Written by BHart
January 9, 2007


Battle of the Moonies


In a large room dimly lit by many candles, there was an old man by himself, kneeling on the ground and praying. There were pictures of crowns all over the walls. The old man was wearing a crown. There was an image of a being before him. "Forgive me for asking, but, who are you? You aren't the same being who usually visits me," asked the old man.

"There are some people who have come to sway your followers. They wish to destroy your holy organization. You must stop them," ordered the being.

"How will I know who they are?"

"The ones who oppose and threaten your position will be near. They will imitate your name. Watch for them and you shall find them."

"By which name should I call you?" asked the old man.

"Call me, Lord Uranus."

"The word has been made clear. I will obey you, Lord Uranus."

The sailor senshi had arrived in California the night before. They were getting over their jet lag. "That was a very long flight," said Chibi Usa.

"Luckily I had my Nintendo DS to keep me busy," commented Kousagi.

"Let's go explore and have fun," suggested Palla Palla.

"Our first priority will be finding out more about this ambassador Uranus guy," said Chibi Usa.

"But we can also have fun in the meantime," added Cere Cere.

"How should we go about this? I mean, we're not even sure where in California this guy is," pointed out Kiusakun.

"That's true, but Hitoshi Doi is pretty sure he's within thirty miles of this place," replied Anna.

"We need to get started on some plans of action," suggested Lutina.

The Sailor Quartet was already gone. "Where did those four go off to?" asked Chibi Usa.

"Probably went exploring," replied Anna.

"We need to find them in case they get lost," said Chibi Usa.

The Sailor Quartet noticed a few people looking at them strangely, as if they recognized them from somewhere. "What's up with these people?" commented Cere Cere.

A young woman approached them saying, "Nice costume, girls; you look exactly like the Amazoness Quartet."

"Um, actually we are.." Ves Ves put her hands over Palla Palla's mouth before she could say anything more.

"You're wearing your costumes a little early, though. The cosplay convention isn't for another three days," said the girl.

"Um, cosplay convention?" said Jun Jun, confusedly.

"Aren't you here for that? It's going to be a huge gathering of anime fans. There will probably be a lot of Sailor Moon fans there, too" replied the girl.

"Oh, yes. That will be fun," said Ves Ves, pretending she knew what it was.

"There you are. We've been looking for you. Let's get to work," said Chibi Usa.

"Oh my God! You look just like Chibi Usa! Great costume," said the girl.

"Um, excuse me?" asked Chibi Usa.

"Excuse us for a moment," said Ves Ves, taking her aside, briefly explaining the situation.

"We're not going to some costume party. We've got to find this ambassador guy quickly," said Chibi Usa.

"Listen, there is going to be a huge gathering of people at this convention. Some of them might know who he is or where to find him. They could help us," said Ves Ves.

"Okay, we'll go, but you have to promise me that we're going there to work and not play."

The girl walked up to them saying, "Sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Emma. I am a fellow sailor moon fan. I'm visiting from England. I'd like you to meet some of my friends that will be at the convention in a few days. What do you say?"

They agreed. Emma took them to a small building. "You guys have your own building?" asked Chibi Usa.

"Yeah, we all pitch in to pay the rent on this place once a month. It is our official moonie headquarters," replied Emma.


"That is what we call ourselves. Since we are fans of Sailor Moon, we nicknamed ourselves "moonies". Aren't you fans, too? I'm sure you would've heard that term before."

"Oh yes, of course," said Ves Ves, pretending to know.

A boy was typing away at the only computer in the building. "Who's that?" asked Anna.

"He's Carr. He maintains our cosplay moonie website. Take a look at it," said Emma.

There were many different costumes they had worn in past years. "You guys are really in to this whole dress up stuff," commented Kousagi.

Carr left for the day.

"Hey, if no one is using the club computer right now, can I use it?" asked Chibi Usa.

"Sure, what for?" asked Emma.

"Oh, you know, check my email and stuff."

"By all means, go ahead."

"Now's our chance to do some research on the internet on the ambassador," whispered Chibi Usa.

They couldn't find anything relevant about the ambassador. "I don't understand. If this guy is an ambassador, why isn't he anywhere on the internet?" asked Cere Cere.

Emma walked by, seeing what they were searching for. "What are you guys doing?"

"Researching some information for a political paper I have to write for school," lied Chibi Usa.

Emma left.

"Nice cover," said Jun Jun.

