Written By BHart
July 31, 2005

The Earth in danger, The Birth of a new era

The sailor senshi were looking around town for Sailor Sun. Some of them were jumping the rooftops so that they could get a better view. “She’s got
to be around here somewhere,” said Haruka, frustrated. “We must find
her before she does any more damage,” said Setsuna. Michiru had a
worried look on her face. “What is it?” asked Hotaru. “It just seems that
no matter what the outcome is, this new era will come no matter what. There is no stopping it,” said Mirchiru. “Oh, I’m so tired of running around the city,” said Usagi. “I know, but it’s real important that we find her. We need everyone’s help with this one,” said Rei. Kiusako and Anna were holding hands while they were looking for Sailor Sun. “I’m scared. I don’t know what to expect from this,” said Anna. “I know. I’ve never been up against anything like this either,” said Kiusako.

Sailor Sun was on a high hill top just outside the outskirts of the city. She was talking on the phone with Pendrell. “The sailor senshi are looking for me. Make the necessary preparations,” said Sailor Sun. “I’m still worried about being uncloaked for a small period of time,” said Pendrell. “Don’t worry. Today, the sailor senshi and the entire world will suffer. Just do
your job,” said Sailor Sun, hanging up the phone. Sailor Sun looked out at the city from where she was standing. The sailor senshi arrived and surrounded her.

“My, you found me quicker than I expected,” said Sailor Sun. “It doesn’t matter if you’ve won the election. You’re evil stops here,” said Sailor
Uranus. “Why don’t you have your undead friends protecting you this
time?” asked Sailor Star. “I can kill you all myself. You won’t be able to
stop us. We’re all around the world,” said Sailor Sun. The sailor senshi did not believe her. “You doubt me? We have the best brainwashing tool at
our disposal all over the world.” The sailor senshi still did not know what
she was talking about. “You all are so blind. Everyone is. Our best global brainwashing tool is political correctness,” said Sailor Sun. The sailor
senshi were speechless, but knew deep down that she was right. “You are
a sailor senshi just like us, reborn in this same time period. We sailor
senshi are supposed to protect, not destroy,” said Sailor Moon.

“That may be your purpose, but not mine.” “Twin Flamers,” two long, streaming flames of waving fire headed towards the sailor senshi.
“Mercury Aqua Rhapsody.” “Dead Scream.” Sailor Sun’s attack broke right through the attacks and Sailor Mercury and Sailor Pluto had to dodge the attack before it hit them.

“There’s no use reasoning with her. She has chosen evil,” said Sailor Mars. Sailor Sun used her twin flamers attack again. “Mars Flame Sniper.”
“Penta Star Ray.” The twin flamers attack broke through those attacks as well as Sailor Star and Sailor Mars jumped out of the way to avoid the streaming flow of flames. “I don’t have time for this. I’ll burn you all down with the city.” Sailor Sun created a huge towering inferno. It was a large
fire wall which was protecting her on all sides. The sailor senshi used
some of their attacks, but the fire wall wasn’t hurt much.

The inner sailor senshi used their sailor planet attack and hit the fire wall. The fire wall was damaged a bit, but recovered and was still standing.
“We don’t have enough strength,” said Sailor Jupiter, frustrated.
“Remember how Luna told us that long ago in the past, the sailor senshi
of all of the planets of this solar system joined forces and defeated the people of the sun? Maybe we should join forces with the outer sailor
senshi. That should get rid of that large fire wall,” said Sailor Mercury.

The city of Tokyo was being burned as people and places were being destroyed. “Well, it’s worth a try,” said Haruka as the outer sailor senshi joined them. “Sailor Planet attack 2.” Their combined powers hit the fire wall. The fire wall wasn’t strong enough and disappeared. “Yes, we did
it!” said Sailor Moon happily.

