Normal text written By BHart
Italicized text written By Allen Montalvo
September 7, 2005

Old friends come to visit, Minako relives her old crime fighting days

Pendrell, Steve, Secil and the fanfic reviewers were about their normal business when an announcement was made over the intercom. “There will
be a meeting in the auditorium in two minutes,” said a voice. A short
while later, Steve entered the projector room / Pendrell’s office. “What’s
this about boss?” asked Steve. “I don’t know. Probably a meeting on how she is going to run things here. Very standard,” said Pendrell. They all hurried to the auditorium and sat down and waited for the meeting to
begin. The curtains opened up on the stage and there were different
colored lights shining on a figure in the middle of the stage. There was a
tall woman with dark blonde hair wearing a golden tiara on her head. She was wearing a thin golden colored blouse and a very short matching
golden skirt. She was also wearing orange colored high heels. She was sitting in a big throne with two wheels; one on each side. “I have brought you all here to discuss our new plan of operation,” said Valsurania. Six
other people appeared on the stage. They were standing by band equipment.
“I will be sending down my six servants to implement my
plan. We won’t be worrying about brainwashing people anymore. Right
now we need to continue to fund the space exploration operation,” said Valsurania.

“But won’t we still need to brainwash people?” asked Alice. “There is
already enough chaos and confusion with the people of Crystal Tokyo. We need to concentrate on funding the ambassador’s space exploration trip,” said Valsurania. “Has the ambassador come close to finding what he’s looking for?” asked Pendrell. “We aren’t certain, but we think he is getting close. That is why we need to help fund his project so we can see if his research is right,” said Valsurania. “I will send off the next set of
creatures to help your six servants,” said Pendrell. “Good. That is all for now,” said Valsurania as she wheeled off the stage. “What’s up with that chair?” asked Steve. “That’s her hover throne / chair. She can’t walk, so
she uses that to get around,” said Pendrell. Later that day, the six
servants of Valsurania got in the space pods and were sent to Earth.
Some creatures to aid them were sent to Earth shortly after.

There was a lot of confusion and a lot of people were still scared at what had happened a couple of weeks earlier. The sailor senshi had brought
order to a lot of the panicking and chaos that was present. The sailor
senshi were at the Crystal Tokyo palace with their kids. Minako had
received an email and was very excited upon reading it. “What is it momma?” asked Mina, her daughter who shared the same name as her mother. (As did all of the daughters of the sailor senshi.) “Some old
friends of mine who I used to help fight crime with said that they wanted
to visit me. It has been a long time since I’ve seen them,” said Minako. “I wish I could help fight the bad guys with you like Usagi does with her daughters. Why don’t I have powers like you? Usagi’s daughters have
powers like their mother,” said Mina. “I don’t know. I don’t really have an answer for that. Maybe powers sometimes skip a generation,” said

Later the next day, Mina was talking with the other sailor senshi’s daughters. “I’ve always wondered why we didn’t have any powers like our moms either,” said Mako. “It figures only idiot Kousagi would get all the luck,” said Rei. The daughters of the other sailor senshi began to get a
little jealous of Kousagi.

Space pods landed in a forest near Crystal Tokyo. The six band members
got out of the space pods they were in along with some creatures sent
down to help them. It was night and we can’t really see what they look
like. “So, which one of us should go first?” asked one of them. “Let me handle it. I will help fund the boss’ plan,” said a short man, about 5 foot
5 inches tall. He had a thin moustache and was wearing glasses. “Very
well, take the creatures you need and get started,” said one of the others who was still in the darkness.

A couple of days had passed and Minako was at the airport awaiting her
old friends whom she hadn’t seen in a few years. “So much time has
passed. I wonder if they’re the same people I knew,” thought Minako to herself.

The first member of the band to begin his plans was inside a local department store. He was wearing an employee badge and was wearing slacks and a button shirt. The name on his badge was Mike Christiensen.
He was the new shoe manager of the store. He was in the backroom
where his office was. There were many boxes of shoes in his office and it was a dimly lit room. He was pretending to work at his desk. As soon as other employees of the store walked by his office and left, he got out of
his chair and looked around the dimly lit room. “Cristian Melchior, where
are you?” asked Christiensen. “I am here boss,” said Cristian, appearing before him. “You know the plan. Get started,” said Christiensen as his ‘employee’ left the room.

Minako was with her old friends in a taxi. They were driving to a hotel
that they would be staying at for a few days. Allan and Katarina had been married for a few years now and they had a young son. Wakagi and
Sakurada were also married, but didn’t have any kids yet. She had fought crime with all of them at one time or another and they were reminiscing about the old days. “So how goes the crime fighting these days?” asked Minako. “Usually just the same old petty thieves or murderers,” said Katarina. “Not much of anything interesting lately,” said Wakagi. “What about you? I imagine you have had quite an interesting time with
everything that has happened here recently,” said Sakurada. “A little bit.
We older sailor senshi haven’t been doing a whole lot since there is a
newer generation of sailor senshi taking our places,” said Minako. “So,
how has it been trying to keep the peace here after everything that has happened?” asked Allan. “It has been a little hectic, but we are getting things under control,” said Minako. “We have to meet your husband and daughter soon,” said Sakurada. “Oh yes, they will be excited to meet
you,” said Minako.

Cristian was running around the city and stealing anything of value he
could to help fund their boss’ space exploration trips. He broke into
houses that he knew were vacant for the time being because he was a coward and didn’t want to have to confront anyone he was stealing from.
He was very quick and stealth like and people rarely saw him taking
things from them or from people’s houses or the stores in the city.

