Written by BHart
May 17, 2007


The Dark Moons of Uranus


Prince Uranus was inside the ark, looking out a window at Uranus saying, "My home planet, I've returned to you at last. I may have been born here in a previous life, but it is still my beloved home."

He tried getting in sync with the energy of the planet, but couldn't form a connection. "I should be connecting with its energy. It may take more time." He read his half of the orphic scrolls regarding the planet Uranus.

The sailor senshi were on the moon named Puck. They heard echoes of unintelligible voices and saw many strange lights. "This place is creeping me out. Why are we here again?" asked Sailor Star.

"We need to get the remains of something named Puck," replied Sailor Kurozuki.

They were constantly being distracted by the noises and lights around them. They saw flashes of some demon looking creature with wings on its back, running around. "That's probably it, let's go kill it," said Sailor Tsukineko.

Puck was very quick and good at hiding. He was running around frantically, trying to get away from them. He was losing energy, not having enough power left to distract them with lights and noises anymore.

They eventually surrounded him. He had horns on his head and a snake where his groin area was. He blew out cold ice balls from his mouth. Their feet got a little frozen.

The snake flailed itself at them, trying to bite them. They broke their feet free from the ice. Sailor Tsukineko repelled one of his ice balls back at him. It struck him, freezing his body. Sailor Earth used his attack, crumbling Puck into many ice shards.

They picked up his icy remains and followed the directions to the next location on the orphic scrolls.

Prince Uranus was on Caliban. He was busy fighting a deformed skeleton of a monster named after the moon. Caliban was surrounded by a black and vile smoke. Whoever inhaled it would get ill and deformed.

Prince Uranus kept his distance. He used his ground trembling attack, shattering the skeleton to pieces. He picked up some of the bone remains, leaving for his next destination mentioned by the scrolls.

The sailor senshi traveled to Titania. There was a fairy bathing in a pink pond. The fairy was nude, only having a small wreath of white flowers in her hair.

"Excuse me, but are you the queen of the fairies? We need your help," said Sailor Kurozuki.

"Yes, I am. What do you need?"

"We need some fairy dust," answered Sailor Tsukineko.

"I will need some remains of an impish devil," explained Titania, queen of the fairies.

Sailor Star handed her Puck's remains.

"Wait here, it shouldn't take too long."

Prince Uranus was on Oberon. He could hear that he was walking in shallow water. The water was black.

There was a man with fairy wings on his back, wearing a blouse and skirt. He had a black beard and black eyes. "Who trespasses on my territory?" asked Oberon, king of shadows and fairies.

"I have come for the shadow dust," replied Prince Uranus.

"I need the remains of a human not blessed with human form."

He handed him some bones of Caliban. After the shadow dust was made, Oberon instructed him to go to Sycorax, where Prince Uranus began looking for an amulet.

There was a lot of swamp land on Sycorax.

He eventually found an abandoned grass hut. It was a small, squalid residence with many decayed potions and liquids filling the place, causing a bad stench.

"Where is that damn amulet?" He looked through the hut with his nose plugged.

He picked up a black amulet with Satanic symbols on it, in a dresser made of rotting wood. It had some magic left in it. He saw visions about the history of the amulet.

In the silver millennium, there was a foul witch from the dark side of the moon. She gave birth to a deformed son who was evil like herself.

She went to the castle of Queen Serenity in hopes that the ginzuishou could heal her son and make him normal looking. The queen refused her request, having guards escort her and her deformed son away. The queen knew they had evil intentions.

The witch made an amulet which could control the moon. She wanted to overthrow the queen.

She couldn't do it by herself. A dark spirit, the essence of the dark side of the moon, aided her in making it work. They failed to overthrow her and were banished far out into the solar system.

The witch ended up on Sycorax, the deformed son on Caliban, and the dark spirit on Setebos. They were cursed to protect the key of Uranus even after death.

Prince Uranus traveled to Setebos. He filled the amulet with the shadow dust. He stood atop a large, dark, rocky mountain. He chanted words written on the amulet, summoning the dark spirit. The dark spirit was consumed by using its power to make the amulet stronger. The amulet was changed to find the key of Uranus.