“If you’re going to play dirty, I will too,” said Sailor Sun. Large flames surrounded the sailor senshi and split them into separate groups. The
outer senshi were surrounded by a circle of fire as were the inner senshi,
and Sailor Earth, Star, Sailor Chibimoon and Sailor Parallel Moon. Mamoru and the other fathers of the sailor senshi’s daughters were watching over their kids and keeping away from the fire which was almost engulfing the entire city. The sailor senshi were trying to get out of the circles of fire as they helplessly watched the city and its inhabitants being burned to
nothing. The flames surrounding the sailor senshi were closing in on
them, and they couldn’t withstand the heat much longer either.

A pink, electric energy surrounded the sailor senshi, and they were teleported outside of the circles of flame. They looked around and saw
Sailor Kurozuki. “Sailor Kurozuki! Where have you been?” asked
Chibimoon. “I didn’t appear until now so that I could save you if I had to. Had I appeared earlier, we all would have been trapped and died,” said Sailor Kurozuki. “Where in the hell did you come from?” asked Sailor Sun. Sailor Kurozuki tried attacking Sailor Sun, but Sailor Sun’s attack busted
right through it. Sailor Kurozuki barely dodged the twin flamers attack. “We’re not strong enough! It has come down to this,” said Sailor Moon, as the ginzuishou appeared in front of her.

“That won’t save you.” Sailor Sun used her twin flamers attack, but the
light of the ginzuishou blocked it. “Magmal Boiling Eruption.” A blast of boiling magma burst out towards the sailor senshi. The ginzuishou was protecting them still, and their two attacks clashed. Sailor Moon however, was slightly winning as the ginzuishou was overpowering Sailor Sun’s
attack a little. The sailor senshi were protected, but the attack went
around the protection of the ginzuishou and was burning the city.

Sailor Sun made a quick call to Pendrell on her satellite phone. “Do it now Pendrell.” “Yes ma’am,” said Pendrell. Pendrell was in a control room
where she flipped a switch or two and pressed some buttons. Around the Claris 30 spacecraft where Pendrell and the others were, there were eight satellites surrounding the spacecraft. They each were emitting beams
which made the Claris 30 invisible. One of the satellites stopped emitting
a beam on the spacecraft, and turned and faced the Earth. The satellite
was pointed at Sailor Sun, and fired a beam at her. Sailor Sun was
energized by the power beam from the satellite and her powers were even stronger. Their attacks were evenly matched now. “How is she getting stronger?” thought the sailor senshi. Pendrell directed more satellites at Sailor Sun to give her more power. The Claris 30 spacecraft was uncloaked now and was visible as it was floating around in space. Sailor Sun’s power was increasing and she was beginning to overpower Sailor Moon. By Sailor Sun’s increased power, the fire which was burning Tokyo began to spread farther. Sailor Sun gained stronger powers and used a Solar Burst attack which caused the flames to burst and spread everywhere. The entire Earth was beginning to catch on fire as people and places everywhere were burning.

The attacks of Sailor Sun were almost over powering the ginzuishou completely. “This can’t be happening. The ginzuishou has infinite power,” said Sailor Moon. The sailor senshi were surprised. “Have the last two satellites give me more power to beat the sailor senshi,” said Sailor Sun. “But ma’am, you already have immense power already, I don’t know…”
“Just do it now. I will kill them all once and for all,” said Sailor Sun, interrupting Pendrell. Pendrell redirected the remaining two satellites to
fire their power upon Sailor Sun. She gained more power and brimstone
and fire were falling upon Tokyo. “I can feel the pain of the Earth. But I
don’t know how I can stop her,” said Sailor Moon, crying. She used some
of the power of the ginzuishou to protect her family and friends in Tokyo.

