Over The Rainbow 14 Dancing On The Ice Disclaimer: I just own Sailor Rainbow and the other characters you don’t see on Sailor Moon. Lydia was at Serena's house watching a figure skating competition with their cats. The best skating partners were now on the ice, Misha and Janelle. "So cool!" Serena exclaimed. "That looks like fun," Lydia said. "I should try it." "I'd like to try that," Serena said and attempted to do a pirouette. However, her footing fails and she landed down at Luna's feet. "Serena, please," Luna groaned. "Hey, Artemis told me that the moon princess was a good skater," Lucky said. "And if Serena is now showing in an interest, then maybe her princess side is emerging." "Yes, ice skating was a popular sport on the moon," Luna said. "And Princess Serena was an excellent skater." "What really?" Serena asked. "Ha-ha-ha. I'm not surprised. I'm just a grab bag for all the amazing talents. Ha-ha-ha." "Queen Beryl," Malachite said, "I've learned that ice skating was a popular sport on the moon." "Very interesting," she said. "So you think you can lure Sailor Moon into skating, do you?" "That's the plan," he said. "Here we go again," Prince Darien groaned, "using humans to do your dirty work for you, huh? Ha-ha." "What's your point?" Malachite demanded. "How about standing up and fighting your enemy face to face?" "Hmph, you sure did a good job of that at the ski resort when you faced Sailor Rainbow and the other scouts," Malachite said. "What happened, did you get snow in your ear and give up?" Darien scowled. “You should find other ways to get the crystal, Malachite.” "It doesn’t matter how I get it," Malachite muttered, "Just as long as I get it. I've would have had the crystal a long time ago if it hadn't been for Sailor Moon's good luck." "It's Sailor Rainbow who gives her the good luck," Darien said without thinking. "It doesn’t matter," Malachite muttered. They growled at each other. "Down, boys," Queen Beryl ordered. "Malachite, get started on your skating plan. Let's hope it works." "It will." Misha and Janelle we're practicing on the ice. Their skills on the eyes were excellent, but their attitudes with each other stunk. "What's with you, Janelle?" Misha demanded. "Timing way off." "Get a new partner then," she muttered. They got an unexpected visitor and of all people, it had to be Malachite. "Misha, Janelle, you've just got a new boss," he said, "As of now, you're working for the Negaverse." Not long after that, a new rink opened, including a free lesson from Misha and Janelle. "So, this is the new skating rink," Luna said. "Wow. Pretty amazing, huh?" Serena asked. "Today's the grand opening and they even have Misha and Janelle giving out free lessons. OH! I don't think I can stand waiting for this!" "Me neither," Mina added. "Patience is a virtue," Lydia said in a sing-song voice. "Tell me again why I'm here again," Raye added. Amy was reading a book. Was there ever a time she didn't have a book with her? "I should be studying for Universal Statistical Analysis and Mathematical Theory exam." "Eh?" Lydia mumbled, confused. "Ah, Amy," Serena sighed, "You'll ace it." "We have to have a group of six to have the lessons," Lydia said. "Why six?" Raye asked. "Hey, I didn't make the rules," she said. "Come on, let's book it," Serena said. When they got inside, they put on their outfits and lace up their scouts. "Sure is a lot of people here," Amy said. "Skating must be popular," Raye insisted. "Whatcha think, Luna?" Artemis asked, "just like the old days, huh?" "Yes. Where's Serena?" Luna asked. "Hmm," Lucky muttered. "There she is." Serena was having some trouble putting on her skates, "wait for me!" she called out. "Need a hand?" Lydia asked. "Oh, thank you, Lydia," Serena said. Lydia sat next to her and pulled her leg up into her lap. Lydia laced up her skates. Serena let out a sigh. "What is it?" Lydia asked. "I just…wish Darien was still here," she said, "then he could go skating with us." Lydia, thinking of her last encounter with Darien, tightened the laces a bit too tight. "Hey, not too tight," Serena winced. "Sorry," Lydia said, "but you don't want the skates to be too lose." "How do you know?" Serena demanded, "You said you haven't gone skating." "It's just common