Beautiful Dreams 4 Dream On Disclaimer: My characters are the ones you will not see on Sailor Moon. Everyone was at Darien's apartment. Artemis was outside looking at the storm. "This storm, it's very strange looking." "Darien seems to be okay," Luna said, "but he still needs his rest." Fiore and the girls were inside, with Serena at Darien's bedside holding his hand. Fiore was standing behind Lydia with his arms around her. Darien's eyes opened. "Serena?" he mumbled. "Yes, Darien?" she said, squeezing his hand. "Is Rini okay?" he asked. She gasped and all the other girls became tense. She thinks hard for a moment. "Yeah, she's okay." She replied. Serena's lie tore at the girls. Lydia turned to Fiore. "If only I--" "It wasn't your fault, Lydia," he said. "I was so close!" she muttered. "How could I let her get away?" "That spirited kid," Serena said, trying to laugh, "she's always all right." "We really should be going now," Pereru stated. "Mm-hmm," Serena said. Lydia turned to Fiore. "Are yeh coming, Fiore?" "I would," Fiore replied and looked at Darien, "but someone should stay here and look after Darien." "Aye." "Go and save Rini and Blossom," he told her. "Save the children." Lydia nodded and Fiore kissed her forehead. "I'll be back soon. I promise, we'll do this." "I know you will." Fiore said, "good luck, scouts." "Try and make sure Darien's okay," Serena said, "so he won't--" "Don’t' worry, Serena," Fiore said, "Darien will be fine." The girls walked out with Pereru and Fiore sat down next to Darien. "Are you all right, Darien? Can I get you anything?" "Tell me the truth, Fiore," Darien whispered hoarsely. "How is Rini? They took her, didn't they?" Fiore sighed, "yes, Darien, but don't you worry. She's not alone. Blossom is with her." "Blossom, you and Lydia's child?" "Remember how close we were? Like brothers?" Fiore said. "Serena and Lydia are like sisters and I'm sure that Blossom and Rini are too. They look out for each other. Blossom's not going to let anything happen to Rini. The scouts are on their way. Rini, Blossom and all the children will be back safe and sound soon." "They're probably all scared," Darien said. "Don't worry, Darien," Fiore said, "here," he got up and got a class of water for him and helped him drink it. "They'll be back. You just concentrate on feeling better, okay? Don't worry about Rini. I'm scared for Blossom too, but I don't think there is anything the scouts can't handle. I bet Blossom and Rini are trying to find away to get out of…wherever they are." **** "Children of Earth, this is your wake up call!" Blossom exclaimed. "Wake up!" She was swimming through the space of dream boxes. She came to a box where a child was sound asleep. "Please, you've got to wake up!" She pounded on the box. "I've got to break these things!" The dream boxes were indestructible. No matter how hard she pounded on the boxes, they never broke. "Why won't you break?" she demanded. "Break!" Blossom folded her arms on the dream box and started to cry. "This isn't going anywhere! It's no use. I'll never save them. I have no powers. I wish I was a sailor scout like Rini…then maybe I could save these kids!" "Say that again," a woman voiced. "What?" Blossom picked up her head, tears streaming down her alien face. "Who said that? Is it you, Badiyanu? Don't think I can save them, do you?" A woman with long fuchsia hair wearing a midnight blue sparkly dress appeared in front of her. Her fuchsia hair flowed around her body and she smiled. "Say that again, dear child." "Say what again?" "Your wish. What is it that you wish for?" "Wait, I know you," Blossom gasped, "you're that lady--that lady from space that granted my father a wish! Queen Vera, queen of knowledge!" "Yes.'" "I don't understand," Blossom mumbled, "you live on the Star of Truth--how did you come here to the Black Dream Hole? I thought you only watched what happened in space." "I can go anywhere," Vera said, "you made a wish and I heard you, so I came to grant it. This place--isn't very dreamy, is it? A wish is like a dream and