Written by BHart
April 30, 2005

Act II
Part 1
The Anti Sailor Moon Freak

Somewhere in space, we see a large spacecraft which has a large side
and a smaller navigational front side. “Claris 30” is written on the side of
the spacecraft. Inside the large spacecraft, there is a huge auditorium.
There are also smaller rooms nearby. In the projector room which is
elevated above the auditorium, there is a woman in her twenties reading some information which is being printed off on a printer. The woman has medium-brown hair which is shoulder length. She is wearing a white
button up sweater; although it is not buttoned up. She is wearing
overalls, but no shirt; very little of her bosom is showing.

“What? This can’t be right,” said the woman in the projector room. She looked at the data a little longer, and then left the room. She left the auditorium and then walked through a door, which lead her to a narrow
hallway. She reached another door, and then entered in a room with a platform. She stood on the platform as it elevated her up about 40 feet.
She opened a door at the top and then entered the navigational part of
the spacecraft.

There was a large deck area with a figure standing on it in the shadows.
“I hate to bother you now miss, but there are some reports we have
received that you must know about,” said the woman in the overalls.
“What is it?” asked the shadowed figure as she still had her back turned
to the other woman. “The diplodoci ecchi creature that we sent to secrete toxic amounts of fluoride in the water has been destroyed,” said the
woman in the overalls. “Diplodoci ecchi is gone? What of the other
creature we put down there?” asked the shadowed figure. “I’m not sure,
we aren’t getting any life readings from it, but I don’t think it has been destroyed like the diplodoci ecchi has been. I think it has found a host,”
said the woman in the overalls. “Interesting. How many victims died from our first plan?” asked the shadowed figure. “At least forty. Should I
continue with that plan and send another ecchi creature down to
intoxicate the water supply?” asked the woman in the overalls. “No,
abandon that plan in case the sailor senshi have found out about it. Hopefully they were among the forty who died from it. I can’t have them
getting in the way,” said the shadowed figure. “What do you wish I do
now Sailor Sun?” asked the woman in the overalls. “Send down
Drakester,” said Sailor Sun. “What? But he’s crazy; and he was one of the leaders of the anti-Sailor Moon campaign,” said the woman in the
overalls. “Just do it now Pendrell! Maybe he will be able to get rid of the sailor senshi for us,” said Sailor Sun. Sailor Sun stepped forward out of
the darkness and she was wearing a sailor fuku which was orange/red/yellow. She had fiery, red, long hair.

“Yes miss,” said Pendrell as she left the deck. Pendrell returned to the projector room, and turned on a microphone speaker. “Steve, come down
to the projector room immediately,” said Pendrell as her voice could be
heard throughout all the rooms on the intercoms. A phone rang in the projector room as Pendrell picked it up and answered it. “What? You’re
busy and can’t come down right now?” said Pendrell shocked and a little
bit angry. “Sorry boss, these weird creatures we have locked up keep me
real busy,” said Steve on the other end of the phone. “Whatever. I just
need you to release Drakester from his padded cell and send him to
Earth,” said Pendrell. “What? Why? He’s a crazy loon,” said Steve. “Don’t question it; Sailor Sun wishes it to be done,” said Pendrell as she hung up the phone. “Damn! Why do I have to do all of Pendrell-sama’s dirty
work?” thought Steve to himself. Steve was a four foot tall monkey with
elf ears; he was wearing a black, button-up jacket which he left
unbuttoned. Steve entered a large room with various weird, locked up creatures. “Let’s see here. It says Kyle Drake (Drakester) is in
padding cell 3-F,” said Steve as he found the door and unlocked it.

As he opened the door, there was a blonde haired guy wearing glasses,
and wearing jeans and a straight jacket. There was a symbol on his
forehead which was a crescent moon (which looked like sailor moon’s) but the crescent moon on his forehead had a sign over it. There was
some duct tape over his mouth to prevent anyone from hearing his stupid rants. Steve escorted Drakester to the docking station where he pushed
him into a pod-shaped shuttle. Steve removed the duct tape and shut the door to the pod shuttle. The pod was released from the docking station
and headed for Earth below.

