Written by BHart
October 13, 2006


Act L
Rescue Kousagi! Hitoshi Doi's Plan


Hitoshi Doi was hanging out with some of his friends at an RC raceway. RC racing was a hobby of theirs. "What's the matter with you lately? You seem so pensive, as if you're in another world," asked Megumi.

"Oh, it's just a problem I'm trying to solve out in my head. Being here helps me think," replied Hitoshi.

"If there's anything we can do to help, let us know," said Takashi.

"Thank you. I think I'll take a break for now. Let's see how badly my RC car beats yours."

"You're on," replied Megumi and Takashi. They began racing their RC cars against one another.

A couple was walking down some streets in Roppongi. They were on their way home from a play they had recently performed in. "I love how the rainbow appears after a rain drizzle," said Shigure Minazuki.

"Luckily, I don't have to wait for rain to see my special drizzle rainbow," said Rei Ujou, putting his arms around her.

They saw six trees appear alongside the path they were walking down; to the left and right of them. They kept reappearing and disappearing from sight.

They heard two voices speak to each other. They looked around, seeing two spirits reciting jisei to each other. "With the long passage of time, the long battle still continues," said one of the spirits.

"I have long heard it said that the one who can withstand the passage of time will win this battle of Kawasaki," replied the other.

"Excuse me, who are you?" asked Shigure.

"I am Abe no Sadato."

"I am Minamoto no Yoshiie."

"If I remember my history, the battle of Kawasaki ended long ago. What are you doing here?"

"What? It has? Thank you for telling us. We can move on to the other side now. We've wasted so much time reciting jisei," said Abe Sadato. They disappeared.

Two wooden shurikens flew out from behind some bushes, striking and killing the couple.

A spirit dressed in robes examined them.

On the news that night, there were reports of many people dying in the six trees area from wooden shurikens. Anna and Kiusakun were watching the news. "Looks like there's some more wayward spirits causing trouble again," said Kiusakun.

They turned off the TV. Anna pulled the sheets off the bed, unveiling a beautiful silver ring with diamonds in it. "Does this mean what I think it means?"

"Let's get married in Hawaii like we've always dreamed of," said Kiusakun.

"Yes, as soon as we rescue Kousagi."

Yamata no Orochi was sitting on top of the crag, fighting the spirit of an old man with a long beard, wearing a golden robe with a white bow around the waist. He had a quiver on his back holding arrows and a sheath around his waist holding a sword. He carried a light weight stick in his hand.

He pulled the arrows out of his quiver, throwing them with his hands at Yamata no Orochi since he had no bow. The dragon blew fire at him. Holding up his light weight stick, he blocked the flames. The stick burned to ashes.

"You are outmatched, Jimmu," said Yamata no Orochi.

"As the first emperor of Japan, I will make you flee this realm."

The fierce dragon swung his sharp tail at Jimmu. Jimmu struck the tail hard with his sword. Jimmu caught on fire from a fiery blast from Yamata no Orochi. Jimmu disappeared, crossing over to the other side. Yamata no Orochi continued keeping watch atop the crag.

Chibi Usa, Jun Jun, Ves Ves, Palla Palla and Cere Cere were at Hitoshi Doi's house. "We don't have time to waste. We've got to get Kousagi back," said Chibi Usa.

"That is precisely why I asked you to come over. I believe I have figured out a way to help you get into the crag."

"Are you serious? What is your idea?" asked Ves Ves.

Hitoshi opened a drawer from a desk, pulling out a ginzuishou. "Where did you get it?" asked Chibi Usa, concerned.

"Don't worry. I got it from Naoko Takeuchi. I told her of my plan and she is letting me borrow it. But for my plan to work, I will need your ginzuishou as well."

"Naoko's ginzuishou and my ginzuishou are the only ones left that haven't been shattered. If something should happen to them," replied Chibi Usa.

"I understand your concern, but if you ever want to get into that crag and rescue your sister, this is your best shot."

"I guess if Naoko trusts him, we should, too," suggested Jun Jun.

"Okay, here it is," said Chibi Usa.

Hitoshi began installing it into a five foot tall super computer. He put Naoko's into another one. "What are doing?" asked Palla Palla.

"If my theory is correct, the barrier around the crag is getting all of its energy from the country's power supply. The country's been running on back up generators because of it. If I can take back that power away from the crag, you should be able to enter it."

"How are you going to do that?" asked Cere Cere.

