Written by BHart
January 2, 2009


Onward to Traliz


The barrier surrounding Sailor Charon was removed. Her eyes opened, seeing everyone standing around her. She had pale, white skin and white hair; her eyes were a pale, red color. She was wearing a sailor senshi outfit with a dark pale color scheme.

"Anestus, are you okay?"

Sailor Charon looked up at Kousagi. "Sailor Parallel Moon?"

She looked around, seeing everyone. "Is it already time for my revival? How long has it been?"

"Long enough," replied Suhya.

Anestus stood up, stumbling a little. Sailor Triton caught her. "I'll be okay."

They walked back, making their way across the chasm again. The cursed antique collectors were trailing behind because of the heavy sledge hammer they were dragging behind them. "You think they could at least help us carry this thing," complained Johnny.

"They've got enough to worry about. Suck it up," said Micki.

A scrawny, balding, homely looking man appeared before them.

They stopped in their tracks.

"Please don't leave this place with that sledge hammer."

James hid behind his mother.

"Listen pal, this is the last item on our list and we're taking it to a safe place." Johnny punched him, but went right through him.

"Who are you?" asked Micki.

"If you don't leave it here, he'll keep hurting me." The apparition knelt down on his knees, sobbing.

"Who are you talking about?" asked Micki.

They heard someone laughing.

"Who is that?"

"That sounds like.."

"Lewis Vendredi?"

"He couldn't be here, could he?" said Micki.

"Isn't that your evil uncle? I thought you said he was dead, mom."

"I am, but I can wander in places of darkness like this," said Lewis, appearing before them.

"I tried to stop them, but I couldn't," pleaded the homely man.

"I'll take care of it from here," replied Lewis.

Chains bound the homely man down.

"Who is that man? He looks so familiar," recognized Micki.

"That's Denis Forest. I won't release him from this place until you give me what I want," threatened Lewis.

Lewis punched Johnny with supernatural strength, knocking him over.

"You're dead, how can you hit me?"

"In dark places like this, the great master Satan has given me corporeal form," answered Lewis.

"I don't see those antique guys. We've got to go back and get them. They won't survive long without the protection from these items," said Oona.

"They better not be too far behind," said Suhya, frustrated.

Lewis was striking the antique collectors with some sort of satanic energy. Micki jumped in front of James, taking a hit for him.

"How sweet of you to protect your boy; you'll all die down here just the same."

"Who is that old man down there?" asked Rie.

Lewis picked up Johnny by the throat. "My dark master will rule over all."

Kousagi attacked him with a burst of light, making him drop Johnny. "No one can interfere with the devil and win," yelled Lewis.

Oona and Kousagi combined their powers of light, blasting Lewis onto the bridge across the chasm. Suhya deactivated the rune of sealing, making the bridge disappear. Lewis yelled in fright, descending to the depths of his master's domain.

"Thanks. We almost died," thanked Johnny.

"Are you all okay?" asked Suhya.

"Yes, I think so," replied Micki.

"Good, then let's get going," ordered Suhya.

Denis was freed. His spirit returned to the afterlife.

They parted ways with the cursed antique collectors after exiting Castle Zvahl.

There was a small airship resting in the icy region. They rushed over to it. A small group of women was waiting for them.

"Do you people need any help?" asked Parne.

"Actually, we're here to help you. Let me introduce ourselves. I'm Angela Pholsook, this is Alexis Turk, Brenna Cripe, Kimberly Rogers, and Shop Soi Nazare."

"What's the deal with this aircraft?" asked Omatase.

Giant words on the airship read, "Scot Bontrager & Jennifer Maher Bontrager."

"We heard you'd be here. We gathered funds from different people around the world to build this airship for you. It will take you to the council's capital in no time. Come aboard and we'll show you around," offered Alexis.

"It should be enough to hold all of you on board," assured Brenna.

"Thank you very much, but, who will fly this craft?" asked Parne.

"I've had some experience flying these things. They aren't too much different from sailing a naval vessel," said Sailor Triton.

"There are no cannons or any sort of weapons equipped on this ship, because it would slow it down and lower its maneuverability," explained Shop.

They were shown around the entire ship. "What do you think?" asked Kimberly.

"We'll head for Traliz when everyone is ready," responded Erewan.

The small group of women got off the ship.

"What about all of you? Will you be alright out here?" asked Mittens.

"We've got plenty of fire power with us," replied Angela. They headed towards Beaucedine Glacier on their way home.

Sailor Himalia was summoned before the higher members of the council of princesses. "The sailor senshi are coming after us. Get the others ready."

