Written By BHart
June 7, 2005

The Appearance of Sailor Star

Inside the Claris 30 spacecraft, Pendrell was in the projector room and looking on different websites and printing pages out from the different websites. Pendrell began laughing maniacally “This overabundance of
fanfics we’ve pilfered off of the net should be enough for Sailor Sun.” Pendrell walked over to the ‘Fanfic Review Research’ room. She opened
the door and saw the people in there asleep. “Damn, they’re sleeping on
the job again,” thought Pendrell to herself, pulling a remote control
device with a button on it out of her pocket. She pressed the button and
all of the fanfic reviewers were zapped. They were all shocked awake.
There was dim lighting in the room, so the people sitting at the table appeared as shadows. There were many papers scattered across the desk. “Oh, Pendrell-sama, stop torturing us. We need our sleep,” said Alice, the leader of the fanfic review team.

“There is no time for that. Sailor Sun needs more creatures to send down.
I have some more fanfics I’ve printed out from the net. I need you to
review these,” said Pendrell, dropping a large stack of papers on the
table. “But we still haven’t finished all of the ones from earlier,” said one
of the other reviewers. “Well, finish them so you can get to these. Sailor
Sun will kick my ass if we don’t send her down more creatures to aid her,” said Pendrell. “Yes Pendrell-sama, we’ll get on it right away, “ said Alice. “Good, I’ll have my assistant Steve get you all some coffee so you can
stay awake and stop sleeping on the job,” said Pendrell. Pendrell pushed
a button on the wall and talked into the intercom. “Steve, are you there?” There was no response. Pendrell waited a little while longer.

“Steve? Are you sleeping? Wake up!” yelled Pendrell. Steve was abruptly woken up and left his office which was near the room with the caged creatures. “Uh, yeah boss?” said Steve still trying to wake up. “Get your
ass over here to the Fanfic Review Room,” said Pendrell. Steve ran over to the reviewing room and was breathing hard and sweating. “Yeah boss?” asked Steve. “I can’t believe you were sleeping too! Your shift isn’t over
yet. You’re just as bad as the fanfic research team,” said Pendrell. Steve just yawned. “Why I ought to hit you over the head with a rubber loom
until you wake up,” said Pendrell. She began beating Steve over the head with a rubber loom. After a few whacks, Steve covered up his head. “Ouch. Stop it. I’m awake already,” said Steve. “Good, now you can get the
Fanfic Review team some coffee. Get yourself some as well,” said

“I’m real busy. Can’t Secil the maid do it?” asked Steve. “Oh yeah, I forgot we just hired her. Okay, she’ll bring you all coffee soon. Now get to
work!” said Pendrell slamming the door to the fanfic review room. Steve entered the fanfic review room and got the stack of fanfics in the ‘out’ basket. The fanfic review team sighed at seeing the new large stack of fanfics in their ‘in’ basket. Steve took the stack of fanfics into his office
and read the notes the fanfic reviewers had written on each story. He
then put the fanfic papers into a machine and turned a few knobs and adjusted many settings on the machine. He flipped a switch and rubbed
his hands together in anticipation of the new creature which would be created. After a few minutes, the smoke cleared from inside the machine. The newly created creature inside was still dormant as he took this opportunity to put it in a cage. There is steam everywhere and the image
of the creature isn’t clear.

Chibiusa was walking home from cram school with Hotaru. They ran into Kousagi on the way home. “Where are you going?” asked Chibiusa. “I’m going to go to Makoto’s shop and buy dinner,” said Kousagi. “What? Mom didn’t make dinner again? Didn’t dad make anything?” asked Chibiusa.
“He got tired of making it for so many weeks in a row, so he sent me out
to buy some dinner,” said Kousagi. Chibiusa sighed “That is so like mom.
I’m really hungry too. I’ll go with you to Makoto’s food shop.” Hotaru departed from them and went home. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” said
Chibiusa waving goodbye to her. “Now let’s go see what good stuff
Makoto has,” said Chibiusa as she and Kousagi headed towards the store.

“Hiya kiddos. Your mom didn’t make any dinner again huh?” asked Makoto
as Chibiusa and Kousagi entered the shop. “Nope, and dad’s tired of
making it all the time. So he sent us here to buy some food,” said
Chibiusa. “That sure sounds like your mom. Anyways, what do you guys want?” asked Makoto. The girls were in the shop for a few minutes and
had chosen what they wanted. “While we’re here, let’s go to Naru &
Umino’s fried shrimp shop,” said Kousagi. “Good idea. They have the best spicy shrimp,” said Chibiusa. Naru and Umino’s shop was close by
Makoto’s shop. They entered the shop and were greeted by Naru. “Hi
guys. How’s your mom doing?” asked Naru. “She’s just her same old self; unreliable as ever,” said Chibiusa. Naru laughed “Don’t be too hard on her. She is Usagi after all.” “We’ll have some of your spicy shrimp,” said
Kousagi. Umino was in the cooking area towards the back of the shop. He was wearing a chef’s hat and an apron. “Umino’s special spicy shrimp
coming right up.” said Umino preparing their meal.

