Over The Rainbow 4 Draw Your Weapon If I own any of the sailor moon characters here, it would be Lydia MacGreggor/Sailor Rainbow The power of the yellow crystal, like the red one, gave Lydia a new ability. She got little hints of the future. She knew that she would have to keep the crystals safe from Zoicite or she knew what might happen. She knew there were connections between Sailor Moon and the other sailor scouts with Serena and her friends, but unlike the way Greg knew Ami was Sailor Mercury, Lydia didn't know their real identities. She just knew that there were connections and she tried not to think about it. The only thing she thought and hoped for that she would get lucky just as she was for finding the first three crystals, finding the four-leaf clover in the cemetery and ranking third in the exams. If anything, her luck could not wear out. Not this time. "Hey Lydia," called Molly's voice. "Busy?" "Eh, Molly," Lydia said, stopping to let her catch up. "I want to show you something at the art museum," she said, grabbing her hand. "Let's go!" "Allllllrigggght!" Lydia shrieked as her arm felt as it almost ripped off. When they got to the museum, Serena came shortly after. "Wow, these are so good!" Lydia said. "Serena, look here, this one looks kind of like you!" Molly said. "Yeah, but my hair is much nicer, don't you think?" Serena bragged. "You know, if you make a wish on these paintings then all your romantic dreams come true!" Molly told them. She and Serena got hearts in their eyes and Lydia shook her eyes as she studied the paintings. Melvin made a statement about romance and Serena told him to go away. "Lonni Lannai is a very talented artist," Molly said. She told them more about the painting and Lonni Lannai. A girl with glasses and a black braid walked around. "Hopeless, I'll never mind the models I'm looking for," she whispered. "Huh?" Lydia mumbled. She felt warmth in her chest and looked down at her locket, which was now flashing green. 'The green crystal is near!' She glanced around, trying to find whom the carrier could be. The girl bumped into Darien outside and he picked her folder up. She asked him to model for her. "Hey Serena, isn't that Darien?" Molly asked. "Yes, I just can't stand him!" "He's not exactly friendly," Lydia mumbled. "How do you know Darien?" Serena demanded. "Met him yesterday," she explained, "before Greg moved." "Who's that girl he's talking to?" Molly asked. "Dunno, but I'm gunna find out," Serena said and she went to confront him. "Just wait until Raye finds about this!" "Um, excuse me," said the girl, tugging her sleeve, "could you model for me too, please?" "What? Me, model?" Serena gasped. Lydia's locket flashed green faster. 'She has the crystal! I can't let her out of me sights!' she thought and wrapped her arm around Serena's neck so fast that it almost made her fall over, "Sure, Serena'll love to! Hey, can I come over to? What's your name?" "Peggy Jones," she replied. "Lydia MacGreggor," Lydia said firmly. "You can all come over tonight. Thank you, I really appreciate it." Darien and Serena were seated together on a bench. They didn't seem to like being seated next to each other. "Uh, Lydia, want to switch places with me?" she asked. "No," Lydia replied, "I think you two look quite cozy together!" "Argh!" Serena growled. "How long have yeh been a painter, Peggy?" Lydia asked. "A while now," she replied, starting the sketch. 'I need to keep an eye on her,' Lydia thought. 'Zoicite could appear any moment.' "Stop moving, Meatball Head," Darien muttered. "I'm not moving," she said, "and don't call me Meatball Head!" Lydia looked over Peggy's shoulder, watching her paint. "You're a good artist, Peggy. I wish I could paint like that." "Well, I guess I've always had a talent for it," she said modestly, "and I just made it stronger with practice." "Yeah," said Lydia, "practice does make perfect with a bit of luck." In a few more minutes, Peggy was finished. "Can we look now?" Serena asked. "Sure," Peggy said. "I'll go make something to drink for you guys." "Thanks." Darien said. "Wow, what great work!" Serena cried, "Darien, come look at this!" Darien looked at the painting. And Serena looked at the others. She noticed something familiar about them. "Hey, Peggy, are you related to Lonni Lannai?" They heard glass breaking. Thinking that Zoicite came to claim the crystal, Lydia stormed to the kitchen, "Are yeh all