Written By BHart
June 14, 2005

Act IX
The Haunted House Grudge

Sailor Sun was looking at the list on her cell phone of locations where Pendrell had sent the creatures. “Good work Pendrell. I will rendezvous
with them shortly.” “Thank you ma’am,” said Pendrell as Sailor Sun hung
up her cell phone.

Kousagi, Chibiusa, Kiusako and Anna were at Usagi’s house. They were invited over to dinner so that they could get to know some of the earlier generation sailor senshi. They were getting to know each other a bit when Mamoru walked in the room. “Dinner is ready guys.” “Okay, thanks
honey,” said Usagi. “That’s really cool that your husband cooks,” said
Anna. “Well, we can’t stand our mom’s cooking so our dad usually cooks,” said Chibiusa. “Hey, I’m not always that bad,” said Usagi. They all went
into the dining room to eat. They had many good things to eat and the special was mochi. “We really love our mochi don’t we?” said Mamoru.
Usagi, Chibiusa, and Kousagi were pigging out and their mouths were full
of food and they couldn’t respond. Mamoru was slightly embarrassed at
his family’s eating habits. The phone rang and Usagi got out of her chair
to answer it. She tripped over the leg of the chair that Chibiusa was
sitting in. She was embarrassed and started blaming Chibiusa that she tripped. Mamoru sighed and got up and answered the phone himself.
“Usagi, it’s for you,” said Mamoru handing her the phone.

Usagi answered the phone. “Oh, hi Berthier. I haven’t heard from you in a while. How have you been?” asked Usagi. “We have been doing well. Your mother gave us your phone number. There is something that we need
your help with. Can we talk with you tomorrow?” asked Berthier. “Sure, tomorrow would be fine,” said Usagi. They talked for a little bit longer
and then hung up the phone. “What was that about?” asked Mamoru. “Oh,
it was Berthier. She and her sisters want to meet with me and the other senshi tomorrow. She said they need our help with something,” said
Usagi. “You guys will like them. They are good friends of ours,” said Chibiusa.

The next day, Usagi and the other sailor senshi were at the apartment of
the Ayakashi sisters. They met sailor earth and sailor star and reminisced
a bit with the other sailor senshi. “So what was it that you guys needed
help with?” asked Rei. “Well, since our cosmetics business is expanding,
we decided we wanted to move into a bigger house together. We did find
a house we really like, but it’s haunted,” said Koan. “Haunted?” asked Minako. “Yes. We didn’t believe it either, but we saw it the other day,”
said Koan. “From what we’ve heard, the original owners of the house were murdered by the father. The father then killed himself. A few months later, the house went up for sale. The house was then purchased by some North Americans. They lived there for a few weeks but the ghost of the dead mother, child and cat haunted the house and killed the new family.
Anyone who has tried to live in it since has been murdered by the ghost
of the original owners,” said Petz. “Hmm, that is a very interesting story.
I would like to go to the house and see if I get any readings,” said Rei. “Okay, we can take you there,” said Berthier. After traveling a little while
in the Ayakashi sisters’ car, they arrived at the house. It was a two story house with an attic. It was surrounded by a stone fence and a gate. There were beautiful plants outside in the small yard.

They entered the house. “I do feel some negative vibes in here. I feel
pain and vengeance,” said Rei. They took off their shoes and began
looking around the house. “It looks like a normal house. It just feels very evil though,” said Rei. “I want to come back here tomorrow after I have
done some fire readings at the shrine,” continued Rei. They all left the house. The next day, Rei was at her shrine and chanting in front of the sacred flames. She could barely see an image of what the creature looked like. The image soon disappeared and we don’t see what Rei saw. Rei
was a bit scared and decided to contact the other senshi.

The Ayakashi sisters were at Usagi’s house. Petz started reading some
sailor moon manga that was in Kousagi’s room. They were trying to figure out what this creature was that was haunting and killing people. They
were there for a little while. Petz read through the first four volumes of
the sailor moon R manga. She was disturbed at what she read and put
the books away. “I was never much into manga anyway,” said Petz
putting away the last manga book she read. Rei was on the phone with Usagi. After they were done talking, Usagi told them that Rei wanted to meet with them.

They met with Rei at the Hikawa shrine. “I can’t get an accurate reading
or image of the creature responsible for killing all of those people. We
need to have a way of tracking down where it is. It keeps on moving and
is hard to track,” said Rei. “I may be able to help with that,” said Berthier. “What do you mean?” asked Rei. “Well, I can dowse things with a
pendulum. If I concentrate hard enough, I may be able to tell where it is,” said Berthier. “Well, we can certainly give it a try,” said Makoto. They
went to the Ayakashi sister’s apartment where Berthier got her pendulum and started concentrating. The other three Ayakashi sisters changed into
nun outfits. “We’ll be back later. We will be praying for you,” said Koan. “I didn’t know you guys were nuns,” said Usagi surprised. “Well, we have
given up on relationships. We have devoted ourselves to the Lord,” said Petz. “Really? Don’t you ever want to..” “We have other ways of satisfying ourselves,” said Koan interrupting Makoto. “You mean this?” said Minako holding a vibrator. The Ayakashi sisters were very embarrassed and
quickly left. “Um, what is that and how did it get here?” said Berthier nervously. Berthier stepped out to the balcony and the pendulum was pointing towards the direction of a local park. “How accurate is that
thing?” asked Ami. “I am an expert dowser, if we go to where it is
pointing to, we will find the creature responsible for all of those deaths,” said Berthier. They left the apartment complex and headed towards the