the kind of dream that Badiyanu has will remain just a dream. That is one wish I'll never grant for her. And in granting yours, I will help you stop her devious plan. So wish again, child and it will be granted." Blossom floated to Vera. "I wish…" "Yes?" "I wish to be a sailor scout!" "It's done then!" Vera clapped her hands once and stretched them out. Blossom's alien attire ripped away and she changed to her human form. A sailor fuku with a lavender skirt and vest appeared on her naked body, the bows being light green. She had thigh-high boots like her mother, light green with flower at the top. Her brooch was a flower with a rainbow inside and a tiara with a pink gem went across her forehead. Her auburn hair was tied back with a flower. She stopped and looked at her new self. "You did it, I'm a sailor scout!" "Yes," Vera said, "now go and save the children, Sailor Flora Rainbow!" Vera disappeared back to her home on the star of truth. Sailor Flora Rainbow turned around and held up her hand, "FLORA CHAIN SMASH!'" Flowers tied together, stem to blossom, smashed into one of the dream boxes, setting the child inside free. Sailor Flora Rainbow swam to it opened up her hand. "FLORA REMEDY!" Flower petals fell on the child and he woke up. "Huh?" "One down," Flora Rainbow said, turning around, "hundreds to go!" *** The Sailor Scouts were aboard on Pereru's ship. Pereru told them about the Black Dream Hole. I’m worried. Once someone is thrown into the Black Dream Hole, it’s impossible to save them, and I’m scared for Rini.” “What’s the Black Dream Hole?” Sailor Mars inquired. “It’s a place of eternal sleep.” He answered thickly. Super Sailor Rainbow flinched, "Eternal sleep? Well, I know I don't want to go to this Black Dream Hole for a vacation." "Me neither," Mercury agreed. “I wonder if he’s leading us into a trap, too." Sailor Venus voiced. "What do you think?” We have no choice but to trust him.” Jupiter said. "She's right," Sailor Rainbow agreed, "Besides, he is just a little lad and he didn't seem too happy about letting Badiyanu taking Rini away." "What about Blossom?" Jupiter asked. "What if they see her there?" "I just hope she's as lucky as I am," Rainbow sighed, "and she's doing her best to keep Rini calm." She laughed, "Yeh know, I'm not all that surprised that she stowed away. That's something like I would do." “Hey…Rini must’ve given you those cookies.” Super Sailor Moon said, noticing the cookies on Pereru's“ “She did.” Pereru said hesitantly. “We’re approaching now. We have to move into the clouds quickly.” As the ship shifted into the clouds, Pereru's thoughts wander to the beginning of his mission. “I would like all of the children to follow me to the Dream World, and don’t worry. Everyone will be safe and happy in their own dream. Fairies, please assist me now.” Followed to when he met Rini. “Gotta go now. See ya again! Bye!” "Peruru, are we almost there?” Sailor Moon questioned. "Almost," he replied. “Hey, I’m sensing some powerful, sinister force here.” Mars informed. "So am I," Rainbow said, "but this Badiyanu sounds like a powerful, sinister force." "But…” Jupiter mumbled. "I can't see anything," Sailor Venus said. Sailor Mercury turned on her VR visor. Pereru started to play on his flute as Sailor Mercury scanned. From out of the clouds, the castle appeared. “There it is. That’s the Dream Castle. All the kidnapped children are taken there.” "Including the stowaway Blossom," Sailor Rainbow added, "She'd better be all right, because I am going to give her quite a talkin' to!" “Looks pretty bad, guys." Sailor Moon said. "Still not too late to turn back.” "Don't be silly, Sailor Moon," Rainbow said, "We're not going anywhere except in that castle." As the ship approached, something is fired at them. "Ah!" Pereru gasped. The balloon became engulfed in flames and the ship began to dive forward. "Mercury, what's going on?" Rainbow demanded. "Who is attacking us?" "I'm working on it, Rainbow," Mercury replied, scanning nervously. "It's a cannon!" The older fairies were loading the