Written by BHart
December 24, 2008

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The Last Sailor Senshi


They entered the empty throne room of the castle. "What now? Looks like a dead end," said Maybel.

"Isn't this the Shadow Lord's room?" asked Omatase.

"He's already fallen," replied Parne, pulling out a grayish colored sword encrusted with precious stones.

It was the sword Manoqam forged for them. The word "Dethroner" was inscribed on its blade and hilt.

Parne thrust the sword downward into the throne, slicing it in two and crumbling it. There was a hole underneath the throne.

Micki's, Johnny's and James' eyes widened after seeing what the sword had done. They talked amongst each other momentarily. "Do you think that's what we've been looking for?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"Didn't the manifest say it was a blunt weapon?"

"We should at least give it a try."

"Is there something we can help you with?" asked Erewan, interrupting their conversation.

"You know that antique we said we were looking for? We think it may be the sword Parne has," replied Johnny.

"What? This thing?" said Parne.

"I know this is a strange thing to ask, but could we see that sword of yours for a minute?" asked Micki.

"Um, sure." Parne handed them the dethroner.

Johnny brandished the dethroner around the room, striking the walls and other objects.

"Uh, what are you doing?" asked Omatase.

"I don't think this is what we're looking for; but can we hold on to it just in case?" asked Johnny.

"I don't care, it's already served its purpose," replied Parne.

The hole underneath the throne was 7 feet deep. James was a little scared of going down. "It's so dark. I can't see anything down there."

"It's okay honey. I'll go down with you," consoled Micki.

It was dark and cold. There was little air.

"Stand around me, everyone. We'll need this before we proceed," instructed Erewan.

He pulled out the orb. "This will allow us to survive the harsh conditions down here," said Erewan. The orb filled up with the elements of life, generated a protective field around them.

Sailor Tethys' legs turned into a giant mermaid fin, flapping around and smacking the ice block across the room that was pinning her up against the wall. She used her Pisces School attack, burying Sailor Marina in a large pile of fish.

Sailor Marina cut through the pile of fish with her sword.

Sailor Tethys summoned a tidal wave, washing the fish away, slamming Sailor Marina against the wall. Sailor Tethys stood above her, choking her with some algae rope wound tightly around her neck. Sailor Tethys smacked her around with her giant mermaid fin. Blood flew across the room.

A sharp piece of coral formed in Sailor Marina's hand. The rope around her got tighter and tighter. Sailor Marina fatally stabbed Sailor Tethys in the left side of her chest with her last breath.

"Did you feel that?" asked Kousagi.

"Yeah; what was that?" replied Tokamo. They could sense the death of their fellow sailor senshi.

They traveled deeper underground, reaching a pitch black area. Oona used the holy leaf to light the way and protect them from the dark creatures in the shadows.

After the smoke from the explosion cleared, there was a giant sea shell where Sailor Helene was. Sailor Magellan threw more ovary bombs at the shell, only managing to crack it a little.

Sailor Helene emerged out of the shell, completely nude. "Mine and your powers are at their strongest when we're in our birthday suits. Judging by the look on your face, that seems new to you."

Sailor Magellan was kicked around the room, not being strong or fast enough to fight back. She decided to get in her b-day suit, too. She removed her clothes, being empowered.

Sailor Helene shattered some windows in the room.

Sailor Magellan avoided most of the glass shard pieces flying across the room, only receiving small wounds.

Sailor Helene used her Vanity's Image ability, creating a duplicate of herself. Sailor Helene's duplicate pinned her down, while the original Sailor Helene fondled Sailor Magellan's breasts and fingered her pussy.

Sailor Magellan got weak and faint from being pleasured.

Sailor Helene rubbed Sailor Magellan's clitoris.

The source of Sailor Helene's and Sailor Magellan's power was from their sexuality.

Sailor Helene was extracting power from Sailor Magellan through her pussy and tits.

Pussy juice and milk were being extracted from Sailor Magellan. She grew weaker. Managing to summon some strength, she struck Sailor Helene's image with a fallopian tube that wrapped itself around her, squeezing her tightly. The tube squeezed harder until Sailor Helene's glass image shattered.

The glass shards struck Sailor Magellan and Sailor Helene, wounding them deeply.

Sailor Magellan used her love compass ability. A sharp compass arrow went right up Sailor Helene's pussy. The arrow traveled up through Sailor Helene's vagina, ripping its way through to her heart. There was a bloody, dead mess on the floor. Sailor Magellan died shortly after from blood loss.

"There's that feeling again. It feels empty," explained Kousagi.

"Yes, a little painful," added Tokamo.

There was a large chasm separating them from their destination. Suhya pulled out the rune of sealing. It caused a bridge made up of energy, to form across the chasm. "We're almost there," informed Suhya.

