Written by BHart
July 15, 2009


Act CV
Worlds without End


Sailor Parallel Moon noticed more moons appearing in night the sky, parallel to each other. No one could explain it. They finally cleared away enough debris to move on. Kousagi's power was fluctuating with the power coming from the parallel moons. The other senshi were being affected, too. They were fading into and out of their moon princess gowns every few minutes.

"What's happening?" asked Mittens.

They eventually remained in their moon princess gowns.

"So this is what it feels like to be a moon princess," realized Sailor Ares.

"Let's finish this once and for all," ordered Kousagi.

They walked down a hallway, standing in front of a yonic door.

"How do we get in?" asked Oona.

"Judging by this door's design, we might try opening the vulva first," suggested Sailor Nix. It wouldn't budge.

They decided to start rubbing and licking it, like a real vulva. The outer labia quivered, opening up.

There was a large, stone brick, blocking the entrance within the inner labia. It acted as the hymen of the door, leaving a tiny opening. It was far too small for anyone to fit through.

"Let's try rubbing the clit," suggested Sailor Miranda.

"Screw that." Sailor Charon destroyed the stone hymen with her dark forces attack.

They went through, finding themselves in a large fallopian-shaped hallway, splitting in two directions.

"We stick together this time. We'll need everyone," ordered Sailor Parallel Moon.

"Let's go left first," suggested Sailor Ares.

They arrived at a door labeled, "ovary 1."

"Guess there's no security around here. We didn't have to force our way in this time," said Mittens.

"It could be a trap," warned Oona.

"True; but we won't get anything done waiting here," replied Sailor Nix.

There were hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and sex toys in the room. This was the Sapphic room, where orgies took place.

"Must be their relaxation chambers," remarked Sailor Charon.

"Let's try the other door," ordered Kousagi.

They entered the door labeled, "ovary 2."

There were crystal statues of the council moon princesses.

"Talk about big egos," remarked Sailor Miranda.

There was a giant map of space on the wall, showing many solar systems. There were electric light blue pathways, streaming out in many directions, connecting different worlds.

"What do you suppose that is?" asked Kousagi.

"I don't know; whatever it is, it spans far and wide," responded Anestus.

There was ornate, yonic themed furniture lying about. There were yonic paintings hanging on the walls. Sailor Ares sat in one of the yonic shaped chairs. She sunk down into the chair, because there was a crevice in the middle of it.

"Aren't they supposed to be here?" asked Sailor Ares.

"There are probably plenty of other places they could be. Who knows?" replied Oona.

"This sucks. I wanted to kick their asses," replied Sailor Ares.

"We'll keep looking. No matter how long it takes," promised Kousagi.

There was a loud rumbling outside the room. They heard a voice saying, "Please join us in the most sacred of rooms. It has been opened up to you."

"Looks like they've stopped hiding," said Oona.

They walked out into the hallway, noticing a new pathway had been revealed. There was a uterine shaped entrance in the floor, leading to a small tunnel. Their eyes squinted from a bright light coming from the room.

Sailors Portia, Larissa and Lysithea were waiting for them.

"Welcome to our sacred temple. This is the holy of holies," greeted Larissa.

"So we finally meet the twisted people behind all this," said Mittens.

"Twisted? We're enlightened. There's a small difference," explained Lysithea.

"How was your trip through the divine passage?" asked Portia.

"Divine? Is that what you call it?" asked Oona.

"You all should be grateful to be here. We don't let just anyone come down here," scorned Lysithea.

"You've got to be joking," remarked Sailor Ares.

"Anything female is divine. We are the givers of life. We are superior. Anything other than female is simply a waste. In the book of Jezebel, it states that we were the last creation put here on this planet. That automatically makes us the only important thing. You see, everything created before was just failed experiments. Other life forms are nothing, not even worthy to grovel at our feet. Similar truths are also found in the book of Salmon.."

"Shut the fuck up already. We know you're crazy," interrupted Sailor Nix.

"It's unfortunate you haven't seen the light. You will someday," said Portia.

