Written by BHart
July 31, 2008

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Gathering at the Old Zilartian Capital


They entered the Tavnazian Safehold through Lufaise Meadows. Mittens stepped on the dead body of William Bauman, a Traliz soldier.

"What's a Traliz soldier doing here?"

"The council sent soldiers to destroy sanctuaries, because they are likely places to form resistances. Many Traliz soldiers that came with him were either killed or chased off. We weren't going to let anyone take away our safe holds," answered a person seeking refuge.

There were many people there.

"You should get rid of this dead body. It will stink up the place," suggested Mittens.

"We're digging a hole for it as we speak."

They made their way to the Phomiuna Aqueducts.

Mittens got out the blue star-shaped item with a blue orb in the middle. The item reacted with the aqueducts, causing the place to shake a little.

"What's going on?" asked Tokamo.

A massive amount of water gathered in front of them. It flooded the entire aqueducts, gushing forward, ahead of them.

"Come on, we won't have much time," warned Mittens.

"You're quite the quick runner," noticed Kousagi.

"Just like the wind," replied Rakuah.

Mittens grinned. "Just try and keep up with me."

They followed the path the water was going. Even though the water filled the entire aqueducts, the star-shaped object glowed when they were going down the right paths. It guided them to a small area off the normal pathways, to a large hole in the ground where the majority of the water drained.

"Is that where we're going? Down there?" asked Rie, nervously.

"Yes. We're going to swim down to the bottom. We need your help to breathe down there, Rakuah," said Mittens.

"How will I do that?"

"We need your wind based abilities down there. Is there some way you could get air down there that we can breathe?" asked Mittens.

"I could create a field of air around us, allowing us to breathe. But I can't say how long it would last," replied Rakuah.

"That will have to do."

"I'll wait up here for the rest of you," said Rie.

"We're not coming back this way. Everyone needs to come," replied Mittens.

"Don't worry; I'll create a giant air bubble around us. The water won't even touch you."

"I know you hate the water, but we'll help you," offered Kousagi.

"It won't take long. Hold out until then," encouraged Mittens.

Sailor Miranda created a giant air bubble around them. Their combined weight helped them reach the bottom quickly. It got darker and darker the deeper they descended.

"We've reached the bottom. There's a weak spot somewhere around here to break, but it's hard to see down here," informed Mittens.

Kousagi generated some light.

"Oh, there it is." Mittens stomped on a cracked area in the sea floor.

"Be careful, don't pop the bubble," worried Rie.

"It can withstand a little abuse," assured Rakuah.

Mittens made a small hole in the ground. The water pressure made a hole big enough for them to fall through. They fell through the hole, along with the gushing water. They ended up inside an underground cavern.

There was a giant, broken wooden ship floating in a large lake. Mittens was looking for something amongst the wreckage.

"Be careful. That ship doesn't look very steady," warned Rie.

"What a romantic setting. I love dark caves," said Maybel, snuggling up to Rykel.

"What is it you're looking for? We can help," offered Omatase.

"No need for that. I just found it." Mittens retrieved a blue, serpent looking amulet from the debris. She stood near the edge of the water.

"We're not going in the water again, are we?" asked Rie, reluctantly.

"No. This lake is too deep for us to travel. The water pressure alone would kill us." She dropped the amulet into the underground lake, causing it to turn into a large sea serpent. It dived into the lake.

"Where's it going?" asked Kousagi.

"There's a sailor senshi down there."

"How can she survive down there?" asked Tokamo.

"She's built differently than the rest of us."

They heard noises. "Come this way," instructed Mittens.

They went to a small cave opening. It was a small entrance, leaving only a few inches of space between the ceiling and floor.

"There's not enough room to get in there," said Rie.

Mittens lied down on her stomach, squiggling around like a worm. The area was moist with water and mud, allowing her to squeeze right in.

"Is that the only way in? I don't want to get my clothes muddy," said Rakuah.

"You can always wash off later," said Rie.

The noises they heard were coming from ship wights and sahagins. "There's too many of them. We'll wait here until they leave," ordered Mittens.

The sea serpent swam deeper into the ocean without ceasing. When it got deep enough that only darkness could be seen, its skin glowed blue.

"What's this?" asked Tokamo, holding a letter.

Rie provided some light with her fire. The paper was torn in some places and damp, making it hard to read.