cannons. "Cannonball loaded." Banane said. "Cannonball loading," Orange stated, loading the new shell. “Cannonball ready.” Banane said. "Don’t forget. Peruru is on board.” Orange informed as they closed the breech. "FIRE!" Pupuran shouted. The cannonball headed toward the ship. Sailor Mercury wasted no time. “SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!” The shell froze up and fell away. "Good one, Sailor Mercury!" Jupiter praised. "Oh no! We’re gonna crash!” Venus shouted. "Brace yerselves, lassies!" Sailor Rainbow warned. The ship crashed and slid across the city's surface. The scouts got down and braced themselves for impact. The ship finally stops at a vast pit. "That was close!" Sailor Rainbow observed, "too close!" The scouts all asked each other if they were all right. Hearing his brothers laughing, Pereru looked up. “I’m surprised to see you, Peruru.” Pupuran said. “Why did you being those girls to the castle?” “To stop you and Badiyanu!” He retorted. "Hello, Sailor Rainbow," Banane greeted. "Nice to see you again." "Yeh…" Rainbow hissed. "I'm not as happy to see yeh!" "Who's he?" Sailor Venus asked. "He's the fairy who kidnapped the children from Dublin," Sailor Rainbow replied, "and he stole my harmonica!" "He what?" Venus gasped. She looked at Banane; "you return that harmonica to Sailor Rainbow now if you know what's good for you!" "Yeah, the children too," Jupiter added fiercely. “Listen here!" Sailor Moon shouted, stepping forward, "Let Rini and the others go!” “Rini, huh?" Pupuran said. "But I don’t think so. Badiyanu has a strong interest in her.” Yes, she’s the little upstart who has ideal energy to add to the Black Dream Hole.” Banane informed as Orange chuckled behind his hand. “You can’t do this!" Pereru shouted. "What have you become?!” “Hah, foolish boy, you should never have come back.” Pupuran muttered. He turned to the other fairies. “You must be careful. They all have mysterious powers they’ll use against us.” "Okay," the said. The three fairies reeled back. "CANDY WRAPPERS!" "I'm sick of these things!" Sailor Rainbow growled, "come on, lassies! RAINBOW PRIMARY SWIRL!" "JUPITER THUNDER CRUSH!" "VENUS LOVE CHAIN ENCIRCLE!" But the dark power has gotten stronger and it made the bonbon babies endure their attacks. "No!" Rainbow hissed. "This cannot be!" “The black energy in the Dream Hole is getting stronger, and so are we." Banane told them. "There’s no use. You must surrender.” "Surrender?" Rainbow snapped. "Never! I'll keep fighting until the bitter end! RAINBOW GREEN ZAPPER!" Her attack still didn't help. “I’m afraid your puny little powers are no match!” Pupuran shouted. "Puny?" Rainbow demanded. "Puny? OH, if I had just one more coin I'll finish all of yeh!" "Rainbow," Mars mumbled, "we can't…" The scouts all stepped back with nowhere to go. Sailor Rainbow still held her ground. This time she used all six coins. "RAINBOW SIX-WAY FLASH!" A rainbow missing just the color of violet flew toward the giant band of bonbon babies. Instead of withstanding her great attack, the first row of bonbon babies was destroyed. "It worked!" Sailor Rainbow shouted in surprised. It did work, but not only because Sailor Rainbow used all the coins in her possession, but because Blossom was busily working on freeing the sleeping children the very minute and she already had twelve of them woken up. The dark energy was slowly fading down. "Impossible!" Banane cried. "You couldn't--" "I got lucky," Rainbow said defiantly. But there was still too much for the scouts to fend off alone. "There's nowhere to go!" Jupiter said worriedly. "Oh no!" Mars cried. But they were saved in the nick of the time. Here came some World Shaking! "Yes, could it be?" Moon said hopefully. "Huh?" All three fairies said. The three outer sailor soldiers came to help. “Too much candy can make you sick. I’m Sailor Uranus, the flying warrior, protected by planet Uranus!” It’s our turn to give these candies cavities. I’m Sailor Neptune, protected by the planet Neptune!” “Rotten candies must be discarded. I’m Sailor