted quietly to herself, "I think I need to stop searching for so many good luck charms for a while." "Yay! Yay!" Serena hugged on Lydia. "Your luckiness just got us dates! Way to go, Lydia! You're my new good luck charm now! You're better than a silly rabbits' foot!" "Uh, thank yeh, I guess." "No, thank you!!" Evening was coming close and Chad was trying the ropes again. "CONQUER YOUR FEAR!" Chad shouted, "I'll do it this time!" Raye realized Chad's cuteness, 'can't sing well,’ she thought. ‘But he's pretty cute.' She looked up in Chad's direction. "Chad, watch out!" He smacked into a tree and fell in some bushes. Even the crows were laughing. "You know, I'm worried about Grandpa," Raye said to herself. "I think he's too old to stay here. I'm going to have to get some guidance from the fire for this one. I don't know what to do anymore. But I think I'll take a bath first." But her grandfather was using the flame at the moment. "Sacred flame, help me fight the evil that threatens me." He heard laughter outside. "It's her again. Well, I'm ready for you this time, creepy witch!" he left the room and nearly knocked down Chad. "Where's the fire, master?" Chad questioned. "Something wrong?" "You just stay in here and take care of Raye!" he commanded. "There's something evil out there and don't let Raye outside! Keep her in here, no matter what happens." "Anything I can do to help?" Chad asked but he went outside to face Zoicite. Chad sighed, "Why did I choose this temple?" "Ah, you came out to meet me," Zoicite sighed, "how nice of you." "Get out of here!" Grandpa Hino commanded. "Never, old geezer!" Zoicite shouted. "You really need to learn how to talk to your elders!" Super Sailor Rainbow said, hopping down from the roof and landing between Zoicite and Grandpa Hino. "Who are you?" Grandpa Hino questioned. "Super Sailor Rainbow. Don’t worry, sir. I'm here to save one of your disciples," she replied, "a young man, named Chad." "Chad's in trouble?" he gasped, "oh no!" Zoicite began to laugh. "You believe this Chad has the indigo crystal?" "It's not safe, sir," Super Sailor Rainbow warned. "You'd better make a run for it." "No, the temple is my home, I must defend it!" he growled. "Then I will help you," Super Sailor Rainbow said. "Thank you." "Oh, enough of this, ZOI!" "That sounds like Zoicite!" Raye shouted, sitting up in her bath. "I've got to stop her!" she wrapped a robe around herself and a towel around her head. When she opened the door, she saw Chad standing in front of her. "Chad!" "Sorry your bath had to be cut short, your grandfather told me for you to stay here," he said. "Don't worry, I'll go see if he's okay but he's worried about you." He grabbed her hand and took her to the cellar. "But--but! Chad!" "Just stay here and don't move!" he ordered. "He'll be so mad at me if anything would happen to you!" he closed the cellar doors over her and secured it with a stick. "Stay here, all right!" "Chad! Chad!" Raye growled, banging on the doors. "Let me out of here! Chad! Chad! Let me out, oh, just wait until I get out of here! What's going on out there?" "I have to make sure my master is okay," Chad said as he reached the porch. He found Zoicite attacking him and--Super Sailor Rainbow. "Whoaaaaa," he groaned, "what a baaaabeeee." "Chad, be careful!" Super Sailor Rainbow cried. "You're here to rescue me?" he asked. "You think because you like this young man he has the indigo crystal?" Zoicite demanded. "Crystal?" Chad and Grandpa Hino gasped. "Wait a second," Super Sailor Rainbow double-checked her locket, "it's you!" she looked over at Grandpa Hino. "She's after you!" "Me?" Grandpa Hino mumbled. "That's right, old man," Zoicite said, "now give me that crystal!" "What crystal?" "Go away!" Chad tried to be brave and charged Zoicite. "Oh, pathetic!" she hissed. "Chad, no!" Super Sailor Rainbow warned, but too late, Zoicite attacked him with a blast, making him fly backward to Super Sailor Rainbow's feet. "Oh, you poor laddie," she jerked her head up at Zoicite, "ya've gone too far, Zoicite! How dare you hurt him! Attacking a inexperienced fighter like Chad--I'll make you pay for that!" "He's stupid, but brave," Grandpa Hino admitted. "Oooh, I'm scared," Zoicite teased and readied the black crystal as Super Sailor Rainbow guarded the old man. "Be careful," she warned. But as they both began their attacks, a rose hit the ground between them. "Tuxedo Mask!" Zoicite hissed, "Get lost! This does not concern you!" For once, Rainbow could agree with Zoicite, "yeah, beat it! Or do you want another wallopin'?" Tuxedo Mask however didn't pay heed to either of them. "You really should get a new job, Zoicite!" "But why? There's so much room for advancement!" she cackled. "I don't need your help, laddie," Super Sailor Rainbow muttered to Tuxedo Mask. "I can take her on my own." "I'm just making sure she doesn't get the crystal," he said. "She hadn't got the others so far," she whispered