Written by BHart
February 28, 2007


True Origins


Chibi Usa was asleep at the computer again. "Have you been here all night? We were wondering where you were at breakfast," asked Drana.

"She's actually been here since 6:00 A.M. She woke me up early to get the keys to do some more research," said Emma, entering the room.

"I've been looking at maps off California's west coast, and I don't see any islands where we were the other day. Don't you remember seeing a small island with a building and rocket ship outside?"

"Yeah, vaguely; maybe there's a secret NASA project going on over there," thought Drana.

"It could be. It's worth checking out," replied Chibi Usa.

"Won't the area be secure?" asked Emma.

"Most likely; we'll find a way in," said Chibi Usa.

"Good luck, we're rooting for you," said Emma. She saw the sailor senshi off at the docks.

"Thanks again for your help, Carr. None of us know how to operate a boat," said Kiusakun.

"Remember, as soon as you drop us off at the island, head back to the mainland for safety. We don't know what we're going to find once we get there," warned Chibi Usa.

Upon arriving at the island, they saw the rocket ship up close. "If that's the rocket ship for the space program, why don't we destroy it now?" asked Sailor Parallel Moon.

"We'd take out this whole island and us with it. That rocket fuel is very combustible," pointed out Sailor Menard.

"I think I know why this island wasn't on any of the maps you looked on," realized Sailor Kurozuki, examining the ground.

"Why is that?" asked Kiusakun.

"This is a man-made island. I don't know how long it's been here, but I'm sure not many people were meant to know about it."

"Look out for any kind of surveillance cameras," warned Sailor Chibimoon.

They cautiously walked towards the building. "It would be too risky to go inside the front doors. Let's see if there's another way inside," suggested Sailor Juno.

They found a back door on the south side. "How are we going to get in? If we use our powers to bust open the door, we'll get someone's attention," pointed out Sailor Star.

"Let me handle it. Just needs a little elbow grease," said Sailor Virago, grabbing the doorknob and pulling it right off.

"Remind me to never make you angry," said Sailor Tsukineko.

The door led to a dark, dusty basement. They stumbled over a few things. "Look for a light switch, I keep on bumping into stuff," said Sailor Vesta.

Sailor Earth flipped on the lights. "What is all of this stuff?" asked Sailor Celis.

There were many mannequins lying around. Some of them were wearing sailor senshi uniforms. There were name tags on them. A few of them read: Sailor Topaz, Sailor Aries and General Pyrite (who had an amazing resemblance to Endymion).

"What is this? Someone's doll collection?" mocked Sailor Star.

"Wax figures of people?" thought Sailor Palus.

"I doubt any of these people exist," commented Sailor Menard.

Sailor Chibimoon opened a drawer with some papers in it. One of the papers read: "Failed sailor senshi ideas," and "Failed villain ideas," with a list of names.

There was another paper which read: "SOS staff." There was a list of crossed off names. Some of the names were: Robert Billings, Jonathan Cook, Devra Goldberg, Chi Ming Hung, David Koenigsberg, Aaron Maupin, Jennifer Mondazzi, Emiko Oromichi, Deepa Trivedi, Marc Wang and Susy Yusung. At the bottom of the paper was written: "All SOS staff members taken care of." It was dated 2004.

"Hey guys, take a look at this," said Sailor Parallel Moon.

"What is it?"

"Look at this mannequin; it looks a lot like Haruka, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does. Let's see what name it has," said Sailor Tsukineko. The name read: "Prince Uranus."

"What? Let me see it." The others took a look.

The mannequin was wearing regal clothes and looked almost exactly like Haruka. "What a strange place," said Sailor Celis.

"Let's get moving," suggested Sailor Kurozuki.

The "ambassador" was in a large, dimly lit room. There were many stone statues of princesses wearing ornate dresses.

There were a dozen dead people off to one side of the room. They had their throats slit. Some of the victims were: Andree Mecham, Rachael Mecham, Jason Robertson, Kellie Parker, Princess Destiny, Papirini, Braxton Sainsbury and Riyna.

The "ambassador" was kneeling at an altar in the middle of the room. Atop the altar was a rose shaped crystal, having a dark red color to it. The crystal was covered in blood. Some of the blood was dripping onto the altar and floor.

"The Traliz warriors from the other world failed. With your sustaining power, I will be strong enough to face the senshi."

A large blast of energy struck him. A strong barrier protected him. He got up off his knees with his hands covered in blood. He looked almost exactly like Haruka. He was wearing tan colored pants and a black jacket with the Uranus insignia on it.

The sailor senshi entered the room.

"Thank you for offering your blood to my chibarazuishou," said Prince Uranus.

They were freaked out from what they saw in the room. "You must be the "ambassador", or should I say Prince Uranus?" asked Sailor Chibimoon.

