Written By BHart
March 6, 2006

Chibiusa’s Magical Flute, a new masked ally appears

Ami and Setsuna were in an observatory and still trying to find out where
the hidden space craft was that the space pods came from. There was another person working in the observatory with them who looked similar
to Umino. “Here, try using this. I think I fixed it,” said Amano, handing a strange looking circuit chip to Ami. Ami took it and put the information
into a computer and began performing an analysis on it. Setsuna used the data that Ami got and continued looking for the spacecraft. A few hours passed when Setsuna got a smile on her face after looking through the telescope for so long. “I found it!” said Setsuna. “What? Really? Let me see,” said Ami as she and Amano looked through the telescope. “Great!
Now we know where they are. Thanks for fixing up that broken circuit,”
said Ami. “Sure thing. I still don’t know what exactly is so exciting about finding a few asteroids though,” said Amano. Amano could not see the spacecraft because he had to take off his glasses first to look through the telescope at Ami and Setsuna’s request. They had told him that they were looking for an asteroid belt and when Amano looked through the
telescope, his vision wasn’t so good so he thought he was looking at asteroids. “Well, we are just astronomy nerds,” said Setsuna. “Well, my work here is done. I’m going to go hang out with your husband for a while,” said Amano. “Okay. You two have fun at your cribbage game,” said Ami
as Amano left the room.

The Quarter Evolution band had just gotten out of a meeting with Valsurania. Merrill had a big grin on his face. “I can’t believe she made
you the leader over us. I mean, didn’t she see all the ass kissing you
were doing?” asked Groce Jr. “Well, she obviously saw me as the most fit
to see over everything down here,” said Merrill. “Oh please. I would make
a much better leader than you,” said Groce Jr. “Oh boy, here they go
again,” said Callister as he and Nebekker both got sweat drops over their heads. “I hope someone has some money funding program going on right now because I know I don’t and those two fight all of the time instead of work,” said Nebekker. “Don’t worry about it. I already have something in progress,” said Callister.

Chibiusa, Kousagi and Diana were sitting around Luna and Artemis. Luna
and Artemis were getting ill from old age. “You guys are really starting to worry me. You’ve been ill for a few weeks now,” said Chibiusa. “We’re just getting old. We may not be around much longer,” said Artemis. “Don’t say that dad!” said Diana, upset. “Isn’t there anything we can do to help?
Can’t my mom’s ginzuishou help?” asked Kousagi. “The ginzuishou is still shattered, and besides, it can’t prevent death by natural causes,” said
Luna. “There’s got to be something we can do. I won’t give up until we
find out what it is,” said Diana.

Ami and Setsuna walked in the room and saw Diana in tears. “What’s
going on here?” asked Setsuna. “My parents are dying,” said Diana.
“What?” said Ami and Setsuna, shocked. “Well, our lifespan isn’t as long
as a human's,” said Artemis. “What brings you two here?” asked Luna.
“We just came to tell you that we have found the location of the
spacecraft that our enemies are using to send creatures down here to
Earth,” said Ami. “Really? That’s great news. How did you guys do it?”
asked Chibiusa. “Well, each of the space pods has some circuitry on them which enables them to be undetected when they travel through space and land on the Earth. The only problem was that upon landing, the circuitry which keeps the space pods undetected is broken, due to its fragility.
After we got someone to help us fix the circuitry, it only took a few days
to pinpoint the location of the spacecraft since it used the same
technology to make itself undetectable,” said Ami. “That’s great news. I’ll tell the others about it,” said Chibiusa. “So how will we get up there in space and stop them?” asked Kousagi. “We don’t really know. It would be too expensive to go up in a rocket ship,” said Setsuna. “We’ll put an end
to them somehow,” said Chibiusa. Ami and Setsuna stayed with the
others for a while to see what they could do to help out Luna and

Callister was in the band’s garage where they had practice sessions. He
was all alone talking with someone. “What is your problem? You have
quit from 5 jobs and have been fired from 3. We need a steady flow of money to help fund the ambassador’s plan,” said Callister. “It’s not all my fault sir. I have gastritis and I get sick a lot. I also have delicate nerves
and can’t stand medium or loud sounds,” said Juan. “Well, you had better find some medication or something to fix it. We need more competent creatures working for us,” said Callister. “Well, I’m sorry if I’m not good enough for you gringos,” said Juan angrily as he began to leave the
garage. “Stop being so racist and just get your job done,” said Callister. ‘What an annoying creature I have to work with. What were the
fan-fiction reviewers thinking when they sent him down here?’ thought Callister to himself.

