Written By BHart
March 2, 2006

Crystal Tokyo palace wedding celebration, Chibiusa’s rekindled flame

Merrill was sitting down on the sofa in their penthouse. His chin was
resting on his hands as he was thinking to himself. “Well, I’m not the
leader yet,” said Merrill, out loud to himself. “I don’t understand you at
all. The last thing I’d ever do is kiss ass like you have. I’ll treat my
superiors however I want,” said Groce Jr. “Just be quiet. You are just an egotistical ass who is a fan of insubordination. I am a hard worker and
get things done. I think Valsurania has been very pleased with my work,” said Merrill. “What do you two talk about during your meetings?” asked Groce Jr. Merrill just remained silent. “I don’t believe this. Your silence is just like telling me that I don’t have to know. I have a right to know everything that goes on,” said Groce Jr. “Do you want me to hit you? I
feel like I’m the only one running things around here,” said Merrill. “I’ll
take you on any day,” said Groce Jr. “Just calm down guys; we will never
be able to defeat the sailor senshi if we’re at each other’s throats,” said Callister. “Oh, and what have you two been up to?” asked Merrill. “I
already have a plan in progress and it is going quite well so far,” said Nebekker.

Chibiusa and Kousagi were in the Crystal Tokyo palace with their parents.
“I can’t wait until uncle Shingo’s wedding. It’s so cool that you guys let
him have his wedding here,” said Chibiusa. “Yeah, when are the others getting here?” asked Kousagi. “They will be here tomorrow. The wedding doesn’t start until tomorrow. Remember?” said Mamoru. “Yeah, I guess
I’m just excited for the wedding and seeing everyone here. I’ve never
even met his bride before,” said Chibiusa. “I met her once a long time
ago. She is a talented doll maker like her mother. If I remember right, I think her name is Mika,” said Usagi.

Later the next day when Chibiusa woke up, she saw some people outside on the palace grounds. She got a surprised look on her face when one of the people out there was Yuuichirou. “What’s Yuuichirou doing here?” asked Chibiusa. “Oh, we asked the Quarter Evolution band to play here today,
but only Yuuichirou was available. Shingo requested that someone from
that band play at his wedding. I guess it’s some new band you kids like,” said Usagi. “I don’t care for them too much,” said Chibiusa. ‘I wish Yuuichirou knew about how evil that band he is in really is. I just don’t
think he’ll believe me,’ thought Chibiusa to herself.

Minako, Makoto, Rei and Ami came with their husbands and children and were walking on the palace grounds. Makoto recognized one of the people
on the palace grounds, helping set up the wedding. “Shinozaki? Is that
you?” asked Makoto. “Oh, hi Makoto. It’s been a while,” said Shinozaki.
“So, you’re helping set up this wedding huh? How have things been going
for you?” asked Makoto. “Not too good. I’ve been unemployed for a while since most of my clients died in the inferno a few months ago. I’m glad to be working again though. Other than that, my wife and I are fine,” said Shinozaki.

Rei, Ami and Minako walked towards the Crystal Tokyo palace and saw Yuuichirou practicing some songs he was going to play for the wedding.
“Hey Rei, aren’t you going to say hi to Yuuichirou?” asked Ami. “What?
No! I can’t believe that dolt doesn’t even know he’s in an evil band,” said Rei. “Well, not everyone can detect evil presences Rei,” said Minako.
“Well, we should at least say hi and not be rude,” said Ami. “Hi guys,”
said Yuuichirou. Rei quickly greeted him and walked off. “How have things been going for you in the band?” asked Ami. “Okay I guess. I still haven’t seen their penthouse yet. But they seem like nice guys,” said Yuuichirou. “Don’t you think it’s a little weird that they haven’t shown you their penthouse yet? I mean, you are a member of their band after all,” said Minako. “Yeah, I guess so. But I’ve never been in a band before so I don’t know what goes on,” said Yuuichirou. “Well, just think about it. If they
can’t even trust you to show you their penthouse, they may not be a band worth staying with,” said Ami.

“Hi grandma and grandpa!” said Kousagi, running up to Kenji and Ikuko as they entered the Crystal Tokyo palace. “Oh, where’s a nice chair to sit
down in? My back is killing me,” said Kenji as he found a recliner and sat down in it. “Thanks for bringing dessert mom. You’re pies and other
pastries are the best,” said Usagi, taking the desserts from Ikuko and putting them in the kitchen. “Don’t eat any of it until after the wedding dinner,” said Ikuko, catching Usagi taking a piece of lemon pie. The kids
of the other sailor senshi entered the palace and went to go play with
one another. The husbands of the other sailor senshi went to go hang out with Mamoru.

Luna, Artemis and Diana walked in the palace afterwards. “Well, it looks
like we aren’t the only ones who are getting old,” said Kenji to Ikuko, speaking of Luna and Artemis. Artemis and Luna glared at him briefly and then left the room. The Ayakashi sisters, Umino, Naru, Setsuna, Haruka, Michiru, Unazuki, Motoki and Reika arrived at the palace and began conversing with different people at the palace. Ami was in a room with
the other sailor senshi. “We’re still looking for that space ship in space where the space pods came from. It is hidden very well; we have checked various sectors in space. After analyzing the space pods, it probably took them around one to two weeks to arrive on Earth. The material they’re
made of isn’t strong enough to support strong speeds without being destroyed, so the space craft they’re coming from can’t be any farther out
in space than Venus,” said Ami. “Well, I hope you guys find it soon. I
don’t understand any of that space stuff,” said Usagi.

