Written By BHart
March 10, 2006

Hidden powers of the human heart, a new sailor senshi is awakened

At the Quarter Evolution band’s penthouse, Merrill was having a meeting with the other band members. “So, have you all been working on your assignments I handed out last week?” asked Merrill. The three band members replied in the affirmative. “This is so lame. I’m not going to implement your money funding plans anymore. I’m going to come up with
my own instead. Nobody can tell me what to do,” said Groce Jr. as he got up off of the sofa and began to walk away. “Fine, I’ll just let Valsurania know
of your insubordination and you will receive the proper punishment,” said Merrill. “Damn you!” said Groce Jr. angrily as he sat back down on the
sofa. “Now, let’s go over the plans I assigned you all to implement and
give me a progress report on all of them,” said Merrill as the band
continued the meeting.

Chibiusa and Kousagi arrived at the Crystal Tokyo Palace after having attended school and having done some of their other daily activities. They saw Luna, Artemis and Diana talking with a tall and fat man wearing a
plaid shirt, overalls and a ten gallon hat. “I started my business about
three years ago. Luckily it survived the conflagration a few months ago,” said Rhett. “Oh, hi girls; there’s someone I’d like you to meet,” said
Artemis, seeing Chibiusa and Kousagi entering the room. They walked
into the room and saw Rhett. As Chibiusa and Kousagi went to greet him, they recognized him. “You’re that guy the other day who was wearing the white tuxedo aren’t you?” asked Chibiusa. “What? How could you tell?” asked Rhett. “That’s not a very good disguise. It’s not any better than my dad disguising himself as Tuxedo Kamen,” said Chibiusa. “Well, I just
came to visit Luna and Artemis. We became friends a long time ago,” said Rhett. “How are you still alive and human now?” asked Artemis. “After the nijizuishou left my body, some of its power still remained in me. I
should’ve died an obese cat years ago, but the remaining power of the nijizuishou in my body transformed me into a human,” said Rhett. “So
what is your alter ego name?” asked Diana. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t
properly introduce myself last time. When in uniform, I go by the name of Red Battler,” said Rhett. “Red Battler? But you were wearing a white tux,” said Kousagi. “Well, um…that’s just a nickname I picked up over the
years,” said Rhett. “It was nice meeting you Mr. Rhett, but we’ve got to
go and see our friend’s new shop,” said Diana. “See you later,” said
Chibiusa and Kousagi as they left with Diana.

The three shortly arrived at a small little business which specialized in fashion designing. “Hey guys. How are things going with your new business?” asked Chibiusa greeting Anna and Setsuna. “Not too bad.
We’ve made some good progress the last three months we’ve been open,” said Setsuna. “Oh, these vases are pretty. I don’t remember seeing them here before,” said Diana. “Those are fairly new. We bought them a couple
of days ago from a salesman going door to door,” said Anna. After they spent an hour or so at the shop they left and began to walk back home.
“Can we stop off at grandma and grandpa’s house since it’s on the way home? They always have some sweets there to eat,” asked Kousagi.
“Okay, we’ll stop in and visit,” said Chibiusa.

Kenji and Ikuko were pleased to see them and let them inside the house. “What brings you girls here?” asked Ikuko. “Oh, we were just in the neighborhood and thought we’d drop by,” said Kousagi. “Well, we’re glad that you decided to come and visit us,” responded Ikuko. “Hey, can you
girls come here for a minute? I have a question about these electronic
game things,” hollered Kenji from another room. The girls followed his
voice into the living room. “What is it grandpa?” asked Kousagi. Kenji was
in the room and trying to get a Game Cube working. “I’ve looked at the instructions and have hooked it up properly but it still isn’t bringing up
any games to play,” said Kenji. The girls looked at it a bit when Kousagi said “It’s not working because you need to put a game in it to play it.” “What? I already spent all this money on the system and now I have to
buy games for it?” said Kenji confusedly. The girls laughed. “You’re so
funny grandpa. Of course you have to buy games for it,” said Kousagi.
The girls stayed over a bit longer and had dinner with their grandparents.

As they were walking home later that day, they bumped into a man
walking the opposite direction. “Oh, excuse us,” said Chibiusa. “Oh no,
it’s my fault. Let me make it up to you by giving you a free reading,” said the man. “Um, that’s okay. We don’t believe in that fortune telling stuff anyway,” said Diana. “Oh come on guys. It sounds like fun,” said Kousagi. Chibiusa didn’t want to but Kousagi persisted until Chibiusa gave in. “My studio office is just up the street. I can give you the free reading there,” said the man. They followed him to his studio office. “You’re on tv?”
asked Diana surprised. “Yes, I have a television show where I help people with their problems with my psychic powers. Excuse me for not
introducing myself. I am Urawa.” He then began to give a reading for the three of them. “I am sensing a strong energy from you all. It is so similar
to something I have felt before. It has been a long time,” said Urawa as
he was trying to remember where he had felt a strong energy such as
theirs before. “Now I remember where I have felt this type of energy
before. Are you three sailor senshi?” asked Urawa. The girls were shocked and were a little afraid and got up out of their chairs. “How did you know that?” asked Kousagi. “Well, I’m not a sailor senshi,” said Diana. “You’re not? I sensed a similar energy from all three of you,” said Urawa. “I think
we should leave now,” said Chibiusa. “No. Please don’t leave. Don’t be afraid. I used to date a sailor senshi a long time ago. Her name was
Ami,” said Urawa. “What? Sailor Mercury?” said the girls surprised. “Yes.
It used to be pretty serious between us,” said Urawa. “What happened?” asked Diana. “Well, she chose someone else over me. I still am shocked that she chose him over me. But enough about that; do you girls want me
to finish the reading?” asked Urawa. “Come on Chibiusa, let’s just see
what he says,” said Kousagi. They all agreed to stay a little while longer
for Urawa to finish their reading. “I hear music and people talking. I see a stage and lights. Wherever this place is, you need to go there or else you won’t find what you’re looking for,” said Urawa. “That’s it? What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Kousagi. “That is as specific as I can get. I
don’t know anymore,” said Urawa. “I hope that helps. That’s all I have,”
said Urawa. “Thanks for the reading. I’ll think it over and see how that applies to us,” said Chibiusa as she and the other girls left the studio