“I noticed a new store on the way over here. What do they sell?” asked Chibiusa. Naru thought for a moment “Oh, there is a new clothing store which opened up a couple of weeks ago. It has been getting a lot of business.” “We’ll have to go see it sometime Kousagi; especially if they have good prices,” said Chibiusa.

On their way home, they saw the Ayakashi sisters walking out of the new clothing shop. They recognized Chibiusa and greeted her. “It’s been a
long time since we’ve seen you. How have things been?” asked Koan. “Mostly just the same old stuff. I’m in 9th grade now,” said Chibiusa.
“Time certainly does go by fast. Who’s the little girl with you?” asked Berthier. “Oh, this is Kousagi. My little sister,” said Chibiusa. The
Ayakashi sisters introduced themselves to her. “Does that new clothing
store have any good stuff?” asked Chibiusa as she saw them exiting the shop earlier. “Yes, they have a lot of good things. But we were just
window shopping,” said Karaberas. “Well, we better get going. We’re
gonna bring dinner home today,” said Chibiusa as they parted ways.

The next day at school, many girls were talking about the new clothes
they bought from the new store. Kousagi had noticed some of the new clothes some of the girls had worn a few weeks ago when it opened. Chibiusa had noticed many people at her school wearing clothes from
there too. After the two had returned home from school, they decided to
go together to the new clothing store. Kiusako and Anna were home and were unpacking a few things as they had not finished unpacking
everything yet. “Can we finish this up later? I want to go and check out a new clothing store in town. Do you want to come with me?” asked Anna.
“No thanks. Whenever my mom and sisters went to go buy clothes, they took hours. It’s really boring,” said Kiusako. “Okay, then I’ll be back in a little while then,” said Anna. Many young people and adults had
purchased clothes from the shop. There were micro fiber chips in the
clothing which were emitting brainwashing signals to the people who were wearing them.

Chibiusa and Kousagi were at the store in the dressing rooms trying on different clothes. Some other customers had purchased some clothes and were leaving the store. As they were leaving the store, they walked past
the security machine which sounded an alarm if the ink tags were still on
the merchandise. The security machine short circuited and zapped the two people as they walked through it. They were killed and died instantly. “Damn! I forgot to take off those stupid ink tags,” said the cashier. The
ink tags setting off the alarm caused the machines to short circuit the
micro fiber chips in the clothes, causing an electrical discharge all
throughout the clothing.

Chibiusa and Kousagi had walked out of the changing rooms and were looking at each others clothes. The cashier didn’t see anyone so she
dragged the bodies and began to hide them. Kousagi was just a short kid and saw beneath the clothing racks and saw the cashier dragging two
dead bodies. “Um, Chibiusa, come here. There’s something you’ve gotta see,” said Kousagi. Chibiusa ducked down and saw the cashier dragging
two bodies. The cashier glanced over at them. “Oh crap, she saw us,” said Kousagi. “Let’s transform then,” said Chibiusa. Before they could
transform, the clothes that they were wearing started shrinking and
getting tighter. “These clothes are hurting me,” said Kousagi. The cashier walked over and revealed her true self. She was a naked woman who was wearing golden necklaces which covered up her breasts, wearing a golden belt which covered up her vagina, and wearing golden high heels. “Who
the hell are you? And why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” asked
Chibiusa. “I am Gabbi. I’m not wearing any clothes because I don’t want
to end up like you two.” Their clothes were getting tighter and starting to cut off blood circulation. “It looks like you two will never be able to tell anyone about the little mishap here,” said Gabbi laughing.

The two were beginning to pass out. “Star light brilliance,” said a voice.
The starlight burned through their clothing, but didn’t harm them any. Chibiusa and Kousagi were naked and blushed. They quickly covered themselves and ran into the dressing rooms. “Who else is here?” said
Gabbi looking around. A new sailor senshi appeared in front of Gabbi. She was wearing a yellow and white fuku. “I am Sailor Star. I won’t let you continue your evil schemes.” Chibiusa and Kousagi transformed while in
the dressing rooms. “I’ll just kill you with my fashion bling,” said Gabbi.
She threw many golden money clips at Sailor Star. Sailor Star jumped out
of the way as the money clips hit the ground and exploded. Gabbi took off her necklaces and threw them at Sailor Star. The necklaces wrapped
around Sailor Star’s hands and feet. Gabbi pulled Sailor Star towards her. Sailor Star was confined.

