Written by BHart
March 4, 2008

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Giants among Sailor Senshi


The foot prints led them further north-west of the oasis, where they abruptly ended. "This doesn't make any sense, the foot prints end in the middle of nowhere," noticed Mia.

"Maybe the wind blew them away," thought Rie.

"But the foot prints behind us are still there," stated Feral Heart.

"Then they must've covered their tracks somehow," thought Vasteel, searching the area. She disappeared while searching.

"Vasteel? Where did you go?" asked Kousagi.

Vasteel reappeared before them again. "I found a giant, hidden sand castle. It's concealed by some sort of invisibility spell."

They followed her. The footprints continued onward, inside the castle.

"Stay together and keep quiet," cautioned Vasteel.

There was a large, open room with a ceiling fifteen feet from the sand floor. There were two doorways and two winding staircases leading upward.

They could hear some voices from above. Vasteel peeked through the doorways, making sure it was clear. The furniture was a larger than normal, as was everything else in the house. After going upstairs, there were two long hallways, leading in opposite directions. They heard someone in the east wing. "I hear four different voices; one of them is Omatase's," said Feral Heart.

Omatase was tied up, hanging from the ceiling. There was a large pot of boiling water in the room, with three tall people, nearly eight feet tall. "Let our friend go now and we'll leave peacefully," promised Sailor Parallel Moon.

The three men turned around, being surprised. "It's been so long since we've seen other sailor senshi out here," commented one of the men.

They transformed into sailor senshi. They were Sailor Mimas, Enceladus and Iapetus. The three of them were wearing kilts and a sash across their chests.

"Male sailor senshi? Isn't that impossible?" said Sailor Io, confusedly.

"It's a rare occurrence, but it does happen. I've seen it once before," answered Sailor Parallel Moon.

"Anyone from the council of princesses is our enemy, so prepare to fight," warned Sailor Ares.

"What did you say? The council? We're not a part of them," said Sailor Mimas, in disgust.

"We hate the council," added Sailor Iapetus.

"Really? Then why did you kidnap our friend?" asked Sailor Marina.

"You mean this little taru taru? We thought he looked tasty and decided to eat him," explained Sailor Enceladus.

"Why aren't you guys with the council? Every other sailor senshi seems to be," asked Sailor Magellan.

"We were never a part of the council. They hate men. As soon as they knew of our existence, they tried to kill us. They chased us out of our homes, calling us abominations. They can't stand the fact that any male would have the power of a sailor senshi. We've been in hiding ever since. We use the power of mirages to conceal ourselves in this desert," explained Sailor Enceladus.

"You should join us. We are against them, too," suggested Sailor Parallel Moon.

"It's too risky. We stand out like a sore thumb, we'd get you caught. Besides, we owe allegiance to no one but ourselves," replied Sailor Iapetus.

"How disappointing," said Sailor Parallel Moon.

"We'll be on our way. But we do need our taru taru friend back before we go," said Vasteel.

"I'm afraid we can't do that. Food is scarce out here and taru tarus are quite tasty," replied Sailor Mimas.

"Is that so? Then I guess we'll have to take our friend back by force," threatened Sailor Parallel Moon.

"If I could get free, I'd cast high level spells on you," threatened Omatase.

"It will be a shame to kill you before seeing if you can destroy the council," said Sailor Iapetus.

Vasteel threw poison tipped daggers at the them. A small shield covering their arms deflected the daggers.

Feral Heart cast Phalanx II on everyone, granting them some protection.

Sailor Magellan attacked them with solar heart beams, but Sailor Enceladus countered with his fiery Etna breath.

Sailor Marina's icy water streams slowed them down with coldness, and Sailor Io's dancing electric current stunned them. "These guys won't go down," said Sailor Marina.

Crater rocks were flying out of a giant hole in Sailor Mimas' hands. The rocks were too dense and solid to break. The rocks nicked some of them, flying into the walls and breaking things.

Sailor Iapetus summoned a sand storm, blinding them.

Sailor Enceladus used his strike of Enceladus attack, causing the floor beneath everyone to crumble. Everyone fell down to the main level of the house.

Sailor Enceladus fell on his side on a sharp stone. He was groaning in pain. While he was tending to his bleeding wound, the other two ran towards them from the other side of the room.

Sailor Ares covered the sandy floor with hot flames. The heat caused the sand to become glass. Sailor Iapetus and Mimas shattered the glass floor with the stomping of their large feet.

The sailor senshi and Feral Heart combined their attacks, being enough power to knock the giants over.

