Over The Rainbow 3 Inaccurate Predictions I do not own the characters of Sailor Moon, except for Lydia/Sailor Rainbow. She's mine, don't you dare take her without my permission! ::Talks with Irish accent:: You do and then I'll box yer ears! In the Negaverse, Zoicite was talking to Malachite about Queen Beryl's plan. "Malachite, I'm worried." Zoicite admitted. "If we don't please the queen, we'll end up like Jedite, or worse." "We won't lose," he promised. "As soon as Sailor Rainbow gets all the crystals, she'll be begging for us to let us take her to the Negaverse." Meanwhile, on Earth, Ami was walking to a construction area. Greg, a new person in the school was behind her. "Ami, wait!" Greg cried. "Hey, Greg, what's your hurry?" Amy said, turning to him. "Well, Ami, I um…" Greg was shy and wasn't sure what to say. "Tell me," Amy insisted, "what's wrong?" Unbeknownst to Ami, she was walking into danger. A steel girder came loose. "Look out below!" A worker shouted It fells right behind Ami, where she was about to step. Greg stopping her had saved her life. She looked back, shocked. Then she looks back for Greg and he's gone. "Kid, are you all right?" The workers asked. "Yes…I think so…" Amy said. Kids crowded around the bulletin board at school to read their marks. "I did better than I thought." "At least I past." "Oh no. Look at my mark." "Who's that who came in second?" "Oh, I'm toast." Serena groaned, "Mom's going to fry me!" "Maybe we could do something radical next time," Lita suggested, "like studying maybe!" "Ha ha," Serena laughed. "What an original idea, Lita." "We could give it a shot," Lita said. "Wow," Lydia said. "I ranked third! Blimey!" "You must've studied your brains out," Lita said. "No, actually," Lydia said. "Then just a tad, maybe," Lita rephrased. Lydia shook her head. "You didn't study?" Serena asked, surprised. "No." Lydia said, "I just got lucky!" She giggled at her luck. "Oh, I wish I was as lucky as you!" Serena muttered. Serena's envy made Lydia chuckle a bit more and then she sighed as she tried to get her senses back. "Sorry, I don't believe I met ye yet," Lydia said to Lita, getting over her giggle attack, "Lita, right? I'm Lydia." "Yeah, that's right." Lita said. "Nice to meet ya, Lydia." Ami walked by. "Hi Ami," Serena said, "This is my friend Lydia." "Hello," Ami said. Lydia nodded in greeting. "Hey, Ami, you came in second," Lita said. "I did?" Ami said, "I missed by one point. I should've studied harder." "Does she always have to be a brainiac?" Serena wondered out loud. "Hey, Ami, the guy who ranked a hundred in every subject," Lita said, "isn't he in your class?" "Yes," Ami replied. "He just moved here. He's very nice." She saw him pass. "Hey Greg!" "Huh? Uh, oh, hi, Ami." He smiled shyly and ran off. Serena grinned, "Ah." She decided to play matchmaker. "What?" Lydia mumbled to herself. "Anything wrong, Lydia?" Lita asked. "Huh, oh, nothing." She looked at her locket. It had just flashed yellow. Lydia looked in the direction Greg went. 'Can he be the holder of the yellow crystal?' After school, Lydia tried to find Greg but she had no luck. 'Where is he? I can't let Zoicite hurt him!' But she had no idea that he was with Serena and she was trying to get them hooked up. 'I somehow wish I could tell the future or something,' she thought, looking at her locket, 'the locket blinks only when I'm nearby and he could be anywhere! Why didn't I try something when he was there?' Instead of finding Greg, she found Ami in the library. "Hello again, Ami." "Oh, hi," Ami said, perking her head from her book. "I'm guessing from the accent you're from Ireland?" "Lucky guess," Lydia said and nodded. "Can I sit down?" "Sure," Ami smiled. Lydia took the seat across from her. "I was just wondering, have you seen Greg lately today?" Ami blushed. "Well, no. Why you ask?" Lydia couldn't possibly tell Ami the reason why she needed to find Greg. She wanted to but she figured Ami wouldn't understand. What chance could she have if Ami was also a sailor scout? "I um…just wanted to ask him how he scored so high," she said. "If he studied or it was luck." "You scored 3rd, didn't you?" Ami asked. "Yes. I came very close to beating you." Lydia said. "You were lucky." Lydia grinned, "I know. I didn't study. It was just sheer luck." Ami gasped, "Luck? That's all it was? You didn't study at all?" Lydia shook her head. "I forgot about the test." "Are you always this lucky, Lydia?" Ami asked. Lydia nodded, "Sure am. I collect a lot of good luck charms and I'm from lucky Ireland;" the Irish redhead shrugged, "why shouldn't I be so lucky?" "Wish I was as lucky as you," Ami sighed. "Is there something