Written By BHart
August 10, 2005

Luna’s First Love, Something Troubling in the Sky

Usagi had awakened and Luna, Artemis and her family were around her. “How do you feel?” asked Diana. “Okay I guess.” Usagi was trying to remember what happened. “How long have I been out?” asked Usagi.
“About four days now. We’re glad you finally woke up. That last battle
took a lot out of you,” said Mamoru. “Listen, I hate to throw something at you like this right now, but it’s important,” said Artemis. “What is it?”
asked Usagi. “Well, we don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but the ginzuishou saved the city by crystallizing it. The entire city is in crystal.
This is the beginning of Crystal Tokyo,” said Artemis. “What? This can’t
be real,” said Usagi, looking out a window. “We will be by your side as
you begin to rule Crystal Tokyo alongside Mamoru,” said Luna. “What? I’m not ready for this. I don’t know the first thing about ruling over anyone,” said Usagi. “Don’t worry, we’re all here to help you,” said Luna. “The city needs you. Everyone who survived is confused at what happened and
chaos is rampant,” said Artemis.

The outer senshi walked in the room. “So, Neo Queen Serenity has awakened,” said Haruka. “Don’t call me that,” said Usagi. “Don’t worry,
we’re all here to help you,” said Michiru. Word soon had spread around
town about Sailor Moon saving Tokyo and the Earth from being completely burned to a crisp. “Who are those guys behind you?” asked Usagi, trying
to remember where she had seen them before. A man and a woman came forward. “This is Himkeo and Kakeru. We saw them at professor Tomoe’s
lab and they were discussing something we felt might be helpful,” said Setsuna.

“Himeko! Kakeru! It’s been a while,” thought Luna to herself. Usagi
vaguely remembered seeing Kakeru and Himeko before since it had been
a number of years since she last saw them. Luna was in a partial daze
and she still somewhat had a thing for Kakeru. “Snap out of it Luna,” said Artemis. “What brings you two here?” asked Usagi. “It’s something we
saw in space through the observatory telescope,” said Kakeru. “It only appeared for a brief moment then disappeared. It was some sort of large spacecraft device. I’ve never seen anything like it before,” said Himeko. Kakeru saw Luna. “Oh, so you’re the owner of Luna? She is a very special cat,” said Kakeru. Luna blushed.

“Hmm, that is interesting. I will go to the observatory with you and you
can show me the general location you saw it at,” said Ami. “When are you going into space again?” asked Makoto. “Not for a few months. We have a lot of research to do here on Earth,” said Himeko. Himeko, Kakeru and
Ami left for the observatory.

“Well, we will stay here with you and help you adjust to this new calling,” said Haruka. “What new calling? Who called me to do this? I don’t want
to,” said Usagi. “This may take a while,” said Rei. “You’re right. We need
to stay here and help Usagi and fight the enemy locally. You new sailor senshi should go and find out where this new enemy is and destroy
them,” said Haruka. The senior sailor senshi could tell that the new sailor senshi were uncertain. “Listen, we know it’s not easy, but we know you
can do it. You’ve already done great things so far,” said Setsuna. It was decided. The senior sailor senshi to stay close by Usagi and fight off any nearby enemies; and the new sailor senshi to search for the new enemy
and destroy it.

Pendrell was in her office (the projector room) and was talking with someone. “Okay, yes. I understand. Thank you,” said Pendrell, hanging up the phone. Steve and some of the fanfic reviewers were standing around Pendrell’s desk. “Well, what is happening then?” asked Alice. “We will be getting new management here. She won’t be getting here for a few more days though,” said Pendrell. “Who is the new person who will be in charge
of us?” asked Steve. “Someone by the name of Valsurania,” said Pendrell. “Hmm, never heard of her. I hope she’s easy to get along with,” said
Steve. “Well, since it will be a few days until she gets here, I am
declaring these next few days as vacation,” said Pendrell. “Oh thanks
boss. You’re the best,” said Steve. “Thanks a lot Pendrell,” said Alice.
They all began to relax a bit and enjoy themselves before the new management arrived. Secil the maid was so happy that she kissed Alice. Alice was a bit surprised, but liked it. Steve was gaping and could not believe it. “Tough break Steve,” said Pendrell, patting him on the back.

