Over The Rainbow 12 Princess School I do not own Sailor Moon in any way shape or form. But Sailor Rainbow and this new 'rainbow series' was my idea! Molly walked with Serena and Lydia to school and they pass a school Lydia and Serena hadn't noticed before. A limousine pulled up to the school and a handsome gentleman pulled out. "Ooh, who's that guy in the tuxedo?" Serena asked. "It's not Tuxedo Mask, Serena," Lydia whispered in her ear. Some girls walked into the school. "So, what is this place?" Serena questioned. "Yeah, it looks rather fancy," Lydia added. "Oh, you don't know?" Molly asked. Lydia laughed, "Why d'ya think she asked?" "Well, it's the Rose Finishing School," Molly said, "and those girls are taking the Princess Seminar." "Princess Seminar, eh?" Lydia asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh yeah," Serena said with a nod, "Countess Rose, that real elegant lady. She opened a finishing school." "Who's Countess Rose?" Lydia questioned. "I hear she's related to royalty," Molly explained, "and she's going to make over those girls so they act like princesses. Isn't that cool?" "Oh, yeah!" Serena said enthusiastically. "I'd like to go there and become a princess. What do you think, Lydia?" Lydia groaned. She didn't seem as excited as Serena was. "Hey, I've been a poor farm girl all my life and I'm quite happy, thank ya very much. Besides, it'd be boring to be a princess I think and royalty's so…rude." "Oh no," Molly corrected, "They learn manners and everything." "I see," Lydia said. "I wish some princesses had manners instead of acting like spoiled brats. Let's get to school." She left Molly and Serena, who stared at the school. "I wish I was a princess," Serena said. "Then--" The school bell rang loudly. "THE BELL!" Molly shouted, "We're late!" "Oh no, Lydia, wait, wait for us!" "Now yesterday's assignment was to correct all grammatical errors," Mrs. Haruna said. "How I wish I could be a real princess," Serena whispered and went off to dreamland. She imagined herself coming to a gala ball with Lydia at her side. "Presenting the princesses Serena and Lydia," said the doorman. Every man noticed them. "Aren't they lovely?" "So elegantly refined." "Just the way princesses should be too." Tuxedo Mask approached the princesses and kissed both their hands. "Would either of you ladies care to dance?" "I believe my friend would," Princess Lydia said. "Yes," Princess Serena said, taking his arm. "SERENA, DID YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK?" Mrs. Haruna demanded. But Serena pulled it into her dream, "Silence, how dare you speak to a princess like that." "Oh, forgive me, your highness, please." Lydia groaned, "Er, Serena, you're not a princess today." "Wake up, Serena, please!" "Princesses shouldn’t get yelled at," Serena said. "Serena," Lydia poked her in the back with her pencil, "wake up, Sleeping Beauty! Dun't make me slap yer face like ya a drunk!" Serena woke up, "Oh! Oh, uh, uh…" "You're still half asleep," Miss Haruna said, "now did you do your homework?" Serena began talking nonsense. "Outside! Now!" "Oh, this is totally unfair of Mrs. Haruna," Serena moaned in the hall, "what's wrong with wanting to be a princess?" "I agree," Luna said. She had Lucky with her. "You could stand for some improvement." "And so could Lydia," Lucky added. "Yeah, Luna," Serena said, "If I act more like a princess, now way would Tuxedo Mask resist me." Luna got so frustrated that she collapsed. "Er, Luna, ya all right, lassie?" Lucky asked. "I won't put up with such insubordination," Queen Beryl said. "Darien, you and Malachite must work together to defeat Sailor Moon and seize the silver crystal." "No thanks," Darien disagreed, "I prefer to work alone." "I work better alone myself," Malachite said. "Hmm. Such rivals," Queen Beryl said, "that's fine as long as one of you catches this Sailor Moon brat. I would really like to meet her. Her Rainbow friend too." Darien and Malachite feel no problem with catching Sailor Moon but they wanted to leave Rainbow alone. Malachite did not let Beryl notice this, however. "Yes." He said. "I've already taken some steps." Later, Luna