All Hearts Can Melt 2 Cold Front Disclaimer: The only characters I own in this fic are the ones you won't see in the series, like Lydia. Bummer and she'd be a good addition too. The strange comet behind the moon came to life again and Princess Kaguya bragged about her devious plot to take over Earth. Fiore's bubble approached behind her and he saw her and realized it was she who he heard laughing earlier "Who is that?" he wondered quietly to himself. "What does she want?" Kaguya started to laugh again and Fiore witnessed her scheme. “Beautiful Planet Earth…the ultimate treasure in this universe, that I’ve been coveting since the beginning of time! At last, it is all mine!” "Oh no you don't," Fiore muttered, "I'm not letting you do anything to harm the Earth or it's inhabitants! Especially Sailor Rainbow! I'll stop you!" He wanted to stop her right then in and there, but he knew he wouldn't have a chance in outer space and in his bubble. He had to get to Earth and warn everyone, before it was too late. He made his bubble fly past Kaguya and to Earth, locating Ireland. 'She told me about the rainbow coins she's been searching for at this part of Earth.' He thought. 'Maybe I'll find her there!' "Hmm, what was that?" Kaguya asked herself when she saw Fiore's bubble fly past her. "Oh, no matter, I have much important things to attend too!" She laughed as she landed onto Tokyo. She took a deep breath and blew out icy cold wind, crating figures made out of ice. “Yes, my lovely and talented Snow Dancers. You may proceed with my plan to freeze up planet Earth! Ha ha ha!” 'Rainbow, my love,' Fiore thought as he came through the clouds of Earth over Ireland, 'I'm coming! Soon, we'll be together again.' Lydia walked to Darien's apartment and knocked on his door, with Lucky at her feet. "Maybe Darien found her," Lydia suggested. "I just hope she's not in trouble," Lucky said. Darien opened the door and smiled. "Lydia, hi! What brings you here?" Behind him, his stereo was playing. "We're looking for Luna," Lydia replied. "Have yeh seen her? Is she here" "Luna? No." "She's disappeared," Lucky said. "Oh, thanks anyway, Darien," Lydia said and noticed the paper next to the mat. "Oh, here's your paper. I'd better keep looking. Bye. Come along, Lucky." She turned and Darien called out to her. "Lydia, wait, don't leave just yet," Darien said. "It's been a while. Come inside. I'll make you some hot chocolate." "I really shouldn't," Lydia said, "I know yer busy." She kept her back to him. She couldn't bear to look at his friendly, kind face. It just made her want to cry. The tone of his voice, so soft and gentle was too much too. "I'm not too busy for my friends," Darien said. "Thanks, Darien, but," she whispered and let out a sigh. "What's the matter?" he asked, in a coaxing, joking, kind of way to make her smile or open up. "Come on, Lydia, you can tell me anything. It's Fiore, isn't it?" "Don't mention his name!" Lydia shouted, whipping around. "Never mention that name to me!" "Lydia," Darien mumbled. "I was only trying to--" "Oh, Darien, I'm sorry," Lydia said, looking down. "I didn't mean to say that. Just whenever I hear that name I--" she shook her head unable to finish. "Lydia," Darien walked up and put his hand on her shoulder. "You must really miss him." "I try not to think about him, but I can't," Lydia admitted. "Every time I look at the sky, or a flower, or hear something about aliens in outer space…I'm reminded of Fiore!" She took out the corsage from her pocket and it was still as beautiful as the day he gave it to her. No petals had fallen off and the color hadn't faded. Her love for him was still strong as ever. "Especially this flower. I carry it with me all the time. I even thought I saw Fiore yesterday! I'm losin' my mind!" "No you're not," Darien insisted, "You're just in love. I know how you feel." "But it's different for you," she sniffed, "you get to see Serena whenever you want…but for me and Fiore…it's just not that easy." She tried not to look at Darien. Even being near Darien made her nervous. He reminded her of Fiore. They both were handsome laddies, kind, gentle and the number one reason was that Fiore and Darien were good friends at one time too. "Hey, look at me," he said. "I can't…." Darien pushed her chin up to look in her eyes. "I'm here for you, Lydia. Always." "Don't do that." She grunted. "Don’t do what?" "Being so, so kind to me. " "Why not?" "It'll make me blubber." "And you think I'll be embarrassed?" he asked, close to laughter. "No, I will." She said. "I hate being sad, lost in melancholy. It's not like me." "I know, but even the happiest one of us have our sad times," Darien suggested. "I just wish I could see him again," Lydia sniffled. "You will. I'm sure of it." He tugged on her arm, "Come inside. Let's talk." Lydia wanted to back out but couldn’t. Her legs walked inside and Lucky followed her in. Darien had his arm