Written by BHart
June 22, 2007


The Lomas Giants


Kousagi and Huntress left the house, walking towards the isthmus, which was only three miles away. "Thanks for jogging my memory. I am remembering more things."

"I'm glad you're back. We've all missed you."

Huntress deviated off the path a little for about half a mile. They came to a graveyard.

"Why are we going here?"

"Every time I pass by here, I pay my respects to our fallen allies," replied Huntress.

Huntress was carrying lightly colored brown flowers, placing them upon a grave with the name "Britomartis" written on it.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember who that is. I'm still trying to get everything straight in my head."

"She was my older sister. She taught me how to hunt and survive in the wilderness. She died while helping the oppositio senshi fight against the council of princesses," explained Huntress.

"I vaguely remember the oppositio senshi. They were a great help. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have escaped to the other world. Where are they now?"

"Their graves are here, too." Huntress pointed them out. They were the tombstones of Anshar, Ishtar, Marduk, Nabu, Nergal and Sin.

Kousagi gasped, falling to her knees in sadness.

"After they helped you escape to the other world, the council of princesses had them put to death. They were killed shortly after they destroyed that evil Apsu."

"I can't let anymore of my friends die. They won't get away with this anymore," vowed Kousagi.

"Before they died, they gave you the ark of Venus, which was bequeathed to them. A tragic loss; but enough moping, let's continue our journey."

"What were those brown flowers all about? I don't think I've ever seen them before."

"You probably haven't. They are very rare. We use them on the graves of fellow hunters."

They eventually reached the isthmus. A woman wearing a rainbow dress, and small tiara came out from behind a tree. She had light brown hair and was a little homely looking.

"Princess Rainbow Rose? Is that you?" asked Huntress.

"Yes, it is. Where have you been these last few days?" asked Rainbow Rose.

"I looked all over for you. I didn't know what had happened to you," replied Huntress.

"I tried to find my way back after you retreated from those three fat giants, but my sense of direction isn't good at all, and I am very frail."

"You look very weak and thin. You need something to eat," said Huntress.

"Oh yes. That would be nice. All I've had these last few days are these yellow berries."

"Wait here. I'll come back with something."

Kousagi stayed with R. Rose while Huntress was out looking for prey.

"So you are that foreign dignitary Huntress was talking about?"

"Yep, that's me."

"What were you guys doing out here?"

"Huntress was to escort me to a secret location in Traliz, where I would meet up with others and discuss a stratagem against the council of princesses. Our plans were delayed however, when those three fat giants showed up, blocking our path. I quickly fled so that I wouldn't be in the way while she was fighting them. They were too much for one person to handle, though. I've been waiting here for a couple of days now for her return. She isn't the most reliable person to count on, but she's all I've got for now," explained R. Rose.

"This council of princesses; just how big is that organization?"

"There are around twenty of them. There used to be more, but they died."

They were interrupted by Huntress, who was carrying a calama on her back. It had four legs, one hump on its back and a three foot long neck.

"I usually eat these things raw, but your delicate stomachs won't be able to handle that. I'll get a fire started and we'll eat this thing," said Huntress. They camped out that night, starting their journey anew the next day.

"You wait here and we'll come back for you," said Huntress.

"Good luck, you two," said R. Rose.

Kousagi noticed a small, triangular shape on Huntress' left arm. "What is that on your arm?"

"It is the symbol we hunters carry with us. The first huntress ever, had a birthmark shaped like this on her arm. The rest of us get it tattooed on our arms when we become a part of the hunter clan."

The two of them reached the end of the isthmus. Before they could proceed any further, they were confronted by three fat giants named Caitken, Jaitken and Daitken.

Jaitken was missing an eye due to his previous encounter with Huntress.

"So, you're back again," said Daitken.

"I've brought reinforcements. This time, things will go much differently," threatened Huntress.

"She doesn't look threatening," said Jaitken.

"How do you like my salesman's pitch?" said Daitken. He reached into the ground, grabbing large clods of dirt and threw it at them.

"Child's play," said Huntress. She shot arrows right through them with her excellent aim.