sense, lassie," Lydia said, picking up her other foot. "And that's what the girl at the rental skate area told us." "Oh," Serena mumbled. "Now let's go skate," Lydia said and started walking away. "LYDIA WAIT!" Serena shouted. "These skates make me clumsy!" she took a step and almost fell. Lydia caught her. "But yer always clumsy," Lydia laughed. "It's just like walkin'. Just take it a step at a time." "I feel kind of awkward," Serena muttered. "Just wait 'till ya get on the ice." Lydia chortled. “Oh great,” Serena groaned. "Poor Serena," Amy said, noticing. There were cries in the crowd. "Eh?" Lydia muttered. "Hey, it's Janelle and Misha!" Mina cried. "Where? Where?" Serena demanded. Janelle and Misha took the ice and Mina and Serena go head over heels over his good looks. "Oh, Misha…" Serena and Mina said in unison. Amy and Raye seemed impressed too. Lita grinned. 'What a hunk.' Lydia didn't care about his good looks, for she was scanning the area of the giant ski rink. 'Ironic we were just talking about skiing and this rink opened up. So many people here too.' "Welcome to Skater's Palace," Janelle said. "So it's time to slap on your skates and have a whole lot of fun. It takes years and years to be a good skater, but the first step is to just come on the ice." A group of girls, including Mina and Serena were still wowing over Misha. Janelle noticed them. "You girls," she said, pointing at them, "You seem to be full of energy. Come on out here." "You mean us?" Serena asked. "No, lassies, she meant the meatball head and Lady Kadavah behind yas," Lydia giggled, "course yeh two." "Huh?" Mina and Serena looked behind them. "Come on, lassies," Lydia said, "we came here to skate." "Yeah," Lita said and the two girls stepped on the ice together with Amy and Raye right behind them. Mina came on the ice but Serena remained where she stood. "Is this your first time skating, Serena?" Lita asked. "I was a champion on the moon," Serena said, "It'll come back." The girls were having trouble adjusting to the ice but Lita and Lydia were cruising. "Lucky Lydia isn't having trouble here, I see," Mina mumbled, hanging onto Amy. "And Lita's probably had some practice," Raye said. "I was good in my old life," Serena said, "I can be great. Well, here goes nothing." She stepped on the ice and crashed and burned. "Owww! I don't get it." She got up but fell back down again, "I should be good." "Unbelievable," Artemis said. "Oh yes, a real gold medal performance," Luna said sarcastically. "Whoa, look at Lydia and Lita go!" Lucky cried. Luna and Artemis looked over at him. "What?" Lita and Lydia continue to show their skills. They were both graceful and fast. Janelle and Misha were observing them very closely. Luna, Artemis and Lucky where observing their good skills too. "Remember, Luna," Artemis said, "Princess Jupiter was a terrific skater, almost as good as Princess Serena." "And Lydia is just getting a dose of beginners luck," Lucky said, "as always." While Serena was trying to get her footing, Lita and Lydia were still skating away. The other skaters applauded them. Lita could not understand her performance. 'Where did that come from?' Lita thought. "Very, very nice," Janelle said, "now let's get out and skate." Lydia heard someone clapping to her and Lita's left. "Hey, Lita." "Huh?" Lydia nodded to Misha. He was clapping for them, rather personally. The other girls were trying to help Serena. "I don't understand, I'm supposed to be great. What happened?" Janelle was using the screen to try to find Sailor Moon's identity. 'No. Not her. Not her.' She was interrupted. "Ah, Mister Malachite." Malachite's image came on the screen. "So you think you can find Sailor Moon is by her movements and athletic ability?" "Of course," she said, "Well, yes, you know, I have some experience of being a gold medallist." "Hmm…yes, that's right but you've never seen her in person so be careful." "Yes." Malachite's image disappeared and the screen went back to the rink. Janelle saw Amy and Mina helping Serena up to her feet. "Hmm, Sailor Moon is the toughest warrior and a little clumsy," she said, "but she can't be this oaf." Then she found Misha talking to Lydia and Lita. "Would you ladies care to skate with me?" he asked. Lita stood amazed, "well, I-I--" Lydia smiled and pushed her to him slightly. "Sure, Lita will go first!" Lydia skated away from Lita and Misha. "Don't be shy, Lita!" Lita smiled, blushing as Misha took her hand and skated off with her. He pulled her close. "Oh, Misha," she sighed. 