The vases at Anna and Setsuna’s shop had turned into clay and attacked Anna and Setsuna and hardened as it pinned them up against the wall. “What in the hell just happened?” asked Anna. A man wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and a baseball cap walked in their shop. “Aren’t you the guy who
sold us those vases?” asked Setsuna. “Yes, I am. Adam Claybaugh at
your service. If you don’t mind, I’m going to take the money from your register right now.” “You won’t get away with this,” said Setsuna. She and Anna struggled to get free, but couldn’t. “Just think of it as donating your funds to a greater cause,” said Adam. As Adam was taking money from
the register, he was blasted by a black and pink energy and flew against
one of the corners of the wall sizzling with burns all over his body. “Are
we glad to see you guys,” said Anna. Sailor Kurozuki and Sailor Virago helped get the girls down from the wall by breaking apart the hardened
clay. They transformed into Sailor Star and Sailor Pluto.

Adam’s skin and skeletal structure were burned and partially melted. His
skin was getting softer and more clay-like. He arose and turned
completely into clay. “I am Claybaugh and this is my true form.” He began making balls out of clay and throwing them at the girls. He made them so fast and threw them so quickly that the sailor senshi had a hard time dodging them. Some of the clay balls hardened and hit Sailor Kurozuki, knocking her to the ground. The other clay balls still remained soft and hit Sailor Pluto and Sailor Star and began to spread across them and restrict them. “This stuff won’t come off,” said Sailor Star. “It’s starting to spread. It’s going to cover our entire bodies in clay,” said Sailor Pluto. A fish skeleton flew through the air and cut through the soft clay balls and destroyed them. “Such evil pottery must be destroyed,” said Red Battler
as he appeared. “What in the hell?” said Claybaugh confusedly. “I’ll take care of him,” said Sailor Virago as she used a big gust of wind and blew Claybaugh against the wall. The wind blew off Red Battler’s white top hat, revealing his bald head. “Oh, how embarrassing,” said Red Battler as he
ran to pick up his hat. The wind was drying out Claybaugh’s clay body. His once soft clay body quickly became hard and brittle. Sailor Pluto and
Sailor Star finished him off with their attacks.

Nebekker and Groce Jr. appeared in the shop. “Valsurania said not to fight them unless we were all together as a band,” said Nebekker. “I don’t
care! Once we both finish them off, Valsurania will make me the leader instead of Merrill,” said Groce Jr. “Do you two have a death wish?” asked Sailor Virago. “Don’t act so godly. We will both finish you all off,” said
Groce Jr. Nebekker began playing his black clarinet and blasted the sailor senshi with his evil tunes. “It will take more than that to defeat us,” said Sailor Pluto. Groce Jr. raised his hands as a black and red cube appeared above his head. “Acsworld Gyration,” said Groce Jr. as the black and red
cube spun around the room very quickly and blasted the sailor senshi to
the ground. “It appears none of you are as great as me, the mighty Groce Jr.” “You won’t get away with hurting our friends,” said Sailor Chibimoon, Sailor Parallel Moon, and Diana. “Take care of Sailor Chibimoon and I’ll
take care of the other two,” said Groce Jr. Nebekker played some evil
tunes out of his black clarinet and blasted Sailor Chibimoon to the ground. “Mochi Rabbit Love Attack,” said Sailor Parallel Moon. Groce Jr. countered
her attack with a blackish red blast and cancelled out her attack. Sailor Parallel Moon couldn’t believe what had just happened. “I am the mighty Groce Jr. Everyone is beneath me.” Diana had seen what had happened
and became very saddened and angry. “I won’t let you sorry ass punks defeat us,” yelled Diana. A gray and pink light surrounded Diana as she
shed her civilian clothes and was wearing a sailor senshi uniform! Sailor
Star and Sailor Pluto stood up and were ready to fight them as well.
“Diana? What is going on?” said Sailor Chibimoon surprised. “There are
too many of them. We should retreat,” said Nebekker. “Never! I’ll show
you how it’s done,” said Groce Jr. as he shot forth a black and red energy blast at Diana. Diana was still full of energy and pissed off. “I, sailor Tsukineko will not let you have your way.” A gray and pinkish light
blasted away Groce Jr.’s attack and blasted him against the wall.
Nebekker and Groce Jr. made a quick retreat.

“Wow, that was amazing Diana!” said Sailor Chibimoon excitedly. “I didn’t know you were even a sailor senshi,” said Sailor Parallel Moon. “I did not either until just now. I never would have imagined I was a sailor senshi,” said Diana. “Well, maybe it’s your true powers coming out now that you
are a human,” said Anna.

“Where has Yuuichirou been lately? He’s supposed to be working on a
new song for our band,” said Merrill. “He has been acting a bit strangely recently. He told me he is having second thoughts about being in our
band,” said Callister. “What? Why?” asked Merrill. “Well, we’ve never let
him come up to this penthouse of ours yet. He’s getting suspicious that we’re hiding things,” said Callister. “I’ll take care of it next time I see
him. He is not going to ever leave our band,” said Merrill with an evil