checked in with Central Control. "Come in, Central Control. This is Luna. Password: The cat who chases his tail leaves a circular trail." "Identify verified," said Central Control, "what have you got to report, Luna?" "Seems like…I'm just chasing my tail." "A sensible cat like you?" She blushed and chuckled, "well, I don't understand why Serena won't take her princess role more seriously." "Oh yes, she is a vexing girl, but…" the screen suddenly went haywire and Lucky grinned who lay in a nearby corner. "Oh, due to technical difficulties…" the screen came back on, showing Artemis. "Doh!" "Mmm?” said Luna “What? Artemis!" Lucky laughed, "Oh, now you're in for it, laddie!" "Oh, this is embarrassing," Artemis said, "So uh, what's shaking, Luna?" "You're going to be the one who's shaking, Artemis!" Luna hissed. "Why didn't you tell me you were central control?" "Well, I uh…" "That's not an answer!" Lucky laughed harder and she snapped at him, "Lucky, it isn't funny!" "S-sorry, Luna," he sighed. He did his best to calm down. "Uh, uh, I guess because you never asked," Artemis tried to explain, "I-I guess." "Oh, give me a break," Luna groaned. "Why don't you give the poor laddie one?" Lucky asked, "he--" Luna groaned and ran off. Lucky looked at the control box, "maybe the Central Control thing was not a good idea to get Luna to like you." "Probably not," Artemis agreed. "It was funny the way you surprised her though." "Hahaha…yeah." Lydia, Serena, Lucky and Luna were peeking through a tree, watching the girls learn at the Countess Rose School. "Ladies, today I shall recite a poem written by Francis Hinck. 'The golden arrow, which reached me at the bottom of the darkness. It is a letter from the one I love. I am bewildered by the poison of the arrowhead. Oh, I am a captive of love." The girls all sighed, including Serena, but Lydia wasn't very interested in the poem. "Oh, what a totally deep poem," Serena whispered. "Don't you think, Lydia?" "Yeah-huh, sure," Lydia muttered, on her knees looking for four leaf clovers. "Lydia! What are you doing?" "Looking for four-leaf clovers, of course." "Oh, Lydia," she shook her head and let out a huge scream. "Hey!" Lydia shouted, "be quiet!" "What is it?" Luna asked. "They've got chocolate cheesecake, my favorite!" "Ahem. " One of Rose's attendants, Charles, spotted them up the tree. "Young lady, I strongly suggest using the door for a more graceful entry." "Huh? Ahh!" Serena and Luna are surprised and fall out of the tree, right onto of Lydia. "Ow! Hey! Serena, off of me!" "Oh, sorry, Lydia." She straitened up. "Now, may I help you, miss?" Charles asked. "Yes," Serena replied. "I'd really and truly love to take your Princess Seminar and so would my friend here too." "No I wouldn't," Lydia groaned. "Oh, sure you do, Lydia!" Serena said. "She's just shy. Please let us try. Please, please, please…" "I'm sorry miss," Charles said, "but we only accept ladies recommended by our members." "Oh, I see, um," Serena mumbled. "Tough luck, eh, Serena?" Lydia asked, trying to hide her relief. "Well, you tried." Serena held up Luna, "Why don't you ask her? She'll recommend us." "Serena," Lydia moaned. "A recommendation from a cat is folly," Charles declared. Countess Rose heard them and went to approach them. She found it quite amusing. "What an interesting young lady. I think we can make an exception in this case." "But…" Charles began. "Oh, thank you," Serena said, "my friend too?" "Serena, no, please!" Lydia begged, holding her hand by her mouth. "I grew up on a farm! I cannot be a princess!" "Sure, your friend too." Countess said. "It'd be nice to have such a vivacious girl attending my seminar, but there is one condition." "Oh? Condition?" Serena asked. "You mean, I'm clumsy. I'm not too good at table manners, or any manners. But outdoor sports, hey, I'm an ace, if I don't have to run." "Well, no real lady likes to run," Countess said. "Oh, I love to run though!" Lydia bragged, "I can run like the wind!" "Lydia, don't try to back out!" Serena muttered. "You were a princess too so you must take this seminar!" "Charles, get the discus," Countess