Normal text written By BHart
Italicized text written By Allen Montalvo
January 8, 2006

Act XX
Sailor Senshi’s day of fun, Lutina’s day of learning

Kiusako and Anna were chasing one of Christiensen’s creatures. They
were inside a building which had the words “Bill Good Marketing” written
on the outside of it. “Damn, where’d he go?” asked Kiusako. As they were looking around for the creature, a grenade was thrown. Kiusako and Anna heard it land on the ground and hid behind some cubicles and under desks as the grenade exploded. The creature emerged from behind a desk with
a name plate on it which had the name “Tony Drake” on it. The creature
was ugly and had two arms which were only three-fourths of a foot long each. The creature was wearing some camouflage army clothes. “Nice try, but you missed us Tony,” said Kiusako. “It’s too late, I’ve already
transferred all the funds from this company to a private account,” said
Tony. “The funds may be gone, but we’ll finish you off before you make
any more companies bankrupt. I guess that was your best option since
you didn’t get paid much working here as a crappy computer programmer,” said Anna.

“Damn you two. You don’t even know who I really am. I am Ekard,” said
the creature as he began to transform. He turned into a strange creature with two long chicken legs, a dinosaur tail and body with bunny ears on
his T-rex looking head. “What the hell kind of freak is this?” asked

Ekard charged at them, knocking over many cubicles and office equipment. He swung his hard dinosaur tail at them, knocking them both over before they could move. “Damn he’s fast,” said Kiusako. Ekard lowered his head
and began biting at Sailor Star, trying to eat her. Kiusako moved out of
the way and attacked Ekard with his Gaia Rache attack. The ground
trembled and shook and Ekard fell 10 feet into the ground. Ekard was
trying to claw his way out with his small dinosaur arms. He saw the two sailor senshi standing outside the hole. He aimed his bunny ears at them and bullets shot out at Kiusako like a machine gun. Kiusako ducked and
hit the ground. With Ekard’s fast chicken legs, he ran up the hole and got
to the top. Before he could attack, Sailor Star already had an attack
prepared for him. “Star Dart” said Sailor Star. A large star shaped dart pierced Ekard through his body. Ekard fell to the ground bleeding
profusely and soon died.

A few of the local radio stations in the city were playing the band’s first album. Their song “It’s too bad” was playing on the air. “1...2...3 Father’s hands are lined with dirt from long days in the field. Mother’s hands are serving meals in a café on main street with mouths to feed...just tryin’ to keep clothing on our backs and all I hear about... is how it’s so bad. It’s
too bad, stupid. Too late, so wrong, so long. It’s too bad we had no time
to rewind. Let’s walk, let’s talk. You left without saying goodbye;
although I’m sure you tried. You call the house from time to time to make sure we’re alive but you weren’t there right when I needed you the most
and now I dream about it... and how it’s so bad. It’s too bad, it’s stupid; too late, so wrong, so long. It’s too bad we had no time to rewind. Let’s walk, let’s talk. Father’s hands are lined with guilt; With guilt from tearing
us apart. Guess it turned out in the end. Just look at where we are. We made it out... we still got clothing on our backs and now I scream about
it... and how it’s so bad, so bad, so bad. It’s too bad, it’s stupid. Too late, so wrong, so long. It’s too bad we had no time to rewind. Let’s walk, let’s talk. Long time, let’s walk, lets talk.” “That was the new song called ‘It’s
too bad’ by the new band Quarter Evolution,” said the DJ.

Christiensen had just finished listening to the band’s song on the radio.
He pounded his fists on his office desk. “You have no one to blame but yourself. The sailor senshi ruined your most recent plan,” said a voice. Christiensen turned around and saw that Finn was standing in his office behind him. “As soon as I kill those sailor senshi, my picture will be on all
of our band’s album covers in the future,” said Christiensen. “Well, you
had better do it soon or else you’ll be out of the band for good. We can’t have you seen being associated with us. The sailor senshi have already
seen you and know you are the enemy,” said Finn as he disappeared.

Chibiusa and Hotaru were at school when they heard many other students talk about the new band and their song that played on the radio the other day. Some students liked it and others didn’t care for it. Chibiusa and
Hotaru didn’t care too much for it. “I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s
an okay band; nothing special,” said Chibiusa with Hotaru agreeing.
Chibiusa and Hotaru met up with Lutina in one of the school hallways. “So, what do you think of the new band that everyone’s talking about?” asked Chibiusa. “Me? Well, I haven’t really heard them. I don’t pay much
attention to the latest human teenage trends,” said Lutina. “Wow, that reminds me; we’ve got to spend some more time with you and show you
how we humans have fun. We haven’t had time lately since we’ve been so busy with cram school,” said Chibiusa. “Yes, I would be very interested in learning about a few of the activities you do for fun,” said Lutina.