The sailor senshi were on the moon known as Cressida. They found a large, wooden horse with a staircase leading up it. Inside, they found a large triangle shaped crest. There was a picture of a woman wearing a white gown on it. They sprinkled the fairy dust on the crest of Cressida, causing it to glow a pale white, infusing it with magic.

Prince Uranus traveled to Miranda. He used the power of the amulet to reveal the location of the castle. The amulet made it visible.

The castle was floating in the sky. The castle was tilted on its side, just like the planet Uranus.

It was sealed shut. There was a deep indentation in its doors in the shape of a triangle. He wasn't able to force his way in. "This is impossible. I am of the blood lineage of Uranus, I should be able to enter." He left to go to his ark to figure out a way to get inside the castle.

The sailor senshi soon arrived at the castle on Miranda. "This thing is turned on its side," noticed Sailor Earth.

"It is tilted on its side by 97.9 degrees to be exact," stated Sailor Kurozuki.

They placed the crest inside the triangular indentation on the door. They carefully entered the castle since it was so awkwardly tilted.

They fell ten feet onto the left wall. There were some statues of the castrated Uranus throughout some of the rooms. Two floating sentries, looking like the planet Uranus, started attacking them. The two sentries were named Epsilon and Eta.

Prince Uranus returned to the castle to find that the doors were now open.

The sentries were shooting lasers at the sailor senshi. The sentries had very quick maneuverability skills, evading almost everything.

Sailor Kurozuki used her Radiation Force Magnet attack, pulling the two sentries towards them. Sailors Tsukineko and Earth used their attacks to destroy them. During the fight, some of the castle's walls were ruined. They could see something on the other side of a wall, through a hole made in it.

They made the hole bigger until they could go through it. There was a sickle on top of a pedestal. There were some engravings on it which read, "Use this adamantine sickle which Uranus detests, to obtain this castle's key."

Prince Uranus entered the room. "You really want to get beat on, don't you?" threatened Sailor Virago.

"Nobody will get the key of Uranus but me. It's time I take the keys you've found. Thanks for all your trouble." His ground trembling attack left them virtually helpless before him.

"My chibarazuishou is getting low on blood again. I thank you for your donations." It started absorbing their blood.

"This is my turf. My planet strengthens me."

"You were never were a sailor senshi in a past life," said Sailor Earth.

"Is that so? Then why do I resemble the current Sailor Uranus? Why do I have powers similar to hers? I will call upon the powers of Uranus itself to prove to you that I am a royal descendent of this planet."

He tried gaining strength from the planet, but nothing happened.

"You have no connection to this planet whatsoever," said Sailor Star.

"Shut up. I will find out what is happening after I kill you."

Sailor Earth reached up and grabbed the sickle on the pedestal. He threw it at Prince Uranus. The sickle missed him, but hit the chibarazuishou instead. It made a large crack in it.

Prince Uranus pulled out the sickle, throwing it on the ground. "What have you done?" It stopped draining their blood. Prince Uranus quickly left to examine the chibarazuishou.

They continued exploring for the key. "Let's try the other side of the castle," suggested Sailor Tsukineko.

"The right half of the castle is the ceiling, due to this castle's tilt," said Sailor Kurozuki.

"How do we get up there?" asked Sailor Virago.

"I've got an idea," said Sailor Earth. They used the sickle to climb the floor (which was a wall, due to the tilt) to reach the right half of the castle.

They used it like an ice pick, helping them climb. They grabbed onto statues and anything else that would keep them from falling to the left side.

They found a room with the key of Uranus in it. It was guarded by a power grid, resembling many small rings surrounding the key. The power grid was generated by three orbs named Delta, Gamma and Beta. Their attempts to destroy them with their attacks proved useless. Sailor Earth struck one of the orbs with the sickle, destroying it. It also destroyed the other orbs. They retrieved the Description: http://www33.brinkster.com/machikelxol/psmpics/uranus.jpgkey.

Prince Uranus was on his ark, tending to the chibarazuishou. "This should patch up soon. It has enough blood to stay strong."