Italicized text written by Pen Isaran
Normal text written by me - BHart
May 4, 2005

Part 1
A Revisit from the Sprite

Later the next day, Usagi and the other senshi were at a local café
talking about the symbol in the sky and what it could be. “It’s gotta be either a prank or someone is really serious about this. If they are serious;
it can’t be good since they have your symbol crossed out,” said Makoto. “Well, we need to find out where this symbol is coming from. The news
said there was no light source found which was projecting this strange symbol in the air,” said Ami. “By the way, where is Kousagi?” asked Rei. “Oh, she is over at Kiusako’s place probably talking about the same thing
we are,” said Usagi. “Who is Kiusako?” asked Minako. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. He is Kousagi’s sailor senshi partner. He is Sailor Earth,” said Usagi. “What? A male senshi?” said the others in confusion. “Yes. And let me
tell you; it’s funny as hell seeing him in a sailor senshi outfit,” said Usagi laughing. She continued to tell them all of what had happened up to
this point. Meanwhile, Kousagi was at Kiusako’s place talking about what in the hell that symbol in the sky was and who put it there.

“You know what else is weird? I tried transforming the other day because
I wanted to see what other kinds of powers I had, but I couldn’t. It’s like
the light has left me and I can’t get it back,” said Kousagi. “Really? I’ll
give it a try,” said Kiusako. He could not transform either. “This isn’t
good. I wonder what’s happening?” said Kiusako confused. “To transform
without a brooch or other kind of transformation device requires great
energy from within. Of course it takes a long time for the body to
generate the kind of energy needed to transform,” said the cat sprite
which they had met with in the forest earlier on. “It’s you again,” said Kiusako and Kousagi in unison. A brooch in the shape of a rabbit
appeared as well as a long, brown pen (about 9 inches). “Is this my very own transformation brooch? Kind of like my mom’s?” said Kousagi
excitedly. “Yes; and that pen belongs to you Kiusako,” said the cat sprite. “To transform, you need to say ‘Parallel Moon Power Make Up.’ And for
you Kiusako, just say ‘Earth Stellar Power Make Up.’” said the cat sprite
as she began to fly off. “Wait! Who are you? Will we see you again?”
asked Kousagi. “Yes, you will. But for now, I have other things to attend
to,” said the cat sprite as she left.

Part 2
Appearance of a Wonderful Manga Artist

Drakester had assembled a group of more or less thirty people. “The time has come to get rid of Sailor Moon and all of her fans once and for all,”
said Drakester. “Where will they be?” asked one of his followers. “I have watched many episodes of Sailor Moon, and I know most of their hang-out places. We’ll try some of those,” said Drakester. Usagi and the others
were still at the café. Kiusako and Kousagi arrived. “It’s about time you
two got here. You guys come up with any ideas on the origin of that
symbol in the sky?” asked Rei. “No, we are still working on it though,”
said Kousagi. Kiusako was then introduced to the rest of the senshi.

Drakester arrived at the Hikawa Shrine. Yuuichirou greeted them as they walked up the steps to the shrine. “Can I help you guys? Are you tourists
or something?” asked Yuuichirou. “We were just looking for Rei and her friends. They were going to show us around town. We are some friends of theirs from out of town,” said Drakester. “I’m sorry, but Rei isn’t here. Neither are any of her friends,” said Yuuichirou. “Thank you. I’ll come back later,” said Drakester as he and the others left. “What now boss?” asked
one of his followers. “I’m not sure. I should’ve watched more episodes to see where else they typically hang out,” said Drakester. Drakester and his followers began wandering around Tokyo; trying to think of another likely place to find the senshi. “I know, Usagi likes to eat a lot. Let’s try a place where there’s a lot of food,” said Drakester. “There are tons of places in Tokyo. It could take us all day,” said one of his followers. ”You’re right.
Let’s just keep walking around until I think of something else,” said Drakester.

The senshi were done eating at the café and began to leave. “So, you’ll
have to show us your sexy sailor uniform sometime,” said Minako as she
and the others began laughing. “Shut up! If I had a choice, I’d wear something more masculine,” said Kiusako embarrassed. A man and
woman were walking in the street as they saw Usagi and the others
nearby. “Oh look honey! Over there,” said the woman. “Well I’ll be. It’s
not everyday you see your own creations in the street,” said the man.
“Oh, let’s go see them. I want you to meet them. You are my husband
after all,” said the woman. “You are going to like them Yoshihiro,” said
the woman. The man and woman started walking towards the senshi.