'Hmm, this one has to be Sailor Moon.' He thought. "Ready to skate?" "Mm-hmmm" He tried to lift her in the air but because Lita's so tall, he wasn't able to do it, even if she was slim. "Sorry," Lita mumbled. "Maybe you should've picked Lydia. She's smaller than I am." "Hey, try something different," Lydia suggested as she skated past them. "Thanks," Lita said. "Here, let's try this." Because Lita was the strongest of the girls, she was able to lift Misha up. Lydia was stunned. "Well, I didn't have that in mind," she muttered, skating away. "She just lifted Misha over her head," Mina said, as she and all the girls watched in awe. "No one has every done THAT have they?" Amy asked. 'Incredible!' Misha thought. They continued to skate. "Amazing." Janelle, however, was not very impressed. "Misha, how could you do this to me? I knew you were looking for a new partner, but this Amazon?" she demanded to herself, "that petite elf-girl would've been better!" She took the microphone, "Attention, please. Your lesson is over now. Will you please leave the rink immediately? Thanks." Everyone was taken by surprise, Misha especially. "Come on, guys," Serena groaned. "Why so soon?" Raye asked. Lita was very reluctant to go. "Well, I guess I have to go now." "Don't worry, lassie," Lydia said, taking her by the wrist, "ya can skate together again another day. Goodbye, Misha." "Wait," he said, "she can't go." "Huh?" Lydia and Lita said. "Didn't Janelle just say that we all had to get off the ice?" Lita asked. "But you are the best partner," he said, Lita's hand. Lydia let go. "Partner?" Lydia and Lita said, exchanging glances. "And you can help too," Misha said, looking at Lydia. "Though she is strong enough to lift me up, I can't lift her up. But you are smaller than her so I can skate with you. What do you say?" Lydia and Lita grinned, "Wow!" "Hey, over here!" Artemis called. But only Mina, Raye and Amy came. "Hey, where are Lita, Lydia and Serena?" Luna asked. "Misha asked Lita to have a special class with him," Mina replied. "Lydia's with her." Amy turned around, "Hey, where did Serena go? I thought she was right behind us." "Lightning Serena strikes again," Raye said. Without warning, all the doors to the rink slammed shut and all the security shutters dropped in place. "This is way weird!" Mina cried. "What's going on?" Raye demanded. "Do you think this could be another Negaverse trap?" Mina asked. Serena was sneaking around inside the rink. "I'm not leaving until I get my skating lessons." Janelle was watching a screen quite closely, "Misha, you traitor! First that Amazon and that little elf too? You can only have one partner! One! Traitor!" She punched the screen. Serena sneaked close to the control room. The door opened and smacked into Serena, but it hid her when Janelle stormed out of the room. "Ouch! That hurt!" She muttered as she rubbed her head. She peaked into the control room. "Huh, what's this?" All the screens were off, but one--Lita, Lydia and Misha. "Hey, that's Lydia and Lita with that hunkmiester!" Serena gasped. The equipment was about blow. Serena got out just in time. "Aah! What's going on here?" On the ice, Misha was skating with Lydia and Lita. When he wanted to lift someone, he lifted Lydia because she was smaller and lighter. But when he wanted a change, he skated with Lita so she could lift him up. 'Such a graceful skater,' Misha thought, 'both of them. This tall one must be Sailor Moon and her redheaded friend Sailor Rainbow. Too bad we will have to destroy them.' 'He's so hunky," Lita thought. 