That weekend, Chibiusa, Hotaru and Lutina went out shopping together. Kousagi was with them. “What’s she doing here?” asked the others. “Oh,
my mom and dad need some alone time, so they wanted me to take my little sister with us,” said Chibiusa. They went to all kinds of stores and bought all kinds of things; mostly clothing. “So, have you had any fun
yet?” asked Chibiusa. “Yes, thank you for your help in finding new attire
to accessorize myself with,” said Lutina. “That reminds me that we also need to work on your speech. You sound like a robot,” said Chibiusa as
the girls laughed. “So, is this the end of our shopping?” asked Lutina.
“Yep, I think that’s about it...oh wait! We forgot something very
important,” said Chibiusa. “What’s that?” asked the other two girls. “We forgot to buy shoes. Every girl at least has a dozen pair,” said Chibiusa. “You’re right,” said Hotaru. They all headed for a local store which sold shoes. They entered the store and began looking at the different kinds of shoes and trying them on. “There are so many shoes here,” said Hotaru. “Yeah, let’s split up and look around and try the ones we like,” said Chibiusa. Chibiusa was interested in the pink colored shoes. “Oh! How can you stand those? I hate pink!” said Kousagi as she picked out purple
colored shoes.

Christiensen was in his office and looked up at some security camera footage throughout the store. As he was looking, he recognized Chibiusa
and Kousagi since they were the daughters of the legendary Sailor Moon. “Aha! What luck! The sailor senshi are here in my store,” said
Christiensen. A few minutes had passed and Lutina could not find any of
the other sailor senshi. Hotaru was still busy looking at shoes and trying some of them on. Chibiusa and Kousagi had been teleported to Christiensen’s office which was in the back of the store. Chibiusa and Kousagi were trying to figure out what had happened and where they
were. “I finally have you sailor senshi trapped. I’ll have to kill you now
since you’ve been screwing up everything,” said Christiensen. Chibiusa
and Kousagi recognized him after a few seconds of looking at him. “You’re that guy we saw a few days ago at the hospital,” said Kousagi. “Yes, and this will be the last time we see each other. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure
you both die quickly,” said Christiensen. Kousagi and Chibiusa

Christiensen removed his glasses and shot out blue beams from his eyes. The beams hit Kousagi and she went flying back a few feet into a bunch
of shoe boxes. Some of the shoe boxes fell over on top of Kousagi. Before Christiensen could shoot his eye beams at Chibiusa, she had already run
up to him and tried to hit him. He grabbed her arm and the two were
pulling on each other’s arms and were equally matched. Chibiusa got
better grounding with her feet and threw Christiensen into some boxes in the room. As Christiensen was getting rid of the boxes which fell on top
of him, Chibiusa ran over to help Kousagi. Christiensen got up and
emerged from the pile of boxes that fell on top of him. Chibiusa and
Kousagi ran towards Christiensen and were both jump kicking towards
him. Christiensen grabbed one of each of their legs with his two hands
and threw them both against each other. They got the air knocked out of them and fell on the ground.

“This is where I get rid of you for good,” said Christiensen.
“Electromagnetic Fissure Bang.” Christiensen was getting many fissures
and burning sensations throughout his body. He was blasted against the cement wall and fell on the floor in pain.

“How did you find us?” asked Chibiusa and Kousagi as they were getting
up. “I heard a lot of noise back here and decided to see what was going
on,” said Sailor Kurozuki. Christiensen pulled himself off of the ground.
His clothes were burned a little and torn and his glasses were broken. “You’re in really bad shape; you should just surrender,” said Sailor
Kurozuki. Christiensen’s skin turned into a grayish color; almost the same color as stone. “What the hell? What kind of weird thing are you?” asked Sailor Chibimoon.

He turned into a short stone/gnomish creature. He ran towards Sailor Kurozuki with great speed and jumped in the air at her. He swung his arm out at her and hit her hard in the chest. She fell to the ground and was
out of breath. Sailor Chibimoon and Sailor Parallel Moon tried attacking
him, but he knocked them to the ground with his stone body. He stood above the sailor senshi as they were lying on the ground and his stone
fists enlarged to three times their original size as he lifted them in the
air. “I’ll smash you all into the ground really quick. You won’t hardly feel a thing,” said Christiensen.

As he was about to smash them into the concrete floor, a black sphere appeared in his chest. “What…what is this?” said Christiensen as he fell
to the ground. The black sphere enlarged and then disappeared. Christiensen’s stone body cracked and crumbled apart. Sailor Kurozuki, Chibimoon and Parallel Moon got up and saw that Sailor Saturn was
standing behind Christiensen. “You guys were really being noisy back
here,” said Sailor Saturn.

“We’re so glad to see you,” said the others. As they were leaving Christiensen’s office, Chibiusa noticed a music CD of the new band called “Quarter Evolution.” “Woah, what’s he doing with this CD? This CD won’t
be released in stores until three days from now,” said Chibiusa. “Maybe
he’s got connections and knew where to get a copy,” said Hotaru.

Later that day, Finn was looking for Christiensen in his office. He saw the big mess and saw Christiensen’s destroyed stone body on the ground. “They must’ve found his secret office. I’m surprised they found it so quickly and took him out,” thought Finn to himself.

There was a silhouette in the forest which was still examining the space pods in the forest which was recently crystallized due to the ginzuishou.
The silhouette had just finished examining the space pods and began to walk away from the forest and into the city below.