around her and he led her to his couch. "Here, sit down. You look very tired. I guess sleep isn't easy for you, is it?" "No," she muttered. "I'll get you some hot cocoa," he said. "It always makes me feel better." He started to the kitchen. "Put some Irish whisky in it, won't yeh?" she questioned abruptly. Darien laughed, "How about some Irish cream flavored syrup instead?" "Oh, close enough," Lydia mumbled and tapped her fingers on her knee. She yawned and Darien placed down two hot cocoas with Irish cream. "Here, this ought to help," he said. "Thanks, Darien," she said and picked up her mug, sniffed it and took a sip. She made a funny face. "This is, different." "You've never had hot cocoa before, have you?" "No," she replied. "Like it?" She took another sip but held it in her mouth, thinking about the taste before swallowing. "Not bad." "Lydia," Darien began, holding his cocoa mug, "you're not the only one who misses Fiore." "What do you mean?" "I miss him too," he admitted. "I don't think I'll ever be able to thank him enough for what he did. Bringing Serena back. He really was my friend, just trying to keep an old promise." Lydia set down her mug. "He saved my life too. When I felt like I was going to die, I heard him speaking to me to stay alive. 'Don't die,' he said, 'don't die.' It wasn't a dream, Darien. It was real. I know it. Everything was so real. I could smell and feel and hear everything. " She let out a sigh. "I know he's coming back and I can't wait for that day. He made me a promise too. He said he would try to come back to me. He really did! But a part of me wishes than he'll never return because he'll just have to go back to outer space again!" she exclaimed as tears formed in her eyes. "And we'll need to say goodbye all over again and I don't think I'll be able to do it! I can't say goodbye to him twice! I can't, Darien, I can't!" She put her face in her hands and began to sob. "Oh what did you put in this cocoa?" she stood up and turned around so he couldn't see her cry. "Lydia," Darien whispered and put his mug down. He walked up to her, turned her around, even though she tried to fight him on it. He pulled her in his arms and held her to keep her from moving. He had to let her let her cry, get it out of her one-way or the other. Lydia gave up and pressed her face into his chest. It just felt so good to be held again, by someone, anyone. "Oh, Darien," she sobbed. "I miss him so much! I can't do anything. All I do is think about Fiore!" "It's okay. It'll be okay. You're strong. I know you are." He said, rubbing her back. "Fiore will come and you'll be able to say goodbye again. He's out there. There's nothing to be afraid about." "I've given up my quest to find the rainbow coins and everything," she admitted. "It just doesn't seem important to me anymore. It's like I've forgotten who I am. I don't want to be Sailor Rainbow, the scout of luck who finds treasure and cleans out haunted castles! I just want to be with Fiore!" "I know you do," he said. "But you are still Sailor Rainbow and you can still do those quests. You used to get a rush out of them. It was an adventure for you. Fiore wouldn't want you to give up on that." "I just want to see him again," she said, "so I know he's alive. It's been too long." "But until he does come back," Darien told her, pushing her back to wipe her tears away, "you still have me, and Serena--" "And me too, lassie!" Lucky cried. "And lucky," Darien said, "we're all here for you. You're not alone, Lydia." "I guess I just need some time," Lydia admitted. "I understand." On the streets, Serena and Rini were looking for Luna. "Luna!" They called. "Luna!" Suddenly it began to snow. "It's snowing!" Rini exclaimed. People noticed the snow and they commented on it. "What the?" "Oh my goodness." "This is strange." One of the snow dancers went after the people and with one swing of her arm, a cold wave flew, turning them all into ice. Elsewhere, another snow dancer wreaked havoc on innocent bystanders. Mina, Raye, Amy and Lita witnessed it. "What is that?" they shouted at once. But they knew how to take care of it. "MERCURY STAR POWER!" "MARS STAR POWER!" "JUPITER STAR POWER!" "VENUS STAR POWER!" The snow dancer saw them and swung her arm, sending her powerful force. The scouts jumped out of the way. Inside a café--Amara, Michelle, and Trista were talking--unaware of what was happening. They noticed people running from something as they passed the window. "Get away from me!" A man commanded. "Leave me alone!" Said a woman. And as a fat man was going by the window, he was hit by a frozen blast and fell through the window. The three older girls hurry out of the café to see what was the matter and waste no time when they notice the spectacle going on. "URANUS PLANET POWER!" "NEPTUNE PLANET POWER!" "PLUTO PLANET POWER!" The three outer scouts attacked the snow dancer. Pluto jumped and wielded her garnet Rod. Uranus took her turn. "URANUS WORLD SHAKING!" As for the inners, they were battling the other snow dancer. "JUPTER THUNDER CRASH!" But the thunder missed the snow dancer. However, Sailor Venus stepped forward to attack. "CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!" The snow dancer's arms were severed and she fell to the street. "Well, she's no Venus de Milo," Venus joked. But the snow dancer got up and charged them. Venus must've offended her. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!" Mercury's bubbles stuck to the dancer, preventing her from moving. Mars jumped to the opportunity. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" Her fiery attack melted the ice dancer. One was down, how many left to go? Lydia sighed, "Thanks Darien. And I'm sorry." She picked up her cocoa. "What for?" he questioned. "If I bothered yeh," she explained. "I shouldn't be so sad. I guess it's the weather." "Hey, if you're sad, I want to know if there's something I can do to help." He said, putting his hands in his pockets. "We're friends." "I dun't know whut I'd do without yeh," Lydia said, tucking a pigtail behind her and smiling. "Hey, is that a smile?" he asked, stroking her cheek. Lydia blushed and walked to the window. "Hey, it's snowing. Glad I'm in here and not out there!" she laughed, until she saw a snow dancer attacking people. "Oh no!" she dropped her mug. It broke, leaving a mess on Darien's kitchen floor. "Lydia, what's wrong?" he questioned, coming to her side. "Darien, look! There are some kind of creatures out there!" she exclaimed, pointing out the window. "Let's go," Darien urged. "We've got to stop 'em." "Can yeh fight, lassie?" Lucky questioned, jokingly "or are you too out of practice?" "Oh, I may be heartsick but I am still Sailor Rainbow!" Lydia exclaimed, reaching to her brooch . "Besides, I can handle those things out there!" Darien smiled, "Atta girl!" "RAINBOW YELLOW COIN POWER!" Serena and Rini also had trouble with a snow dancer. It was chasing them and they hopped every time she sent a cold wave at them. "HELP!" I'm getting cold shivers on my neeeeck!" The two stopped suddenly and pointed to the sky. "Whoa, look!" they said and ran into a store. The snow dancer looked at whatever it could be they were pointing to. But it was nothing of importance. When she looked back to where Serena and Rini had been, they were gone! The Snow Dancer was left confused. "MOON PRISM POWER!" "MOON COSMIC POWER!" Rini and Serena transform to Sailor Moon and Sailor Mini Moon. The snow dancer has forgotten about them and found other victims to play with. "Hey, ice lips!" Sailor Moon shouted. The snow dancer turned. “You sure have nerve!" she spoke, "Our people have warmth and heart and won’t tolerate the cold shoulder from you!” "So look out!" Sailor Mini Moon yelled. "We're sailor scouts…" "And we stand for love and justice!" "I'm Sailor Moon!" "And I'm Sailor Mini Moon!" "And in the name, we shall…" "Chill your jets!" The snow dancer turned around in circles, making copies of herself. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mini Moon looked on in surprised. "Hey." Sailor Mini began. "Wait, how did she do that? Whoa." "Excuse me. Pardon me," Sailor Moon said, "you're starting to make me dizzy." Sailor Moon lost her coordination and her eyes became swirls. "Stop the ride." "Sailor Moon," Mini Moon insisted, "Don't let yourself get dizzy." But she is dizzy herself. "You're right," Sailor Moon closed her eyes so she wouldn't have to see the snow dancer. She maintained her stability, listening for the real one. "Hey freezer freaks. Stop right there!" The images all disappeared. "Huh? AH!" Sailor Moon cried, grabbing her head in frustration. "They're not listening to me!" The snow dancer appeared behind her and tried to grab her. Sailor Moon ducked but lost her spiral heart scepter. The Snow dancer appeared over it and got ready to decide the two scouts' fate. But a rose interrupted her. "Hooray it's…" Sailor Mini Moon began and they look up to see… "Saint Nick?" Sailor Moon asked. "Santa Clause?" Mini Moon added. It was an advertising balloon and someone dressed up as Santa Clause with the reigns. Sitting next to him was a female elf with a long green coat with fur around the collar and the cuffs of her sleeves. "And an elf?" Sailor Moon and Mini Moon said together, raising eyebrows. The two figures in the balloon got up together and waved. "Merry Christmas!" Santa Claus said, "And..." he reached in front of his chest, pulling away his Santa Claus outfit. It was really indeed Tuxedo Mask. "A happy new year!" The elf pulled off her coat and hat, revealing herself as Sailor Rainbow. "Yeh've been a bad lassie!" she said pointing at the snow dancer as she grasped for the rope of the balloon. "No presents for yeh!" "Tuxedo Mask," Sailor Moon shouted, "it's you!" "And Sailor Rainbow!" Sailor Mini Moon added