There was a local bar nearby called ‘Rhett’s Western Paradise’. Juan was
in there and had filled out an application and had already handed it to the owner. The owner reviewed it for a few minutes and said “Well, we don’t normally interview this soon after having filled out an application, but we
are a little low on help now-a-days. Would you like to interview today?” asked Rhett, the owner. Rhett was a large man of about six feet two
inches and 330 pounds. He was wearing some jeans, a button up shirt
and a cowboy hat. “Yes sir,” said Juan. They talked a little in his office
and Rhett said “It seems you’ve had some problems holding down jobs,
but I’m willing to give you a chance. We need someone to wait and clean the tables. Would you be willing to do that?” “Yes sir, I would appreciate
the opportunity,” said Juan. Juan was five foot six inches tall, around 220 pounds, had dark skin and was wearing glasses. “Okay, if you can start tomorrow, that would be great,” said Rhett. “Just tell me the time you
need me here,” said Juan.

All of the sailor senshi were gathered around Luna and Artemis since they were getting very sick and old. “I wish there were something we could
do,” said Minako. They were all worried about them and in tears. “All of those times you helped us fight the enemy. I can’t see you two go!” said Usagi. “It can’t end yet. It just can’t,” said Ami. Everyone was stressed
out and didn’t know what to do. Kousagi walked in the room with Kiusako, Anna, Tari and Lutina. They had all been informed of Luna and Artemis’ situation and how they had been sick for a little while now. “Maybe there
is something I can do since I am part feline myself,” said Lutina. Lutina walked towards Luna and Artemis and her star shaped brooch began to emanate a pinkish light. Chibiusa and Kousagi’s brooches began to
resonate with Lutina’s brooch. A pink and lavender light surrounded the
three and enveloped Luna and Artemis. After a few minutes of being in
the light, their brooches stopped glowing. Everyone looked at Luna,
Artemis and Diana and were surprised at what had happened. Luna,
Artemis and Diana were in their human forms. “I haven’t seen you guys in your human forms for a while,” said Usagi. “How was this possible?”
asked Kiusako. “I have a small fragment of the pink star crystal from my planet which I used to help heal them. I didn’t know Chibiusa and
Kousagi’s crystals would start to react with mine,” said Lutina. “Even
though our mother’s ginzuishou is shattered for the time being, Kousagi’s and mine still work; although we aren’t experienced enough to use them
to their full potential yet,” said Chibiusa. “This must’ve been the only way
to get us to live longer; as humans,” said Artemis. “The last time we
were changed into humans, it was also by the power of a crystal,” said
Luna. “Why did I turn into my human form? I wasn’t old and dying,” said Diana. “My only guess is that you were standing close enough to them
and that you are also part feline,” said Lutina. “How do you two feel
now?” asked Makoto. “Much better; it’s as if our old age illness has left
us,” said Luna. “Well, it looks like we’ll have to get used to living the life
of humans,” said Artemis. “I can live with that,” said Diana.