Later that night in the hotel, Drana was still unpacking. There was a long blade and spiked chakra underneath the clothes in her luggage.

"What the heck are those?" asked Jun Jun.

"Weapons, in case we need them," replied Drana.

"Cool. Can I pick them up?" asked Ves Ves.

"Be careful with them, they're very sharp."

Chibi Usa and Lutina were talking amongst themselves. "We should've at least found a little something on this guy. This is frustrating."

"Maybe information on ambassadors is extremely classified. We might need to search from a different angle," suggested Lutina.

It was the day before the anime convention. They were at the moonie headquarters, still trying to find out more information on the ambassador. "Wow, that political paper you're working on is taking a long time," noticed Emma.

"Um, yeah. Thanks for letting us use your computer."

"Hey Emma, come and take a look at this," said Carr, looking out the window.

There was a large group of around fifty people standing outside their establishment. There were people holding signs with pictures of crowns on them. There was a very old Korean man holding a megaphone shouting, "I am the reverend Sun Myung Moon. I demand that you so called "moonies" put an end to your establishment and let us true moonies show the rest of the world the way of the Lord."

"What the hell is that guy talking about?" asked Anna.

"I'll go find out," replied Emma, leaving with a group of sailor moon fans.

"What is going on here?" asked Emma.

"You are confusing people by calling yourselves "moonies". I must end the confusion and prevent any more people from deviating off the true path," replied Sun Myung Moon.

"What's the big deal with using the word "moonie"? We have been calling ourselves that for years," replied Emma.

"We're the original ones known by that name," answered the reverend.

"We aren't a religious group. We're just huge fans of an anime called Sailor Moon," explained Emma.

"I must ask you to change your name and disband your establishment," demanded the reverend.

"We'll be sailor moon fans till the end. Just tell people that we're not trying to mimic you. It's all about a wonderful anime," replied Emma.

"I'm sorry, but I cannot allow your establishment to go on any longer. I was visited by a deity today who told me you would be a threat to my religion. I cannot allow that to happen. I have a sacred responsibility to my followers and the rest of the world. I am humanity's savior, messiah, returning Lord and true parent. It is my duty to lead them in the ways of righteousness. I cannot allow them to be deceived in any way. We have no other choice but to use force," threatened the reverend.

"I'm sorry it has come to that," said Emma.

"Go tell the others to get ready to fight," whispered Emma, to one of the sailor moon groupies.

"What is going on out there?" asked Lutina.

"It seems we are going to have a brawl on our hands. Amsteel, Roanoke, come help us fight. It is time," instructed Carr.

"A fight? Should we help?" asked Palla Palla.

"This is between ordinary humans. We should stay out of it unless absolutely necessary. We shouldn't blow our cover as sailor senshi," said Chibi Usa.

Amsteel and Roanoke were the best fighters of the sailor moon fans. Others left with them. A huge brawl ensued. "Wow, look at them go. Those sailor moon fans sure know how to fight," commented Cere Cere.

There were some sailor moon fans in the building watching the others fight. "Why aren't you out there fighting?" asked Palla Palla.

"We aren't the type of moonies who fight. We are class type "A" moonies," explained Carr.

"Class type "A"?"

"Yeah, don't you know about the different class types? We are the more mature kind of sailor moon fans who don't overreact and resort to violence. Class "D" is the other extreme who can't control themselves and fights others who mock or oppose the great anime known as sailor moon. Our group alone has killed many anti sailor moon fans who have tried causing trouble," informed Carr.

"The culture of sailor moon in America sure is strange," whispered Lutina to Ves Ves.

There were casualties on both sides, and many wounded. One of the sailor moon fans had taken the crown off the reverend's head saying, "Looks like you have been dethroned, your majesty."

The reverend was too old to fight. With many of his followers gone, he drove off, retreating. "God will punish you for this. I will return with his righteous indignation," promised the reverend.

The reverend returned home where more of his followers consoled him. "Thank you all for your support. I must go to my chambers and seek further guidance on what Lord Uranus would have me do."

He prayed in his chambers for guidance. After not having ever received any other visit from the ambassador, the reverend gave up, leaving the sailor moon fans alone from then on.

"What will you do if they come back?" asked Chibi Usa.

"Don't worry, we can handle ourselves. I don't think they'll be coming back, though. We whooped them pretty hard," replied Emma, giving a high five to Amsteel and Roanoke.