"It's time to end all this insanity you've caused," threatened Kousagi.

"There is a fine line between feminism and misandry," said Lysithea.

"Yeah, we've noticed," answered Oona.

"We prefer you stay alive, since it would make things easier for us, but if you insist on dying, we will oblige," threatened Sailor Portia.

"What are you talking about?" asked Kousagi.

The council members stepped aside, revealing a small portal behind them. They used their energy to open it wider, revealing the blue pathways they saw on the map earlier.

"What the hell is that?" asked Sailor Charon.

"It's a view into the other worlds out there. Those blue paths are known as Andy Heyward space warps. They lead to many parallel worlds. We need your power to travel to them," explained Sailor Larissa.

"Other parallel worlds? Is that why there are so many parallel moons out there in the sky right now?" asked Kousagi.

"Parallel moons in the sky? So that's how all of you managed to transform into moon princesses. The power of multiple moons; the veil between the parallel worlds must be wearing thin. Our power source coming through the portal may have caused that," thought Portia.

"What do you mean?" asked Kousagi.

"There is a great star lying beyond out there. A great surge of energy has come through one of the Andy Heyward paths. That is how we can maintain our moon princess forms temporarily. If we travel to the source, we will be moon princesses permanently. We need your unique ability to get there," explained Lysithea.

"I won't allow it. You don't know what lies out there," said Kousagi.

"We will soon enough," replied Portia.

"Over our dead bodies!" said Sailor Ares.

"As you wish," said Larissa.

Mittens ran at them with her katanas, ready for some slicing action. Sailor Larissa opened up her hydria, releasing magical waters, knocking the katanas from her hands. They flew back into the wall.

Sailor Ares' fire attacks were doused by the waters flowing from the hydria.

Kousagi and Portia were squared off, and so were Lysithea and Sailor Charon. They were evenly matched.

Sailor Larissa rubbed the hydria, making it glow. It sent down white flakes falling on Ares, Miranda and Mittens. It made their skin itch terribly.

Oona joined Kousagi in fighting Portia, and Nix helped Charon with Lysithea. With the power of many parallel moons behind them, they overpowered Portia's white royal shot attack and Lysithea's electric black web attack.

Oona healed Miranda, Ares and Mittens of their itchiness.

Mittens pulled out her dragon claws, slashing away at the hydria in Larissa's hands, shattering it to pieces.

Sailors Miranda and Ares overpowered Larissa, forcing her to the ground, where she joined the other two.

"We can't allow you to cause anymore misery or death," said Kousagi.

Larissa, Lysithea and Portia stood up. Lysithea attacked them with her webbed lightning, Portia with her royal shot and Larissa with dark spheres of energy. "We can't be overcome that easily. The tables have turned."

Portia picked up Kousagi by the neck.

The others were being subdued by Lysithea and Larissa.

"It's time for us to travel to that big star," whispered Portia into Kousagi's ear.

"I'll never help you. Never!"

The power of parallel moons ran through her veins, making something grow inside her empty broach.

"Come over here, you two. It's time to take what's ours," ordered Portia. They walked up to her by the portal.

"I can't let them do this," thought Parallel Moon. A crystal grew rapidly inside her broach. It broke through her broach with its sharp edges. It continued growing outward. It's sharp, crystal edges shined with light.

Portia looked down at the crystal. A sharp edge of the crystal pierced through Sailor Portia's heart like a searing needle. She dropped Kousagi, falling over.

"Portia!" Larissa and Lysithea kneeled at her side.

Kousagi crawled back to her allies.

"I will not let this be!" Lysithea drew power from the portal to save Portia.

"A new crystal? But, how?"

"I don't know. I think it's from the power of the parallel moons of other worlds," answered Kousagi.

"We're still not done, two more to go," said Sailor Ares, trying to get up.

"Don't strain yourself. I'll make sure they die," reassured Kousagi.

"Look out behind you!" warned Mittens.

Something grabbed one of Kousagi's legs, dragging her away. She looked back, seeing a hideous monster. It was a big vagina with three heads. There was a long, serpent like tail on its back and angel like wings. It had six boobs.