Ami was with Himeko and Kakeru at the observatory. She was looking through the telescope and being shown the approximate location that
Kakeru and Himeko saw the large spacecraft. As Ami was looking through the telescope, she zoomed in the focus a bit and just looked at the
beautiful sky. As she was looking, she saw something flying around in the sky, spreading some sort of white trail behind it. “Hey you two; take a
look at this,” said Ami. They took a look through the telescope. There was
a jet up in the sky which was spreading chemical trails in the air. “Oh yes,
I saw these in America. They call them “chem trails,” said Himeko. “What are they used for?” asked Ami. “I don’t really know what the chemical is
that they spread to the inhabitants below,” said Himeko. “Hmm, that is
very strange. I wonder what one is doing here in Crystal Tokyo,” thought
Ami to herself. “By the way, why haven’t you been in space recently? I thought you loved those space trips at NASA,” said Ami. “Oh, I love them; but I’m four months pregnant,” said Himeko. “Oh, congratulations,” said

Chibiusa and Hotaru were walking home from school and bumped into
Lutina. “Hi guys.” “Hi Lutina. What’s up?” asked Chibiusa. “Just thought
I’d get to know you guys a bit better. Wanna come over to my house sometime?” asked Lutina. They decided to go to Lutina’s house since they didn’t have cram school that day. “So you live here by yourself?” asked Chibiusa as the three walked in the door to her house. “Yes. I pose as a human girl in the tenth grade,” said Lutina. “That’s only one grade above us,” said Hotaru. “So where do you come from?” asked Chibiusa. “I come from a planet close to where Sailor Andromeda was from,” said Lutina.
“Why did you come so far away to help us?” asked Hotaru. “Because
Sailor Andromeda told me that you needed help. She said something like there weren’t enough sailor senshi born in this solar system to help
protect your planet Earth from this new enemy,” said Lutina. “So how
much do you know about the new enemy?” asked Chibiusa. “Not much
more than you do,” said Lutina. “Well, my mom can use all the help she
can get. I don’t think she’s at all ready to be Neo Queen Serenity,” said Chibiusa. “It is quite a big calling to have. But I’m sure she’ll do just
fine,” said Lutina.

Artemis and Diana were at home and noticed some sugar star candies wrapped up in a small, see through bag. They saw it and decided to eat them. “This might be for someone,” said Artemis. “Hopefully for us. These are pretty good,” said Diana. Luna walked in the room and saw them
eating the star-shaped sugar candies. “What are you two doing? I made
that for someone special,” said Luna, angrily. “What, we aren’t special to you?” asked Diana. “I didn’t mean it that way,” said Luna. “Who are they
for then?” asked Artemis. Luna got embarrassed and blushed. “They’re for him. My spaceman,” said Luna. Artemis was thinking for a minute on who she was talking about. “Oh god. You mean Kakeru? He’s married to
Himeko,” said Artemis. “I know. It’s just that we share this special bond
of star-shaped sugar candies,” said Luna, running off. “What’s that all about?” asked Diana. “Oh, she used to have a thing for Kakeru. But that
was long ago. I thought she was over that, but your mother sometimes reminisces about the past and falls in love all over again,” said Artemis. “What should we do with the rest of the candy then?” asked Diana. “Let’s just finish eating them,” said Artemis as he and Diana continued eating them.