right?" Lydia asked. She sighed in relief. No sign of Zoicite yet. "Yeah, uh, what was that you said, Serena?" Peggy asked. "This picture," she said, "It looks a lot like the one at the art gallery. Are you somehow related to Lonni Lannai?" Peggy sighed, "She was someone I made up." "She's not real?" Lydia asked. "I used my real name when I started painting but I wasn't that famous," she explained, "now I'm painting with the name Lonni Lannai and I'm a big hit." "But doesn't that make you sad that no one knows who you are?" Serena asked. She shook her head. "Hey, you just didn't have much luck and practice when you first started," Lydia said, "maybe if you paint with your real name you'll get lucky this time. People will recognize your work." "Lydia's right, Peggy," Serena said. "What do you think about when you're painting, Peggy? "I think about trying to make people happy," she began, "to bring people closer together. A lot of my ideas come to me in my dreams. Then, I just try to bring them to reality, with help of my models." "How cool," Lydia said. "You're so lucky to be able to paint, you know?" Serena said, "I can't even draw stick people that well, but I think it's so un-cool that people don't really know you." "Serena’s right," Lydia agreed. "Maybe you'll get lucky this time. I can give you a good luck charm if you'd like." "Yeah, Lydia's got dozens!" Serena exclaimed. "It's probably not that important," Peggy said, "as long as they get to see what I'm doing." She said to Serena. "But you probably wouldn’t understand. You're smart and pretty. You've got everything." "I do?" Serena asked, surprised and this made Lydia giggle lightly. "Except coordination," said Darien dryly, "Anyway, I think Lydia's got the right idea. The more people you keep away, the less chance you'll get hurt. Really, popularity and romance are way overrated." Lydia noticed that Darien's remark bugged Peggy. She looked at Darien with a frown on her face but Serena was the one who talked. "Oh, what do you know, Darien?" she demanded. "Yeah, what do ya know?" agreed Lydia. Darien raised an eyebrow at their remarks and Serena picks up a painting. "Hey, Peg, what's this? It's lovely." "Wow," Lydia said. Serena brought the painting over to Darien, "Take a look, Mr. Minus Zero and tell me if this painting doesn't do something to you inside." "Yeah," Lydia said, "it sure did something to us inside!" Darien took one look and gasped. It was the same girl from his dream. "Don't have a cow!" Serena cried. "This is one of my favorites," said Peggy, "I got if from a legend my grandmother used to tell me. It's called 'Till we meet again 'cause she's giving him her star locket so he'll always remember what they had." "Romantic," Lydia said. She got a closer look at the couple in the picture. 'Wait, it's the moon princess and the prince of Earth! Like in my dream.' "A star locket!" Serena said, "Looks like it would play beautiful music, doesn't it?" "Yeah," Darien said, "only for them." Darien left but Lydia and Serena stayed as Peggy made them both some dinner. "Too bad Darien's going to miss this," Serena said to Lydia. "What's up with Darien anyway?" Lydia asked, "doesn't he like people?" Serena sighed, "I don’t' know what his problem is. He's dating one of my friends, Raye, do you know her?" "I've seen her," Lydia said. "I wonder what she sees in him." "Yeah, me too!" Serena laughed. "We appreciate the dinner, Peggy," Lydia said, digging into her salad. "No problem," Peggy said. "Eat up." After they ate dinner and Serena and Lydia offered to do the dishes, they walked down to Serena's house. "Wow! Dinner was fab!" Serena exclaimed, "Thanks a lot, Peggy!" "Yeah, thanks," said Lydia. "I'm very full!" "Oh, you really don't mind that I bottom shelved the whole apple pie?" Serena asked. "I don't think she didn’t," Lydia muttered playfully, nudging Serena. "Not at all," Peggy replied, "that's why I made it. Anyway, I really need to finish that painting so I can round out my exhibit." "Are you kidding?" Serena asked, "Everyone's going to see me!" "What's wrong with that, Serena?" Lydia said jokingly, "don't you want to become a famous model?" Serena shot Lydia an angry look and this just made Lydia laugh. The three girls passed a café where two ladies are looking at the exhibit. "Lonni Lannai is the best," said one of them. "I bet she's even more beautiful and amazing in person," said the