Omatase joined them after being released.

The three male sailor senshi were lying on the ground. "Are they dead?" asked Sailor Magellan.

Sailor Io walked over to them, examining them. "One of them has already bled to death, and the other two are unconscious."

"Should we kill the last two?" asked Vasteel.

"No. They've already been through enough, thanks to the council," answered Sailor Parallel Moon.

"Wow, look at the size of these things," said Sailor Magellan. She looked up their skirts and pulled down their jock straps.

"Wow, you don't see them that big very often. I'll be right back," said Sailor Ares, walking away with her dildo.

"You guys are so perverted. Let's get out of here," ordered Omatase.

"Not yet!" said Sailor Ares.

"Save up your sexual energy for later," said Sailor Io.

They left the castle, heading northwest. They were in the western Altepa desert.

They were traveling north to Rabao. There were Traliz warriors heading their direction. "Crap! Change of plans. Let's go hide over there," said Omatase, pointing to some sand dunes.

The warriors went to the eastern Altepa desert. "That was a close one," said Tokamo.

Something bumped up against Feral Heart. There was a cactuar behind her. "Ouch! Watch where you're going; those cactus thorns are prickly."

The cactuar tugged on her bag of junk. "Stop it. This is mine."

The cactuar pointed at the bag, jumping up and down as if it were upset. "You better give it what it wants, or end up getting 1,000 needles in your ass," warned Vasteel.

"We can kill this," said Feral Heart.

"We can't risk bringing any attention to ourselves. There are Traliz warriors close by," reasoned Omatase.

"Go ahead, take it you little runt, it's almost empty anyway." Feral Heart gave it the bag. The cactuar was pleased, running off with the bag.

"Stay here. We can't risk any of you being seen. I have to get something from Rabao," ordered Omatase.

He walked over to the Rabao spring, in the middle of the desert town, getting out a large vase with eyes painted all over it. He took off the lid and drew some spring water into it.

"That was fast," said Nami, upon Omatase's return.

They went westward.

As they approached the Altepa gate, they saw an army of Antica type creatures arrayed in many small units. They were wearing Traliz uniforms. "We need a way around all of those council flunkeys," said Omatase.

"Sneak by them somehow?" suggested Tokamo.

"There are far too many of them. If we get caught, we're dead," answered Omatase.

"I guess we'll have to wait it out," reasoned Vasteel.

"I'm afraid so. I'll have to return to Rabao and get some more spring water if we wait here for too long."

"What seems to be the trouble?" Sailor Iapetus and Mimas were standing behind them.

"Have you come back to eat me? You guys are burnt toast if you try that again."

"They've probably come to avenge their friend," worried Vasteel.

"Relax, that's not why we're here," replied Sailor Iapetus.

"Then why exactly are you here?" asked Sailor Parallel Moon.

"We realized that you could've finished us off, but didn't. We're tired of being in hiding and wanted to put a stop to the council of princess' madness. We want to help. What can we do?" asked Sailor Mimas.

"If there is anything we can do to help in your conquering of the council, let us know. We owe them," said Sailor Iapetus.

Omatase explained to them the current situation.

"We will distract them, allowing you to run by them," said Sailor Mimas.

"But there are so many of them. You'll lose your lives," warned Sailor Ares.

"If that's the price we have to pay to help bring down the council, then that is what we'll do," responded Sailor Iapetus.

Sailor Iapetus created a sandstorm to blind the Antican army.

Both Sailor Iapetus and Mimas ran towards the army, whose back was facing them. They plowed through the Antican army like trains. They crushed their bones with mighty blows and strikes.

Omatase's group ran by as fast as they could, towards their destination. There were groups of Anticans who chased after Omatase's group, but their efforts failed when giant boulders fell on top of them, thrown by Sailor Iapetus and Mimas.

Omatase's group fought off some of their pursuers while on the run.

A long strip of quicksand formed, separating Omatase's group from any Antican pursuers, courtesy of Sailor Iapetus and Mimas. Many Antican soldiers sank to their deaths while in pursuit.

"Okay, we're here," said Omatase, stopping.

"Are you sure? There's nothing here," said Kousagi, after catching her breath.

They were standing out in the middle of nowhere in the vast desert.

"Watch this," said Omatase. He got out the magical vase filled with the spring water, pouring it onto the ground. The sand cleared away, revealing an underground staircase leading many feet downward.

Omatase looked over, seeing a mob of Antica soldiers swarming around Sailor Iapetus and Mimas. "Thank you for all your help." They headed down the stair case.

..to be continued..