Written by BHart
November 21, 2007

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Corpulent Sailor Senshi Battle


"We'll take care of the yagudo, you senshi take care of the fast asses," said Ashlynn.

"We're big and beautiful," said Sailor Bianca.

"Well, you're half right," said Sailor Magellan.

Sailor Belinda's neck stretched out a couple of feet, with her cobra-like head hovering above her shoulders.

"I'll take care of the cold blooded reptile," said Sailor Marina, holding her swordfish sword.

Sailor Magellan and Parallel Moon went after Sailor Bianca.

Sailor Marina's icy sword strikes broke off Sailor Belinda's reptilian scales.

Sailor Belinda's head lunged forward with her mouth wide open, attempting to bite Sailor Marina. Sailor Marina blocked the oncoming bite attacks with her sword.

Sailor Belinda used her Sahara Breath attack. Hot, dry sand got in Marina's eyes, temporarily blinding her. She blindly brandished her sword in any direction she could to fend off Sailor Belinda while she tried clearing her vision.

Sailor Belinda bit Sailor Marina on the shoulder.

Sailor Bianca had a cloak draped around her which blocked the senshi's attacks. The cloak was a giant handkerchief which could absorb magic based attacks. "Do you like my Cassio Cape?" asked Sailor Bianca. Her body inflated until it reached three times its normal size.

"What are you, a dough girl?" asked Sailor Magellan.

Her blubber body cushioned physical attacks. She rolled her body down a hill at them. "Run for your life!" warned Sailor Parallel Moon.

"The poison won't take long to kill you," said Sailor Belinda.

"We'll make sure that doesn't happen," said Sailor Parallel Moon, using her Lavender Cottontail Fantasy attack. Sailor Belinda was only pushed back a little. "This is the strength of the famous Sailor Parallel Moon? I expected more."

Kousagi was distraught.

"I'll take care of her," offered Sailor Magellan.

Sailor Bianca rolled in front of Sailor Belinda, protecting her with her cape.

"You move around quickly for a blob," noticed Sailor Parallel Moon.

Ashlynn and the others killed the yagudo and started attacking the corpulent sailor senshi. The cassio cape blocked their attacks.

"Looks like we win," boasted Sailor Belinda. She blew fire out of her mouth.

A whip wrapped around Sailor Belinda's neck from behind, choking her. The fire built up inside her throat, burning her from within, with her neck constricted.

Sailor Marina cut off her head with the swordfish sword. Her snake head squirmed about, wriggling on the ground. Her body was frozen in ice by the sword. Her frozen body fell, shattering to pieces.

"Dorothy?" Everyone was surprised to see her.

"I take my dhalmels to graze here a lot. Good thing I found you in time." Dorothy retrieved her whip.

"I guess I'll have to kill you myself," said Sailor Bianca.

She felt something tugging at her overgrown handkerchief. A bitoso was eating a hole in her cape. "You damn little bug!"

She bounced on top of the bug with her excessive weight, squishing it. "You controlled it, didn't you?" asked Sailor Bianca.

"I tame all sorts of creatures. I'm a beast master," replied Dorothy. She ran over to Sailor Bianca, stabbing her in the gut with her special Tarenta sword. It tore a giant hole in the cape.

The sword was stuck in her gut. Dorothy couldn't pull it out.

Sailor Parallel Moon used her Lavender Cottontail Fantasy attack. Sailor Bianca's large body absorbed the attack. "Even with my cassio cape ruined, your powers are still too weak."

"Dammit!" said Sailor Parallel Moon, frustrated.

"We'll take you down," threatened Ashlynn.

"Please go help Sailor Marina. She's poisoned," said Sailor Magellan.

Potter and Feral Heart helped get Dorothy's sword out of Sailor Bianca's blob body.

"I'll absorb you into my body," said Sailor Bianca.

Sailor Magellan used her Spiraling Tunnel Laser attack. An arrow spiraling down a light beam, struck Sailor Bianca in the chest, burrowing its way through her blubber. It drilled its way through her heart and exited her back. Her body slumped over, bursting open. Her blubber splattered on everyone.

"Oh God, this is so disgusting," said Feral Heart.

"How's Sailor Marina?" asked Potter.

"I cured her of the poison. She'll be fine," answered Ashlynn.

"Let's clean this gunk off in one of the streams here," suggested Potter.

The dhalmels were drinking from the same stream where everyone washed off the guts. "Ew, how gross," said Sailor Magellan.

