The Wandering Poltergeist of Darkness Hill


Kousagi had been recovering for the last couple of days. She opened her eyes, looking around. "You've finally awakened. I'll tell the others," said Chibi Usa, standing over her.

"I overheard those four talking about someone named ambassador Uranus. They were planning on taking me to him," said Kousagi.

"We'll find out who he is soon enough; then we'll take him out," promised Chibi Usa.

"An ambassador was after Kousagi? How strange. There must be some way we can get some info on him," said Luna.

"I've got it! Isn't Rei's dad a prominent politician? Perhaps he may know something about this person," commented Artemis.

"That's right, he is. Let's see if we can set up a meeting with him and ask questions," said Luna.

They tried setting up a meeting with him, but he didn't have time to speak with civilians he didn't know. Luna, Artemis, Chibi Usa and Kousagi went over to the Hikawa shrine. They explained the situation to Rei.

"I'm sorry if he brushed you off. That's how he is. I'll see if I can find out some info for you. I don't see him very often though," said Rei.

Rei found a time to talk with her father. "I'm surprised you wanted to see me. I know we have never had a strong relationship. If you are here to talk about your departed mother, I.."

"No, dad; I'm here to see if you have heard of someone named ambassador Uranus. Does that name sound familiar?" interrupted Rei.

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't have time to explain. Please tell me if you know him or not."

"I have only met with him a handful of times. He is a strange guy with some weird, liberal plans for changing the world."

"What do you mean by that?"

"He has some radical ideas for changing the economy of the world. I don't know much else."

"Do you know where I might find him?"

"Why would you want to do that?"

"My husband is writing a dissertation about foreign affairs for one of his graduate classes, and he would like to speak with him to get some more insights on the topic," answered Rei.

"It would be highly irregular for anyone outside of politics to meet with the ambassador directly. I almost wasn't able to meet with you today."

"Even if there is a small chance, we'd like to set up an appointment with him."

"Be warned that you'll be wasting your time trying. He is an ambassador for the United States of America. But he doesn't reside in the USA embassy since it has been under repairs for a few months. His office is at the Austrian embassy, here, in Japan, for the time being."

The next day, Rei tried contacting the ambassador's office at the Austrian embassy, but got no reply. The answering machine message said that the ambassador was currently out of the country.

They decided to go to the embassy and sneak into his office. "I'm nervous, I hope we don't get caught," said Lutina.

"If he's as dangerous as we think he is, we need to find out all about him we can," replied Kiusakun.

"Besides, we have an ally that will help us get in undetected," mentioned Anna.

"We'll come, too. There is safety in numbers," said Chibi Usa.

They arrived at Hitoshi Doi's house before going to the embassy.

"The only thing I can do is give you these gadgets that will cause any security system devices to go haywire, making them unable to detect you," explained Hitoshi.

It was a small, black device which resembled a thumb drive. "I call it my scramble-izer. Be careful."

Later the next night, as the sun was beginning to set, they made their way to Kurayami Saka, where the Austrian embassy resided.

Along the pathway to Darkness Hill, a white, annoying dog ran towards them, running around their legs and barking. It was trying to bite them. Kiusakun kicked at it to shoo it away.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing? How would you like it if I kicked you?" said a very hostile, hot headed middle aged man, driving his car up to them.

"Excuse me?" asked Kiusakun.

"You heard me. How would you like it if I kicked you?" ranted the stupid man.

"Shut up with your empty threats. We have a right to protect ourselves. Get lost and mind your own business," replied Kiusakun.

A poltergeist appeared in front of the retarded driver, killing him with its icy hands.

The annoying dog barked at the poltergeist. Annoyed at the little pest, the poltergeist killed the dog, too.

"Acetanilide! Where are you?" yelled a woman's voice.

A young couple named Yumiko and Toshi-chan ran up to them. "Have you seen our dog? We were giving it a walk around this area when it ran off on its own," asked Yumiko.

"Uh, you mean this dog?" asked Lutina, pointing to the dead dog lying on the ground.