Minako was inside the Crystal Tokyo palace with her friends who came to visit. “Wow, this place is even more beautiful in real life. I’ve only
recently seen it on television,” said Katarina. They met some of the other sailor senshi who were there at the time. “What a cute little daughter you have. She looks just like you,” said Sakurada. “What’s your name?” asked Allan, looking down at her. “My name’s Mina. Same as my mom.” “Well, it certainly is a good name to pass on,” said Sakurada. “Yeah, my mom and some of the other sailor senshi named their daughters after themselves.
They planned it that way. They're weird like that. Don't you think that
they think too much of themselves to name us after them?” asked Mina. “Well, they could be doing it to keep the name in the family,” said Allan. Mina looked at him for a minute. “Are you that guy who my mom had a
huge crush on?” asked Mina. Minako blushed and they didn’t know what to say. “Oh, kids say the darndest things don’t they?” said Minako. “What do you mean? I remember you saying that you used to think Allan and
Wakagi were hot,” said Mina. “Why don’t you go and keep your father company,” said Minako, with a bright red face.

Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune entered the Crystal Tokyo Palace. They were out of breath and breathing heavily. “What happened? Why are you guys so tired?” asked Minako. “We were chasing a thief, but he gave us
the slip. He has been stealing a lot of things around the city the last day
or so,” said Sailor Neptune. “Why not let the local police handle it?”
asked Minako. “Well, due to the turn of recent events, there aren’t many people left let alone law enforcement. They have been trying to catch
him, but they aren’t having any luck. He has also killed a few people that have got in his way,” said Sailor Uranus. Minako, Katarina, Allan, Wakagi and Sakurada all looked at each other. “I think that’s our calling card,”
said Sakurada. “This will be so fun. It’s been so long since we’ve fought crime together,” said Minako. “It will be nice to get a taste of the good
old days again,” said Katarina. They ran out the doors of the crystal
palace. “How foolhardy of them. How will they find him?” asked Sailor Neptune. “With how fast he moves and the number of places he’s already been to the last day or so, I’m sure they’ll see him somewhere,” said
Sailor Uranus.

Cristian walked in the back door of the department store and walked
down a dark hallway. He walked into Christiensen’s office and gave him
the things he recently stole. “Good job Cristian. This is your sixth deposit today,” said Christiensen. Christiensen put the money and valuables in a safe in his office and then locked it up. Cristian left the office to begin stealing stuff anew. He walked out of the back room and into the main department store area. As he was about to leave the store, one of the security guards there stopped him. He recognized him on television, what little was seen of him on television. “Please come with me to the back room,” said the security guard. “Yo no fui,” said Cristian. The security
guard didn’t understand him and tried taking him quietly to the back of
the store where he could keep him there and call the authorities later. Cristian pushed the security guard onto the ground and turned into his
true self. He turned into a strange looking creature which had the body of
a weasel and the head and tail of a rat. The security guard got up and
tried to grab him, but Cristian was slippery and got out of his grasp.
Cristian slashed the security guard with his razor claws and ran out of the store. The security guard was left bleeding on the ground. There was screaming and a loud commotion as people at the store called for help.

It was nighttime and Sailor Venus and the others were wandering the
streets in search of the thief. As they were about to give up for the night, they saw a strange looking creature running out of one of the local department stores. They ran after him, but couldn’t keep up with him.
They were losing him. “I’m just not as fast as I used to be,” said
Katarina. “I’ll slow him down,” said Sailor Venus as she used her Love and Beauty Shock attack. The attack hit Cristian and he was temporarily paralyzed. They caught up to him and Sakurada tried putting handcuffs on him. His wrists slipped right through the cuffs. Cristian started regaining some mobility back and he started slashing his claws at them. Wakagi grabbed Sakurada and she barely missed getting hurt. Cristian could start moving his legs again and began to run away. Sakurada, Wakagi, Allan
and Katarina pulled out their guns and shot him. Cristian was shot and
was bleeding. He fell to the ground. They caught up to him again. He got
up and the natural greasy body he had made the bullets inside of him slip out and fall onto the ground. He swung his large rat tail at them and knocked them all to the ground. He rose up and was about to attack them with his claws.

“Mochi rabbit love attack” Sailor Parallel Moon’s attack destroyed Cristian. “How did you get here so fast?” asked Sailor Venus. “Haruka and Michiru
told us that you were out looking for the thief. We just decided to see if
you needed any help,” said Sailor Chibimoon, who was standing next to Sailor Parallel Moon.

A couple of days had passed and Sailor Venus’ old crime fighting friends would be leaving in another week. “Thanks for saving us the other day. I have confidence that the future is in good hands with you newer sailor senshi,” said Sakurada. “Sure. We are here to help the old sailor senshi,” said Chibiusa. “We’re not that old,” said Minako. “What are you talking about? You guys are almost 30,” said Kousagi.

Later that day, the daughters of the sailor senshi walked in and
introduced themselves to Minako’s old crime fighting partners. “It is nice
to meet you all. It will be easy to remember all of your names since
they’re all the same as your parents. You all also look so much like your
mothers,” said Katarina. “It must be fun fighting the bad guys together,
but we’ll never know since we don’t have powers like our moms,” said
Mako. “Well, having those kinds of powers can be a great burden. Maybe
its fortune smiling upon you so you don’t have to have the heavy burden
of protecting everyone,” said Allan. “That’s one way of looking at it I
guess,” said Ami. “I still think we could handle that responsibility better than Kousagi,” said Rei. “Well, perhaps you all will get your chance someday,” said Wakagi. The daughters of the sailor senshi were hoping
that it would be a possibility.

Christiensen had seen the news on television last night and saw that Crisitan was dead. “Damn those sailor senshi. I’ve only been here a few
days and they’re already causing problems,” said Christiensen.