Part 2
The Conversion Process Begins

Everyone had arrived home safely at the city. Kiusako and Kousagi were talking over what had happened. “So are Michiru and Haruka feeling any better?” asked Kousagi. Kiusako had just got off the phone with them.
“They were trying to figure out what kind of illness they had, and as they were looking online; they found that their symptoms most closely match
that of morning sickness,” said Kiusako. “Morning sickness? Like being pregnant?” asked Kousagi confused. “Something like that,” said Kiusako. Kousagi looked very similar to chibiusa, only her hair style was slightly different and her hair color was a lavender color. Sailor Earth had medium-brown hair and it was similar looking to Ail’s hairstyle. The pod shuttle
that Drakester was in arrived at earth and landed in a remote part of the woods. The shuttle door opened and Drakester exited the pod shuttle.
The Drakester saw a city nearby and began walking towards that

“My older sister Chibiusa will help us since we may need it in the future,” said Kousagi. “Good, any extra help is welcome,” said Kiusako. Drakester activated a communication intercom on his straight-jacket. He tried contacting other anti-Sailor Moon fans but received little to no response. “Those of you who are still active anti-Sailor Moon fanatics, report to me
at Tokyo immediately,” said the Drakester. Drakester continued walking towards the city of Tokyo which wasn’t too far off. “Well, today is
Saturday; at least we can take a break from the everyday routine,” said Kiusako. “That’s right; time for some nice relaxation,” said Kousagi. A
couple of days had passed and Drakester was already in Tokyo as he had gathered together with what few anti-Sailor Moon fans were left. “Why
are there so few of us? There used to be much more,” said Drakester. “It
has been almost ten years since our group first started. A lot happened
after you were banished to an insane asylum by the Sailor Moon fans,”
said someone in the group. “Yes, and a couple of years ago I was
abducted by some weird monkey guy named Steve and I have been there
ever since. Until now. They have released me to spread my psychotic influence and to defeat the sailor senshi,” said Drakester. “A lot of the
anti Sailor Moon fans were either converted to the good side or were destroyed. We were never converted, but have been in hiding for years,”
said another person in the anti sailor moon group. “I see. We will have to
try and convert more people to become psychotic anti Sailor Moon fans
like us,” said Drakester.

“Yes, we will do whatever we can to help you,” said the group. “Good. I
can’t wait for the good old days of anti Sailor Moon web pages being numerous. I long for the glory days,” said Drakester. The symbol on Drakester’s forehead began to glow brightly with an evil glow. Every one
of his followers gained the same symbol on their foreheads as Drakester
had on his. Drakester started laughing and said “This will be a
monumental event. I will finally get the best of Sailor Moon and the fans
of her anime show.”

“You won’t be able to convert everyone you see; but there are always
people out there who will be converted. Our influence isn’t that great, but it will always manage to convert a few people to our insane cause. Go, and
we will commune back here in a few days,” continued Drakester as he and the others split up and went to find people to fight against Sailor Moon
and her fans.

Part 3
Symbol in the Sky

Hotaru and Setsuna were at Haruka and Michiru’s apartment. “Thanks for helping us. We haven’t been feeling like ourselves lately,” said Michiru
lying on the couch. Haruka came out of the bathroom. “Damn, that’s the second time I’ve barfed today,” said Haruka. “So you’re sure this isn’t a normal illness? How did you get this illness?” asked Setsuna. “Yes, it isn’t a normal illness. Just look at our stomachs. They’re getting a little bigger,” said Haruka as she and Michiru lifted up their shirts a little. “Wow, it
almost looks like you’re…” “Pregnant,” said Setsuna finishing Hotaru’s sentence. “Yes, it seems that way to us as well,” said Michiru. “But that’s impossible. You two have never been with a man before. Have you?”
asked Setsuna. “Of course not,” said Haruka and Michiru at the same
time. “We think it has something to do with that last battle we had by
the well.” said Haruka. “Ever since then, we’ve both felt a little odd,” said Michiru. “Hmm, I don’t know what it is. But we’ll be here to help you,”
said Setsuna. She and Hotaru began helping them with whatever they needed.

Drakester’s followers were converting a few people to his cause. The more people they converted, the stronger Drakester got. Drakester started laughing and said “Now I have enough power to shine my dark influence
over this place.” A beam shot out of Drakester’s forehead from his symbol. The symbol on his forehead shined in the sky as it could be seen for
miles. “Wherever you are sailor senshi, I have gotten the preemptive
move,” said Drakester laughing maniacally. His symbol remained in the
sky as he left to attend to other business. Mamoru was looking out at the stars on the balcony. He saw the symbol of Drakester in the sky. “What in the hell is that?” thought Mamoru to himself. “Usako. Get over here. You have to see this,” said Mamoru. Usagi came out to the balcony. “What is
it honey? Did you want to have a little moonlight romance now that Chibi-Usa is asleep?” asked Usagi. “Well, no. Not right now. Look at that,” said Mamoru, pointing to the symbol in the sky. “What in the….? I wonder
where it came from?” asked Usagi. “I don’t know, but it doesn’t look
good.” said Mamoru. “You’re right. It has our crescent moon symbol
crossed out. I’ll talk to the girls about it tomorrow,” said Usagi. Kousagi
was asleep in her room which was next to Chibi-Usa’s. Kiusako saw the symbol at night as he usually went to bed late. “Hmm. What in the
world? I’ll have to tell Kousagi about this tomorrow,” thought Kiusako as
he soon turned out the lights and went to bed.

…to be continued…