back, "why would I give up now?" "Just don't let her get that crystal, all right?" Zoicite however, enjoyed their little spat and used their time to take the crystal from Grandpa Hino. "ZOI!" "Sailor Rainbow, stop her!" Lucky yelled. "Huh, what?" Super Sailor Rainbow gaped. The indigo crystal was extracted and Grandpa Hino changed into Pox, the 6th shadow warrior. "Why didn't you do anything, you fool?" Tuxedo Mask demanded. "Fool?" Super Sailor Rainbow growled, "you watch your mouth, you-you, masked, top hat, rose throwing PENGUIN!" "Sailor Rainbow, stop her! She has the crystal!" Lucky ordered. "Transform this poor old man back!" "Stop her, you!" Sailor Rainbow ordered Tuxedo Mask, "and don't you dare run off with that crystal!" "Ahahahahaha!" Pox laughed, "diiiiieee!" "Now, Mr. Hino," Super Sailor Rainbow told him, "I don't want to hurt you." He tried to bite her hand and she backed up. "Hey!" she gasped. "Tuxedo Mask, I need that crystal to bring him back!" Tuxedo Mask threw a rose at Zoicite's hand, making her drop the crystal. "It's over, Zoicite!" he growled as he lunged for it. "Fine, take the crystal if you want," she said. "Just make sure Sailor Rainbow gets it. You wouldn’t want to get on her bad side." She disappeared from him and he watched in surprise. 'That was too easy,' he thought. Zoicite however, was watching them from a tree. "I have to see how this goes," she said to herself. "The crystal, Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Rainbow cried. "Now!" He looked at it and then at her, "how do I know you just won't run away with it?" "Why would I do that?" she demanded, dodging Pox's blows, "I need it to bring him back." She stunned him with her Red Streak attack. "Now!" "Just trust her, Tuxedo Mask!" Lucky shouted. He paused and then threw it at her, "catch!" She caught the indigo crystal and looked at it with her indigo eyes, eyes that matched the crystal. Tuxedo Masked watched intently how she looked at it and noticed her eyes. "Her eyes look like the crystal," he whispered to himself. "Restrain the shadow warrior, Tuxedo Mask," Lucky ordered, "while she's coming to the next level." "Level?" he muttered and did what Lucky said. "INDIGO CRYSTAL ACTIVATION!” Super Sailor Rainbow exclaimed. Tuxedo Mask watched in amazement as Super Sailor Rainbow changed again. The indigo streak formed underneath her blue one on her boots and her collar changed to indigo. Her braid gems and earrings became Lapis Lazuli’s to match her tiara gem. Her weapon, sword-staff appeared a bit longer with the stripes on the blade. "Wow," Tuxedo Mask mumbled. "RAINBOW DAZZLING REFLECTION!" She pulled her sword back and pushed it back as red to indigo streams of color streaked from her sword and to Pox. He screamed and changed back to Grandpa Hino as Tuxedo Mask stepped to the side. "You should thank him, Super Sailor Rainbow," Lucky said. She ignored him and checked on Grandpa Hino and Chad as they were waking up. "Are you two all right?" she asked. "I have this strange feeling I should set the table," Grandpa Hino groaned. Chad groaned and looked at Super Sailor Rainbow. "Wh-whoa. You're gorgeous! You're like a rainbow!" Super Sailor Rainbow giggled as she threw a braid over her shoulder. "Why thank you, laddie. Be careful from now on, all right?" She winked at him and walked away. "I have this incredible feeling I should write a song!" Chad exclaimed. As she walked away, Super Sailor Rainbow saw Tuxedo Mask fleeing. "Go thank him," Lucky said. "For what?" she demanded, "I didn't need his help!" "He's on your side, Super Sailor Rainbow," the cat reminded, "the yellow crystal showed you he was an ally of the others and he can be for you." Tuxedo Mask approached her. “Sailor Rainbow, wait. I have to speak with you.” "Oh, here he comes," she groaned. "Look, buster, thank you for helping me out but I had her. I can take care of myself." "How did you do that?" he questioned. "What?" "Change?" he asked. "With the crystal?" "The crystals give me the power to advance to the next level," she retorted, "obvious, isn't it?" "What will happen if you get the last one?" he questioned. "I'll become even stronger," she said. "So?" "Are you the moon princess?" he demanded. "Me?" she asked. "Are you?" he asked again, more urgently. "No!" she shouted. "She's on the mission to find her as well," Lucky said. "She's keeping the crystals safe until the moon princess is found." "I see," Tuxedo Mask muttered. Super Sailor Rainbow cocked her head, "isn't here anything else you want from me?" He shook his head and looked quite sad. "No. You're not who I thought you were. Until we meet again, Sailor Rainbow." "I'm a super sailor scout now," she corrected. "Super Sailor Rainbow." He nodded and fled away. "Jerk," Super Sailor Rainbow scowled. "Oh, come now," Lucky said. "He was kind to help you." "He just wants the crystals," she insisted, "the lad's too cold to consider anyone else's