Written By BHart
July 6, 2005

Return of a Mysterious Sailor Senshi

Pendrell was in her office, the projector room. She was on the phone with Sailor Sun. “This is bad. The sailor senshi know of your identity now,” said Pendrell. “It doesn’t matter. There are enough brainwashed people and undead here to keep the sailor senshi away from me while I finish out my campaign,” said Sailor Sun. “Why haven’t you directly attacked them
yet? We know their identities,” said Pendrell. “But we still don’t know the identities of Sailor Parallel Moon, Sailor Earth or Sailor Star. Actually, I
have an idea that is sure to get rid of them. I will put it into action soon enough,” said Sailor Sun hanging up her satellite phone.

Kousagi was with the other sailor senshi’s children at her house. “So,
what are we all doing here again?” asked Kousagi. ”I told you already.
They dropped us off here for their weekly Sailor Muscles Meeting,” said
Ami. “And what exactly do they do at these meetings?” asked Kousagi.
“It’s their once a week tea party. They drink tea and gossip about
whatever,” said Rei. “I think they’re actually discussing some kind of documents they found last week,” said Mako. “Well, whatever they’re
doing, our dads are always stuck with us and watching us,” said Mina.
“Our fathers have no voice in any of this do they?” said Kousagi. “I don’t really think they care. They all hang out together while our moms are at
the meeting and have a guys’ night out kind of thing,” said Ami. “So
that’s what has been happening every week. I just thought they went shopping together or something,” said Kousagi. “You’re so dense,” said
Rei as they all laughed at her.

The sailor senshi were at the Hikawa shrine and having their weekly Sailor Muscles Meeting. They were discussing the different documents they had each taken home and went over. “According to what I have read, they are passing many bills to get funding for space exploration,” said Ami. “Space Exploration? What for?” asked Minako. “I’m not sure. It is really vague on the details of as to why,” said Ami. “From what Haruka and I have read,
they seem to be passing these kinds of bills all around the world,” said Michiru. “Really? So this is much bigger than we thought then. It is some world wide scheme,” said Makoto. “They probably have brainwashed many people all around the world. Just as they are doing here,” said Setsuna. “Well, at least we can stop them here. We need to come up with a plan
to stop Sailor Sun and her plans,” said Rei. “I don’t know how we are
going to do that. She could turn innocent brainwashed people on us, or
some more of those undead creatures. They are probably everywhere,”
said Haruka. “She probably wants to win the election so that she can get these space exploration bills funded. Only question is, what do they want that’s in space?” asked Minako. “By the way, where is Yuuichirou? Has he not returned since grandpa’s funeral?” asked Usagi. “No, he still hasn’t returned yet. He said something about practicing playing his guitar more,” said Rei. “I didn’t know he played the guitar,” said Makoto. “He’s been playing off and on for a little while now,” said Rei. They then continued discussing what kind of plan to come up with to stop Sailor Sun from
winning the campaign.

Chibiusa and Hotaru were at Chibiusa’s house studying. “Oh, I have a surprise for you today,” said Hotaru reaching into her purse. She pulled
out a cell phone and handed it to Chibiusa. “Wow, what’s this for?” asked Chibiusa. “Well, my dad decided to get us cell phones so we can call each other on these instead of tying up the phone lines at home where he gets phone calls for his research projects,” said Hotaru. “Wow, thanks! Now we can call each other almost endlessly,” said Chibiusa.

“I hope your plan works. If it doesn’t, I’ll use plan B,” said Sailor Sun. “I
will do my best. What will you do if the sailor senshi try to assassinate you?” asked one of their creatures. “I have already anticipated that. I
have a personal assistant that will be with me,” said Sailor Sun. “I will
make sure the sailor senshi fall into my plan. I have already brainwashed many people with my plan so far,” said the creature as Sailor Sun disappeared.