'I've never thought I could be this lucky,' Lydia thought. "Misha!" Janelle shouted. "Huh?" the three of them turned around. "It's Janelle," Lydia said. "Misha! I guess we really ARE finished!" she yelled, her eyes flashing red, "well you'll be sorry you've ever skated with me pal." "Janelle…" Misha whispered. Lydia and Lita knew something was not right and they stepped in front of Misha. "You'd better get out of here," Lita said to him. "Aye, laddie," Lydia agreed. But he pushed through them. "Out of the way! Janelle, don’t be jealous! These girls are good. They could be Sailor Moon and Rainbow!" "Huh?" Lita mumbled. "Eh?" Lydia said. Too late. Janelle transformed into a Negaverse Monster. "LIAR!" "Janelle, you can see for yourself," Misha said. "Their abilities are first-rate, but neither of them can replace you. You are still my partner." "Misha, what are you talking about?" Lita asked. "That lassie's bloody jealous!" Lydia gasped. "You're lying!" Janelle shouted. "You'll pay for this!" She finished her transformation. "Your spotlight just went out!" "Oh no!" Lita cried. "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, Lita!" Lydia insisted. "Here's my triple axel with a KICK!" Janelle screamed. She kicked Lydia, Lita and Misha. Misha was knocked back but Lydia and Lita were sent sliding into the boards. "Ow!" "Hey!" "Janelle…" Misha mumbled. "Misha. Yes, Misha my partner." Janelle said. His eyes started flashing too, "You've still got that killer instinct." They touched hands and Misha turned into a Negaverse Monster. "Oh no!" Lita gasped. "They're from the Negaverse!" "Aye, lassie!" Lydia said, "I can't believe it either." "We've got every move down!" Janelle and Misha chanted, "We're the best around!" "Misha." "Janelle." "We're going for the gold! A perfect ten! We're an invincible team, the likes you've never seen!" "Oh no!" Lita mumbled. "We're in trouble." "Ack!" Lydia groaned, "make them stop rhyming!" They charged Lydia and Lita. "Ha ha ha! Let the games begin. Starting NOW! HAH!" Misha kicked Lydia and Janelle kicked Lita into the stands. Serena saw them. "Lita, Lydia. Don't worry. MOON PRISM POWER!" "Let's finish them now," Janelle said. "As you like." Misha said. "You degrade your talents by helping the Negaverse!" Sailor Moon shouted. "Huh?" Janelle and Misha looked up to see Sailor Moon up in the stands. "I'm Sailor Moon and if you don't know what I'm about, then on behalf of the moon, I'll punish you! HAH!" "Sailor Moon?" Janelle mumbled. "So YOU'RE the one," Misha muttered. "GIVE US THE IMPERIUM CRYSTAL!" they demanded. "Get a life," Sailor Moon said, jumping on the ice. Her boots became ice skates. "Ah! Charge!" She slipped on the ice. "Thought she was supposed to be a good skater," Misha and Janelle said. "Why can't I skate?" Sailor Moon asked herself. "I've turned into Sailor Moon!" "Sailor Moon, prepare yourself," Janelle said. "We've got to help her, lassie," Lydia said. "Just give me a sec," Lita groaned and took a breath. "Okay, let's do this." "RAINBOW PRISM POWER!" "JUPITER POWER!" Janelle produced blades on her arms. "Ready?" "Hey!" Sailor Rainbow cried. "You wanted Sailor Rainbow, well, today's your lucky day! Here I am!" "I'm Sailor Jupiter and I'm going to make your day a living nightmare!" They jumped onto the ice, blades appearing on their boots. "What?" Janelle gasped. "Rainbow! Jupiter!" Moon cried. "Let's show you our moves!" Rainbow said, "RAINBOW SHAMROCK WREATH!" Her shamrock wand produced a lot of shamrocks and they came together to form a wreath around Misha and Janelle. She skated to them and bumped into them, making them fall down. "Oh, I'm sorry!" Tuxedo Mask came to check the situation but the moment he saw Rainbow skating, he stopped. "Skating…." "I have never skated before," a young Prince Darien declared as he stood next to a frozen pond, where a few peasants were skating. "You've never skated?" Lydia gasped, skating to the edge. "Don't your parents let you play at all?" "I'm a prince," he whispered. "I cannot play and what if the other skaters notice me?" "Darien, as a prince, you should make your choice what you want to do," Lydia said. "Do you want to go back to your palace and be bored for the rest of the day or do you want to skate with me?" "What if the ice cracks?" he asked. "Don't be silly," she skated to the middle and stomped on the ice. It made Darien nervous. "Lydia, be careful!" he cried. "It is frozen solid." She insisted and skated back to the edge. "Darien, you can't sit in your palace for the rest of your life you know. You are a prince and you can make your own choices. Skate with me. I won't let you fall." "You promise?" "Of