feelings." "Hey Meatball Head!" Darien said to Serena as he passed by her and Lydia on their way down the sidewalk. "I'd wish you'd stop calling me that!" Serena growled. "Yeah, you jerk," Lydia muttered. "What kind of person calls their friends names?" "Who asked you, Licorice Head?" he demanded. "Licorice Head?!" AN: I decided to make Darien's nick-name for her 'Licorice Head' cause her hair's reddish-orange and in braided pigtails and if you think about it, it kinda looks like red licorice. Hmm, licorice. Serena got the giggles. "Licorice Head, good one!" "Serena!?" Lydia gasped. "Oh, sorry, Lydia." Serena stopped laughing and gave Darien the evil eye. "That wasn’t very nice!" "Look pal," Lydia hissed, pushing her finger into his chest, "yeh should watch what you say or I'll show you how we take care of people like yeh back in Ireland!" "Is that a threat?" Darien asked. "You bet it is, laddie!" she snarled. "Why don't you go back to Ireland?" he demanded. "I wish I could!" she snapped. "Give me your best shot.” Darien muttered. “Shorty!" "Hey, just because I'm not as tall as some people doesn't mean I'm a wimp!" she hissed, "I can wallop you any day, you troll!" She stood up on her tiptoes as he moved his neck down so they were staring at each other. 'Those eyes,' he thought, 'indigo. Like the crystal. Indigo eyes, how come I didn't notice her eyes before? Could she be Sailor Rainbow?" 'He's such a jerk,' Sailor Rainbow thought, 'and even tall dark and handsome, like Tuxedo Mask, could he be that caped laddie?' Serena noticed Amy, Lita and Mina coming to her. "Oh, hi guys." "Serena, over here," Amy pulled her aside. "Raye wants us at the temple, pronto." "What's wrong?" Serena asked. "The indigo crystal was found last night," Mina whispered, keeping her voice down so that Lydia and Darien didn't hear her. "It was her grandfather! The mysterious sailor was there." "But do we have to do this now?" Serena frowned. "Lydia and I were going to the arcade and hang out at the mall." "Again?" Amy questioned. "Playing games rot your brain!" "She's better at your own game than you are, Mina!" Serena bragged. "Hey, Lydia would understand," Lita said. "It's important, Serena." Serena frowned and walked to Lydia, "Lydia, I'm sorry but I have something very important to take care of. I'll make it up to you, I promise." Lita was somehow right. Lydia was still giving Darien a staring contest and didn't seem to even care. "Sure," she muttered. "No problem." "I'd knew you'd understand," Serena sighed. "Bye, Lydia!" "Yeah, later," she said, still staring Darien down with her hands on her hips. Serena left with her three friends, while she left her best friend behind. "I hope Lydia can handle being with Darien alone." Serena said. "She's doing good so far," Lita said as she looked over her shoulder. The five girls walked away. Lydia and Darien continued their ‘talk.’ "Why are you so cruel to people?" Lydia demanded, "can't you be nice for at least one day?" "Mind your own business, Licorice Head!" he snapped. “That does it!” Lydia shouted and she let him have it. "So your grandpa had the indigo crystal?" Serena asked. "Yeah," Raye said. "He's all right now, isn't he?" Amy questioned. "Much better," she said. "His old self." "Did you get a look at the new sailor scout?" Mina asked. "No," Raye frowned, "Chad locked me in the cellar." Serena howled with laughter, "the cellar?" "Hey, he was only trying to protect me," Raye said. "Grandpa told him to keep me inside. I was mad at him for it then, but I think it's kinda sweet." "Aw, I wish someone would do that for me," Lita said, envious. "Lydia's luckier than any of you put together," Serena bragged. "Oh, whatever," Mina muttered. "We must find out who she is," Artemis said. "There is only one rainbow crystal left." "And I just hope she's on our side," Mina said. "She's got to be, Mina," Serena said. "She did save us when we got the yellow crystal, remember? And we know that the Negaverse doesn't have them." "Yes, but how to we know that she's not working for them?" Lita asked. "A sailor work for the Negaverse?" Serena gasped, "no way! Sailors are good! All sailors! She's just shy. You'll see, we'll meet her someday and she'll be the best sailor scout ever." "Well, she has to be better than you if she got all those crystals," Raye teased. "Hey!" Serena cried. They heard some rather bad singing from inside. "Hey, what's that?" Serena said, plugging her ears, "sounds like some poor animal being tortured." "Oh, that's Chad," Raye explained, "he came up with a song after seeing the sailor scout last night. It's about her." "Sheeee caaame from over the raaaaainbow," Chad sang, banging his hand on the floor like they were drums, "and saaaaaveeeed my liiiiiiiffeeee. I hope I see thaaaaat pretty red-haired girrrrl again!" "Let's get out of here, please?" Lita questioned. "Yeah, quickly!" Mina groaned and all five ran out there like five bats out of Hades.