The sailor muscles meeting was coming to an end. “Oh, before we go,
there is one more thing we must warn you about,” said Setsuna. “What is it?” asked Usagi. “One of my research papers for my senior class was on
the correlation of cell phones and brain cancer. In order to get accurate
test data, professor Tomoe let me use some of his equipment to perform
my research. Upon discovering that there is evidence that cell phones can
be responsible for causing brain cancer, I also picked up on another frequency which cell phones were emitting. It was on the subconscious
level; it was subliminal messages being transmitted on the subconscious level using frequencies which cell phones typically use,” said Setsuna. “So what you’re saying is that you think the enemy may be using cell phone frequencies to brainwash people?” asked Ami. “Exactly; only problem is,
we don’t know who specifically is doing this or where we might find
them,” said Michiru. “There have been commercials on the air recently
selling cell phones. Some guy on television sells them now. What’s his
name again?” said Minako trying to remember. “Oh, you’re talking about
Jeff the cell phone guy. His commercials are funny,” said Usagi laughing. “Yes, that’s it,” said Minako. “Wow, good job guys. I guess it sometimes does pay off to watch a lot of television,” said Haruka. “We’ll worry about what to do with Sailor Sun later. For now, let’s plan on finding this guy
and putting him out of business,” said Michiru.

Later the next day, Diana entered Kousagi’s room. “The other sailor
senshi are planning to ruin one of the plans of the new enemy. I was
asked to fill you, Chibiusa, Kiusako, and Anna in on it since you weren’t at the sailor muscles meeting yesterday,” said Diana. Diana then proceeded
to tell her of their plan and when and where it was to take place.

Later the same day, the sailor senshi arrived at where the brainwashing signals were coming from which were activated in different cell phones around the city. “So this is it? Some building with the word ‘Eliason’ on
it,” said Usagi. “This is where we traced the signals coming from,” said Michiru. They entered the building and walked around for a little while.
They finally found a large empty room with a lot of cell phone equipment
in it. “This must be where they generate the brainwashing signals,” said Haruka. “I’m surprised you figured it out. Our plans are quite subtle,” said
a tall and scrawny man with short blond hair, wearing glasses. “This ends here. You are outnumbered. You will die now Jeff,” said Rei. “That doesn’t matter. You all have walked into a room with brainwashing/brain cancer causing devices,” said Eliason. There were enhanced brainwashing/brain cancer causing wave frequencies coming from the room. The sailor senshi covered their ears with their hands and kneeled down on the ground in
pain. “Damn! Too bad we didn’t catch him by surprise,” said Makoto. “I
will kill you all for my master, Sailor Sun,” said Eliason laughing.

“Tuxedo the Smoking Bomber,” said Tuxedo Kamen entering the room. Eliason was hit and thrown back against the wall behind him. He was hurt
a bit. Tuxedo Kamen was affected by the intensified brain cancer causing
cell phone waves. “Ah! What is this? So painful,” said Tuxedo Kamen
holding his ears in pain. “Man, that was a cheap shot. But you all are still going to die,” said Eliason getting up. “Sorry guys. I tried to save you,”
said Tuxedo Kamen. Just as the sailor senshi thought they were going to meet their end, a pink electric light zapped the electronic devices in the room and destroyed them. The painful brain cancer causing cell phone frequencies ceased. “What the hell?” said Eliason looking around the
room. The sailor senshi were okay, but too weak to attack. “Oh well, it doesn’t matter. You’re too weak to fight back, so I’ll kill you all now,” said Eliason.