course, Darien," she said, taking his hand. "Just hold on tight." He took step on the ice and he slipped a little. "It's slippery," he said, staring at the ice. "Darien, don't look at the ice, look straight ahead," she insisted. "I can't walk." "You don't walk…skate…fly. Pretend you are floating." He had a little trouble keeping his footing but Lydia held tight on his hand. "See, now ye are skating," she said. "Lydia, this is wonderful," he whispered as he tightened his grasp on her hand. He smiled. "You are the best friend I ever had." Lydia pushed him slightly, careful not to make him fall. "Darien, I'm your only friend." "And that makes you even more special," Darien said. She turned in front of him and took his other hand and skated backwards. "Keep looking at me now. Stop. I'm going to let you go now." "What? Lydia, no!" "I'm going to let you try it on your own," she said. "But what if I slip?" he asked. "Not if you keep your eyes on mine," she told him as she loosened her grip. "Just skate to me on the other side." She let go of him and skated to the other side, keeping her eyes on Darien. "Lydia, come back!" he cried. His legs went ridged. "Darien, keep your eyes on me!" she shouted. "Do not look at your feet." "Yes, yes," he swallowed and pushed one foot outward, brought another in. "Yes, Darien, that's it! That's it!" Lydia said encouragingly. "You're almost there!" "I'm skating!" he cried. He made it to her and his legs gave way. She grabbed him by the arms. "You did it!" she said, "I'm so proud of you! You did it all by yourself!" "Thank you," he said, "but I wasn't alone, Lydia. I had you to guide me." "Darien," she sighed and wrapped his arms around him. He lost his footing and they fell on the snow. Tuxedo Mask groaned and touched his head. "Where did that come from?" "Sailor Moon!" Jupiter shouted, "You have to get up and heal them!" "I can't!" Sailor Moon insisted. "I can't do it!" "Please get up!" Jupiter grabbed her arm and tried to get her up. Janelle and Misha got angry. They broke the shamrock wreaths and got up. "Your day has just turned unlucky," Misha growled at Sailor Rainbow. Sailor Rainbow skated backwards, looking for something to work with. “Oh, dear.” "I have to help her," Tuxedo Mask said. "Sailor Rainbow, watch out!" "Eh?" He tossed a rose at Janelle and entered the ice. He slid across the ice and pushed her into the side of the rink. "Tuxedo Mask, why did ya save me?" Rainbow questioned, "and where did ya learn to skate?" "I had a good teacher," he replied, looking at her. "What?" "Tuxedo Mask!" Sailor Moon cried. "He saved Rainbow," Jupiter gasped. "I only saved her because I don't think it is fair that the Negaverse up with innocent humans," Tuxedo Mask said, "but I will get that crystal from you!" "Traitor!" Sailor Rainbow hissed, pushing him away. "Jupiter, Moon, it is time to show what we think about our free lessons!" "Couldn't agree more!" Jupiter cried, "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!" The thunder knocked them back into a wall. "Sailor Moon, get up!" Rainbow urged. "On yer feet!" "I can't!" she whined. "Look at me!" she said. "Don't look at the ice. Don't look at your feet! Look at me!" This made Tuxedo Mask remember what Lydia had said to him. "Don't look at your feet! Look at me!" "But what if I fall?" "Ya won't fall!" she said, "Get up on yer feet! You are the princess of the moon! You can do it!" Feeling a new confidence, Sailor Moon, slowly got up to her feet. Her legs shook a little bit. "Look at me!" "I'm…up!" "Now skate, keep your eyes on me!" Sailor Moon pushed off and raised her wand. The skill came back and she jumped into a triple axel and as she came down she said each word, "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!" "She did it!" Sailor Jupiter cried. Misha and Janelle changed back to their usual selves. Tuxedo Mask got up. "I'll be back," he grunted as he disappeared. "We'll be waiting," Sailor Rainbow said, skating to Sailor Moon. "I did it, Rainbow!" Moon laughed. "I did it!" "I knew ya could do it," Rainbow said. "You did it all by yerself." "No, Rainbow. I couldn't have done it without you." She corrected. "I had you to guide me." “Yeah, I guess I had something to do with it.” Rainbow murmured.