ordered. "Yes." He left to fetch it. "Discus?" Serena muttered to Lydia. "Mmmemmm," Lydia mumbled, shrugging. He returned with the discus in a few moments. "Here you are." "What?" Serena asked. "The Countess greatly enjoys the discus throw. If you and your friend want to take the seminar," he explained, "you must prove your skill to her." "Hey, no problem," Serena said, "this I AM good at." She took the discus and readied it. "Here goes…" She threw the discus into an open window. It skimmed around two girls' heads and flew around back to Serena's hand. A second later, the two girls' ribbons snapped. "Bravo," Charles said. "Brilliant, Serena!" Lydia cheered. "Remarkable!" She whispered in her ear, "You've done that before, haven't you?" "Yeah. Here, Lydia, your turn. Good luck." She elbowed her as she gave it to her, "Like you even need it. You get lucky at every thing." She winked. "Well, I haven't done this before," Lydia admitted, "but I had a dog once and I threw sticks to him all the time. I can give this a go." She grunted, pulled her arm back and threw it hard. Serena's hair swished with the force. "Whoa!" she gasped. The discus flew off through the courtyard, cut a row of flowers in half, trimmed the branches of a tree, nearly chopped off Luna and Lucky's heads and came back to her hand. Serena looked at her best friend in shock mixed with pride. "That was awesome, Lydia!" she cried. "Why thank yeh," Lydia said, bowing. "Excellent, I say," Countess Rose said. "Quite excellent, well done. You have been accepted to the seminar. Welcome to Rose Finishing School." Serena got so ecstatic that she nearly choked Lydia as she hugged her in her glee. "Did ya hear that, Lydia? We’re in! We're in!" "Yes, I know…let go of me! I can't breathe!" "Did you hear?" Lita asked as she, Amy, Mina, Artemis and Raye met up at the Cherry Hill Temple. "Serena and Lydia are going to Rose Finishing School to become princesses. Cool, huh?" "That'll be a real achievement," Raye said sarcastically, referring to Serena. "Especially for that farm-girl," Mina added. "Oh come on," Amy said, "They're making an effort and who knows. It might help." "Serena and Lydia would need more than finishing school to become princesses," Artemis said. "Oh Artemis, that's not a very gentlemanly thing to say." Mina said. "Yeah, especially since you're such good buddies with Lydia's cat Lucky," Lita added. "I wouldn't want to think what he'd do to you if he found out what you said about her." "Huh?" the cat murmured. "Isn't she all right the way she is? Lydia too?" "Sure they are. They're good sailor scouts and friends," Artemis explained, "but there's more than being a princess than how you look." "What do you mean?" Mina asked. "Well," he began, "Oh, um, uh, being a princess comes from inside, from the heart. It's not how you look or even your manners." "Hey, let's check this out," Amy said. "Crash the seminar." All the girls agreed. Lydia and Serena learned the discus with the other girls. They look at each other at how they acted. "They're all so polite," Serena said. Lydia impersonated one of the girls, "oh, here, let me show you how to use that. Thank you, no thank you." She and Serena shared a few laughs. "Show them yer stuff, Serena." "Okay. Heads up!" she sends her discuss flying and it skimmed over a girl's hair. "Haha, if this is all it is to being a princess, I've got it made." "Yeah," Lydia said. "Too bad there's more than just discus throwing. Heeyaaa!" she hurled her discuss, almost cutting some girl's dresses and giving them nicks. "Ooh, sorry!" From a window on the second floor, Countess Rose watches them. "She's very good. Both of them are." She sensed that she was not alone. "Mister Malachite?" "Hmm. Maybe she's our girl." Malachite said. "Serena's tiara turns into a discus when she throws it. That'd explain why she's so good." "And her redheaded friend?" Countess Rose asked. "Sailor Moon's best friend, or side kick, I may say, is Sailor Rainbow," he explained. "And she gets very lucky. That could be her." "I see," Countess Rose said, "funny how this girl is good at this but clumsy at everything else. And her friend