Written by BHart
February 20, 2007


Go Scouts!


Chibi Usa was researching the whereabouts of the "ambassador", while the others were playing a card game. "I found out some interesting info on the Save Our Sailors (SOS) organization. What are you guys up to?" asked Chibi Usa.

"We're playing a sailor moon collectible card game. We heard about it so we decided to try it out. We bought it from a place called Guardians of Order," answered Kousagi.

"That's one of the products the SOS was promoting. You are inadvertently funding the space program," said Chibi Usa.

"Um, oops," said Kousagi.

"The programs that the "ambassador" has used to fund the space program through the SOS are much more widespread than we thought. There is an organization called International SOS where people from different countries unknowingly support the space program. The countries involved are Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Romania, Russia, Sweden and Turkey."

"I bet they have a lot of money after all of these years," said Cere Cere.

"That's not all, either. SOS is also connected with DIC, Cloverway and YTV. This organization is huge. We've got to stop this before things get worse," said Chibi Usa.

"We will, sooner or later," said Drana.

"Kousagi! Are you even paying attention?" asked Chibi Usa, catching Kousagi reading a comic book.

"I'm sorry. I'm at the end and want to finish it."

"What are you reading?" asked Palla Palla.

"Some old comic about some guy named Captain America." She showed them the book.

"Why is he wearing tights?" asked Ves Ves.

"I don't know. A lot of these American comic book heroes like to wear them."

"It looks pretty funny to see a grown man in tights," said Jun Jun.

Emma and Carr entered the room carrying two packages each. "These just arrived for you."

"Oh good; our uniforms have arrived," said Kousagi.

"Uniforms?" asked Ves Ves.

"I've been talking a lot with the moonies here, and they tell me that in America, the sailor senshi are known as sailor scouts. After they told me what a scout was, I thought it would be fun if we experienced what it was like."

"We don't have time to be playing around. We need to find this so-called "ambassador" guy quickly," replied Chibi Usa.

"Oh come on, have some fun. Besides, Emma told me that we get to sell cookies," said Kousagi.

Chibi Usa's interest was sparked.

"Do we have to do anything to become official girl scouts? Or do we just put the uniform on and voila?" asked Ves Ves.

"We pulled a few strings and got permission to let you guys be honorary girl scouts for a couple of days. So we can skip all the boring details," answered Emma.

"Are the cookies any good?" asked Chibi Usa.

"Yes, they are. But we have to sell them and not eat them."

"This is for you." Kousagi handed Kiusakun a boy scouts uniform.

"What? I don't want to do this," refused Kiusakun.

"They have a boy scout organization that you can try out. Most of you are too old to do any of this, but what the hell?" said Emma. They dressed up.

They sat at entrances to stores where people could by cookies. They also went door to door selling them.

A lot of the people who they came in contact with spoke only Spanish. "What is it with this place? I thought English was the native language of this country," thought Jun Jun.

"It used to be, but this country lets millions of illegal immigrants in every year. It's technically illegal, but nobody seems to do anything about it," said Lutina.

"How odd," commented Ves Ves.

"I guess someone gets something out of it," commented Lutina.

"Is this all they do is sell cookies?" asked Jun Jun.

"I think so," replied Kousagi.

"All of this fund raising we've been doing has worn me out," said Drana.

"All hard work has its rewards," said Kousagi, sampling a box of cookies.

"Are you sure you can eat those?" asked Cere Cere.

"These are really good. You guys should try some."

"Why not? We've earned it," said Chibi Usa.

They took a lunch break at a local park.

They could faintly hear some kind of alarm go off in the distance. A few minutes later, they saw an old, black car drive recklessly down the street towards the harbor.

"What is that in the sky?" asked Palla Palla.

Two people were in the air. One of them was flying with someone hanging onto his legs. They descended to the ground, landing in the park.

They were wearing tights. One was dressed like a hawk and the other was wearing a cape and mask. They approached the Sailor Senshi. "Excuse me citizens, did any of you notice a speeding black car pass by?"

"Yes, I think I remember seeing it. Who are you, anyway?" asked Chibi Usa.

"I guess you girls aren't from around here, are you? I am Commander Hawk and this is my sidekick, Terrific Boy."

They looked at them like they were crazy.

"Could you please tell us which direction that car went?" asked C. Hawk.

"I think it went down by the docks over there," answered Kousagi.