"It looks like some kind of drawing," thought Tokamo.

"What's it say on the bottom? Disso..Dissonance?" said Kousagi.

"Dissonance? Let me see that," said Mittens.

"This is a layout of this area. Back when we were hiding sailor senshi from the council of princesses, we scouted out different areas to determine the best hiding places. Dissonance was an excellent elvan warrior and ranger. He helped find many useful hiding spots. Unfortunately, he died by the hands of the council a while back. May the gods rest his soul in peace," said Mittens.

The serpent traveled near the entrance of the abyss. It found a nude girl lying in a giant clam. She was asleep and covered by seaweed. She had aquamarine hair. The serpent nudged her with its nose a few times, in an attempt to awaken her.

"What the hell? Leave me alone," yelled the girl, waking up.

The serpent kept on prodding her.

"Okay already! I'm up, damn it!" She put on a blouse and skirt, covering up her sea green pubic hairs. "I wonder how long I've been asleep?" She got on the serpent, heading upwards.

"I think they're gone." They exited the cave once the coast was clear.

Rakuah washed off the mud from her clothes.

A wave of water splashed up from the lake, soaking everyone. The sea serpent had risen to the surface with the girl riding on top of it.

"Long time, no see Chirimu," greeted Mittens.

"Damn! It's been a while."

In the midst of catching up with everyone, she stuck her hands down her skirt, scratching herself. "Sorry, my crotch itches. Must be the salt water. It used to give me yeast infections until I got used to it," informed Chirimu.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds until it was broken by Kousagi laughing.

"What's so funny?" asked Chirimu.

"That's the same old Chirimu I remember; a little rough around the edges and very crass."

"I just tell it how it is. No sugar coating anything. Let's get out of this place. I'm tired of it." Chirimu led them to an old, dry water tunnel leading upwards.

They ended up in the shallow parts of the lake in the Sea Lion's Den. "Lay low, there are too many dangerous things lurking about," warned Chirimu.

They barely kept their heads above water, following Chirimu to an underwater tunnel. "It's not a very long tunnel, so you won't have to hold your breath for long," instructed Chirimu.

They entered Al'Taieu through the Sea Lion's Den. The tunnel led them to a hole in the ground, in the center of the Celestial Capital.

"I forgot the council reinforced the barriers surrounding this place. Any ideas on how to get out?" asked Chirimu.

"I'm thinking," replied Mittens.

"Only one sailor senshi left. We're almost there," said Kousagi.

"No one knows where she is or whom to go to in order to find her. We'll have to go to Rainbow Rose and see if she knows anything," suggested Omatase.

"Good idea, we'll go see her as soon as we figure a way out," agreed Mittens.

"That won't be necessary."

"Who said that?" asked Rykel.

"That voice sounds familiar," remembered Mittens.

A hume male approached them from the southwest. "Parne? What brings you here?" asked Mittens.

"We've come to help you," said another voice.

Someone approached them from the northwest. It was a female elf. "Oona? It's so good to see you again. You've come to help us? Don't tell me the others are coming, too?" asked Mittens.

A taru taru approached them from the northeast, named Erewan.

A mithra approached them from the south east, named Suhya.

A galka paladin named Vlaad, approached them from the south.

"So the Alexandrian Secret Force is here at long last. What brings you all together?" asked Omatase.

"We're here to help you find the last sailor senshi. It is only us who know how to find her," replied Oona.

"Great! Then let's get going," said Chirimu.

"We'll need to split up into different groups. It'll be faster that way," said Vlaad.

"Each one of us knows a specific piece of the puzzle in finding the final sailor senshi. Where are Mia, Nami and Utaroh?" asked Erewan.

Kousagi explained to them what had happened.

"I see. I'm sorry to hear that. We'll have to make do with our numbers as is. We'll rescue them as soon as we're finished with this," explained Erewan.

They split up into 5 different groups.

The groups were: Group1: Oona, Omatase and Kousagi, Group 2: Vladd and Mittens, Group 3: Parne, Tokamo and Rykel, Group 4: Erewan, Rakuah and Chirimu, and finally, Group 5: Suhya, Rie and Maybel.

"We will only be apart for a little while, my love," said Rykel.

"I can't wait for our reunion," replied Maybel.

"Oh brother, let's get going," said Suhya, rolling her eyes.

..to be continued..