Written By BHart
May 28, 2005

Act VI
Part 1
Kiusako shacks up with his girlfriend

Kousagi was in cram school when she thought to herself “Today is when Kiusako’s girlfriend moves in with him. But I’ll be stuck here while it all takes place.” Kiusako was at his girlfriend’s place. They had a lot of
things packed in boxes and ready to move. “We need more boxes,” said Kiusako. “I know of a place where we can get some more,” said his girlfriend. “You do? Where?” asked Kiusako. “There is a warehouse close
by which has some. I used to work there a long time ago,” said his
girlfriend. “Ok, let’s move your stuff that we have in boxes over to my
place; then we will get the boxes,” said Kiusako.

They started putting some of the boxes in the car to move them over to Kiusako’s place. They had been dating for almost a year and were
engaged. Kiusako was thinking of how and when to tell her about his identity as Sailor Earth. Kiusako looked over at his girlfriend and it looked like she had something on her mind. “Is there something on your mind Anna?” asked Kiusako? “No, it’s nothing. What about you? You look very pensive yourself,” said Anna. “Just trying to work a few things out in my mind,” said Kiusako. They finished putting all of the boxes in the car.
“Well, it looks like that’s it for now. We’ll come back for the other stuff later,” said Kiusako. They got in the car and drove off to Kiusako’s place. Anna had medium-length hair which was medium-light brown with a
couple of blonde streaks. She had beautiful light blue, piercing eyes.

Kousagi was in her room talking with Luna and Artemis. “So how much do you know about this Sailor Earth?” asked Luna. “Not a lot. We haven’t had much time to get to know him yet,” said Kousagi. “I don’t ever remember hearing of a Sailor Earth; but there are a lot of things we have never
heard of before,” said Luna. “Maybe you should invite him somewhere
where we can all get to know him a little better,” said Artemis. “That’s a good idea. I’ll call him another day since he’s busy this evening with his girlfriend moving in,” said Kousagi. “And we didn’t know anything about
that Sailor Andromeda you were talking about earlier,” said Artemis. “It seems we are out of the loop on a lot of things. Our knowledge about
other sailor senshi seems to have come to an end." said Luna. “Well, we
are getting old. It had to happen sometime I suppose,” said Artemis. “Our days as advisors had passed long ago, Artemis,” said Luna. “We still don’t know much at all about the new enemy. Except that they are
brainwashing people for some reason unknown to us,” said Artemis. “Well, we will keep alert for any clues or anything suspicious; just as we always have,” said Luna.

Part 2
Warehouse Trap

Kiusako and Anna arrived at the warehouse. They walked inside the warehouse and were greeted by an old, skinny man with glasses. “Can I
help you two?” asked the old man. “We just came by to get some
cardboard boxes for some packing we need to do,” said Anna. “Well, go towards the back of the warehouse and ask the area lead about it,” said
the old man. They noticed that the old man (who was the assistant manager) and the other employees weren’t very mentally alert or sharp. They began to walk towards the back of the warehouse. As they were walking back, they noticed that the employees looked stoned. “What’s up with these people here? They all look out of it,” asked Kiusako. “Oh,
that’s normal for here. The work here is so boring, mundane, and mind-numbing, that it really affects you mentally,” said Anna. “That bad huh?” asked Kiusako. “Oh yeah; the work is so simple and repetitive that your mind actually gets weaker,” said Anna. “Well, I guess a lot of dead-end
jobs fit that description,” said Kiusako. When they arrived at the back of
the warehouse, they asked around who the area lead was back there.
They were told that it was someone named Evette and that she was on
her ten minute smoke break with her lover Sue.

They walked out of one of the doorways and saw Evette and Sue smoking away. They were both heavy smokers. Evette was a manly woman who
was 6’ 2” tall and weighed about 300 pounds. Sue was 5’ 3” tall and
weighed around 200 pounds. “We have already brainwashed all of the employees working here. I talked to master Pendrell, and she said to
recruit more employees so we can brainwash even more people,” said Sue. “That’s a good idea. We must get more people working here,” said Evette.

Kiusako and Anna walked up to them. “Are you the area lead back here?
We just need to get a few cardboard boxes,” said Anna. Evette and Sue looked at each other and decided they would start getting more
employees to brainwash. “Yes, I’ll show you where they are in a minute. Would you two be interested in working here?” asked Evette. “No, we’ll
just take some boxes and leave,” said Anna. All exits to the warehouse
were closed off. “I’m afraid that’s not acceptable. We need more people
to brainwash,” said Evette. “What? “ said Anna and Kiusako confused.
“Don’t give away our plan,” said Sue. “Don’t worry, as soon as we
brainwash them, they won’t remember a word we said,” said Evette laughing. Sue revealed her true form and she had green skin and had
boils all over her body. She had a long nose and jagged teeth. She
started walking towards Kiusako and Anna.

