Written by BHart
July 31, 2007

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Secret in the Sea of Zafmlog


"More and more of my memory is coming back every day. I miss my friends so much. I wonder which sailor senshi we'll find first?"

"That will be top secret until you actually find her. Artemis Evans is very good at keeping his lips sealed," replied R. Rose.

They met at the club in the morning. "Any idea who the other people are that will accompany us?" asked Kousagi.

"I think they are residents of this city. I might know them. They're a little late. I hope nothing's wrong," worried Tameria.

Artemis Evans walked through the doors with two elvan males. One was a warrior and one was a white mage. "This is Lantard and Fatty Lumpkin."

"Just call me Fatty for short."

"Sorry we're a little late, Lantard had to wait in line a long time to buy the spell he wanted," explained Artemis Evans.

"Nice to meet you," greeted Kousagi.

"Is everyone ready?" asked Artemis Evans.

"Yes. Where to?" asked Kousagi.

"You'll know when we get there. Sorry, but I have to be very secretive," explained Artemis Evans.

"Before you leave, let me help you out with those orcs out there," said Tameria. She cast enwater on their weapons.

"Thanks Tameria. We should be going now," said Fatty. They exited the city without drawing attention to themselves.

They were now in Ronfaure. "Why do they call you Fatty? You look pretty thin to me," said Kousagi.

"I tell everyone to call me that. Don't ask me why. I just like the name."

"He's just weird like that," explained Lantard.

"We've been hoping this day would come; your return and aid in eradicating the council of princesses. The gathering of the last sailor senshi," said Artemis Evans.

"The senshi in hiding will be glad to see you," added Lantard.

There were some orcs at an outpost they walked past.

"We're almost to La Theine Plateau," said Artemis Evans.

Some of the orcs at the outpost had binoculars, observing everyone in the general vicinity. A dozen orcish brawlers ran after them.

There were other people coming and going along the same path. "Are they chasing us?" asked Kousagi.

"Don't know, but we should run just in case," suggested Lantard.

"Why would they come after us? Do they recognize me?" asked Kousagi.

"Probably not; orcs around here are infamous for raping passers-by. Maybe you caught their eye," mentioned Fatty.

"Oh God, that's gross!" They zoned out into La Theine Plateau.

The dozen orcish brawlers caught up with them. "They can zone, now?" said Lantard in astonishment.

"Looks like we have no choice but to fight them," said Artemis Evans.

"Give us the girl and we won't hurt any of you," promised one of the orcs.

"I'm not going with anyone," said Sailor Parallel Moon, stepping forward.

"A sailor senshi?"

"What luck, we finally found one."

"You won't live to tell anyone what you've found," threatened Artemis Evans.

"We'll kill her body guards first, and then take her to the council of princesses," ordered the orc leader.

"Just try it," provoked Lantard.

One of the orcs used its shoulder smash skill, knocking Fatty back.

The orcs used their arm block and howl abilities to increase their defense and strength.

Artemis Evans and Fatty used their storm vent and flat blade weapon skills, respectively.

Lantard cast protectra on them and using cure II a lot. "You guys need to start provoking, I'm getting a lot of hate here," said Lantard.

Artemis Evans provoked half the orcs and Fatty the 2nd half. Sailor Parallel Moon used her weapon in melee. The orcs used their aerial wheel ability, stunning them temporarily.

The orcs dropped one by one.

"That was getting a little close, but nothing we couldn't handle," said Lantard.

"Let's get out of here before we draw any more attention," suggested Artemis Evans.

Kousagi heard something crunch underneath her foot. She picked up a small, broken, gray pearl like object. "What's this?"

"It looks like a broken link shell," answered Fatty.

"To communicate with the council of princesses?" asked Lantard.

"Perhaps; they have employed many different types of creatures before," replied Artemis Evans.

"It's best they don't find out about your return for as long as possible. Once they do find out, they will definitely step up their efforts," said Fatty.

Some people passed by them riding on chocobos.

"I remember those. Why don't we just ride some of those and get to our destination faster?"

"None of us have our chocobo license yet. We've been too busy ensuring the safety of the hidden sailor senshi," replied Lantard.

"My license is probably long gone by now," said Kousagi.