Shingo and Mika arrived to get ready for the wedding as well. “Oh, I’m
glad you’re here. Let’s start putting on your dress,” said Usagi as she grabbed Mika and went to another room. Rei, Ami, Minako, Makoto and
Ikuko joined them as well. “So, how was your traditional Japanese
wedding?” asked Ikuko. “It was very nice. My legs got tired though.
Thanks for letting us have our western style wedding here,” said Mika. Kiusako, Anna, Lutina and Tari arrived at the palace. “I’m so glad you
have clothes on,” said Chibiusa to Tari.

Shinozaki was outside and busy getting everything ready for the wedding. “Tim, put the flowers over there on that table and park the cars of the people who brought them in the royal parking lot,” said Shinozaki. “Yes
sir,” said a somewhat muscular man wearing a black and white suit. He walked up and got the keys from Shinozaki.

“Thanks for coming at such short notice. I really like your band,” said
Shingo, shaking Yuuichirou’s hand. “Um, sure; no problem dude,” said Yuuichirou. The wedding ceremony had just begun and everyone had
taken their seats. An hour or so passed and Shingo and Mika were
married. Everyone cheered as the new couple began to cut the wedding

Nebekker was off in a corner talking to Tim. “What? Valet parking and gardening jobs? You aren’t contributing much to the ambassador’s funding program. I should probably just have you whore yourself out to some
women again. That’s the only time you ever brought in a decent income,” said Nebekker. “I am sorry sir, my limited skills make it hard to bring in much money,” said Tim. “I thought I recognized you,” said Chibiusa
entering the room. “Damn, how unlucky that you’d find me here so
quickly,” said Nebekker. Nebekker had black hair and blue eyes and was wearing small glasses, black slacks and a short sleeved button-up shirt which had some buttons missing.

A black clarinet appeared in Nebekker’s hands as he began to play it. A wicked blast of evil tunes blasted Chibiusa as she fell onto the ground. Nebekker was about to finish her off and remembered that Valsurania had told the band to work and fight together as a team. “Go ahead and finish
her Tim,” said Nebekker as he disappeared. Tim flexed as he ripped the
shirt he was wearing a little bit. “You will be my first kill,” said Tim, laughingly. Before Tim could attack, a rose flew through the air and struck Tim in the groin. He instantly fell to the ground in pain. “Your pathetic attempts to fund your space program will not go unpunished,” said
Tuxedo Kamen. Chibiusa transformed into Sailor Chibimoon. Just as Tim
was picking himself up off of the ground, Sailor Chibimoon kicked him
hard in the ass. She kicked him so hard that he ejaculated some sperm
out of himself.

Shinozaki walked in the room. “What the hell is going on Tim? I thought I asked you to go and make sure the bathrooms were clean,” said
Shinozaki. Tim started laughing and turned into his true self. His face
began to look more like an ape and his body got slightly more muscular.
“I am not Tim, I am Lund.” Lund charged towards them and missed them, hitting the ground. Shinozaki, Tuxedo Kamen and Sailor Chibimoon fell on the ground due to the impact of Lund’s fall. Lund got up and used his
Exotic Debauchery attack. Tuxedo Kamen, Shinozaki and Sailor Chibimoon started seeing their deepest fantasies with their lovers. Sailor Chibimoon was in a fantasy with her and Helios. As the three were daydreaming in a deep and exotic fantasy, Lund threw a bunch of razor sharp porn
magazines at them. “Wind Bluster,” said Sailor Virago, entering the room. The strong gust of wind blew the porno magazines back at Lund. Lund
was caught up in the gust of wind as well and was stabbed with some of
the magazines as he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Sailor Parallel
Moon entered the room and used her Mochi Rabbit Love attack. Sailor Chibimoon used her Interstellar Moon Power attack in unison with Sailor Parallel Moon’s attack. Lund stood up and tried blocking the attack. He barely resisted the attack and fell over in much pain. They were amazed
that Lund had not been destroyed yet.

“Lascivious Illusion,” said Lund. Everyone in the room started getting
excited and lusting over their true love. “They’re so easy to distract,” said Lund, laughing. Sailor Earth and Sailor Star entered the room and
combined their powers together. “Earth Star Collision.” Their combined
attack collided into Lund with great speed and power. Lund was blasted
so hard that when he fell on the ground, he made a two foot deep hole in the ground. Lund got up after a minute and got very ill and weak from the STDs he had contracted as a gigolo and died.

Lutina walked in the room looking to see where everyone else had went. “Oh, it looks like I missed out on the fun today,” said Lutina. They left
the room and joined the others at the wedding reception. Chibiusa, Lutina and Tari stood against a wall together as the couples at the wedding reception were dancing to some music. “May I have this dance?” asked someone approaching Chibiusa. Chibiusa looked up and said “Helios! I haven’t seen you for a while.” “I thought I could leave Elysian for a little while and dance with you at this celebration,” said Helios. Chibiusa joined him on the dance floor and began dancing to a slow song.

“I’m sorry about that guy I hired to help me out with the wedding. I had
no idea he was some sort of freak monster,” said Shinozaki. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. My family and I understand that you had nothing
to do with it,” said Kousagi. “I’m so glad I can see you again,” said
Chibiusa as she and Helios kissed. “I have missed you too my maiden,”
said Helios. Everyone celebrated the rest of the night and early morning
at Shingo and Mika’s wedding.