"It doesn't bother them. They're wild beasts, so it's all the same to them," explained Dorothy.

"Where are you off to now?" asked Ashlynn.

"Wherever there are more wild critters to tame," replied Dorothy.

"Good luck to you," said Potter.

"Stay out of trouble. I won't always be there to bail you out," said Dorothy, teasingly.

They traveled farther west, reaching the entrance to Giddeus. Feral Heart was a little reluctant to proceed forward.

"What's the matter? Why are we stopping?" asked Potter.

"I'm not comfortable going on. If I draw you a map of where the sailor senshi is, you guys can get her."

"What? Why don't you want to go to Giddeus?" asked Ashlynn.

"Let's just say I may have overcharged some people on spell scrolls, and when they found out, they weren't happy."

"You really need to stop ripping people off. You're going in with us. It will be faster with you leading the way," ordered Ashlynn.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I'll be lucky and won't come across anyone who bought my merchandise," said Feral Heart.

"So far so good; this place seems pretty vacant," noticed Feral Heart.

"All sorts of people pass by here daily, so just keep a low profile," suggested Sailor Magellan.

They entered the underground level. There was a small storage room with many boulders piled up against the northern wall. "Stand guard and make sure no one comes this way," said Feral Heart. Ashlynn and Potter stood guard.

"The rest of you need to help me move these boulders," ordered Feral Heart.

A trap door was revealed underneath them. "There's a sailor senshi hiding underneath all this? How can she get out?" asked Sailor Magellan.

"There's another exit leading out inside the room below," explained Feral Heart.

The trap door wouldn't open. "I need help opening this. I think it has rusted shut," said Feral Heart.

It was too rusted and wouldn't budge.

"It's too dangerous to use spells to destroy it. We might harm whoever is underneath it," said Potter.

"Wait right here and I'll be back," said Feral Heart.

Feral Heart walked back to the ground level, avoiding eye contact with anyone passing by. She arrived at a spring, kneeling down to draw some of its water into a small vial. Upon leaving, she was confronted by some people who recognized her.

"Aren't you that peddler who rips people off? You overcharged me 3,000 gil on a spell you sold me," said an angry, male hume.

"I don't know what you're talking about. You must have me confused with another mithra."

"No, I don't think so. I recognize that bag of merchandise you have around your shoulders. It was you."

Feral Heart used her speed and stealth and hid from the hume chasing her. "God, I really hate this place," thought Feral Heart.

"I'm glad you're back. We had to tell some lies to get adventurers to leave this place," said Potter.

Feral Heart pulled out the vial of Giddeus spring water. She also pulled out a lightning crystal from her bag of many wares. She took a small shard from the crystal, dropping it in the vial. The water turned a faint purplish color.

The liquid burned a hole through it. After stomping hard on the trap door, it fell off, revealing a hole leading to a room.

The large room was furnished with amenities. "Where is the sailor senshi we came for?" asked Ashlynn.

"I don't know; she's probably around here somewhere," replied Feral Heart.

They searched the different rooms, but didn't find anyone there. Sailor Magellan found a note lying underneath some books on the kitchen table. It read, "Our position here was being compromised. It was only a matter of time until Armin and I would be discovered. We left for the second hiding spot. We should already be there by the time you read this." The letter was dated a couple of weeks earlier.

"Armin? Who's that?" asked Potter.

"That name sounds familiar. That was an ex of mine, wasn't it?" said Kousagi.

"Yes, it was," confirmed Sailor Marina.

"They left two weeks ago and you didn't even know? Did you send Armin in your place to fulfill your duties?" asked Ashlynn.

"Well, I was busy and needed some help," rationalized Feral Heart.

"I hope they're still alive. You should stop worrying about that junk you sell," said Potter.

"Take us to the second hiding spot," ordered Ashlynn.

"The only other exit is in the bedroom. Follow me," said Feral Heart.

"Stay right where you are," said a voice.

Five yagudo priests were standing below the trap door. "We thought something was suspicious about this area. We spent weeks looking for something. Thanks for showing us where it is."

"You'll take this secret to your graves," threatened Potter.

Giant worms came out of the ground and ceiling, wrapping around the sailor senshi. "We'll kill you with little effort," threatened Feral Heart.

"Aren't you that infamous peddler? After I kill you, I'll take back what you stole from me," said one of the yagudo.

..to be continued..