"I have written a program that hacks into the power grid systems of the country. My program will start taking back the power from the crag; thus removing the barrier around it. I need the two ginzuishou's to help store the energy we will be taking back. They will also help my two super servers process all of the information at quick speeds."

"How long will it take?" asked Chibi Usa.

"I don't know. But in the meantime, we can pass the time playing Pokemon baseball. Anyone want to learn how to play? I made this game up myself." He pulled out some cards.

Mamoru and Usagi were taking cover. Their palace was being attacked by the crag. Hadding was using the power of the crag to send large energy blasts to attack them. Things were crumbling and falling apart.

"Where are the sailor senshi when you need them?" asked Usagi.

"They were investigating something in the Roppongi area," replied Mamoru.

The palace continued shaking violently.

Sailor Earth, Star, Virago, Kurozuki and Tsukineko arrived at the six trees area to investigate. They didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

Six trees appeared in the pathway, surrounding them. The six trees turned into the spirits of six feudal lords.

They were each wearing metallic armor and metallic helmets. Their hats had two large, sharp, wooden horns on top.

"Who are you?" asked Sailor Tsukineko.

"We are the six feudal lords of this area. We will kill all who trespass against this area."

"You won't be doing any more killing," said Sailor Earth.

Five of the feudal lords pulled out the wooden horns from their helmets, turning into weapons. They each had different weapons: a large wooden boomerang, a large wooden spear, a pair of wooden shurikens, a long wooden javelin and a large wooden stake.

The sixth preferred to leave the large wooden horns on his helmet.

The large wooden stake was placed on the ground, multiplying across the ground, creating a large bed of wooden spikes. Sailor Tsukineko was dodging the thrusting spear while trying to grab it at the same time.

The sixth feudal lord ran towards Sailor Earth, with his horns facing forward. Sailor Earth ducked at the last moment and tripped the feudal lord. The sixth feudal lord stumbled, falling towards Sailor Tsukineko. He fell into the thrusting spear, stabbing him in the chest.

Sailor Tsukineko blasted the feudal lord with the spear onto the bed of wooden spikes.

Many javelins fell from the sky like rain. Sailor Star made stars fall from the sky, destroying the javelins.

A large wooden boomerang was thrown at them. Sailor Kurozuki destroyed the boomerang.

Two wooden shurikens were thrown at them. Sailor Virago caught the wooden shurikens in her hands. They grew leaves on them.

"You have power over plants?" said a feudal lord, in disbelief.

Sailor Virago used her Storm Eye attack. The remaining feudal lords were caught up in a powerful twister and destroyed by the eye of the storm's powerful laser beam.

"I am most impressed. You have defeated the annoying six feudal lords who have been plaguing this area recently," said a voice.

"Who's there?"

The spirit of an old Buddhist monk appeared, sitting in a large Ginko tree. The tree walked towards them, carrying the monk with it.

"I am Shinran. There is no need to worry, I will not harm you."

"You have command over that tree you're riding. How do you do it?" asked Sailor Virago.

"I have a strong connection with plants as do you. Now the plants and ancient trees of Japan can rest and continue to beautify the Earth. I will give them the power of Zenpukuji." He disappeared.

The camphor trees, Hiroshima tree and other trees regained their energy with Shinran's help.

Sailor Chibimoon and the Sailor Quartet were still playing Pokemon Baseball with Hitoshi. "We've been here for three hours," stated Ves Ves.

"It shouldn't be much longer. You should start making plans on what you'll do after you enter," suggested Hitoshi.

"Good idea. Thanks for your help," said Sailor Chibimoon.

The sailor senshi were helping clean up debris at the Crystal Tokyo Palace. "Thanks for your help, everyone," said Mamoru.

"Those who did this will be dead soon," promised Sailor Kurozuki.

"That barrier is too strong," said Sailor Tsukineko.

"Actually, we should be able to get through it soon," said Sailor Chibimoon, entering the palace with the Sailor Quartet.

"Really? How?"

"We'll explain on the way," said Sailor Celis. They headed for the crag.

"Be careful, everyone. Return safely," said Usagi.

"I don't believe this! The barrier is still up! Does Hitoshi know what he's doing?" complained Sailor Juno.

Yamata no Orochi flew down from atop the crag, landing in front of them. "You have finally come to meet your death."

The sailor senshi backed off and prepared for battle.

..to be continued..