Drakester and his group were nearby as Drakester saw Usagi in the corner
of his eye. Drakester started walking towards Usagi and the senshi as his group followed. “What is it boss?” said one of his followers. “That is
Sailor Moon. I recognize her from the episodes I’ve seen,” said Drakester.
He saw that the other senshi were with her and recognized them as well. “What a perfect day. They are all together; now we can get rid of them all
at once,” said Drakester. Drakester approached them. “Who are you
guys?” asked Usagi. “I am the infamous Drakester.” “Are we supposed to know who that is?” asked Makoto. “You haven’t heard of me? I am
somewhat well known in North America for being one of the people in
charge of the anti-Sailor Moon campaign,” said Drakester. “Hmm. Doesn’t ring a bell. But since you said you are anti-Sailor Moon, we want nothing
to do with you. Just go away,” said Usagi. Yoshihiro and the woman he
was with stopped walking towards the senshi. “It looks like they’ve
already got company. What do you want to do now Naoko?” asked
Yoshihiro. “We’ll just wait till they’re done talking and then I’ll introduce you,” said Naoko.

“Nobody brushes me off,” said Drakester angrily. “Look, it seems all you want is trouble. Just leave,” said Ami. “I will not leave! I have been
waiting a long time for this. For nearly ten years I have hated your anime show and all of your fans. I was banished to an insane asylum by your
fans long ago. I will get my revenge on them soon enough. But I want to
get rid of all of you sailor senshi first; right in front of your fans faces,”
said Drakester laughing maniacally. “How did you even know that we are sailor senshi?” asked Makoto. “I have watched enough episodes to know
of your secret identities. I will trap you all and kill you in front of all your fans,” said Drakester. Before the senshi could transform, Drakester’s evil symbol in the sky gleamed and shone down on the senshi. The senshi
were trapped in the anti-moon symbol and couldn’t get out. The senshi transformed and used their powers to break out. But it was no use. “I
don’t know how many episodes you’ve watched, but there are other senshi besides us. They will come and kill you,” said Usagi. “Don’t worry. I know
all about Sailor Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Pluto. When they come, I
will trap them as well,” said Drakester laughing. Drakester did not trap Kiusako or Kousagi since they were new senshi and he had no idea who
they were. Drakester and Kousagi transformed. “What? More sailor
senshi?” said Drakester surprised. Sailor Earth and Kousagi were about to attack. “Wait! You don’t want to kill innocent people. What if some of his followers have been brainwashed?” said Ami. “Then what should we do?” asked Kousagi. “You poor saps. You shouldn’t show any of us mercy; it
will be the end of you,” said Drakester.

Part 3
The Showdown with Drakester

“I can’t watch this anymore. I have to do something,” said Naoko as she
ran towards the senshi. “Wait!” said Yoshihiro, chasing after her. Kousagi was scared of having to face such a large crowd of people. Kousagi was frightened and passed out as Kiusako caught her into his arms. “Why are you senshi always so weak?” said Drakester laughing. “Give her a break. She’s only nine. You $%#@ !” said Kiusako. “I will help you my senshi,”
said Naoko as she held up a ginzuishou. The light converted those who
were true Sailor Moon fans. There were some truly, strange and psychotic people who were still following him though. “What? Why do you have a ginzuishou?” asked Drakester confused. “I am the creator of the Sailor
Moon anime. I gave myself a copy of the ginzuishou as a souvenir from
the show when it ended,” said Naoko. The fifteen or so remaining people
he had left were getting ready to go after Kiusako and Kousagi. Yoshihiro ran up behind Drakester and bound him so that he couldn’t move much at all. Kiusako got Kousagi to regain consciousness. “What is this? Get off
of me whoever you are,” said Drakester angrily. “You know, the animators
of your anime show probably showed up wasted to work everyday and
drew the characters’ mouths real big. I bet you were wasted all the time,” said Drakester laughing. “That’s the style in a lot of anime; not just mine you idiot,” said Naoko. “Well, you’re voice actors suck too,” said
Drakester. “Oh, and the dialogue for the English dub sucked,” continued Drakester. “I had nothing to do with the English dub dumb ass,” said
Naoko. “The live action Sailor Moon sucks too,” said Drakester. “Return to Society Punch,” said Naoko as she punched Drakester hard in the ribs. “Round 2,” she punched him hard in the stomach. “Round 3,” she punched him in the chest. “Round 4.” She punched him right in the face and broke
his glasses. His glasses fell onto the ground. Yoshihiro let go of him. Drakester fell to the ground in much pain. Naoko and Yoshihiro walked
off and stepped on his groin real hard as they did so. Kiusako and
Kousagi had crazed anti-Sailor Moon fanatics coming after them. The
veteran senshi were still trapped in the evil Drakester’s symbol.