Pluto, the evolution warrior, protected by planet Pluto!” “We’re here to help our friends!” Uranus exclaimed. “Together, we’re a mighty force!” Neptune added. “And we will punish you!” The outer scouts threatened. "Sailor Uranus! Neptune!" Sailor Moon cried out. "Sailor Pluto!" Mars gasped. "Good to see yeh, lassies!" Rainbow shouted. More Bonbon babies zoomed in around the scouts. Pluto got ready. "PLUTO DEADLY SCREAM!" "We’re sure glad you’re here.” Mercury said. You can always count on us when there’s trouble." Sailor Uranus said. "Their Black Dream Hole is really growing.” “Sailor Moon, Rini’s in serious danger right now, isn’t she?” Pluto questioned. Sailor Moon nodded sadly. "They got reinforcements! How did you find our totally invisible and unknown castle in the middle of space?!” Pupuran shouted unbelievably. "I told yeh we travel in packs!" Rainbow hissed. “What a fool, to think you could beat Sailor power and my magic mirror.” Sailor Neptune said. "SUBMARINE REFLECTION!" The power of her magic mirror highlighted the source of their power, their instruments. She nodded to Sailor Uranus and she took action. "SPACE SWORD BLASTER!" This attack sliced Orange's instrument in half, changing him into a pink bird. "How'd she do that?" Banane wondered. "Why don't you show him, Sailor Rainbow?" Venus asked with a grin. "Good idea, Venus," Rainbow replied, grinning back. "I think you have something of mine, Banane!" She walked forward to him. "You know it's bad luck to steal my harmonica? RAINBOW INDIGO FLARE!" Her indigo flare slices through his instrument, making him change into a yellow-orange bird and his bonbon babies vanished. Rainbow's harmonica fell on the ground and she stepped to pick it up. "Ah ha, yes!" Rainbow said. WHY YOU?!” Pupuran shouted. “Listen here, you clown!" Uranus hissed, threatening him with her sword. "What are you doing with the children?!” “We-we’re just letting them stay ch-children forever here! What’s the big deal?! HOW CAN THAT BE WRONG?!” "You're going to destroy our home using the children," Sailor Rainbow said harshly. "That's how!" Before Pupuran can summon his bonbon babies to thwart off Uranus, she cut through his instrument. "BADIYANU!" He screamed as he changed into a blue hummingbird. Sadly, Pereru lowered his eyes. He lost his brothers. Rainbow noticed and put her hand on his shoulder. "We had to, Pereru," she said. Pereru nodded quietly. He brought up his flute and began to play. His gondola rose up. “My gondola seems okay. Let’s get going.” “Yeah, let’s find this Black Dream Hole and end this nightmare!” Jupiter yelled as they came aboard. “Sailor Moon, can we trust this boy?” Pluto asked. “Yeah, he’s okay. He’s a friend of Rini’s.” She replied. “Is that right?” 'I hope I’m doing the right thing.' Pereru thought. Sailor Rainbow, as if knowing what he was thinking, placed her hands on his shoulders. “I have a bad feeling about this.” Pluto said. "We all do," Rainbow added. Then dark energy attacked the ship and caused it to capsize. All the scouts jumped to the ground. “This is a sanctuary.” Badiyanu voiced then appeared in front of them. “You’re not allowed past this point!” "The hell we're not!" Rainbow said defiantly. “You tell us where Rini and all the other children are!” Venus shouted. “They’re resting peacefully beneath you.” Badiyanu replied. "Huh?" Moon asked. She and the others looked down. “What?! The children?!” "Oh no!" Mars cried. Pereru approached Badiyanu. “Set them all free right now, you evil, sick cow!” He charged her but before he got anywhere closer to her, he was thrown back. "Aaah!" "Pereru!" Rainbow cried. "Help!" Jupiter caught him after his little flight. “Such a foolish little boy. I’m merely trying to make all of your wonderful dreams come true, Peruru." Badiyanu said. "In my dream world, everything is sweet and happy: the way life should be.” “No one can be truly happy here: not in this fake make-believe world.” Pereru muttered. "Hmm…." “I want to protect the world where children can grow up normally with family and friends: THE WAY LIFE’S SUPOSED TO BE!” “I suppose this fluffy-headed little girl gave you this idea, hmm?” Badiyanu asked, holding out her hand and with dark energy, appeared Sailor Mini Moon. “Hey, where am I?” Mini Moon wondered. "Rini!" Sailor Moon cried out. "Hi Sailor Moon!" Mini Moon called. 