Sailor Thebe's fist turned into a giant brick. She struck Sailor Titan with it, knocking her around.

Sailor Titan summoned some boulders to fall upon Sailor Thebe, burying her underneath them.

Sailor Thebe emerged, running over to Sailor Titan, touching her with a petrifying attack.

Sailor Titan gradually turned into stone from the feet. She broke out of the petrifying stone covering her body, charging towards Sailor Thebe. Metallic ram horns grew off her shoulders. She rammed Sailor Thebe into the wall, making a hole in it.

Through the hole was another room, with unconscious sailor senshi inside pod shaped machines. "What is this place?"

Sailor Thebe pushed Sailor Titan away. Her hand turned into a large, metallic fist. She punched Sailor Titan.

There were tubes running across the floor, connecting to the pods. "Who are these people?" Sailor Titan pulled on one of the tubes, yanking on it hard. The tubes were all connected, and were torn from the pod capsules.

Sailor Titan was getting weaker while Sailor Thebe continued punching her. "Die!" Sailor Thebe wouldn't stop.

Sailor Titan's bones were beginning to fracture. She was losing much blood.

Sailor Titan used her physical deflection ability, creating a protective shield around herself with the last of her strength.

"Skull Crusher." Sailor Thebe's punch was deflected back at her, crushing her own skull in.

Sailor Titan stumbled to the ground and died.

Many of the sailor senshi in the capsules were already dead. There were two sailor senshi that had the Promathian chains ripped off their capsules through Sailor Titan and Sailor Thebe's fighting. They were slowly regaining consciousness.

Kousagi and the other sailor senshi felt a sharper pain run through their bodies. They fell to their knees, stopping for a moment.

"Is everything okay?" asked Rykel.

"They're dead," realized Kousagi.

"Who? What are you talking about?" asked Mittens.

"You don't mean.."

"Yes, the senshi that were abducted," interrupted Kousagi.

After having a few moments to grieve, they continued onward.

They were at a dead end. "Do we break through these walls or something?" asked Johnny.

"Not exactly; there's only one thing that can break through these walls," replied Vlaad. He held the Honon stone in his hands.

A whisper from the stone was heard saying, "It is said, a Shaolin priest can walk through walls. Looked for, cannot be seen. Listened for, cannot be heard. Touched, cannot be felt."

Vlaad walked through the wall in front of them.

Mittens warned everyone to stand back a few feet from the wall.

Behind the wall was a room with a giant sledge hammer leaning up against the wall. It had dried blood stains all over it. Vlaad picked it up, smashing the wall in front of him, leading him to the others. He also smashed another wall to the left of him, where their next destination was. The sledge hammer was the only thing that could break through the walls.

"I think that's what we're looking for," whispered Johnny.

"I think you're right," whispered Micki.

They returned the dethroner to Parne. "This isn't what we needed," said Micki.

The antique dealers approached Vlaad. "Excuse me, but may we have that giant sledge hammer you're holding? We believe it's the antique we've been looking for," asked Micki.

"I don't think you want this thing. It's dangerous," replied Vlaad.

"We know. It's cursed. It only works when someone dies. Isn't that why there's dried blood all over it?" asked Johnny.

"Yes, you're right. It's got blood from demons we've killed all over it. We have to keep on smearing the blood of dead creatures on it to keep it working. How did you know about that? You're not average antique dealers, are you?" asked Suhya.

"Come clean," said Erewan.

"We are antique collectors, but of cursed objects. We have a manifest which helps us locate these cursed objects and put them in a safe place where they'll never hurt anyone again," explained Johnny.

"A safe place?" asked Oona.

"Yes. We have a vault where we store these cursed objects. This vault can nullify the powers of the cursed objects. We've found that after 20 years of being in the vault, the cursed objects lose their power completely. Please let us take this last cursed object with us," pleaded Micki.

"Take it and get rid of this damned thing for good." Vlaad handed them the sledge hammer.

"It's heavy." Johnny dragged it along the ground.

They came upon a girl lying on a stone tablet, protected by some sort of barrier. "Who is that?" asked James.

"The final sailor senshi; Sailor Charon," answered Parne.

"Anestus." Kousagi whispered her name.

"Wait a minute, isn't she dead? How can she survive down here? I mean, we need all these items just to survive down here," asked James.

"Well, you see, she's not technically alive. She doesn't need to breathe or eat food or drink like we do. She doesn't have a heart beat or have any blood," answered Chirimu.

"So, she's undead?" asked Johnny.

"Something like that," answered Oona.

Vlaad was inputting secret combinations into a device in a wall to deactivate the barrier around her. He only had a part of the combination, however.

Oona, Suhya, Parne and Erewan were inputting their part of the secret combination too.

"This will only take a couple of minutes," informed Erewan.

..to be continued..