“How are we going to take on fifteen crazy people?” said Kiusako. Kousagi used her magic as pink light was shining from her again. This time, a
huge, pink cat appeared. The cat ran towards the crazy followers of Drakester and began eating them live. They screamed in agony through
the very painful process. With Drakester’s followers gone, he lost much of his influence. His powers were weakening. Drakester somewhat recovered from Naoko and Yoshihiro attacking him. “You little brats! I will take you
on myself,” said Drakester. “The anime Sailor Moon sucks. You all should watch other anime out there. I have a few recommendations,” said
Drakester laughing. A bunch of old video cassette tapes appeared and
were floating above Drakester. “You will feel the real pain of what quality anime is,” said Drakester. “Some of my recommendations are Attack No. 1
Volleyball, Tigermask, Wakusei Robo Danguard A, and Robotech.” Many
old vintage anime video cassette tapes flew towards Sailor Earth and Kousagi. They dodged a few, but were hit by a few as well. “Ouch. These
old and crappy anime titles can hurt,” said Sailor Earth. “That’s just the beginning of my vintage anime collection. Those are just from the 80’s. I have more from farther back,” said Drakester laughing. “Damn! Older than the 80’s? How old are you?” said Sailor Earth. “Um, that’s not important,” said Drakester, embarrassed.

“Baratak! Mekander! Come and aid me,” said Drakester. Two robots from a very old anime appeared by him. The two old and clunky robots started shooting lasers at them and stomping on the ground. The two sailor
senshi had a hard time getting away from two robots five times their size. They were hit a few times, and hurt a little. “Luckily his old vintage
robots are weak,” said Sailor Earth. “Yeah, but they’re still coming after
us. How can we stop them?” asked Kousagi. Sailor Earth looked down at
the pile of vintage anime on the ground and saw two old video tapes
labeled ‘Baratak’ and ‘Mekander V’. “I’ve got an idea,” said Sailor Earth. “What is it?” asked Kousagi. “These tapes have the same names on them
as the robots he summoned. If he is summoning creatures from these
shitty anime tapes; let’s destroy them and see if that gets rid of them,”
said Sailor Earth. Kousagi and Sailor Earth stomped on the tapes and
pulled out the tape from them. The two robots stopped attacking. They
fell over and exploded. “It worked. Let’s start destroying the other tapes
in case he tries using some other character from these tapes,” said Sailor Earth.

Drakester was upset that they had figured out how to stop his assault of old, stupid anime characters. “You are just kids! You can’t outsmart me,” said Drakester. “Well, we seem to have outsmarted you,” said Kousagi. “That can’t be! I am smarter than the average twelve year old. I insult
them all of the time on my website,” said Drakester. “You really need to
get a life buddy,” said Sailor Earth. “How dare you! My IQ is 200,” said Drakester angrily. “It doesn’t seem like it,” said Kousagi. “You little bastards,” said Drakester. Drakester was getting angry enough that he
broke out of his straight-jacket. “Vmalloc,” said Drakester. A huge
metallic mallet appeared and Drakester ran towards them and thrust the mallet downward. The two senshi dodged the attack. The mallet was
heavy and Drakester was trying to lift it up again to attack them. “Now’s
my chance,” said Sailor Earth. Sailor Earth jumped towards Drakester.
Sailor Earth pulled out his transformation pen. A long, sharp blade came
out of one of the sides of his pen. He slashed Drakester in the forehead. Drakester’s forehead was bleeding and his symbol was broken. After his symbol was broken, the senshi were released from his large symbol that
was in the sky earlier. “Thank god,” said Ami. The symbol on his forehead disappeared and any trace of his symbol vanished.

Drakester got up and saw that the senshi were released. “You are outnumbered. Just get the hell away from us you moron,” said Minako. “I
will not! I am the great Drakester! I was responsible for Sailor Moon going off the air. I am the great anti-Sailor Moon leader. I will not go away,”
said Drakester laughing. The sailor senshi realized that the Drakester
truly was insane and began to walk off and ignore him. “Where do you
think you’re going? Come back and fight me. Aren’t you guys members of
the Sailor Moon Tough Mutha Fucka Gang?” said Drakester mockingly. His taunts and rants didn’t work. The sailor senshi were farther away and still walking. “Stop ignoring me! I am better than you all,” said Drakester. Drakester started shrinking and fading in and out of existence. “What’s
going on?” thought Drakester confused. “I will still leave my website on
the internet. I will never take it down.” yelled Drakester in a vain attempt for the senshi to hear him. Drakester continued ranting and acting like a psychotic idiot. Drakester continued to shrink and fade as he continued
his stupid rants. Nobody was listening or even cared. Drakester’s
influence was gone as was his power. “Help me.” pleaded Drakester. Unfortunately for him, nobody heard him or was even paying attention. He faded out of existence completely and was never seen again. All that was left was his lame vintage anime which was soon thrown away and burned. “What a pathetic, sad little weirdo,” said Ami. Minako spanked Sailor
Earth. “Damn you sexy,” said Minako as they laughed. “Damn it. Leave me alone,” said Sailor Earth. They continued laughing as they walked to their respective homes.