lucks out on everything we tried, but she doesn't seem to enjoy it as much as this Serena lady. Neither of them are princess material. I find it difficult to believe they've fallen in her trap." "Hmm. I don't." Malachite said. "Sailor Moon's quite gullible." "And Rainbow, is she?" "Absolutely not," Malachite replied. "She's only staying because she won't leave her friend here by herself. She's very loyal." "But she'd never be loyal to the dark side, would she?" "No." After practicing with the discus, the girls sat for soup and a lesson in eating manners. Both Serena and Lydia feel comfortable. "My dress is too tight!" Serena gasped. "Mine too," Lydia groaned. She noticed the other girls and they weren't complaining. "Look at dem, Serena. Dey dun't seem to care. How can dey breathe?" The soup was served. "Ladies, we can begin eating now." Countess Rose declared. "Good, I am starving." Serena said. Lydia stirred her soup and blew on it. "Looks mighty hot…and what did dey put in dis?" She made a disgusted face after sniffing it. Serena, however, was so famished; she didn't care about how hot it was what was in it. She began slurping the soup, very loudly. Everyone stared except Lydia, who was inspecting her soup. She took a spoonful, blew on it and put it in her mouth. "Ick!" "No, no, miss," Charles whispered to Serena. "Ladies should not slurp." "All right," Serena mumbled and continued to slurp. "I said stop slurping this instant," Charles said, bringing his voice to a louder octave, "Slurping will not be tolerated." "Hey," Lydia muttered, leaning forward to Charles, "if my friend wants ta slurp her soup, then she can! At least she seems ta like it! An' I'll tell you what's not tolerable! Your soup tastes awful! What did ya put in it? Rocks?" She was about to put her soup bowl over onto Charles head when Serena looked up. "Lydia, if you don’t want yours, can I have it?" She asked. "Sure," Lydia pushed her bowl to her. "Ya got lucky laddie. Now bring me some bread and check to see if it's stale before you do so!" Charles was so stunned by her behavior that he collapsed. Then after dinner, they get another lesson: speaking. "I dun't know 'bout ya, Serena," Lydia said, "but I'm getting tired of deez bloody lessons!" "I hear ya, Lydia," Serena agreed, nodding. "I heard ya." "The most important skill for a princess is speaking," Countess Rose explained. "Speaking?" Lydia gasped. "Oh, with my accent, I can't pass this!" Serena patted her back; "they just don't appreciate it like I do." "She must use words that are correct and suitable to win articulate her points with intelligence and grace," she noticed Serena and Lydia talking to each other. "And the most important rule about speaking, don't do so when someone is speaking." But they didn't hear her. "Serena," Countess Rose said. "Oh, uh, yeah?" Serena asked. "Yes," Lydia whispered. "Yes?" Serena asked. "What would you say when you offer cocoa to your guests?" Countess Rose questioned. "Well, I uh, um," Serena looked over to Lydia and she shrugged, trying to find a way herself, "Uh, un, cocoa's on? Come and get it? No, um, come and get it please?" The other girls began giggling. Serena had made herself look like a fool. Lydia saw her friend in a predicament, and did what she could, "If ya want some bloody cocoa, help ya bloody selves!" All the girls stopped giggling, gasped and stared. "What?" Lydia demanded, "I'm from Ireland and we never drink cocoa! Ask anyone! What is cocoa anyway? We just drink whisky!" Serena sighed. Instead trying to make her look better, Lydia made her look worse. But she smiled and nodded anyway. At least Serena wasn't looking like a fool alone. "I kinda like that," Serena said. "Hmm, well at least some one does," Lydia said. "Oh, it's much better to serve your guests," Countess Rose corrected, "In this case, 'Please have some cocoa' is preferable." "Oh, really, whoever says dat?" Lydia muttered in Serena's ear. Serena nodded in agreement. Ballroom dancing was the last and final lesson for the girls. "Stand up straight ladies. Gracefully now. One, two, three. One, two, three. With the music. This is the last class