"Thanks for your help, citizens. The infamous Electro Psycho won't be robbing anymore jewelry," said C. Hawk, leaving with T. Boy.

"What a bunch of weird guys," said Anna.

"They look like those super hero guys in those American comic books I've been reading," noticed Kousagi.

"Do you think we should help them? I mean, they certainly look like they could use a lot of help," said Lutina.

"I don't know if we should get involved or not," replied Chibi Usa.

"It would certainly be a nice break from selling cookies all day," said Tari.

They caught up to C. Hawk and T. Boy in their senshi uniforms.

"Who are you?"

"We're the sailor senshi. We've come to help you catch the criminal," answered Sailor Parallel Moon.

They arrived at the docks. There was a strange man wearing a black rubber suit. He sped off in one of the boats.

"Damn, he's getting away," said T. Boy.

"You said you were sailor senshi? Can one of you drive a boat and follow him?" asked C. Hawk.

"None of us know how to operate a boat," replied Sailor Kurozuki.

"What do you mean you can't? You call yourselves sailors, right?" asked C. Hawk.

"Nobody ever takes the word "sailor" literally," replied Sailor Virago.

"Then why do they call you sailors?" asked T. Boy.

"No one knows," answered Sailor Menard.

"I'll have to wing it then."

They followed after Electro Psycho in a large boat. "This isn't so hard to control," said C. Hawk.

They passed by a small island in their pursuit. "There's an island out here?" asked Sailor Juno.

"I guess so. That's the first I've seen it," replied C. Hawk.

Sailor Chibimoon looked back at the island. There was a building there with a large rocket ship outside.

E. Psycho dropped off the gems at a larger boat.

They caught up to him. "Don't you ever learn crime never pays?" said C. Hawk.

T. Boy used a grappling hook, taking back the bag of stolen gems.

E. Psycho took off the rubber gloves he was wearing, zapping T. Boy off the boat with static electricity. They helped T. Boy back onto the boat.

C. Hawk threw his patented hawk-a-rang. It flew off into the distance, never coming back. "I'll get it right one of these times."

C. Hawk jumped on the boat E. Psycho was on and began fighting him. E. Psycho started shocking him. T. Boy shot out some industrial strength silly string from his hands, entangling E. Psycho. "Thanks for the help, trusty sidekick."

They tied up E. Psycho and traveled back to the mainland.

"They're going to have to tighten their security at the prison. These criminals keep escaping every few months," mentioned C. Hawk.

"At least they keep things interesting for us. Without them, there wouldn't be a need for us," said T. Boy.

"How many times has this guy been put in prison?" asked Sailor Juno.

"I don't know. At least a dozen by now," replied C. Hawk.

"Wow, it seems like there would be a more effective way of making sure they wouldn't commit crimes anymore," mentioned Sailor Menard.

"Yeah, like killing them. That's what we do. That way we don't have to fight the same people over and over again. You guys are in a rut," said Sailor Parallel Moon.

"I hadn't thought of that before. That's the way we American superheroes do things. Fight the same people for years and years," replied C. Hawk.

"How did you guys get powers?" asked Sailor Tsukineko.

"I don't have any powers. I just throw gadgets and use this hang glider. We got exposed to some radiation years back and were mutated. T. Boy got the ability to shoot ropes out of his hands, and E. Psycho got the ability to have static electricity all over his body. All I got was a rash and my face mutated," explained C. Hawk.

He removed his mask. He had a beak instead of a mouth. The sailor senshi were startled. "Oh, I thought that was part of your costume," said Sailor Celis.

"Don't you think it would be safer and more effective if you got more people to join your team?" asked Sailor Chibimoon.

"It's almost always the superhero and his sidekick. Rarely anyone else gets involved. That's how it is in America," replied C. Hawk.

They arrived on the docks. "Super heroes in America are quite strange," said Sailor Star.

"The culture here is very different. Let's get back to our cookie selling duties," said Sailor Kurozuki.

Later that day, they met up with Kiusakun, who had been a boy scout for the last couple of days. "How was boy scouts?" asked Anna.

"We went camping and it rained. Water got through and soaked our tents while we were sleeping. They had us earn merit badges and I've learned how to tie 100 different kinds of knots."

"We don't do anything related to scouting. I wonder why they called us "sailor scouts" in the English version of the anime?" pondered Tari.

"Who knows? We aren't soldiers or sailors either," said Palla Palla.