Eliason’s long legs turned into long wooden stilts. The stilts had spikes
on the ends of them. “I will stomp you one by one with my impaling kick,” said Eliason laughing. He lifted up his left stilt and was about to stomp
on Sailor Jupiter. A pink dust fell from the air and landed on Eliason.
Eliason was paralyzed and couldn’t move. “What the hell?” said Eliason as he realized he had been immobilized. “What the hell is going on?” said Sailor Uranus as the others were wondering the same thing. Kousagi and
the new sailor senshi saw the cat sprite flying around in the air. The cat sprite flew over the weakened sailor senshi and helped them regain some
of their strength. “It’s that cat sprite that we met before,” said Chibiusa. The small, three inch cat sprite turned into her true form. She was about
5’ 6” tall and appeared before them. She was a pink humanoid cat with
black hair. She had insect-looking sprite wings on her back. She was
wearing a pink and black fuku which looked quite a bit different than the sailor senshi uniforms most of the sailor senshi had. “You’re that cat
sprite who we’ve met before aren’t you?” asked Kousagi. “Yes, I am. I
told you I’d see you again sometime,” said the cat sprite. “What is your name and why have you come back now?” asked Sailor Earth. “I am a
sailor senshi like the rest of you. I am Sailor Kurozuki. I came back
because it is time to join your team against the enemy.” “Where do you come from?” asked Sailor Star. Eliason was no longer paralyzed and began
to move again. “I will explain later. For now, let’s finish this guy off,” said Sailor Kurozuki. “I will continue where I left off. I will stomp all of you
sailor senshi to death,” said Eliason laughing. Sailor Saturn kicked
Eliason’s stilts and caused him to fall to the ground. “Well that was
easy,” said Sailor Neptune.

“It’s not over yet,” said Eliason, revealing his true form. Two antennas
grew on his lemon-shaped head. Two claws resembling crab claws grew
on both sides of his mouth. His lower body turned into the back part of a horse’s body. “You will never beat me in this form,” said Eliason laughing. “How about some split pea soup?” said Eliason as the fowl stench of his flatulence spread across the room. “Oh gross,” said the sailor senshi plugging their noses. The sailor senshi noticed that Sailor Kurozuki wasn’t affected by the smell. “Can’t you smell that?” asked Sailor Chibimoon. “My body is different than yours. This smell does not affect me. But I will get
rid of it so you sailor senshi can fight,” said Sailor Kurozuki. “Glitter dust, neutralize this stench.” Pink/gold glittering dust fell from the air and got
rid of the fowl stench. “Impossible. I will kill you with my radio wave laser beam,” said Eliason. His two antennas touched each other and created a sound wave laser beam. There were too many sailor senshi, so he had to concentrate on just a few of them at a time. They dodged his attack a
few times. He shot a sound wave beam at Kousagi. Kousagi was scared
and didn’t know what to do. Chibimoon got in front of her and held up her weapon to the attack. The attack was absorbed in Chibimoon’s magical weapon. A rose flew through the air and cut off Eliason’s antennas.

Eliason grabbed the nearest sailor senshi which happed to be Sailor
Saturn and Kousagi. “If you attack me any more, I will chew through
these two sailor senshi with my mantis mandible and claws,” said Eliason. There were too many sailor senshi and there were some behind him which
he couldn’t see. “Jupiter Coconut Cyclone.” "Venus Wink Chain Sword.”
Sailor Jupiter’s attack blew the sailor senshi out of his hands and
attacked him, and Sailor Venus’ attack cut off his lemon-shaped head. Eliason was still standing and picked up his head which was on the
ground. “What the hell?” said Sailor Uranus. Miniature lemon-shaped
heads began spewing out of Eliason’s neck. “Watch out,” the sailor senshi moved away as the miniature heads were explosive. “Tuxedo the Smoking Bomber.” “Interstellar Moon Power” “Mochi rabbit love attack.” Their
attacks destroyed Eliason.

“I will meet with you soon. I will explain more at that time,” said Sailor Kurozuki, disappearing. The sailor senshi went home to rest for the day. Usagi was watching television with her kids when there was an
interruption from the local news. The sailor senshi’s civilian identities
were displayed on the television and the announcer told the people to
find them and capture them since they were wanted criminals. “Oh no!
This isn’t good,” said Usagi. “What will we do?” asked Chibiusa and

..to be continued..