in the seminar. Those whose shoulders I touch shall graduate." Serena was having some trouble following her partner. She accidentally stepped on his foot. "Oh!” he groaned. “My foot! Oh!" "Oops, sorry," she whispered. "I hope Lydia's having a better time than I am." She peaked over her partner's shoulder and as she had hoped, Lydia was following her partner perfectly. "What? Her partner's even hunkier than mine! Oooh!" "Excuse me?" her partner asked. "Oh, nothing." Though she could follow her partner just fine and he was indeed cute, Lydia looked very, very bored. She didn’t even seem to care that he was complimenting her on her skills. "Miss MacGreggor, you are a splendid dancer.” He said smoothly. “Have you ever done this before?" "Eh? Oh, dancing?" she drawled, "oh, but not like this. Ballroom is awfully boring, wouldn't you say? Say, laddie, have you ever seen Celtic dancing?" "Erm?" "Want to see some real dance moves?" "Sure," he shrugged. "I can twirl you and--" "Not like that, silly," she said. "Let's move a little closer to the tape player. I have something to perk things up." She pulled out a cassette tape from inside her brazier. Her partner stared. "What's Lydia up to?" Serena asked. "Hmm." She moved to get a closer look on Lydia and her partner but accidentally tripped on her gown. "So how's it going, Serena?" Raye asked. "Huh? Raye? All you guys are here?" "Yes." Amy said. "We had to see what this is all about." She and Lita were taking ballroom dancing quit easily. "This ballroom dancing is a major snore," Raye groaned. "Why not pick up the pace?" She took her partner and got a little close. But she, Serena, and Mina all stepped on their partner's feet. "Hey, raise yer hands if ya think ballroom dancing is not for you!" Lydia shouted, standing next to the tape player. Serena, Mina, Raye and some of the other girls having trouble with ballroom dancing raised their hands. "Ready for a real party?" she asked. "Yeah!" they cheered. "Then let's party on," Lydia said. She opened the tape player, took the old tape out and put hers in. Celtic, fast pace music flared. "Hey, for an Irish chick, she's all right!" Mina said, snapping her fingers. "Young lady, I'll ask you to--" Charles began. "Oh, shut up, Charles," Lydia said, pushing him away. Lydia took off the skirt of her gown, revealing a Celtic short skirt connected to the top of her dress and knee-high boots with string-like ornaments on the sides. Lydia had the whole thing planned. Her partner looked confused for a moment and then she grabbed his hand and began to dance, hopping from heel to heel. "Come on, everyone join hands!" she urged and Serena grabbed her other hand and soon everyone joined in. Countess Rose stood impressed and watched for a little while, though she should have stopped them. "Wow, this is fun!" Mina said. "My legs are cramping but I don’t even care!" Lita cried. "I change my mind," Serena said, "I don't want to be a princess anymore!" They drop hands and crowd around Lydia in a circle, clapping their hands in beat as she keeps dancing. "Go, Lydia, go!" Serena chanted, "Go, Lydia, go!" and soon, everyone joined in, even Mina. "GO, LYDIA, GO! GO, LYDIA, GO!" The song ended and Lydia took a bow. Everyone cheered for her. Applauding, Countess Rose made her way to the tape player and stopped the tape before another song came on. "Very good," she said. "But the only kind of dancing princesses can do is ballroom." Lydia pretended to be offended, "oh, too bad. And I've tried so hard." Countess Rose began her taps. "You pass and you. Congratulations. And you two." Then she touched Amy and Lita. "All right. Everyone who passed may go into the drawing room where I may present the certificates." The ladies walked in. "See ya," Amy and Lita said. For a split second, Serena, Raye, Mina and the other girls who didn't get picked sighed. "Oh, not fair." "Cheer up, lassies," Lydia said, "so what if we didn't become princesses? Let's dance and have some fun!" "Yeah!" Serena shouted. "Dance with me, Serena!" Lydia cried. "Okay, Lydia!" Lydia pressed the play button again and grabbed Serena by the wrists and they began to