The three heads were those of Portia, Lysithea and Larissa.

The only way they could save Portia from dying was by fusing together with their combined energy.

Kousagi couldn't free herself from the tail's grasp. Sailors Miranda's, Ares' and Charon's attacks were swallowed up by the giant vagina.

The creature spread its angel wings, flying towards the portal.

Mittens slashed the tail with her sharp claws, releasing Kousagi.

The creature, known as Ultimus Vaginus, turned around, tending to its wound.

"How do we kill that thing?" asked Oona.

"I'm not so sure we can," replied Kousagi.

Ultimus Vaginus attacked them with crystal rain. Sharp, crystal rods fell from the sky, piercing anything they touched.

Sailor Nix put a null all barrier around them. The barrier was soon broken.

Kousagi's crystal protected her from the brunt of the attack.

Ultimus Vaginus grabbed Kousagi again. She was being dragged away, watching her friends tending to their wounds. She yelled for them before being dragged through the portal.

"Finally! Now we'll have our reward," exclaimed Ultimus Vaginus. They followed the trail of strong energy leading to the great star.

Many different worlds passed quickly before them while heading to their destination. The power surges were stronger the closer they got.

Upon arrival at their destination, they were temporarily blinded by the bright, blue lights from the Heyward space tunnel system. There was a lot of debris floating around. They arrived at a destroyed world, with virtually no inhabitants left.

"Where are we?" wondered Kousagi.

There was a giant planet blotting out most of the sky. "There it is!" Ultimus Vaginus spotted the planet, flying upwards in the atmosphere towards space. There was a giant "X" scarred across the giant planet's surface.

"What kind of place is that?" wondered Kousagi. She tried breaking free.

"I've had just about enough of you." Portia's head breathed fiery coal smoke on Kousagi after releasing her with its tail.

Injured and falling thousands of feet from the sky, Kousagi was losing consciousness from being so fatigued.

"What'd you do that for? We might need her," said Larissa's head.

"We've already got what we want. If there is a need for her, we'll find her flattened corpse later. For now, we've got more important matters to deal with," replied Portia's head.

The crystal inside Kousagi's broach protected her from the fall. She lied peacefully asleep in an open field on a dead world. She laid there for a while before being awoken by someone. Kousagi opened her eyes, seeing an angelic looking figure. The whiteness around her was blinding. "Who are you?"

"Don't tell me you've forgotten already?"

The blinding whiteness left, revealing a beautiful, brunette with green eyes sitting before her. She was wearing a sailor senshi uniform with different shades of white.

"I'm sorry, I don't remember you," replied Kousagi.

"I was afraid of that. This always happens when you're gone for too long."

"What do you mean?"

"Every time you travel to other worlds being away for a certain length of time, you begin to forget your former friends and experiences. It's the major downside of your unique ability."

Kousagi pondered her words for a moment. Tears ran down her eyes. She had already forgotten the names of the allies she made on Earth. She vaguely remembered what they looked like. "That won't happen anymore. I won't use my power to travel between parallel worlds!"

"But if it weren't for your ability, you wouldn't be able to make new friends and save other people who need your help."

"What good is it to make new friends when you keep forgetting the old ones? I don't want this! Not at all!"

Ultimus Vaginus was in space, trying to figure out how to absorb the giant planet's energy.

"Excuse me, but what in the fuck are you?" There was a sailor senshi behind the creature.

"Back off! I've killed many like you," warned Ultimus Vaginus.

"I haven't met my match yet."

"I suppose I'll ask you who the hell you are before I kill you; as a courtesy," said Ultimus Vaginus.

"I am Sailor Nibiru. I am the guardian of this planet. I have already conquered this solar system, and I won't allow anyone to take it from me." She was wearing a fiery red and dark blue uniform. She was holding a very long magi-staff with x's all over it. She had piercings in her lips, chin and nose. She had many tattoos of her guardian planet.

Ultimus Vaginus attacked Nibiru with an unhygienic queef attack. Nibiru shielded herself from the gas with her staff, being pushed backwards.