wrong?" Lydia asked. "Hey, you ranked 2nd and that's lucky. Serena told me you wanted to be a doctor. That's lucky." "I know," she said. "It's a lot of work." "Good luck," Lydia wished. "Say, how well do you know Greg?" Ami blushed again, "well, he just moved here so I don't know him very well. But he's very nice. He's smart too. Earlier today he saved my life." "How?" Lydia felt her heart skip a beat. "I don't know, really," Ami said, "I was walking past a construction site and Greg called after me. I stopped and asked what was up. Then a still girder came loose and fell right behind me! If Greg hadn't stopped me…I don't even want to think about what happened. It was almost as if…he knew what was going to happen before it even happened." 'Goodness,' Lydia thought, 'he has ability to tell the future. That must be the power of the crystal!' "That's amazing," Lydia said. "Sounds like a good lad. Ya should get together, before a girl snags him." "Oh, I don't know," Ami mumbled. "Yeh like the lad, don't yeh?" she questioned. "Well, he's very nice." "Listen carefully, Ami," Lydia leaned forward, "there might be something special Greg has that someone from the wrong group would probably want. Yeh wouldn't want them to take that away, would yeh?" "Lydia, I don't understand," Ami said. "Yeh have to make sure he doesn't get hurt," Lydia said. "He's yer friend, right?" Ami nodded. "Of course he is." "Friends are the best good luck charms," Lydia told her. "Yeh must hang onto him, before something bad happens." "Like what?" Ami asked, confused. 'Does she know something I don't?' Ami thought to herself, 'Lydia's not from the Negaverse, is she?' "If I were yeh, I wouldn't want to find out," Lydia said, "So I'd look for him right away. The lad could be in grave danger and you wouldn't even know it. We all have something that others want." With that, Lydia left the blue haired girl alone. 'What in the world could Lydia be talking about?' Ami wondered. After getting an earful from Serena, Greg walked down the street. Zoicite appeared in front of him. "You're Zoicite," he said. "Wha? How do you know my name?" she demanded. "I have an ability to tell the future," he explained sadly, "I know what'll I become." "Good, then I won't have to explain anything to you," Zoicite grinned, "kneel, boy and accept your fate!" Greg, however, decided against it. "No! Never! I'll never join you! I'd rather die! Die!" The boy charged Zoicite and she readied the black homing crystal. "ZOI!" Some how, Lydia's luck must've rubbed off on Ami or her words have sunk in her head because she went out looking for Greg. "He must be all right," Ami said quietly. The crystal began to extract the yellow, third crystal. "Help!" Greg shouted. "Greg," Ami gasped, hearing his voice. "Oh no…" she wasted no time. She transformed into Sailor Mercury before she went to investigate. "Hey guys, Mercury here. I think I've found our new enemy--" she heard Zoicite's, familiar evil laughter, "or it might be an old one. Hurry!" she gave her position and went to try and stop Zoicite. "Let him go!" Mercury shouted. She noticed Greg fall down on the ground, looking quite ill. The crystal hasn't been taken away from his body yet, thank goodness. "Oh, run off!" Zoicite sneered, "can't you see I'm busy?" "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!" Zoicite disappeared and reappeared. "You've got to do better than that! ZOI!" Sailor Mercury jumped out of the way. 'Guys, where are you? I can't take care of this by myself!' "Back?" Madam Indigo questioned as Lydia came in. "Did you find the new crystal?" "I think I lost the carrier," she replied. "I suppose the others should find the yellow." "Why?" she asked. Lydia sighed and slumped down on a couch. Lucky jumped onto her lap and she scratched him behind the ears. "I'm not sure. There's something special about this one. I think he has the ability to see in the future. I don't think he foresees me saving him." "But you have to," Madam Indigo. "You've got to get the crystals, in the right order." "But I lost him," she said. "Don't give up," Lucky said. "And if the other sailors have found him, we should make an appearance. They very well might need your help." "Oh, okay," she said. "You're right. Let's go!" "We're here, Mercury," Sailor Moon said. "Oh no, Greg! Mercury, go take him and get him out of here!" "Yeah, we'll handle this creep!" Sailor Jupiter told her. "Okay," Sailor Mercury ran to him and wrapped his arm around her neck, taking him to a park. 'Where's Sailor Rainbow,' Zoicite thought, 'She's the sailor scout I need to see!' "Give up, Zoicite!" Venus yelled. "I’m sorry, but I've been ordered not too," Zoicite said, "see you girls around!" Zoicite disappeared. "She's going after Mercury and Greg! After her!" Mars cried. "Come on, guys!" 