Written By BHart
March 17, 2006

Kousagi’s new powers unleashed, Tari’s Mentoring

The Quarter Evolution band was in their penthouse when Merrill walked in the door. “So has Yuuichirou cooperated yet?” asked Callister. “Not yet.
I’ll leave him locked up until he will finally decide to write our next hit
song,” said Merrill. “In the meantime I presume you are keeping track of
the funding plans you are working on?” asked Groce Jr. “Of course I am. Callister and I have a brilliant plan which has been very successful,”
replied Merrill.

Pendrell was in the auditorium talking with Valsurania who summoned her there earlier. “If the Quarter Evolution band’s plans continue to be
disrupted by the sailor senshi, I want you and your fanfic review team to
be prepared to go down to Earth and replace them,” said Valsurania.
“What? But then who would be doing our fanfic reviewing job? We are
critics, not fighters,” said Pendrell. “With as many of you as there are,
you will easily out number them. Anyway, you and the other fanfic
reviewers going down to Earth is still tentative. I’m just giving you a
heads up in case that happens,” said Valsurania. “Yes ma’am,” said
Pendrell. “Oh, and there’s also one other matter I need to talk to you
about regarding your new group of fanfic reviewers which arrived
recently,” said Valsurania as she continued talking with Pendrell in the auditorium.

Chibiusa was sitting at her desk during a brief break and contemplating
what Urawa had told them earlier. “Chibiusa? Are you okay? You seem
deep in thought,” said Lutina. “Oh, it’s nothing. Where are you guys going
to eat lunch?” asked Chibiusa. “Let’s try the roof today. It’s a beautiful sunny day,” said Hotaru. “Where is Tari?” asked Chibiusa. “She’s in some school club right now. She’ll meet us on the roof later,” said Hotaru. “Oh really? What club is she in?” asked Chibiusa. “She’s in the writing club. I think she’s helping people with their writing,” said Hotaru. “Will Diana be attending school with us soon?” asked Lutina. “She wants to go to the
same school as us, but her parents want her to be home schooled
instead,” said Chibiusa.

Pendrell was in the fanfic reviewer’s meeting room with the new fanfic reviewers. “I haven’t met any of you yet so I’m going to call off your
names to make sure everyone is here. It seems that two people are
missing so I’m going to find out who they are,” said Pendrell. “Sailor Kero Kero.” “Here!” said a yellow frog wearing a strange looking sailor uniform. “Dean.” “Here!” said a skinny guy wearing a black tuxedo with a cape.
“Ashi.” “Here!” said an overweight and ugly girl with brown hair who was wearing a beige colored dress. “Holling.” “Present,” said the same girl
who answered to the name of Ashi. “You just answered to the name of
Ashi. You can’t also be Holling. Stop being a wise ass,” said Pendrell.
“Oh, she doesn’t mean any disrespect. She has a three way split
personality; she is actually three different people. She goes by the name
of Ashi, Holling and Rusello,” said Dean. Ashi used her powers to
separate into her three personalities. Three identical looking people
wearing the same clothes appeared before everyone in the fanfic
reviewer’s meeting room. “Wow, you guys are a strange bunch of freaks
with super hero complexes,” said Pendrell. “Thanks,” said Sailor Kero Kero and the others. “Anyways, let’s get down to why I brought you all here. It appears that you all have been spending your time attacking fanfic
writers' stories rather than helping the senior fanfic review team with creating creatures by extracting them from fan fiction stories,” said
Pendrell. “Yes, that is true. It is a passion of ours,” said Ashi. “While I would normally commend such actions, we can’t have you all wasting your time with your childish fighting with fanfic writers who post their stories online. We need you all to help us create creatures from the fan fiction
you read. Another thing that Valsurania noticed is that you all have been keeping blogs of your history of what you have been doing. This also must stop as not only is it a waste of time, but it can also compromise our position out here in space. If you get too many people angry at you, they may try and find you all and could possibly trace our connection to the internet out here in space; if they are good hackers that is,” lectured Pendrell. “We are sorry ma’am. It won’t happen again,” said the junior
group of fanfic reviewers. ”I’m glad to hear it. Now get back to work,” said Pendrell, leaving the room.

After lunch, Chibiusa and Tari were in Ms. Haruna’s class. Ms. Haruna
handed back some graded papers that they had to write in a foreign language. “Wow, you always seem to get high scores on these foreign language papers,” said Chibiusa. “The writing assignments are easy. I
guess foreign languages come easy to me,” replied Tari. “Okay class, I
want you to continue working on yesterday’s assignment and I’ll return in ten minutes,” said Ms. Haruna. “Where does she always go during these
ten minutes? She does this almost every day,” asked Tari. “Some
students have said that they have seen her out in the parking lot crying
in her car. She’s really depressed that she’s still not married. It’s really
sad,” said Chibiusa. “That’s terrible,” said Tari.

After school that day, the girls met up with each other and were walking home. “So how was your day today Lutina?” asked Chibiusa. “It was okay except for math class. That Mr. Querry is an old grouch and is always slamming a long ruler against the wall when he gets mad. He has broken many rulers,” said Lutina. “The teacher who annoys me is the drivers ed teacher Mr. Williams. He asks you to make a left hand turn and then
when you do, he fails you,” said Hotaru. “I’ve heard a lot about those two teachers. Thank god I don’t have them,” said Chibiusa. “Is Tari staying
after school again for the writing club?” asked Lutina. “Yes. She has really gotten into helping people with their writing,” said Chibiusa.