"We don't have much farther to go," said Artemis Evans.

They entered Valkurm Dunes. There were goblins everywhere, combing the sand. "What are they looking for?" asked Kousagi.

"It's rumored that the council has hired some creatures to look for a new crystal power source. Ever since you left with the barazuishou years ago, there hasn't been any kind of supreme magical crystal for anyone to rule with. Whoever finds such a crystal will most likely end up ruling this solar system," replied Fatty.

"Keep the barazuishou in a safe place," said Artemis Evans.

"I don't have it anymore. It was destroyed."

"What? Are you serious?" said Lantard.

Kousagi explained to them what happened.

"Well, it's probably for the best. Without any magical crystal lying around, it keeps the balance of power more even," said Artemis Evans.

"I agree. Much bloodshed has occurred due to those accursed magical items. And why is it almost always a crystal? Because they're pretty?" wondered Fatty.

They arrived at the siren sands beach. Artemis Evans knelt down, combing the sand with his hands. A large oxygen tank was buried there. "What's that for?" asked Kousagi.

"We need this to breathe underwater. We'll take turns using it," said Artemis Evans.

"Underwater? What's down there?" asked Kousagi.

"Not what, but who. Come on, let's go before anyone sees us," said Artemis Evans.

They swam to a small cave thirty feet under the water. The water was only ankle deep inside.

"Mia! Where are you?" yelled Artemis Evans. The room was moderately furnished with amenities.

A girl with pale white skin and sea blue hair entered the room. She was wearing a see-through bathing suit with a towel wrapped around her. "What brings you guys here?"

More of Kousagi's memories began flooding back to her when she saw Mia. "Oh my God! I've missed you so much!" She ran up to Mia, hugging her.

"Kousagi? It's been ages." They caught up on things.

"As heartwarming as this is, we really need to get going," said Fatty.

"So it's finally time to come out of hiding? I've really gotten use to living down here. I'll definitely miss my pets."

"Pets?" said Kousagi.

"I have formed a strong bond with the pugil down here."

"Only you could make friends with vicious creatures like those," said Fatty.

"Where are we off to?" asked Mia.

"There are some contacts in Basdor that know the location of another sailor senshi. We should go there next since its close," answered Artemis Evans.

"I'll meet you guys at the surface," said Mia, leaving them behind.

"Won't she need to use this oxygen tank?" asked Kousagi.

"She'll be fine. She can breathe underwater," replied Fatty.

"Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot about that."

"What took you guys so long?" said Mia, jokingly.

"We'll have to be extra cautious since you will be traveling with us now. It has been many years since Kousagi left, and many people don't recognize her; but you haven't been gone nearly as long," said Artemis Evans.

"The council's warrants for the capture of the sailor senshi are still in effect. I guess they decided not to have one for Kousagi since nobody ever thought she was coming back," thought Fatty.

"I'll be careful," said Mia.

Goblins searching for magical crystals in the sand headed towards them, to the siren sands beach.

"You two, hide behind that shipwrecked boat," said Lantard.

"Are you guys employed by the council to look for magical crystals?" asked one of the goblins.

"Um, yeah," lied Fatty.

"Find anything interesting here?" asked the goblin.

"No. Nothing but sea shells," replied Lantard.

"Well, that's probably because you are rookies. Leave it to the pros, like me," said the goblin. He headed towards the shipwrecked boat.

"Definitely nothing over there; that ship was looted a long time ago," said Artemis Evans.

"I might find something," said the goblin. They tried talking the goblin out of it.

There was a moderately sized group of goblins that arrived. "I think you guys are trying to hide something from us. You probably found something promising here and don't want anyone else to find it. I think we should kill you and take whatever's here," said a goblin.

They cornered Artemis Evans, Fatty and Lantard. "We are seriously outnumbered here. How are we going to get out of this?" asked Lantard.

Fifteen greater pugils came splashing out of the water, attacking the goblins. "Come on guys, let's get out of here," said Mia, with Kousagi with her.

"Those pugils couldn't have had better timing," said Fatty.

"Of course! My timing was perfect," replied Mia.

"Your timing?" said Lantard.

"I summoned them here to help you. Let's go." They continued their journey to Basdor.

..to be continued..