It was lunch time and Rhett was sitting down at a table and eating his
usual tuna sandwich with a side of tuna casserole. Juan was cleaning
some tables when he dropped to his knees and began holding his
stomach. He ran back to the kitchen where the cooks were making food.
He took some spicy barbecue meet and ate it to ease his gastritis. His stomach didn’t take to well to spicy and oily foods. There was some
country music playing in the background at a reasonable level, but it was irritating Juan’s sensitive nerves. He moaned in pain and fell on the
ground behind the bar where people ordered drinks. He was in pain and
kept on switching back to his disguise and his true form as he could not control it any longer. His stomach took over and consumed the rest of himself. He turned into a big blob with his eyes and mouth visible on the outside. He scared the customers out of the bar and began to consume
the food there to satiate his hunger and end the pain from his gastritis. Rhett heard the commotion and went to go see what was happening. He
saw a human sized blob that had just finished eating everything in the kitchen. “What the hell is going on here?” said Rhett. Rhett moved out
of the way as Murga, the brown blob rolled itself out of his bar.

There was a loud commotion everywhere Murga went as people ran away from it as he ate whatever food he could find. Some people were
screaming and running away from Murga. “Can’t they be more quiet? My nerves are killing me,” said Murga. “Don’t you think you’re the cause of that?” said Sailor Kurozuki. “How did you find me so quickly?” asked
Murga. “All of the commotion you’ve been causing was a dead give away,” said Sailor Kurozuki as she used her Electromagnetic Fissure Bang attack. “Ouch! Why do you have to be so loud?” said Murga angrily.

Sailor Earth and Sailor Star joined the battle and used their attacks on
Murga as well. Their attacks made Murga’s gastritis and nerves worse, but
he was still alive. “What is this thing?” asked Sailor Earth. “I don’t know,
but he hates sounds and it seems like he’s hungry,” said Sailor Kurozuki. “You all are making my gastritis worse! And on top of that, you’re being
too loud!” said Murga as he rolled towards the three. He rolled himself towards them really fast and was going to squish them. As he was about
to roll over them, a fish skeleton flew through the air and landed on the ground and stuck in the cement right in front of Murga, stopping his roll. Everyone looked puzzled and looked around to see where the fish
skeleton had come from. A tall and fat man wearing a white tuxedo, a
mask and a white top hat was standing across the street. “Gluttony is
one of the seven deadly sins you will be punished for,” said the man in
the white tuxedo as he ran off. “Who the hell is that?” asked Sailor Earth. Murga ate the fish skeleton to try and ease his gastritis. “Oh gross. I
can’t believe he just ate that,” said Sailor Star. Murga’s stomach became upset and he rolled around groaning in pain. “You shouldn’t have eaten
that you idiot!” said Sailor Parallel Moon as she appeared and used her
Mochi Rabbit Love attack. Murga began absorbing her attack and began to feel better as her attack started to satiate his hunger. Her attack stopped and Murga began to complain that he wanted more. Murga continued
being in pain from his gastritis and rolled down the street as fast as he could to find some food.

The sailor senshi ran after him but Murga was rolling down the street
much faster. “We’re never going to catch up with him,” said Sailor Parallel Moon. A flute started playing and caught the attention of Murga and the sailor senshi. They all looked around to see who was playing the flute.
Sailor Chibimoon walked towards Murga and the other sailor senshi who
were in the streets chasing him. “What is this unpleasant sound? It’s
hurting my delicate nerves!” complained Murga. It was a soft and pleasant sound coming from a spiraled flute Sailor Chibimoon was playing. As
Sailor Chibimoon continued playing the flute, some cookies and other
sweets appeared in the air. Murga began to eat them to ease the pain of
his gastritis. “Oh yes! Give me more,” said Murga as he continued eating until his gastritis stopped hurting. Murga remained stationary and Sailor Chibimoon stopped playing the flute. Sailor Virago walked up behind
Sailor Chibimoon. “Spiraling Gust” “Interstellar Moon Power,” said Sailor Virago and Sailor Chibimoon, respectively. Their attacks destroyed Murga.

“Where in the world did you get that flute?” asked Sailor Parallel Moon. “I got this from Peruru. He is a friend who gave this to me long ago. Sometimes I use this flute to make sweets when we don’t have any in the house. Don’t tell mom that this flute can make sweets or else she’ll be pigging out on them all the time,” said Sailor Chibimoon. “Don’t worry,
your secret is safe with me,” said Sailor Parallel Moon.