'He doesn't look well,' Mercury thought. "Thank you for taking care of me, Ami," Greg said and slipped into unconsciousness. "Huh, how do you know who I am?" she questioned. Lydia found Greg with Sailor Mercury. "Oh good, he's okay. She's a sailor scout. Which one?" She hid behind a shrub. "Mercury, I believe," Lucky said. Greg woke up again. "Grr, horrible future." "Greg?" Mercury said. "Ami, I can tell the future," he said, "I'll become a monster and you have to promise me, promise me you'll destroy me!" "He knows what's going to happen to him," Lucky said. "Ami?" Lydia mumbled, "Could that be…Ami, from school?" "Thought you could get away from me, did you?" Zoicite demanded. "Promise you'll destroy me!" Greg said. "Hurry and transform, Lydia," Lucky whispered. "No, let's see how she handles it," Lydia said. Zoicite tried again to extract the third crystal. "ZOI!" "No, Greg!" Sailor Mercury gasped. "No sweat, here we are!" Venus yelled. Zoicite extracted the yellow crystal and Greg became Bumboo. 'Come out, Sailor Rainbow,' Zoicite thought. "Attack, Bumboo!" "Careful guys, it's Greg in there!" Sailor Mercury warned. "Don't hurt him." "We don't want to Mercury, but we have to bring him back somehow!" Jupiter shouted. "I'd love to see how this turns out, but I need to deliver this to Beryl!" Zoicite cackled. "Ta-ta!" And she began to fade out. "The crystal!" Jupiter shouted, "bring it back!" "Lydia…." Lucky mumbled. "Now!" "No, Lucky." Lydia said, "I want to see them in action." "Sailor Moon, the moon wand.” Luna said. “Use it to break the spell!” "Right," Sailor Moon said, "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!" But it didn't heal Greg yet. The monster was still strong. "What gives?" Sailor Moon demanded. "Oh, I was afraid of this," Mercury mumbled, taking the readings from her visor and miniature computer, "the warrior is too strong. We'll have to weaken it before we can heal him! But I--" "Greg wouldn't want to be like this, Sailor Mercury," Mars told her, "help him come back!" Mercury groaned, "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!" "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" "Now Lydia," Lucky said, "you can meet them now!" "No, the time's not right," Lydia said, "I'll make my appearance later." "But the--" "Don't worry, I'll still help them out," Lydia told the cat. "They just won't know! RAINBOW PRISM POWER!" "I'm so sorry, Greg!" Sailor Mercury cried. "I'll just help them out a little," Sailor Rainbow said, keeping herself hidden, "and get that crystal from Zoicite before it's too late! SHAMROCK SHOWER!" "What? Where did this come from?" Jupiter questioned, looking around the shamrocks. They surrounded Bumboo. "Someone's helping us!" Sailor Venus cried. "Where's Tuxedo Mask?" Moon mumbled. “Doesn’t matter,” said Mars. "Now he's weak!" Sailor Mercury said, "hurry, Sailor Moon!" "MOON HEALING ACTIVIATION!" They healed Greg and Mercury checked to see if he was all right. "The crystal," Mars said, "where's the crystal?" "Zoicite still has it," Jupiter said through her teeth. "At least Greg's okay," Venus said. "Give that here!" Sailor Rainbow commanded, running after Zoicite. "Oh, you want the crystal, eh?" she questioned. "Yes, you have no right to it!" Sailor Rainbow hissed. "Give it to me if you know what's good for ya!" "Fine, I give up," she tossed it to Sailor Rainbow, "so long!" she grinned at Sailor Rainbow and disappeared. 'Hmm,' she thought, 'that was easy.' She held the crystal next to her locket and she took its power. A yellow stripe was magically painted under the orange on her boots and her wand. Her choker turned yellow and she felt a bit stronger. "You got lucky again, Sailor Rainbow," Lucky said, "That must be why you're the sailor scout of luck." "Yes, real lucky," she looked at the third crystal and her brow crinkled in concentration, "strange, almost too lucky. We should tell Madam Indigo about this." "Something wrong, Sailor Rainbow?" Lucky questioned, noticing the serious look on her face. "I hope not," she said, "but I have a really bad feeling something's going to happen if I'm not careful. It's the power of the crystal. That boy could tell the future and now…I think I can, too…" "I can't believe Zoicite got away!" Jupiter hissed, ramming her fist into her open palm. "When I see her again…" "I'm just glad Greg's all right," Mercury said. "He knew your name was Ami," Venus said. "He did. That was how he scored so high. Psychic cheating." "Where's the crystal?" Mars questioned. "How