Written By BHart
January 24, 2006

Finn’s funding failure

The remaining five band members were in their hotel suite on the
sixteenth floor. The room was dark and an image of Valsurania appeared. The band members got on their knees. Valsurania saw them kneeling and said “There are only five of you. Where is your sixth member?” “He ran
into some problems with the sailor senshi milady,” said Merrill. “If you
can’t even handle them, maybe it was a mistake sending you all here,”
said Valsurania. Groce Jr. stepped forward and said “We can destroy
them; we have mainly been focusing on our funding plans for the ambassador’s ambition.” “You all have been doing well, but you need to
do better. I will be checking back with you all shortly. In the meantime, destroy those sailor senshi as well,” said Valsurania as the hologram of
her image disappeared. “We wouldn’t be screwing up so much if I were in charge,” said Finn angrily. ”You’ll never be in charge of us; you aren’t leadership material. You can work on your own if you want,” said Merrill. “Fine, but when I succeed, I will ask Valsurania to put me in charge of our band,” said Finn. ”That will never happen,” said Groce Jr. “You’ll see what I’m capable of soon enough,” said Finn, leaving the room.

The band’s first album debuted a couple of days ago and was being sold
in most stores in the city. The album’s name was called ‘Life’s Regrets’,
by the Quarter Evolution band. Chibiusa and Lutina were walking around
in one of the local stores. They saw the band’s new CD. “What do you
think of their music?” asked Lutina. “I think a few of their songs are okay, but I don’t want to buy an entire CD of music if I don’t like most of the songs. I’d have to hear more of their songs to know if I’d want to buy it
or not,” said Chibiusa. Lutina picked up one of their music CD’s in the
store and flipped it over and read what was on the back. It showed a
picture of the band and listed their names. ‘From left to right: Rick Groce
Jr., Ryan Merrill, Lou Callister, Paul Finn and Ray Nebekker.’

Chibiusa and Hotaru were walking home from cram school late at night. “Man, that was one hard test,” said Chibiusa. “I know; I’m tired of all the studying we’ve been doing lately. I need a break,” said Hotaru. Chibiusa walked to Hotaru’s house and dropped her off. “See you next week,” said Hotaru, entering her house. Chibiusa was exhausted and rubbed her forehead. “I need to get some sleep; it’s been a rough couple of weeks.” Chibiusa eventually arrived at her house and crashed on her bed. Luna walked in her room and peeked in the door. “Yep, it looks like she finally arrived home,” said Luna to Artemis. “Good, I always get so worried when she stays up so late at night walking around outside after studying with Hotaru,” said Artemis.

Later that night, a truck came driving into the city from the nearest forest. The truck stopped, and the silhouette of a female personage got out of
the truck. “Thanks for the ride,” said the girl as she handed the person driving the truck some money. The truck drove off and the girl began
walking around town.

A couple of days had passed and Hotaru and Chibiusa received the results
of the exams they had taken earlier. “I’m so relieved. I thought I was
gonna bomb some of those tests,” said Chibiusa. “I know; all of that hard work paid off,” said Hotaru. They parted ways and went to their homes. “Wow, you did a great job,” said Artemis as he saw Chibiusa’s test
scores. “Yes, your mother never did this good on any tests,” said Luna. “Thank god I take after my father in that respect,” said Chibiusa.

Finn was in a garage with band equipment. The room was dimly lit. There was a large creature in the garage with him. “How is my plan coming
along?” asked Finn. “About as good as can be expected,” said the
creature, reaching into his pockets and handing Finn some money. Finn counted the money. “This isn’t very much. Why isn’t there a lot of money here?” asked Finn. “With all due respect sir, it isn’t easy to get a lot of money from this plan,” said the creature. “What? How dare you tell me
my plan isn’t efficient. Leave now and gather more money. I expect to
see more the next time you return!” said Finn angrily.

The next day after Chibiusa arrived home, she dropped her books on the floor and lied herself down on the bed. Luna walked in the room. “Hi Luna. What’s up?” asked Chibiusa. “Souichi Tomoe called a few minutes ago and wanted to celebrate your and Hotaru’s excellent test scores. He wants us
to come over to his mansion in about thirty minutes,” said Luna.

Later that night, everyone was at Souichi Tomoe’s mansion. “I ordered
some food and it should be here shortly. When it gets here, eat as much
as you want because I ordered plenty,” said Souichi. Everyone was
enjoying themselves and congratulating Hotaru and Chibiusa. “Papa says
he can help get us into almost any nice, reputable high school with our
high test scores. I’m so excited,” said Hotaru. “Whatever high school we decide to go to, let’s choose the same one so we can have fun together,” said Chibiusa.

“You two remind me of myself when I was younger,” said Ami. “Keep it up and you’ll go far in life,” said Setsuna. The bell at the front gate rang and one of the house servants left the mansion to go to the front gate. The house servant arrived at the gate and saw a very large person at the front gate holding the food that was ordered earlier. “How much do I owe you?” asked the servant. The very large delivery man threw his body weight
upon the front gates and shook them hard.