Later the next day, the sailor senshi had a meeting at Usagi’s house,
which was the center of Crystal Tokyo. “I have been keeping an eye on
some suspicious activity on a jet in the air which is spreading chem-trails
in the air. I think it may be the enemy, spreading their brainwashing influence again,” said Ami. “What are chem-trails?” asked Usagi. “They
are chemicals sprayed high in the Earth’s atmosphere. They are usually harmful chemicals which tend to make people sick. I have analyzed trace amounts of the chem-trails at professor Tomoe’s lab, and it seems to be some kind of mind-altering agent,” said Ami. “But why would the enemy continue to try and brainwash the people here? Sailor Sun is gone and we don’t have to worry about her being mayor anymore,” said Rei. “They
might be trying to still brainwash the people here to revolt against us and Crystal Tokyo,” said Ami. “This sounds like a task for the new sailor
senshi,” said Haruka. “Right, we’ll go check it out,” said Kiusako. “If you need anything, we will be here,” said Minako. Kiusako, Anna, Chibiusa, Lutina and Kousagi left to go investigate.

At a nearby fire damaged airport in Crystal Tokyo, there was an
overweight man with blond, curly hair. He had just landed the jet which
was spreading mind altering chemical agents upon the remaining
survivors of Crystal Tokyo. As he got out of the jet, he was confronted by the sailor senshi. “Are you Chris Muirbrook, the one who’s been spreading the chemical poison on the people of Crystal Tokyo?” asked Chibimoon.
“So, you’ve found me out already. I’m impressed,” said Muirbrook, as he turned into his true self. He turned into a chubby canine. “Mochi rabbit
love attack.” Kousagi’s attack hit Muirbrook right in his fat gut. His gut absorbed the attack and he got a little bigger. “What the hell?” said Chibimoon. Kousagi was devastated that her attack didn’t work.

“Thanks for the meal, but I’m still hungry.” “Cheese Burger Change.” His attack hit the sailor senshi before they could move out of the way. The
sailor senshi turned into giant cheese burgers. Muirbrook ran over to them and started gnawing away at Chibimoon. “Help, get this psycho off of me.
I don’t want to be eaten,” said Chibimoon. Muirbrook was on his hands
and knees and eating away at Chibimoon’s shoes. Sailor Kurozuki was
trying to change back to her original form and change the other sailor
senshi back, but she wasn’t able to. A toy rocket was set off and flew towards Muirbrook. It went in a perfect horizontal path and blew up in Muirbrook’s butt. He was blasted to the ground and the sailor senshi
turned back into their normal selves again. Chibimoon looked at her shoe. “That idiot ruined my shoe!” The sailor senshi saw Luna. Luna had lit the
toy rocket and pointed it on its side so it would go straight ahead instead
of up in the air. “Thanks for saving us. How did you know we were here?” asked Sailor Star. “Ami told us that you went here to go investigate. I
was worried since it was pretty suspicious. I’m glad I decided to check up
on you,” said Luna.

Muirbrook recovered from the attack, and was getting up to fight. “Gaia Rache.” “Electromagnetic Fissure Bang.” Muirbrook’s fat gut couldn’t
absorb so much power and he was destroyed.

Later that day, Himeko and Kakeru were with the sailor senshi. “It’s too
bad you guys are leaving already. It was fun seeing you again,” said
Usagi. “Thanks. We enjoyed it here. But we want to move back to the
United States and have our child born there,” said Himeko. “We also think
it would be cool if our child were born at NASA as well,” said Kakeru.
Himeko and Kakeru left and Luna looked out the windows of the Crystal Tokyo Palace.

“You really need to get over him. I mean, we have a child together,” said Artemis. “I know. I was over him. But seeing him again brought back old feelings,” said Luna. “If you need Diana or me for anything, let us know,” said Artemis, leaving the room so Luna could have some alone time. “It’s time to let go Luna,” thought Luna to herself. She pushed the bag of
sugar star candies off of the desk and into the trash can. She also took
off the yellow ribbon that Kakeru had given her so many years ago. “Goodbye my first love. You are expecting a child, and I already have one with another cat. Our lives have taken different paths,” said Luna, leaving the room.