"My poor Acetanilide! What happened?" asked Yumiko. The poltergeist killed Yumiko and Toshi-chan.

"What the hell is this thing and what is it doing here?" asked Diana.

"I always heard of a ghost story about a poltergeist walking up and down this hill at night. I never thought it actually might be true," said Chibi Usa.

They could see a spectre of a fair skinned man. "We won't be his next victims," said Sailor Juno.

The poltergeist mumbled a few words. Chains and shackles flew at them. Their attacks went right through the chains.

They were bound by the shackles and chains. The poltergeist appeared to be an old man with a very long, white beard. He was wearing a very long overcoat and carried a cane.

He slowly approached them saying, "You look suspicious coming around here at night. I will stop all trouble makers."

"We aren't here to cause any trouble. We're here to prevent it," replied Sailor Kurozuki.

"Don't try to trick me."

"It's true! There's some crazy ambassador from the USA whose office is in the embassy on top of this hill. He's very dangerous," explained Sailor Parallel Moon.

"What's that, you say? An ambassador? I was the first American Consul General to the Empire of Japan," replied the poltergeist.

"What's your name?" asked Sailor Vesta.

"I am Townsend Harris. If there is a problem with an ambassador, it could relate to problems between our two countries. I can't allow that to happen."

"Then let us go so we can stop him," pleaded Sailor Palus.

"Very well, but if you try anything, I'll kill you." He released them.

They used the gadgets from Hitoshi at the embassy. "Hitoshi Doi did some research and said that ambassador Uranus is staying in a room on the second floor, third room from the north end," informed Sailor Kurozuki.

When they arrived, the door was already cracked open a little. "I thought nobody was here," said Sailor Celis.

"It may be a trap," warned Sailor Star.

They peeked through the crack of the door and saw a dead body lying on the ground. It was a woman lying face down, wearing a blouse and skirt.

Sailor Juno rolled the body over. She was wearing a name tag which read "Shaydee Thompson."

"What happened to her?" asked Sailor Virago.

Sailor Kurozuki found some files on ambassador Uranus' desk. Some of them were the files she had sent to North America to be investigated by the authorities.

"He must've intercepted these files from getting to the right people," thought Sailor Kurozuki.

"There isn't much here. He must've taken everything that was important," said Sailor Chibimoon.

"Damn! How are we going to find out where he is now?" asked Sailor Vesta.

They took a small thumb drive underneath some scattered papers in a corner on the floor. "Looks like he forgot this," said Sailor Celis.

On their way home, Townsend Harris appeared before them again asking, "What did you find out?"

"We have some clues that could help us. We're on our way to find out more," explained Sailor Chibimoon.

"I can feel that you are true warriors of justice. I feel comfortable knowing that the relations between the USA and Japan are safe in your hands. Thank you for putting me at ease," said Townsend, crossing over to the other side.

The sailor senshi arrived at Hitoshi Doi's house. He was examining the small thumb drive they found.

"Well, there's not much on here. But what I can gather from this information is that the ambassador has another base of operations besides the embassy in the USA. It's probably somewhere in the western United States. I'll give you more detailed information if I find anything else."

All of the Sailor Senshi were at the Crystal Tokyo Palace, explaining everything they learned.

"I want you to let that ambassador really have it. I can't have him defaming my name," said Haruka.

"There is another thing we would like to announce. Anna and I are getting married in Hawaii, and you're all invited," announced Kiusakun.

Everyone congratulated them. "I have always wanted to go there. Last time I tried going to Hawaii, I ended up going to Greece," said Sailor Venus.

"This is so exciting. Let's start making travel plans," said Tari.

Hitoshi Doi called Chibi Usa on her cell phone later the next day. "I have some more detailed information on the whereabouts of ambassador Uranus. He will most likely be somewhere in California. That's all I can get from this device."

"Thank you," said Chibi Usa.

"What did he say?" asked Kousagi.

"It looks like we'll be going to California. But it's off to Hawaii first."