“On behalf of the moon, we will punish you,” said Sailor Chibimoon and Sailor Parallel moon, stepping out of the dressing rooms. Gabbi took off
her belt and threw it at the two sailor senshi. The golden belt wrapped around them as Gabbi pulled them towards her as well. Gabbi was
laughing at how easy it was to beat the sailor senshi. “Now I will quickly
kill you one at a time,” said Gabbi raising her foot. She raised her foot,
and was about to stomp on Sailor Star’s head with her golden high heels. “Jupiter Oak Evolution,” said Sailor Jupiter. The attack shocked Gabbi as
she was temporarily paralyzed. The belt and necklaces weakened and the Sailor Senshi were able to free themselves of them.

“Thanks Sailor Jupiter,” said Chibimoon. “No problem. I decided I’d take a break and check out the clothes here, but it seems you two were in
trouble,” said Sailor Jupiter. “Who are you?” asked Sailor Parallel Moon. “I am Sailor Star.” “I’ve never heard of you before,” said Sailor Jupiter. “Well,
I was reawakened as Sailor Star just recently.” Gabbi was starting to
move and regain consciousness. The sailor senshi took off her golden high heels and hit them against Gabbi’s head. The golden high heels stuck in
her head and she was in much pain. She staggered and finally got herself
to stand up. She took the high heels out of her head and threw them at Sailor Chibimoon and Sailor Parallel Moon. They were hit and fell down to
the ground. “I’ll handle this,” said Sailor Star. “Penta Star Ray,” said
Sailor Star. A large yellow star appeared and shot out a star ray from each
of its five points. Sailor Sun appeared to see how things were going.
Gabbi tried dodging the attack but wasn’t quick enough. Her body was
shot through by the rays and she was destroyed. “Damn it. You sailor
senshi are getting on my nerves,” said Sailor Sun. “Who are you?” asked
the sailor senshi.

“I’m Sailor Sun. I will kill you now, and then attend to more important matters.” “Checking up on more of your brainwashing plans?” asked Sailor Star. “More than just that; but you Sailor Senshi will just have to wait and see,” said Sailor Sun. “Why are you brainwashing people anyways?” asked Sailor Jupiter. “You won’t live long enough to find out,” said Sailor Sun. Burning flames shot out of Sailor Sun’s hands and she caught the store on fire. There were flames blocking the exit of the store. “I won’t have to
worry about your interference again,” said Sailor Sun as she disappeared.

“We have to get out of here. We’ll be burned to death,” said Kousagi.
“Let’s go up to the second floor and see if there’s a way to get out,” said Sailor Jupiter pointing to the stairs. They climbed the stairs to the second floor. “Looks like the only way out is through the windows. It’s only the second floor, so we should be okay if we jump out,” said Sailor Jupiter.
Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Star jumped out of the second floor and landed
on the ground outside. Chibiusa and Kousagi were reluctant to jump, but mustered up the courage and jumped out the windows. Sailor Jupiter ran over to see if Sailor Chibimoon and Sailor Parallel Moon were okay. They looked around to thank Sailor Star for her help but she was already gone.
“I wonder who she is?” asked Kousagi. “I don’t know, but we’ll probably
see her again,” said Chibiusa. The firemen soon came and put out the
fire. Some people were saved and some people died.

Later that night, Kiusako was finishing the last of the unpacking that they had to do. He picked up a box and carried it over to his bed. An object fell out of the box and onto the floor. He walked over and bent down to pick
up the object. Anna was with him and was organizing things in the room. She found a long black pen with the symbol of earth on a desk. Kiusako
held up a yellow pen with a star symbol inside a sphere. They both turned around and said “What is this?” They realized that they were holding each other’s transformation pens. “You are a sailor senshi?” said Anna shocked. “Are you a sailor senshi? Were you that sailor senshi who helped me out earlier?” asked Kiusako. “I meant to tell you sooner. I was just thinking
of the best way to do it,” said Anna. “I understand. I wanted to tell you
my identity as well,” said Kiusako. “That’s fine. I’m very surprised you’re a sailor senshi. But I’m glad,” said Anna. “Let’s not keep any more secrets from each other okay?” said Kiusako. “Agreed; I need to take a shower
and you’re going to join me,” said Anna grabbing Kiusako by the arm as
they entered the bathroom.