Sailor Sun’s attack broke through the barrier of the ginzuishou and cracked
it. Sailor Moon fell over and the cracked ginzuishou fell to the ground. The sailor senshi surrounded her and were relieved that she was still alive,
just weak. “I did it! I have beaten all of you,” said Sailor Sun laughing.
The Earth was still engulfed in flames and Sailor Sun was filled with too much power. She couldn’t contain it all and she burst up in flames. “Sailor Sun! I tried to tell you that much power might kill you.” yelled Pendrell, watching from space. She then quickly redirected the satellites at the
Claris 30 spacecraft they were in and the spacecraft was cloaked once

The cracked ginzuishou still had power and Sailor Moon used it to try and
get rid of the flames everywhere. She wasn’t successful. “What is going
on? The ginzuishou can’t stop these flames? That’s just not possible,”
said Sailor Mars. Everyone was shocked and didn’t know what to do. The cracked ginzuishou shattered and flew up to the atmosphere and spread
its power around the Earth. The sprinkling power of the ginzuishou put out the flames. The many shards of the ginzuishou fell to the Earth and burrowed into the ground and made its way to the core of the Earth. The many shards of the ginzuishou met at the Earth’s core and began to heal

There were still some flames in Tokyo, however. The ginzuishou helped
the Earth heal itself as the rest of the flames in Tokyo were crystallized.
The entire city of Tokyo began to be covered in crystal. The sailor senshi looked around and Tokyo was a beautiful blue crystal color. “What
happened to the ginzuishou?” asked the sailor senshi. The ginzuishou reformed itself partially with the power of the Earth and remained at the Earth’s core.

The sailor senshi went to go see their friends and family and saw that
they were okay. The sailor senshi were still trying to make sense of what happened. The city of Tokyo looked like it did in the future. “Could this be the birth of Crystal Tokyo?” asked Sailor Mercury. “Oh my god, it is,” said Sailor Moon, as she and the others realized it. “But where is the
ginzuishou? Was it destroyed?” asked Sailor Jupiter. “I don’t think so; at least not completely. Wherever it is, it’s in a safe place. I can feel it,”
said Sailor Moon. “It just doesn’t make any sense. How could Sailor Sun
have over powered the ginzuishou? Nothing is stronger than it. Right?” asked Sailor Uranus. “I don’t know. We’ll have to do some research to find the answer,” said Luna.

There were survivors around and everyone was trying to make sense of it
all. Sailor Moon was sleeping because she was drained of a lot of her
energy. “When Sailor Moon awakens, she will have to be ready to become Neo Queen Serenity, her future self,” said Artemis. “So this was the new
era we felt we couldn’t stop,” said Sailor Neptune. “The era of Crystal
Tokyo has begun,” said Sailor Pluto. They waited for Sailor Moon to wake
up so that she could begin her reign of the newly born Crystal Tokyo city.
“So this is how it all happened,” said Mamoru. Sailor Kurozuki appeared. “Still sleeping huh?” “Sailor Kurozuki, er I mean Lutina, thanks for saving
us earlier,” said Chibiusa. “No problem, I was glad to help,” said Lutina.
“Do you know why the ginzuishou was cracked and overpowered by Sailor Sun’s fire?” asked Kousagi. “You mean, you don’t know?” asked Lutina, surprised. “No, we have no idea,” said Kiusako. “After the planet sun was engulfed in flames, the planet itself burned away and the hard stones and rocks in the planet were compressed and forged into the ginzuishou. After that, the sun became the large ball of gas that it is now. The ginzuishou was born from the flames burning the planet sun away into nothing. All
that remained was the ginzuishou,” said Lutina.

“So the ginzuishou was born from the death of the planet sun. That is
why the flames from Sailor Sun cracked it and shattered it,” said Sailor Mercury. “Where is the ginzuishou now?” asked Sailor Star. “I’m not sure.
My guess is that it’s helping the Earth recover from being scarred by the sun’s flames,” said Lutina. “When will momma wake up?” asked Kousagi.
“I don’t know. I don’t think it will be long now though. Anyways, I’ll see
you later,” said Sailor Kurozuki. “Wait, how will we find you?” asked Chibiusa. “I will find you. It will be soon,” said Sailor Kurozuki,
disappearing. The sailor senshi waited by sailor moon’s side for a while,
but left to go about their lives. “We will let you all know when she
awakens. Then we can discuss what to do next,” said Mamoru. Mamoru
and his two daughters continued waiting at her side.