spin around in a circle. Serena started laughing, even though she felt herself getting dizzy. "Wheeeee!" As they spun around and around, an image, a memory from their past came to Serena and Lydia's minds. Two princesses spun around, clutching each other's wrists. One princess had long, golden hair pulled up in pigtails with buns at the sides of her head with bright blue eyes and she wore a white dress and a bracelet of pearls. Her partner, her friend, had orange-red braided pigtails, indigo eyes and a colorful gown and golden bracelet. They were spinning around in a crater on the moon, where one of the princesses lived: Princess Serena, the moon princess. The girls were laughing cheerfully as their hair was flying around them. They were getting dizzy and felt that they needed to stop, but they couldn't. They weren't laughing because they wanted to see how long until they got so dizzy or it felt good or anything. They were laughing because the girls were so close, as if they were sisters. "Oh, Princess Serena," said the red-headed princess, "you are my best friend. I am so happy to be here." "You will always be my best friend," said Princess Serena, "Princess Lydia. You are like a sister to me." Dizzy, the girls fell down next to each other, giggling. Seeing this old memory came back, Serena and Lydia immediately stopped spinning but held on to each other's wrists as they starred at each other with an expression of wonder on their faces. "Hey, why did you stop?" Raye questioned, "dizzy already, Serena?" But they blocked everything. "Two seconds until they pass out," Mina said. Lydia and Serena zoned out of their la-la land and came back to reality. They blinked and looked around. "Let's…not do that again," Serena said. "Aye," Lydia agreed. The young ladies entered the drawing room with Lita and Amy. There, they found an eerie, creepy site. There were many statues on each side of the room. "This is weird," Amy said. "Huh? What?" the girls whispered. "What's with all the mannequins?" Lita asked. "You'll soon find out," Countess Rose said. "They're not mannequins. They're girls. Lovely posture, hmm?" Amy found this a little too creepy. "Countess Rose?" Countess Rose turned into a Negamonster. "Oh no, Amy!" Lita cried, "She's from the Negaverse!" "Enchanted," Polite Society said. "I am Polite Society and I am pleased to make your acquaintance." The shells covering her outfit open to reveal pearls, which shot a green wax all over the girls, changing them into mannequins. Lydia, Serena and the other girls heard screaming. "What was that?" Mina shouted. "Screaming," Lydia replied. "Serena, I think this princess school wasn't all that we thought it was." "Yeah, let's check this out," Serena said. But before they do, Polite Society appeared before them. "Aaah!" Serena screamed. The attendants saw her. "Run, Harry," ordered Charles. "Ah! A monster!" Harry shouted. "'Scuse me, gentlemen," Polite Society said, opening the shells from her back and turning them into mannequins too. "Oooh, I've got a bad feeling about this," Serena said. "Sorry. You didn't pass the Seminar, which means, one of you is Sailor Moon, for she would never pass my course." "Uh, uh, why's that?" Serena asked. "Well, Sailor Moon's a clumsy, scatter-brained doofus who'd never in a million years have what it takes to be a lady." "Hey, what do you know 'bout bein' a lady, creep?" Lydia demanded. "So she's clumsy?" Mina asked. "And not always flaky." "HEY, MAYBE I'M NOT PERFECT BUT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIENDS!" Serena shouted. "Ah, so you're Sailor Moon," Polite Society said, "Nice meeting you, girls." She shot wax at them and they scattered. "Aah! Help!" Serena shouted. The help arrived. "WATCH OUT!" Luna, Lucky and Artemis warned. Luna and Artemis landed on Polite Society's face while Lucky bit her leg. "Oh, I can't see! Ow, my leg!" The four of them jumped out a window and as they fell… "MOON PRISM POWER!" "RAINBOW PRISM POWER!" "MARS POWER!" "VENUS POWER!" Polite Society went after them, with the cats still on her. "Please, get off me." She threw the cats off. "Now where did those misfits go?" "Up here, you polite piece of Negatrash!" Sailor Moon shouted. "What?" she turned and looked up to find the scouts on second floor balcony. "For all the clumsy girls in the world, I am Sailor Moon!" "I am Sailor Rainbow!" "I am Sailor Mars!" "I am Sailor Venus!" "We will triumph over evil…" "…And kick their bloody ahrsses!" Sailor Rainbow hissed. "And that means you!" they all said. "Such a pleasure to finally meet you girls and turn you into wax." She said. "Please, take this!" "No thank you, lassie!" Rainbow snapped. They jumped to prevent themselves from becoming statues. Sailor Mars tried to stop her wax. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" However, her fire was incased by the wax. Sailor Venus gave it a try. "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!" but that was encased too. "She waxed my beams and Mars' fire. How are we going to stop her?" "I don't know," Sailor Moon replied, "but what if I can't either?" "I'll open my own wax museum, starting with you four scouts." "Oh, I hate museums," Sailor Moon moaned, "especially with me IN them." "And who'll ever go to yer museum anyway?" Sailor Rainbow demanded. Tuxedo Mask appeared, "Good evening, Polite Society." "Good evening, Prince Darien." All that politeness made Sailor Rainbow irritable. "Oh, well, good evening to the both of yeh." She said in mock politeness, "Now let get this all over with while we're still young!" "Yeah!" Sailor Mars shouted in agreement. "We don't have all night!" "Sailor Moon, hand over the crystal," Tuxedo Mask said. "I promise not to hurt you." "Oh yeah, sure," Sailor Rainbow and Mars grumbled. "You're not following Malachite's plan," Polite Society said. "Your choice, Sailor Moon." "Tuxedo Mask, you can't be my enemy," Sailor Moon mumbled. "No. You can't be." "Sailor Moon, face it," Venus told her. "He's not on our side anymore." "STOP STALLING!" he screamed. "HAND IT OVER!" Malachite appeared. "Tuxedo Mask! You out of my way!" "No one asked you here," Tuxedo Mask said. "We didn't ask ya here, either!" Sailor Rainbow spat. "That's not polite," Polite Society said. "Can it!" "I'm handling this myself," Malachite said. "You're ruining my plan!" Tuxedo Mask chuckled, "I just want the crystal, Malachite. I'm not interested in a battle." "Is that so?" he demanded. "Well, uh, isn't it a lovely evening?" Polite Society asked. "Destroy Sailor Moon!" Malachite shouted. "No!" Tuxedo Mask argued. "We need to get the crystal!" "SAILOR MOON!" "SILVER CRYSTAL!" "SAILOR MOON!" "THE CRYSTAL!" The four sailor scouts looked over at Tuxedo Mask and Malachite as they argued. "Will they hurry up an' agree on something?" Sailor Rainbow demanded. "They're wastin' my time!" "This confusion is giving me a headache," Polite Society said, "I don't know what order to follow." Sailor Moon got an idea. "Poor thing. How about a cup of cocoa to perk you up?" "Whisky maybe?" Sailor Rainbow suggested. “Or maybe a new spirit to add to the evening?” "Thank you," Polite Society said, "but better to say, 'Would you like some cocoa?'" "So?" Sailor Rainbow muttered. "Ah ha!" Sailor Moon shouted and pulled out her crescent wand. "MOON HEALING ACTIVATION!" Polite Society came back to Countess Rose. "Now that we've got her to normal, time to do the same to my dear Tuxedo Mask. MOON HEALING…" But before she could finish, Tuxedo Mask backed away. "Keep the crystal for now. Until next time." "Hmph, whus," Sailor Rainbow muttered as he disappeared. "Tuxedo Mask, no, wait!" Sailor Moon called after him. Amy, Lita and the captive girls woke up a little confused. "Huh, what, what happened?" Amy asked. She and Lita look up through a window and see two familiar silhouettes. "Oh man, I missed the action!" Lita moaned. "Tuxedo Mask," Sailor Moon whispered, standing on the high roof, with Sailor Rainbow perched beside her playing her harmonica, "I WILL get you back. Right, Sailor Rainbow?" Sailor Rainbow ceased her playing and nodded, "Sure we will, lassie. We just have to give it a little more time, that's all." "Yeah." She looked up to the night and Sailor Rainbow continued to play on her harmonica. "But how much more time?"