"Where's that disgusting creature? It's got to be killed," said Kousagi.

"You're not strong enough to do that. We need to leave."

"Help me defeat it. We can't run away. You haven't seen the destruction it's caused," replied Kousagi.

"Is it any worse than what has happened to this world? Look around, there is nothing left."

"What happened?" asked Kousagi.

"A very powerful sailor senshi known as Sailor Nibiru did this. She used to be a great protector of this world. But now she's destroyed everything. No one could stop her awesome power."

"There must be a way to stop her," reasoned Kousagi.

"Everyone who has tried has failed. We must leave this world before we are destroyed, too."

"No, I can't accept that," replied Kousagi.

"Not everything ends well! This world is through. That strange creature that accompanied you into this world is fighting with Nibiru. Nibiru won't allow anyone to survive who challenges her; I'm sure that creature is the same way. Our best hope is that they finish each other off. We must go; you must trust me, Kousagi!"

"Okay, I'll go. I never did catch your name."

"I am sailor Kolob."

"You are one of the lucky survivors?"

"I am not from this world. I travelled with you to this world long ago. You left me here to take care of things while you left to help other worlds. I have failed you."

"Where should we go?" asked Kousagi.

"Back to my home world; I will show you the way."

Sailor Kolob took her through the Heyward space tunnels. Kousagi could see a giant crystal within the planet Nibiru. "Bigger than any crystal I've ever seen."

"Yes, I know. With such power I don't even think that creature can defeat her," thought Sailor Kolob.

Sailor Nibiru had beaten down Ultimus Vaginus continuously; but it always found the strength to get back up.

They heard Sailor Nibiru's loud battle cry. Her magi-staff was empowered by the giant crystal inside her guardian planet. She hurled Ultimus Vaginus through space towards Kousagi and Kolob's direction. It reached out for them.

Kolob attacked it with her eternal rings ability. Many holy, sharp, magic powered rings slashed through Ultimus Vaginus, cutting it to pieces. "Don't leave me here!"

Kousagi and Kolob went through the Heyward tunnels. Kousagi and Kolob saw a bright light and heard a loud explosion just before the tunnels closed up to that world. Ultimus Vaginus was destroyed.

Kousagi was thinking to herself and wondering how many people she had met and forgotten. "I was thinking I should keep a written journal with all the people I've met. So I won't forget them," remarked Kousagi.

"You can get started when we get home," replied Sailor Kolob.

Back on Alexandria, Omatase, Erewan, Bartinax, Mittens, Oona, the remaining sailor senshi and others who survived the fight against the council of princesses, stood on the Traliz palace grounds, right outside where the castle was.

There was a giant, five mile deep hole in its place. The castle was leveled. They killed off any council followers that remained.

"I hope Kousagi's okay. I miss her," said Sailor Miranda.

"I'm sure she's fine," assured Sailor Ares.

Back on Earth, there was peace for a time.

Decades later, the Earth became uninhabitable. Not from any environmental issues such as the green house effect or climate change, but from the weakness of mankind.

The year was 2030. Corruption had run deep in the United States for years, going unchecked. Many secret combinations and wickedness made the country fall. Other countries soon followed suit. The corruption spread worldwide.

This domino effect caused Armageddon to break out, killing the world. Sailor Star died in the conflict.

Neo Queen Serenity cleansed Tokyo so the remaining people could survive.

Sailors Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Jupiter were safe inside the crystal Tokyo Palace along with King Endymion and Neo Queen Serenity. Sailor Chibimoon was in the future with the Sailor Quartet. The whereabouts of Sailor Virago, Tsukineko and Menard was unknown.

There were those who didn't accept the cleansing. They rebelled against the Queen, in an attempt to let the United Nations take over the world. They persisted on destroying peace and subduing everyone on Earth under slavery.

Neo Queen Serenity banished those from the Earth who wouldn't accept the cleansing. They were banished far out into the solar system beyond sight.

There was peace for many years; and after that, you know the rest of the story.