gleefully. "All right!" “Winter for us is a long and difficult season, but that’s okay. We expect it." Tuxedo Mask disclaimed. "Your evil, permanent winter, however, is wrong!” "Bloody wrong!" Sailor Rainbow added. "You don't say." The snow dancer said, shrugging. She began to hit Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Rainbow with an ice wave, but Sailor Rainbow pulled out a shamrock as Tuxedo Mask picked her up. "STROKE OF LUCK!" Sailor Rainbow shouted, tossing the shamrock toward the ice wave as a shield and it grew to a larger size. It became frozen and Tuxedo Mask jumped to the ground with Sailor Rainbow in his arms. He set her down. "Let's see what you've got, Sailor Rainbow." He said. Sailor Rainbow looked at Sailor Moon, "I dunno, maybe yeh should do it, Sailor Moon." Tuxedo Mask frowned. Sailor Rainbow not wanting to finish off the job? Sailor Moon looked surprise for a moment then laughed, holding up her fist. "You can do it, Rainbow!" Sailor Moon cried. "Why don't you just do it together?" Mini Moon suggested. "Good idea," Sailor Moon said. "That's usin' yer noggin', li'l lassie!" Sailor Rainbow cried. She lifted up her white scepter that had the three rainbow coins on them with a cloud on the top and a golden ribbon around it. "RAINBOW BURNING…" "MOON SPIRAL…" "SUN STROKE!" "HEART ATTACK!" The snow dancer screamed as she covered herself from the light of the blinding sun. Hearts were swirling around toward her. Blinded, a giant heart smashed into her. She fell back with a scream and died. All the ice melted and everything returned into normal. Tuxedo Mask stood with the three sailor scouts on a rooftop, observing what had just happened. Sailor Rainbow sat on the corner, trying to smile. Sailor Moon and Mini Moon however, were looking onto the streets with happy faces. Even though Sailor Rainbow had helped and was glad everything was back to normal, she felt like she was no of use. 'Why did I try to get out of it?' she wondered, 'I could've taken that snow dancer on my own, couldn't I?' “Ooh, back to normal." Sailor Moon said happily. "It’s as if nothing ever happened. I’m glad that’s over.” "Sailor Rainbow," Sailor Mini Moon said, glancing up to her, "great job." "Really?" Rainbow mumbled. "I knew you could do it," she insisted, "you're even better than Sailor Moon!" Tuxedo Mask smiled and Sailor Moon became red with anger. "Hey!" she shouted. Sailor Rainbow tittered and covered her mouth. "Glad I could help." Back on the comet, Princess Kaguya talked to her snow dancers about important business. “I guess I underestimated the people of Earth. My lovely Snow Dancers," Princess Kaguya said, "were you able to locate the crystal that I deposited on Earth?” They all drooped their heads and conversed in their singing tongue. “Once we find that crystal, we can freeze up the Earth!" Kaguya exclaimed. "Now, go find it!” Singing, the snow dancers flew away. “Long, long ago, I almost reached you, planet Earth, but a great light forced me back!" Kaguya recalled. "Ever since then, I’ve been stuck on a long journey in space, and all I’ve been able to think about was how and when I could return to claim you. Now that I’m here, I’ve implemented a plan to slowly but steadily take you as my very own, once I find that Crystal! Ah ha ha ha ha ha!” Back on Earth, the sailor scouts met up on a pedestrian bridge to talk about their new enemies. "I wonder what our strange new enemies are." Mina began. "Nothing like the ghosts back at me home," Lydia whispered to herself. “Yeah, where do they come from and what do they want?” Lita demanded. “Whatever they are," Amara said, "we better take them seriously.” Michelle and Trista nodded. Rini looked down and discovered something. "Luna!" "Luna!" Serena shouted. "Really?" Mina asked. "Where?" questioned Lita. Luna was walking down the street, looking much better, with a yellow ribbon around her neck. "Luna!" Serena shouted as Luna jumped in her arms. "I've been so worried!" She began to cry. "See?" Lydia asked the girls, "told yeh she'd come back." "Where'd you get that yellow ribbon, Luna?" Rini asked. "Oh, you mean this one?" Luna asked, looking down at it. She blushed slightly and remembered how she had gotten it. Kakeru had tied it around her neck. "Come and see me again some time?" he had asked. Luna shook the memory away. “It doesn’t matter." She insisted. "What really matters is that an unidentified comet is getting closer to the Moon!” "A comet?" Serena asked. Lydia gasped and once again, was reminded about Fiore. "Fiore," she whispered. Fiore had just landed in the hills of Ireland. It was very cold and the snow went up to his knees. Lucky for him, that he had his good luck charm from his love that was keeping him warm from the cold with its power. He was still a bit chilled, however and he hugged himself. "S-sailor R-rainbow," he stuttered, "I'm here. I'm here now. I am coming." To Be Continued