“What are you doing?” asked the servant. The very large delivery man continued to ram up against the front gates until he broke them open.
The servant fell over on the ground and the delivery man walked up to the front doors of the mansion. He knocked on the doors and Michiru
answered the door. She saw a six foot tall man weighing around 360
pounds. He was wearing a baseball cap with the logo of the food company he worked for. He was so obese that his fat stomach looked like it had
butt cheeks on it. He had a name tag on his shirt which said ‘Marvin Lee’. “Didn’t the servant pay you for the food at the front gate?” asked Michiru.

Marvin Lee threw his body weight onto the ground. Michiru moved out of
the way as he landed on the ground. His heavy body weight shook the
room they were in and they all fell down onto the ground. “Give me all
your money,” demanded Marvin Lee. Chibiusa and Hotaru were in the
kitchen and peeking through the doors. They both quickly transformed. Marvin Lee picked himself up off of the floor. “Interstellar Moon Power,”
said Chibimoon. Sailor Chibimoon’s attack hit Marvin Lee right in his huge butt cheek looking stomach. Her attack began blasting away at Marvin
Lee’s fat gut. Her attack shed off 100 pounds of fat from Marvin Lee.
Marvin Lee flew backwards out the door and onto his back. He soon picked himself up off of his back and got in his delivery car and began to drive

“Oh no, he’s getting away,” said Sailor Chibimoon. ”Come on and get in
my car,” said Haruka. They were catching up with him fairly quickly since
he didn’t have much of a head start. “Oh great, he’s heading for the
rainbow bridge. There’s really bad traffic this time of day on the bridge,”
said Haruka. Marvin Lee got stuck in the traffic too. “It’s going to take forever to get to him,” said Sailor Saturn. ”Let me take care of it,” said
Sailor Uranus. She used her world shaking attack and all of the cars in
front of them moved to the side a few feet. The attack hit Marvin Lee’s delivery car from behind and his car flipped over. “Thanks Haruka,” said Sailor Chibimoon as she and the other sailor senshi who came with her (Saturn, Kurozuki and Parallel Moon) ran down the bridge towards Marvin Lee’s tipped over car.

Marvin Lee got his large body out of his delivery car and looked over his shoulder and saw the Sailor Senshi standing behind him. He took some
globs of fat from his stomach and threw them at the Sailor Senshi. “Mochi rabbit love attack.” Sailor Parallel Moon’s attack destroyed the globs of fat coming at them. Sailor Saturn jumped in the air and swung her silence
glaive down on Marvin Lee and cut him in half. The fat soon reattached
itself and Marvin Lee’s body became one again. “I’m not so easy to kill,”
said Marvin Lee laughing.

Sailor Kurozuki used her Electromagnetic Fissure Bang attack. Marvin Lee flew back into his delivery car as his body sizzled on the hood of the car.
His sizzling, fat body cooled down rather quickly and his body hardened to the hardness of bricks. “This is my true form; I, Mason, will not be defeated.”

Mason pounded his fists in the ground and knocked over some cars. The sailor senshi were trapped in between half a dozen cars. Mason was
walking towards them, but their mobility was limited. “World Shaking,”
said Sailor Uranus. Her attack blasted away the cars trapping the sailor senshi and caused Mason’s brick body to crumble to thousands of pieces. “Are you guys okay?” asked Sailor Uranus. “Yeah, thanks for your help,”
said Sailor Chibimoon. “Come on, let’s go home,” said Sailor Uranus as
they began walking back to the car. There was a girl sitting on the wires supporting the bridge. There were many red, green and white lights
shining in the dark. “I’ve finally found them,” said the girl as she watched them get into the car and drive away.

Kiusako and Anna arrived at the mansion for the celebration. “Sorry we
were late. I had to stay late at work and traffic was awful,” said Kiusako. ”Don’t worry about it. The celebration has just begun. We just got back fighting another weird creature,” said Chibiusa. “Those things are always strange,” said Anna. “Are your parents here?” asked Kiusako. “They were here earlier, but they had to leave. You know, protecting Crystal Tokyo
and everything,” said Kousagi. “At least the delivery guy left the food
here,” said Mina, taking it into the kitchen.

Finn was waiting for Mason in the dimly lit garage and had been there for
a while. “Damn, those sailor senshi might’ve put an end to my plan,” said Finn, thinking out loud. “Face it, your plan failed because it was terrible,” said Groce Jr., as the rest of the band appeared. “I was just warming up,” said Finn. “We’ll see how good you do next time with your poor leadership and organizational skills,” said Merrill. “It’s a good thing we’re making
pretty good sales off of our first album because your last plan didn’t bring
in much money at all,” said Callister. The band laughed at him and then disappeared.