'Sailor Moon.' 'Oh I'm so glad she's okay.' "You're late!" Sailor Mini Moon said, folding her arms. "Sorry, kiddo!" "Sailor Mini Moon!" Rainbow called, taking few steps foreword, "Where's Blossom? Is she with you?" "She went to wake up the other kids," Sailor Mini Moon replied, pointing at the boxes underneath their feet. The sailor scouts looked down. There were still a number of children in boxes. "How?" Venus asked. "There are too many!" "That puny little girl cannot wake up all the children," Badiyanu said. "And even if she does, I have just what I need to fulfill my plans!" The top of the castle opened up and dark clouds opened up, showing a black and dreary sphere of energy. "This can't be good!" Venus gasped. “This is our wake-up call, Sailor Scouts!” Uranus exclaimed. “Is that the Black Dream Hole, Peruru?” Mercury inquired. Good guess! It feeds on children’s sweet dream energy and grows larger and larger. And now…” She grabbed Sailor Mini Moon and she screamed. "STOP THAT!" Pereru screamed. "No! Rini!" Sailor Moon shouted. Badiyanu raised Sailor Mini Moon to the black dream hole. A bolt of lightning came down from it and lashed at Rini. "No!" Sailor Moon yelled. Neither Sailor Moon nor Pereru can watch anymore. They ran and jumped toward Badiyanu, but she was protected by some kind of force field. "MARS FIRE FLASH!" But her fire did not penetrate the barrier. Oh no! She’s protected by barriers of some kind!” Mercury cried. "Then let's break them down!" Sailor Rainbow hissed. "We are not leaving until we get the children back. Come on scouts, let's attack together!" "Good thinking, Rainbow!" Sailor Mercury called. "I'll target it," Rainbow said. "Get your attacks ready! RAINBOW PRIMARY TARGET!" A red sphere inside a yellow and blue circle appear in the center of Badiyanu's force field. "Now!" "MERCURY SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" "MARS FLAMES SNIPER!" "JUPITER THUNDER CRUSH!" "VENUS LOVE CHAIN ENCIRCLE!" "URANUS WORLD SHAKING!" "NEPTUNE DEEP SUBMERGE!" "PLUTO DEADLY SCREAM!" "MOON GORGEOUS MEDITATION!" The eight attacks swarmed to Rainbow's target. She reeled her hand back to add her own to the concoction. "RAINBOW PRIMARY SWIRL!" The barrier rumbled and the center where Rainbow's target on the barrier broke. "It worked!" Sailor Moon exclaimed. "Good work, Rainbow! Now let's go!" However, the hole began to fuse together before the scouts were able to get through. "No!" Rainbow hissed. "If only I had another coin!" "Nice try, sailor scouts," Badiyanu scoffed, "but your efforts are useless. You'll never get through my barrier!" "We will…somehow!" Rainbow said. “Ah ha ha ha! This puny troublesome girl’s exquisite energy can feed the Black Dream Hole. Her energy alone can make the difference!” As Rini continued the scream, her transformation unraveled. The Black Dream Hole became too large for comfort. “We have to do something!” Venus exclaimed. “It’ll swallow everything!” Mercury shouted. “It’s growing too big!” Uranus cried. The Black Dream Hole got too large for the city and hovered above it. The clouds drifted apart to reveal Tokyo underneath. When all seemed lost, music was heard. “Oh…now what childish thing are you doing?” Sailor Moon, Rainbow and Pereru came aboard Pereru's gondola. “Our good emotional energy is able to move this gondola, and maybe we can break through her barrier.” “Smart thinking. Let’s go.” Sailor Moon said. “Your pathetic little gondola cannot possibly penetrate my barrier.” Badiyanu muttered. Enough! Let’s get together and help Sailor Moon!” Uranus said. The scouts began to link up but Badiyanu assailed them with a blast of dark magic. The barrier weakened for a short moment and the gondola started to penetrate through. When the barrier regained strength, the