could we let her get away with it?" "Maybe she was stopped," Moon said, "by Tuxedo Mask." "Or that voice we heard," Mercury added. "Didn't sound like Tuxedo Mask to me." She pulled out her computer and turned on her visor, "and I got readings of something nearby when we were fighting the shadow warrior. They were familiar." "Are you still getting them?" Jupiter asked. "Yes, but they're very faint. Now they're gone." "What do you mean by familiar, Mercury?" Moon asked. "They were like ours," she replied. "You have us on there?" Mercury nodded. On her computer she saw the planetary and moon symbols. "Yes, but the one I saw was kind of different." "What did it look like?" Jupiter asked. "Well, it was a rainbow." "A rainbow?" “Then there really is another sailor scout out there!” Jupiter gasped. “We’ve got to find out who she is!” “I bet she’s on our side,” said Sailor Moon. “She helped us out. I heard her.” “But why didn’t she reveal herself to us?” Sailor Mars asked. “Is there something she’s hiding?” “We must find out who this mysterious scout is,” said Artemis. “Maybe we could use her help.” “Meatball Head here would need all the help she can get,” Mars sniggered. “Oooh!” Sailor Moon groaned. "Now, I think you should get home." Luna looked over at Sailor Moon. "I believe you all have some studying to do?" Sailor Moon gasped, "oh, bummer." "You mean that she just gave it to you?" Madam Indigo asked in surprise as she filled Lydia's glass with milk and pushed a saucer of cookies toward her. "Yes, exactly," Lydia said, "don’t you think that's strange? She went through all that trouble to get the crystal and she just threw it at me without me having to say please." She nibbled on a cookie. "They're up to something." "As long as the rainbow crystals are out of their reach you have nothing to worry about," she said. "That's right, Lydia," Lucky said. "Zoicite's probably just afraid of you." "Afraid? Of me?" Lydia choked laughing. "She's a general for Queen Beryl, what reason does she have to be afraid of me?" "I think what Lucky meant was that Zoicite must be nervous of you." Madam Indigo said. "Suspicious probably. It doesn't matter if she hands the crystals to you or you have to wrestle with her to get them, get the crystals and let no one, nobody take them. The crystals will come to the person they belong to." "But, they really didn’t come to me so then they don't belong to me." Lydia said. "Your job is to keep them safe," Madam Indigo told her. "You will have to give them up but only to the moon princess. True, they don't belong to you but your hands are good and they will be safe with you. You need to collect them for the moon princess and she will make them come together to become the Silver Imperial Crystal." "I still smell something fishy about this," Lydia said, "hmm, must be Lucky's breath." The cat nearly jumped ten feet, "what?" Before she went to school, Lydia bumped into somebody. "Oh, sorry 'bout that." She said, looking up to see a tall and quite handsome young man with dark hair and blue eyes. She gasped. She felt like she knew him but didn't know how. She looked at her locket to see if it was flashing a color. It was still the same as always. "It's okay. You're the new girl in town, right?" he asked. "Aye," Lydia nodded. "I feel that I know ya somewhere. Have we met by chance?" "Don’t think so," he said. "Well, the name's Lydia," she said, putting her hand out. "Lydia MacGreggor from Ireland!" He half-smiled, shook her hand hastily. In fact, he didn't even shake it. He just clasped his hand with hers, muttered his name, "Darien." And took off. "The lads here aren't very friendly," Lydia muttered over her shoulder. Darien, she figured must be very unfriendly or always in a hurry. After school, she noticed Serena and her friends saying goodbye to Greg. Lydia decided to stop and do so too. "Hey Greg, so long chap," she said, shaking his hand. "Ya got quite a good score on the exam. Congratulations." "Thanks, Lydia. I guess I just got lucky." Lydia grinned and leaned so her mouth was next to his ear, "It wasn't luck, laddie." She whispered. "I'd say you were cheating somehow. I was the one who got lucky. If you're lucky and don't cheat, maybe you'll score high again." Greg gulped. "How--?" She patted his shoulder. "Take care, Greg. Ya have something really special inside ya," she said, "but don't go giving it to everyone. Save it for someone really special." Saying this, she kept an eye on Ami, who blushed. She winked at him and was on her way. "She's right, you know," Ami whispered to Greg, "you really do have something special." Serena looked after Lydia. "I wonder…" To Be Continued