Tari was in the writing club helping potential writers with their stories.
She was sitting down with a boy in the club and reading over what some
of the new fanfic reviewers had written online about the boy’s stories. “I can’t believe how stupid and rude these people are about your stories.
Some of them haven’t even read some of these stories that they’re
making fun of. They’re just making fun of them to make their stories look better. That’s really pathetic,” said Tari. “Yeah, that’s what I and some
other people in the writing club have thought as well,” said the boy. Tari continued reading things online and commented “Well look here! All of
these five people who have been ripping apart your stories have all given each other great and wonderful comments. It’s just what I thought; they
all agreed before hand to give each other good reviews on their stories
and attack other people’s stories. They probably all know each other in
real life and are attacking various fanfic stories together,” said Tari.
“Yeah, it’s always the same five people who have been bashing people’s stories together: Ashi, Holling, Dean, Rusello and Sailor Kero Kero,” said
the boy. “I’ll do everything in my power to get them banned from viciously attacking people’s stories; and without even having read some of them. Constructive criticism is fine, but what they’re doing is anything but,” said Tari. “Thanks a lot. I really appreciate your help,” said the boy. “No
problem Doug, I’m glad to help,” said Tari.

Later that night, Ms. Haruna was at her home watching some television.
She soon turned off the television and went into her room and sat down
on her bed. “Maybe I shouldn’t have such high standards. I’ll never get
laid having such high standards,” thought Haruna to herself as she took
off her dress. She put her hands inside her bra and began rubbing her breasts with them. She then removed her bra and began playing with her nipples and squeezing her breasts. She then moved one of her hands
down into her panties and began rubbing her pussy while the other hand continued massaging her breasts. She also began rubbing her clit and fingering herself as she slowly removed her panties with her other hand.
She then got on her hands and knees and was in the doggy style position
as she continued rubbing her pussy. After a few minutes of doing that,
she then lied down on her back and continued playing with her breasts
and pussy until she reached orgasm. “Oh God! Feels so good,” thought Haruna to herself. She put her panties back on and pulled up on them
really hard causing her panties to go in between her outer and inner labia. She continued pulling harder as her panties rubbed up against her pussy
and into her pussy lips as she got another orgasm. “If I can’t have the
real thing, this is the next best thing,” thought Haruna to herself.

Merrill and Callister were talking with their creatures on a webcam.
“I’m glad to hear that everything has been going great with my plan.
Great job John Querry and Henry Williams,” said Merrill. “The great thing
is that nobody has caught on to our scheme yet,” said Querry. “Yes, we
have done a very good job of being discreet about it,” said Williams.
“Glad to hear it. We’ll contact you later on your progress,” said Callister
as he and Merrill disappeared off of the web cam. As Querry and Williams were laughing of their evil deeds and walking out of the school library,
Sailor Kurozuki, Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Virago, and Sailor Parallel Moon were standing in front of them. “We know what you two have been up to. You’re both in the school book business and have been making a lot of money selling books for college for six times their real value,” said Sailor Chibimoon. “There’s nothing wrong with that. College’s everywhere have been ripping off college students like that for years,” said Querry. “How
did you find out about that anyway?” asked Williams. “One of the
students in the writing club was hacking into the school’s computers and found documents of your money making scheme,” said Sailor Virago. Williams and Querry were two fat men with curly hair. Querry was wearing glasses. Querry and Williams began laughing and merged into one big
and ugly creature with a big afro.

Instead of feet, the creature had wheels and drove right into the sailor senshi before they could attack. The sailor senshi moved out of the way
just in time as the creature began attacking the sailor senshi with a huge ruler. The creature slammed the ruler on the ground with such force that
the sailor senshi were blasted and fell onto the floor. Sailor Parallel Moon quickly got up and used her Mochi Rabbit Love attack at the creature. The creature blocked the attack with its huge ruler. “You’re attack is weak,”
said the creature laughing. Sailor Kurozuki and Sailor Chibimoon used
their attacks and destroyed the creature’s large ruler. “Damn you kids! I
can still run you all over.” The sailor senshi tried to attack him but he was driving recklessly and dodging their attacks. A fish skeleton flew through
the air, piercing the creature’s tires and popping them, causing him to
stop before he could run over the sailor senshi. “A poor teacher is a
failure to society and a detriment to education,” said Red Battler. The creature was surprised and was trying to figure out where Red Battler had come from.

“That’s all right. I have some spare tires I can use,” said the creature as
it was changing its wheels. “Sailor Parallel Moon, look deeper within
yourself and find a greater power to destroy this evil,” said Red Battler. “Look deeper?” asked Sailor Parallel Moon. As the creature was still
changing its tires, Sailor Parallel Moon concentrated and discovered a new power within herself. “My attack hasn’t been very effective lately. I need
to be stronger,” thought Sailor Parallel Moon to herself. The creature had replaced its tires and was heading for the sailor senshi again. Sailor
Virago used a strong blast of wind and blew the creature farther away
from them. “Lavender cottontail fantasy,” said Sailor Parallel Moon as a
zig-zag of lavender bunny heads and yellow stars destroyed the creature. “Great job Sailor Parallel Moon. I knew you could do it,” said Red Battler.

Later that day, Tari was in the writing club with some other students. “I have some good news Doug,” said Tari. “Oh, what is it?” asked Doug. “I
got those childish people who were mindlessly attacking your fanfics
booted off of the website where they were posting their own stories as
well as bashing other people’s. They are permanently banned,” said Tari. “Really? That’s great news. Thanks for all of your help,” said Doug. “Sure thing. We writers need to stick together and stand up against idiots like them,” said Tari.