"I will."

"There are two missing sailor senshi from the capsule room. They're probably buried beneath all that rubble caused by the fighting earlier. Find out what happened to them." They dismissed her.

"I usually hate getting up early, but I can't wait to take them down," said Chirimu.

"Is that the Traliz capital, over there?" asked Maybel, pointing.

"Yes, it is. It's still far away, but we'll be there soon," answered Chirimu.

"We're in very unfriendly territory now, be careful," warned Tokamo.

A projectile flew by their airship, making enough turbulence to tilt the airship. Chirimu struggled to tilt it back and keep it steady.

"What was that?" asked Rykel.

"They've already spotted us. Those hardened, quartz projectiles they shoot blend in with the atmosphere, making them hard to spot," explained Chirimu.

"Let's land as soon as possible before they knock us out of the sky," suggested Vlaad.

"I'll start descending and look for a clear area to land," replied Chirimu.

Chirimu evaded any projectiles she could see. They were struck by a projectile. It took a big chunk out of the upper part of their ship, causing them to spin around, falling towards the ground.

"Hold on tight everyone, this isn't going to be pretty," warned Chirimu.

Rykel and Maybel held each other tightly, excited about the possibility of dying together.

"I hope you find an open area soon," worried Oona.

"We won't be so lucky. I see some roofs of houses below. I'll try steering away from them," replied Chirimu.

"Any idea where we are?" asked Omatase.

"None; this part of the world is mainly governed by the council. There are no crags here, no way by boat, and apparently they'll shoot you down from the sky if you try going by air," replied Chirimu.

Anestus was gradually gaining strength.

The airship landed on some sagebrush and other bushes, softening the land. The airship was skidding forward, gradually slowing down from the friction. Everyone was thrown back onto the floor. They heard a loud thump. Something slid underneath them. They finally came to a stop.

Everyone was okay. They broke through the debris, finding an opening to exit.

They had hit the back of a house. Many scared people stared at the wreckage.

"What'd we run over?" asked Vlaad, walking towards the back of the airship.

There were bloody, dismembered bodies of four women whom they had run over.

They walked towards the townspeople to apologize, but the crowd of people began cheering.

"Maybe you don't know this, but, we crushed four of your citizens," explained Rakuah.

"No, you didn't. You actually did us a favor," answered a townsperson.

"What? Really?"

"Those four women were sent by the council to weed out anyone unfriendly or against them. Anyone found guilty of this was executed," explained a man.

"We won't miss the likes of Rony Miller, Andree Close, Dawnette Vanwagoner, and Deborah Petersen. They've been threatening us for weeks. Thank you very much for disposing of those miserable bitches," said a woman.

"Where is this?" asked Omatase.

"This place is called Dnats Sman Tsal."

"How far are we from Traliz?"

"This is the last town officially outside of Traliz territory. There are many towns farther west on the outskirts of Traliz. Only women live there; and they're none to friendly towards their male counterparts. I wouldn't recommend going there unless you're female," advised a man.

"Thank you for your help, sir," said Parne.

"Oh, and if you're planning on going to any of the towns owned by the Traliz government, be careful. They've always got surveillance 24-7. They're very paranoid," warned a man.

"What should we do?" asked Kousagi.

"Let's talk it over amongst ourselves before we decide on anything," suggested Chirimu.

Later that night, they were discussing things by a campfire. "We have to make our way through those Traliz towns. We'll have to disguise the guys as girls to safely pass through," suggested Kousagi.

"We're bound to be discovered if we don't be extra cautious," warned Parne.

"It's the only choice we have," said Anestus.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," said Rakuah.

"My abilities haven't been fully recharged yet."

A woman from the town approached them. "If you're trying to get to the capital of Traliz safely, I can help you."

"Who are you?" asked Erewan.

"Many of us here are against the council. There are others like us in the towns to the west. It'll be too hard for all of you to pass through unnoticed; disguised or not. You will wait outside in the wilderness while we gather up our allies in each town," explained the woman.

"Won't they be suspicious with all the women being pulled from town?" asked Rie.

"No, they won't. They'll probably think we'll be gathering people for a male hating meeting. That kind of thing happens all the time over there," explained the woman.

"If this is some sort of trick, we'll have your head," threatened Chirimu.

"It isn't. We should leave here by tomorrow morning. I'm sure the wreckage may have caught some unwanted attention. The council will be looking for their four, dead lackeys soon enough," replied the woman.

"What's your name? Where should we meet you, and when?" asked Oona.

"I am Kaylee. Meet here tomorrow an hour after sunrise."

..to be continued..