They arrived at the park and saw a strange creature killing a couple there. The creature was eight feet tall and was covered in long black hair which went from head to toe on the creature. “There it is,” said Kiusako pointing
at it. “Aku, Ryo, Tai, San,” said Rei as she threw a “be gone evil spirit”
post it note at the creature. It landed on the creature and stuck on it. The creature turned around and could barely feel the attack. The creature had
the face of a woman with pale skin and black eyes. She opened up her mouth and started belching. “What the hell is it doing?” said Chibiusa.
The creature then descended into the ground and disappeared. “Damn, we lost it,” said Rei. “There must be an easier way,” said Ami. They stopped
for the day and planned on what to do to get rid of the creature and keep
it in one place. It was the next day and Usagi got a phone call. It was
Koan. “Usagi, we think there might be a way of channeling the creature.
If we can do this, we can get it to appear wherever we are and then get
rid of it.” said Koan. Usagi and the other senshi planned to meet at the house which was haunted. They all arrived at the house and entered the house. Karaberas sat down in a chair and began using her powers as a medium. She concentrated and tried to channel the strange creature
which was haunting the house.

After a little while of trying to channel the creature, she got in contact
with it. An image of the creature appeared above Karaberas’ head. “Tell
us creature, what is your name and why do you haunt this house and kill people who reside in it?” asked Karaberas. The creature started burping again and started to pronounce some words. “I am known as Grudgu.
Those disrespectful people sullied my house. They sullied it with the bottoms of their filthy shoes,” said the creature. “So that is why you have killed so many people? Because they didn’t take their shoes off before entering your house?” asked Karaberas. “Yes. I only kill those who ruin
the sanctity of my house by not taking off their shoes while they are in
it,” said Grudgu. “What can we do to get you to stop killing people?”
asked Karaberas. “I don’t have time for this. I have other people to kill. Many people come in here every week and walk around my house with
their filthy shoes on!” said Grudgu as it left.

“Damn, I lost contact with it,” said Karaberas. They were trying to think
of a way to get rid of Grudgu. “I have an idea of what we can do to get Grudgu to come to us,” said Kousagi. “What is that?” asked the others.
“We just put our shoes on and walk around the house. It will come after
us and then we can kill it,” said Kousagi. ”Um, are you sure we really
wanna do that?” said Usagi nervously. “Let’s just do it. We can beat this thing,” said Rei. They all put their shoes on and began walking around the house. Soon enough, Grudgu appeared. “Why have you desecrated my
sacred home after knowing that those who do die?” asked Grudgu. “You
can’t go on killing people. You need to find rest and leave this world,”
said Rei. They all transformed.

Grudgu belched really loud and blasted back the sailor senshi. Rei,
Makoto, Ami, and Usagi were incapacitated. Sailor Venus got up. “Rolling Heart Vibration.” A heart spiraling towards Grudgu blasted away some of Grudgu’s long hair. The long hair which was covering up its body was
gone. Underneath the female head on top of the body was a little boy’s
head where the stomach was. Underneath the boy’s head was a cat.
Grudgu had four cat feet and walked around with them. The cat’s head
was dead and was drooped over. The little boy’s head hissed very loud
like a cat. Sailor Venus was blasted back and incapacitated. Grudgu
slowly walked over to Anna and started staring at her. Anna was in a
trance and wasn’t moving out of the way. The woman’s head at top
opened up wide and was going to devour Sailor Star. “Gaia Rache.” Sailor Earth’s attack hit Grudgu from behind. Grudgu fell to the ground and its
cat legs were destroyed. Sailor Star was out of the trance and moved
away from Grudgu. Grudgu got up off of the ground. The little boy
detached himself from the rest of the body. He was a little boy who continually hissed like a cat. He ran towards Chibiusa. “Interstellar Moon Power,” said Chibiusa as a spiral of stars and full moons destroyed the
little boy. Grudgu continued belching and blasted Chibiusa and Kiusako
back to the wall. Grudgu turned to Kousagi and began belching at her. “Mochi rabbit love attack,” said Kousagi as a zig zag of bunny heads and hearts went inside Grudgu’s mouth as it was burping. The attack
destroyed the mouth of Grudgu. Grudgu could no longer use its belching attack. “Twinkling Star Lights,” said Sailor Star. Many small twinkling
stars appeared and began to burn brightly. They burned Grudgu with star light/fire. Grudgu was finally destroyed.

The sailor senshi congratulated Kousagi and the others. “You guys do
pretty well on your own,” said Rei. “Yeah, it looks like you can handle the role of a sailor senshi,” said Makoto. A few days had passed and the
sailor senshi were helping the Ayakashi sisters move in to the house. “Thanks for helping us move in and killing Grudgu. We finally have our
dream house,” said Koan. “Sure, glad to help. I’m glad we got rid of such
an evil thing,” said Usagi. Petz was carrying some stuff in the house and dropped a vibrator on the ground. “My, how did this get in your house?”
said Mina, picking it up. The Ayakashi sisters blushed and the sailor
senshi laughed.