"Designer Shakes!" said Jaitken. A melted, gooey ice cream substance spewed out of his mouth. They moved out of the way quickly, but still got covered in it. It limited their movement slightly.

Daitken charged at them.

"Let me take care of him," offered Sailor Parallel Moon.

"Patterson's Special!" said Caitken. Pieces of shrapnel flew everywhere.

Huntress used her spinning axe technique, deflecting the shrapnel.

Sailor Parallel Moon used her Lavender Cottontail Fantasy attack, sending Daitken flying back a few feet. He fell to the ground with a large thud. He slowly started to pick his 520 pound body off the ground. A piece of shrapnel struck him in the forehead. He slumped back down to the ground, never getting up again.

"Watch out!" warned Huntress.

Sailor Parallel Moon ducked. A huge piece of shrapnel flew over her head.

"Now the numbers are even," said Huntress.

"Caitken, you take care of the other one. Huntress is mine."

Huntress used her spinning axe attack, knocking Jaitken back, causing him to stumble.

He used all of his strength to send his 480 pound body flying in the air towards Huntress.

She pulled out her bow and arrow, using her sidewinder attack. An arrow in the shape of a snake pierced through his fat gut. The snake arrow burrowed itself through his stomach until it exited his back.

She backed up as far as she could from him. His dead, airborne body slammed face first onto the ground, barely missing Huntress.

Caitken was 260 pounds, being much lighter than her brothers. Caitken took off her breasts, throwing them at Sailor Parallel Moon. More boobs kept reappearing on her chest. She kept throwing more at her.

The boobs were bouncy and kept knocking Sailor Parallel Moon off balance. Sailor Parallel Moon could not get a clear shot on Caitken.

Huntress tackled her to the ground, giving Sailor Parallel Moon a chance to destroy her.

"That's that. They weren't so tough with two of us. Thanks for your help," said Huntress.

"We should go back and get R. Rose," said Sailor Parallel Moon.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that."

"Thank you for helping her with those menaces. Let's proceed onward?"

"Actually, I have to leave now. My husband's family will be coming over soon to pack the rest of our stuff and load it into a truck," said Huntress.

"Can't it wait? We have important business to attend to in Traliz," replied R. Rose.

"No, it can't. If I don't let them in, they won't be able to do all the work; which means I'll have to do my own work," said Huntress.

"Well, technically, you should do the most work since it's your stuff," reasoned Kousagi.

"Nah, I'll just supervise and bitch if they don't do it the way I want. You know the way, don't you, R. Rose? Kousagi can go with you."

"We could really use all the help we can get. Who knows what faces us ahead," said R. Rose.

"Sorry, but I've got to go. I'll see you guys later."

"I can't believe that unreliable Huntress! Well then, I guess it's just the two of us," said R. Rose.

"We should be fine. Lead the way." They crossed over the border line into Traliz.

They were in a big open field. As they continued onward, there was some forested area to either side of them, forming a path they walked down.

R. Rose began to get faint and collapsed on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be okay if I rest a little. I don't have much stamina. The sooner we get to our destination, the better. If you don't mind, could you give me a piggy back ride?"

"How far away is our destination?" asked Kousagi.

"I don't know; fifteen miles maybe."

"15 miles? I don't know if I can carry you that far."

"Huntress could. She gave me a piggy back ride for three miles."

"I'm not as physically strong as she is. I think it would be best if we rest until you regain your strength."

"Thank you for understanding. Even if you could carry me for a mile or so, that would be great."

"We'll wait until you can walk on your own."

"Where are we headed, anyway?" asked Kousagi.

"A city on the outskirts of the country; There are people there who I will collaborate with on our efforts against the council."

"I would like to be involved in the movement to stop the council," said Kousagi.

"We gladly welcome any help we can get."

"Do we still keep following this path?"

"Yes. It will lead us north east of here until we reach the city of Santok. We must be careful, though. There may be other creatures like those giants we met earlier."

R. Rose fell asleep from fatigue. Kousagi decided it would be a good idea to get some rest herself.

..to be continued..