“Let’s split up,” said Kiusako. They both ran in different directions. “Damn. Let’s smoke them out,” said Sue. Sue and Evette began smoking away
and created a thick smoke screen. Kiusako and Anna could not see very
well and had a hard time finding a good place to hide. Kiusako found a
wall to hide behind and transformed into Sailor Earth. Evette and Sue split up to go find the two. Sailor Earth saw a large fan which was used to
keep the employees cool during the summer months. He turned on the switch and blew away the cigarette smoke screen.

“Aha! I found you,” said Evette. Her large manly arm grabbed Sailor Earth
by the neck and lifted him up. “What do we have here? A sailor senshi?
How did you get in here?” asked Evette. Sailor Earth was trying to escape her grasp. “It doesn’t matter, I’ll kill you now,” said Evette. Sailor Earth continued to struggle and was kicking about. He ended up kicking Evette really hard in the groin. The breath was knocked out of her and she
dropped him. Sue was still looking for Anna, but hadn’t had any luck yet.

Evette got up. Sailor Earth was keeping his guard up. “You’re pretty
strong there kid. Tell you what; if you beat me in an arm wrestle, I’ll let
you go,” said Evette. “I don’t believe you; but I am curious to see how strong you are,” said Sailor Earth. The employees were so brainwashed
and their minds in such a brain dead state, that they didn’t really notice much of what was happening. “Tell me, why are you brainwashing
warehouse workers?” asked Sailor Earth. “Why? Because this is a
dead-end, low paying job. The work people do here only requires a third grade intelligence. Their minds are already gone. That’s the nature of jobs like this. Since they’re minds have virtually rotted away already, it makes them that more easier to brainwash than other people,” said Evette. “I
see. They were already in a nearly brainwashed state to begin with,” said Sailor Earth.

“Yes, and you will be joining them soon,” said Evette. They began to arm wrestle each other. “You know, I was thinking, you have such a feminine name which doesn’t match you at all,” said Sailor Earth. They continued
arm wrestling a little longer and it seemed as if Evette would win. Sailor Earth eventually won and Evette’s arm hit the table hard. Her elbow and
arm was in pain. She got angry and started swinging punches at him.
Sailor Earth ducked below her punches. Since she was so tall, he wasn’t
hit. He got ready to punch her back. His fist began getting stronger and
had a big power surge go through it. His hand became hard and petrified. Sailor Earth was surprised and didn’t know he had this kind of power.

He punched her real hard in her big gut with his petrified fist attack. It completely knocked the wind out of her and she flew back a few feet and smashed the time clock on the wall with her large and masculine body.
The time clock was the device they used for brainwashing people anytime they used their time cards to clock in or out. Evette got up and began
eating some cardboard. “What the hell are you doing?” asked Sailor Earth. The cardboard she was digesting began to give her energy; and it was a good source of fiber too.

Her curly mullet turned green. Her entire body turned green and she
turned into a green ape looking monster with a green mullet. “This is my true form. I Lewis the mutant ape, will kill you.” Cardboard boxes flew at Sailor Earth. He dodged a few, but there were so many that he could not dodge them all. He was trapped inside a cardboard box. He broke out but was trapped by another one. “Nilbog, get over here. I need help,” said Lewis. Nilbog (Sue’s true form) stopped looking for Anna and ran towards Lewis. Anna could see what was going on from where she was hiding. She wondered who this Sailor Earth person was and where Kiusako was hiding.

Sailor Earth was stuck in yet another box. As he was about to escape
from it, Nilbog jumped on the box and stapled the box shut with her
strange, goblin-like fingers. The box was sealed shut with her long finger nails. Sailor Earth was running out of energy and getting tired. He couldn’t get out of the box. “Good job Nilbog. Let’s just kill him. He annoys me,”
said Lewis. “Penta Star Ray,” said a voice. A large star shot out a strong laser type of attack from each of its five points. The rays were star
shaped. Three of the star rays hit Nilbog and left star shaped holes in her
as they went through her. The other two hit Lewis and left her wounded. Nilbog died.

Sailor Earth escaped from the box and looked around to see who had
saved him. He saw a silhouette of a sailor senshi. He couldn’t see very
well who it was. The silhouette soon disappeared. Lewis was staggering around and heading towards Sailor Earth to kill him. “Gaia Rache,” said
Sailor Earth. A large sphere with the symbol for the planet Earth in it appeared and headed towards Lewis. Upon impact, Lewis was destroyed. Sailor Earth turned back into his normal self. He yelled out and let Anna know it was safe to come out of hiding. They met and then left the warehouse with the boxes they needed. They arrived at their home. “We
can bring back the other stuff later. Let’s call it a night,” said Kiusako.

Luna and Artemis were at the windowsill and looking out at the stars.
“Well, it looks like we’re back to work again,” said Artemis. “We’re not
young anymore; but we will step up to the challenge,” said Luna as
Artemis agreed with her. They saw Kousagi lying in bed. “We will be up to
it. We have to be,” said Artemis. They soon went to sleep as well.