gondola started to break apart. "Ha ha ha…huh?!” The prow of the ship was able to get through and on top of it were Sailor Moon, Rainbow and Pereru. "Hello!" Sailor Rainbow cried. "Did yeh miss us?" "Give Rini back right now!” Sailor Moon ordered. “Sorry, Goldilocks, but my Black Dream Hole, well…it needs all this little girl’s Sugar Energy! I’ll never give her back!” Badiyanu shouted and raised her scepter. "Sailor Moon!" Mercury cried. "Look out!" Mars warned. But the prow moved aside, resulting in just a minor blow. Out of the corner of the castle, Sailor Flora Rainbow came through with the children behind her. "I did it!" she yelled. "I was able to get them awake!" "Blossom!" Rainbow shouted. "Nice work! Now you're in trouble! Don't yeh dare move!" "Yes, good work, my dear," Badiyanu said, "but you should have forgotten about the others and saved your little friend here when you had the chance! I don't need the other children anymore. This little wretch is all I need to give the Black Dream Hole the energy it needs!" Sailor Flora Moon gasped. "I don't believe it!" Laughing, Badiyanu flew up to the Black Dream Hole. "Hang on!" Pereru said. "Don't have to tell me twice," Sailor Rainbow said as the prow went after Badiyanu. "No, they can't go in there!" Mercury cried. "They'll be killed for sure!" Venus exclaimed. "GIVE HER BACK RIGHT NOW!” Sailor Moon commanded fiercely. "FORGET IT!" Badiyanu snarled, sending the gondola to the black dream hole. “You come any closer to us…you’ll be absorbed in the Hole, too!” Pereru shouted. "Not likely. The Black Dream Hole is a part of me, and I’m a part of the Dream Hole!” Badiyanu shrieked. “You are?!” Pereru gasped. "Once all of this girl’s special energy is consumed, I’ll have enough sweet energy to swallow this planet of yours!” Badiyanu said. "NO WAY! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” Weakly, Mini Moon opened her eyes. "Sailor Moon! Pereru! Rainbow!" "Hold on, Mini Moon!" Sailor Rainbow encouraged. "Rini!" Sailor Moon yelled. Sensing that Rini was awake, she shocked her again and she became unconscious once more. Badiyanu flew up to the black dream hole. The sailor soldiers shouted at Sailor Moon and Sailor Rainbow. "NO!" Pereru shouted, pounding the prow of the ship in frustration. Sailor Rainbow tried to get him to calm down. "Don't worry, Pereru," Rainbow said, "we will get Rini back!" The bag of cookies from his belt flew free and Sailor Moon grabbed it. Rini's words came to her mind as she opened the bag and took out a cookie. “…one of yours first and then try one of mine!” She didn't have a chance to try her cookie before. No better time than now. “Sailor Moon…” Pereru said. "Serena," Rainbow said, making a face, "now's not the time to be nibbling on cookies!" “This is Rini’s special cookie that she made full of love." Sailor Rainbow said. "It’ll enable us to become more powerful, and I’m gonna try some!” "In that case, let's eat the whole bag!" Sailor Rainbow chuckled. Sailor Moon ate the cookie. "I can feel its sweet love." She stood up. "Serena, you cannot go in there alone," Rainbow said, "let me go with you." "No, stay here, " Sailor Moon insisted. "You stay here and look after Pereru." "Don't be a fool," Rainbow muttered, "It's dangerous." "I mean it, Lydia. Stay here. I have to go in alone." Sailor Moon insisted. " “Sailor Moon! Don’t do it!" Pereru warned. "Once you go into the Dream Hole, you can never come out again!” "Serena, I'm going with you," Rainbow said. "You can't stop me. If anything happens, it'll be up to you." "The hell I can't!" Rainbow shouted, reaching for Sailor Moon's arm, but Sailor Moon had already jumped toward the Dark Hole. "Serena, don't yeh dare! Come back!" She tried to go in after her, but felt Pereru grab her hand. "No, Rainbow, don't go in there!" he pleaded. "Don't leave me." Rainbow sighed, crouched down and took the little boy in her arms. "There, there, Pereru, it will be all right." Rainbow looked up at Sailor Moon flying into the inner layers of the dark hole. "Be careful, Serena."