other, "she's gotta be." "They're so right," Serena said, "you are amazing, Peggy!" "Yeah, you're a good lass," Lydia added. "Hmm?" Peggy mumbled. Serena walked to the poster, "There's no way you could make anything this beautiful if you weren't beautiful inside and out, you know?" Serena told her. "Don't be so harsh on yourself. People will like you." "You think so?" Peggy asked. "Of course, Peggy," Lydia said. "We like you!" "For sure. I know so. I gotta go. See ya!" Serena takes off to her house. "Bye, Serena!" Lydia said, waving. Then she looked at Peggy, "would you like me to walk you back to your home, Peggy?" "I appreciate that, Lydia," Peggy said, "but I'll be fine." "All right, be careful," she warned. "Even though Serena and I and the other people who find you and yourself awesome, there are still some weirdos out there who will want to steal something from you." "You mean, my work?" Peggy asked. "Maybe," Lydia said, "but they might be after something more valuable. Be careful." "Yeah, okay," Peggy said and as she walked back home, she remembered what Serena's been saying. 'Believe in yourself, that's where it starts.' "I've got to follow her anyway," Lydia whispered to herself. She followed Peggy but kept a distance so that Peggy didn't know she was there. She climbed up the fire escape right next to her apartment window. She felt that Zoicite was going to come for the crystal any moment. "Better transform now," she said. "RAINBOW PRISM POWER!" The petite Irish girl changed into the sailor scout of luck, Sailor Rainbow. Sailor Rainbow pressed her back to the wall next to the window, "all right, Zoicite, I'm ready. Show yourself!" She heard a noise inside. "Zoicite!" "What do you want?" Peggy demanded, now wishing that she did let Lydia walk with her home, "if it's money I--" "Don't worry," Zoicite said, "I'm after something more valuable than money, my dear." "You're one of those…art thieves!" Peggy shouted. "You're after my paintings! Well you can't have them!" "And you're not getting the crystal either, Zoicite!" Sailor Rainbow said, knocking through the window. "Sorry about your window, Peggy." "You, you know my name?" Peggy asked. “Just run for it!” Sailor Rainbow shouted. Peggy headed for the door but Zoicite didn’t give her a chance. “ZOI!” “No!” Sailor Rainbow shouted. “Peggy! Ah, curses!” Peggy changed into Veena, the fourth shadow warrior. "Let's go, Veena!" Zoicite ordered, "catch us if you can, Sailor Rainbow!" She and Zoicite disappeared, heading for a construction site. "Believe me," Sailor Rainbow said, tightening her hand into a fist, "Zoicite, I will!" she groaned and began for the window. She jumped out and when she landed, a rose nearly stabbed through her boot. "Hey! Who's there?" Sailor Rainbow demanded, "I don't have time for this!" Tuxedo Mask showed himself, "I don't know whom you are but I will not let you get the crystal. The crystal's mine!" Sailor Rainbow looked up. Tuxedo Mask looked familiar, but where has she seen him? "And what makes you think you have right to it?" Sailor Rainbow said. "Don't you know?" he demanded, "the rainbow crystals create the Silver Imperial Crystal." "Yes, you caped terror!" she shouted, "I was aware of that! I'm trying to keep them out of the hands of the Negaverse." "You know of them?" he asked, surprised. "How about the other sailor scouts?" "No," she said. "Haven't met them yet. I fight alone." "I thought all the scouts were found already," he said. "Well, think again," she hissed. "There could be more out there. Are yeh a friend of the sailor scouts?" "I only help them because I don't want the Negaverse to win," he said. "Just who are ya anyway, laddie?" Lydia demanded. "I am Tuxedo Mask," he replied. "Who are you?" "I am the sailor scout of luck; Sailor Rainbow." She answered him. "Now are you going to be a good lad and let me pass or do I have to fight yeh? I'm in a hurry." She started to walk pass him but he held out his cane, preventing her from leaving. "I'm going to get the crystal!" he cried. "I won't let you get it!" "Well, I reckon we'll have a fight then," Sailor Rainbow said, "but I warn ya, just 'cause I'm short dun't mean I'm a good fighter! You won't get so lucky! I'll wallop yer ahrss!!" She ripped his cane out of his hand, unbalancing him and tossed it aside. He threw another rose at her but she caught it between her fingers and broke it. They began to fist fight but Sailor