"Ah, so you've been snooping around downstairs. Yes, I am Prince Uranus."

They tried attacking him, but their powers were being drained in the presence of the chibarazuishou.

Sailor Parallel Moon held her head in pain, falling to her knees. "What's the matter?" Sailor Chibimoon kneeled down next to her.

"My head aches. I'm getting all of these strange images in my head. I don't know what's going on."

"What are you doing to her, you son of a bitch?" said Sailor Chibimoon, angrily.

Prince Uranus laughed saying, "It isn't me."

"Your space exploration journey will fail," promised Sailor Menard.

"We know you're working for the SOS organization. Tell us who you report to," demanded Sailor Juno.

"What? I don't work for those fools. I got so tired of their campaign. For years it went on and on. It would still be going on now if I hadn't killed them. Do you really think they would've stopped their campaign with just getting most of the episodes dubbed? They weren't stopping until they got every single one. After I used the SOS and other organizations to further my own causes, I killed them off."

"So you stole all the funding money," realized Sailor Earth.

Sailor Parallel Moon stood up. "Are you feeling better?" asked Sailor Chibimoon.

"Yes, I am. I feel like I'm starting to wake up."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Sailor Parallel Moon looked at the chibarazuishou. "That crystal, it looks so familiar."

"The power of the chibarazuishou has started to bring your memories back. It should look familiar; it comes from the same place you do," replied Prince Uranus.

"It seems familiar, but it's been changed; altered, somehow. It's not quite how I remember it," said Sailor Parallel Moon.

"What have you done to her? You're messing with her mind!" accused Sailor Chibimoon.

"Those warriors you sent after us, the Traliz warriors..I remember them now. I knew them before in another place, another time. But, how can that be?"

"He's using mind tricks on you. Don't listen to him," warned Sailor Chibimoon.

"No, he's not. It's something else," replied Sailor Parallel Moon.

"Please, tell me more. Where are these memories coming from?" asked Sailor Parallel Moon.

"You come from a parallel universe. Nine years ago there was a strange anomaly, a dimensional rift. You came flying through, with four others following after you, minutes later. You disappeared seconds later. You dropped something after coming through the portal. I didn't know what it was at first, but the four warriors who followed you told me that it was the barazuishou. They said it had extraordinary powers in their world. I told them I'd help them find you if they helped me with my space exploration funding plans," explained Prince Uranus.

"You're nine years old now. This happened when you were born? That can't be!" said Sailor Chibimoon.

"That is how she hid from us for so long. She was born again as a child to Sailor Moon. She isn't really your sister after all," said Prince Uranus.

"That makes sense. It has been said that the future queen of Crystal Tokyo only has one child," remembered Sailor Juno.

Sailor Parallel Moon looked around the room at the statues. "Who are these people? They also seem somewhat familiar."

"They are members of the council of princesses in your world. They sent the Traliz warriors to this world to find you," answered Prince Uranus.

"If what you say is true, then the barazuishou is mine. I will use it to destroy you," threatened Sailor Parallel Moon.

The chibarazuishou, wouldn't respond to her.

"It was yours, now it is mine," said Prince Uranus.

"Why do you defile the name of Uranus? Sailor Uranus is pissed," said Sailor Palus.

"You know nothing of history, do you? Sailor Uranus and I are the same person, from different time periods. In the ancient moon kingdom, Sailor Uranus was male and known as Prince Uranus. It was only in this time period that she was reborn as a female."

"That's a bunch of crap. You don't know what you're talking about. There's no mention of anyone by that name in any of the stories Luna and Artemis told us. It never mentions anything like that in the anime or manga," contested Sailor Chibimoon.

"Enough talking, it's time for me to begin my journey. I will need her to come with me," said Prince Uranus, pointing at Sailor Parallel Moon.

In almost an instant, Prince Uranus, Sailor Parallel Moon and the chibarazuishou disappeared. "Where'd he go?" asked Sailor Tsukineko.

"Probably went to his rocket ship; let's go," said Sailor Menard.

The man-made island shook violently. Something was rising up from the ocean near the island. It was a large ark, floating in the air.

Prince Uranus and Sailor Parallel Moon were on the ark. "You sailor senshi have fallen into another trap. This rocket ship was only a decoy. There is a bomb set to detonate that will scatter your body pieces to the sharks."

"It's a good thing we brought our space sailboards with us; we thought we might have to go back to outer space again," said Sailor Virago.

There were two people on some of the space sailboards since there were more senshi. They flew into the sky.

A couple of minutes later, there was a huge explosion, taking out the man-made island and everything on it.

"Okay, let's get my "sister" back," said Sailor Chibimoon.

..to be continued..