Rainbow was right about being a good fighter. She was a little scrapper and she showed no mercy. Every punch Tuxedo Mask threw at her, she dodged and packed him a wallop. "Dun't ya feel bad about challenging me, Tuxedo Mask?" she demanded. "Won't…let you get…the crystal…" he wheezed. "It is me duty to keep the crystals away from the wrong hands," she said, "including yours!" she threw a final punch to his stomach and he keeled over, out cold. "Now why dun't ya go home and learn sum manners?" She stepped over his knocked out body and headed toward the construction. "Ya better not have made me late, Tuxedo Mask!" she shouted. "And if yeh did, I'd come back to wallop yer ahrss more!" 'I hope I'm not too late!' Tuxedo Mask groaned as he tried to get up. 'Why does she seem so familiar to me?' he thought. The passed few knights he was dreaming about the moon princess and her, but he didn't know that Sailor Rainbow was one of the girls from his dream. Sailor Rainbow didn't know either. As she ran down the street, Sailor Rainbow heard Zoicite laughing. "Zoicite, let Peggy go!" she ordered, "and give me the crystal! Now!" she held out her hand and used the power of telekinesis the red crystal gave her and pulled it to her. "What?" Zoicite gasped. "GREEN CRYSTAL ACTIVATION!" Sailor Rainbow held the green crystal to her locket and rose in the air as a green aura surrounded her. The green shamrock on her choker broke, turning the orange choker into green. Taking place of the green clover decoration was a gold heart. A green stripe appeared right under the yellow one of her boots and her sleeves pointed out. Her violet skirt changed to white with a gold over violet stripe. The lemon citrine earrings and braid ties became emeralds. Her bows became longer, like a super sailor scout. The green crystal gave her the power to become Super Sailor Rainbow! Her tiara gem changed into an emerald. "She transformed to the next level!" Zoicite cried, bewildered. "And I'm gonna level ya out!" Super Sailor Rainbow shouted. "Destroy her, Veena!" Zoicite commanded. "As you wish," Veena said, pulling out a feather from her wings. "What're you gonna do, tickle me to death?" Super Sailor Rainbow demanded. "It won't work on me!" But Veena didn't use the feather to tickle her. Instead, she threw the feather and it drew a boulder. Super Sailor Rainbow held up her hand and her once small wand now looked like a small scepter with a crown on the top. "Come on now," Super Sailor Rainbow urged, "Draw your weapon!" She growled and drew a sword with a feather. Super Sailor Rainbow flicked it away with her scepter. "Is that the best ya can do?" Super Sailor Rainbow demanded. The crystals on her belt began to glow and she used them to attack. "RAINBOW RED ORANGE YELLOW GREEN SWRIL!" The five colors swirled together and knocked her back and changed Peggy back. "Peggy, you're back!" "You've gotten stronger, Sailor Rainbow," Zoicite said, "but the Negaverse will still win!" "Oh, go crawl back to your home and sulk, Zoicite!" Super Sailor Rainbow demanded, "and it's Super Sailor Rainbow now!" Zoicite shook her fist and disappeared. "Oh, what's going on?" Peggy mumbled. She saw Sailor Rainbow looking down at her. "Is she gone?" "Yes, Peggy," Super Sailor Rainbow replied, helping her up. "Better get home now." "Thank you, Sailor Rainbow," she said. Serena and Lydia came to the art gallery with Darien to see what was new. Serena noticed that he looked beat up. "Hey, Darien what happened to your eye?" Serena asked with a grin. "Did you see Raye with another guy and got in a fight with him?" "No," he muttered. "He wouldn't have to be worried about fights if he had more friends!" Lydia whispered in her ear. Serena and Lydia laughed at him while Darien groaned and put his hand to his eye. They saw Peggy, "Hey Peggy, what's up?" Serena said. "I'm going to paint under my real name now," Peggy said. "Good for ya!" Lydia said. "Hey, you made two new paintings!" Serena cried, noticing the paintings. One was a self-portrait and other, Sailor Rainbow. 'Oh, my gosh, she painted me!' Lydia thought. "Hey, who's this girl?" Serena asked. "She saved my life last night," Peggy replied. Serena looked at the portrait of Sailor Rainbow again, 'so there is a new sailor scout out there somewhere.' She thought. Eyeing closer, she said, "Hey Lydia, she looks kind of like you!" "Don't be silly!" Lydia scowled, "I'm not a super hero!"