Written by BHart
June 30, 2009


Parallelism in the Starry Sky


"Damn her! Why'd she do that? We would've found another way," said Mittens, sobbing.

"We can't stop now, we're so close," encouraged Sailor Parallel Moon.

"No matter what sacrifices need to be made, we must destroy the council of moon princesses," said Bartinax.

"Let's not delay any longer," said Sailor Hydra.

"Is everyone ready?" asked Omatase.

"You've reached a higher, potential power," noticed Sailor Miranda.

"Yes, and just in time, too," replied Kousagi.

"Time to go," ordered Vlaad.

The sailor senshi walked through the doorway that appeared after the BCNM was destroyed.

Vlaad followed right after them. When he walked into the doorway, an invisible force field was activated, electrocuting him with many volts of promathian energy. He screamed, unable to move. The force field stopped attacking him. Vlaad face planted into the ground, with his armor melted onto him, and blood spattering about.

They hovered over him in shock. "What the hell just happened?" asked Omatase.

"Maybe he triggered some sort of security device," thought Sailor Parallel Moon.

"But what could it have been? We made it through safely," said Sailor Ares.

"Wait a minute. We're all female and made it safely; but when Vlaad tried to enter, he was fried," realized Sailor Miranda.

"That makes sense. The council hates males. We must be very close if they're taking these kinds of precautions against them," thought Sailor Hydra.

An amulet around Bartinax's neck emitted an amber glow.

"Why's it doing that?" asked Mittens.

"I don't know." Bartinax noticed some of Vlaad's blood splattered on the amulet.

Bartinax read an inscription on the amulet reading, "The spilt blood of the persecuted will unleash a powerful vengeance."

"I've read this inscription before, but didn't know what it meant until now. Take it. We males can't go any further than this." Bartinax took the amulet off, throwing it through the doorway to the sailor senshi. Sailor Parallel Moon caught it.

Mittens and Oona joined the sailor senshi on the other side of the doorway.

The words, "Satoh Jun'ichi" were written on the front side of the amulet.

"Where did you get this?" asked Kousagi.

"Princess Rainbow Rose gave it to me; saying it would be useful someday," replied Bartinax.

"It's up to you girls, now. Good luck!" said Erewan.

"What will you guys do? Will you be safe by yourselves?" asked Kousagi, concerned.

"We'll reconvene with what's left of our troops outside. Good luck to you all," said Bartinax.

"Be careful out there," said Sailor Charon.

They waved goodbye, parting ways.

"Worry not for Vlaad, his soul will find us again someday through reincarnation," assured Bartinax.

The sailor senshi's group was inside a cathedral. Everything was dark gray. The halls were vacant, with many doorways. They heard people talking. Their presence was soon noticed.

They were met by many priestesses and bishopesses. "Have you come to worship with us, on this holy ground?"

"Let us through or we'll make our way through," threatened Sailor Ares.

"Why are you so headstrong against us?" asked a bishopess.

"We won't let you megalomaniac despots have your way. Your evil deeds will be punished," promised Kousagi.

"We are here to purify this planet of the inferior sex. They always ruin things. We females aren't capable of mistakes or wrong doing."

"What kind of fucked up brainwashing goes on here?" asked Sailor Nix.

"If you read the passages of truth as we have, you would understand. In the unholy book of Salmon, it states that women are superior because we give birth and life, while men cause death. The last creation on this planet was females, because we are the best. Males have plagued this planet for too long. It is time to dispose of this waste."

"And this demoness you worship will do this?" asked Oona.

"That is correct. Luciferia feeds off the souls of males. When she gathers enough strength, she will return, bringing us our Femitopia."

"You're crazy," remarked Mittens.

"We cannot allow any of you to thwart the 3 prophetess' vision. We must kill you here. Our sorcery is unmatched," threatened the head bishopess.

"We aren't afraid of you," replied Sailor Hydra.

They killed many religious fanatics, but they were too numerous. The crazies had them surrounded.

"Any final words?" asked the head bishopess.

The amulet was shining a fiery red color.

"Yes." Kousagi clasped it in her hands, standing up. "Go to fucking hell!" She held the amulet up in the air. Different colored beams of light scattered across the room, cutting up every cult member to pieces. The amulet didn't stop until every one of them was dead. The disgusting, despicable book of Kevin Salmon was burned. Bloody body parts were lying all around. The amulet lost its power.

They entered a room connected to a long hallway, leading to the council's chambers. They were confronted by Sailor Cordelia.

"Cordelia!" said Kousagi, shocked.

"It's been a while," replied Cordelia.

"Please don't do this. Don't you remember when we were children? Why have you sided with them? You must know they're wrong."

"It doesn't matter what's right or wrong to me anymore. I want restored to me that which was taken," replied Cordelia.

"You're still thinking about that?"

"Of course; they took away my pride and power. I will never let that happen again. The council will restore those things back to me."

"I'm sad it has led to this. I would've preferred to talk you out of this," replied Kousagi.

Cordelia drew two swords strapped to her back. They were dated, medium length swords. On one sword was inscribed the name, "Marganus" and the other, "Cunedagius."

"These two swords belonged to my foes. They paid the price for their treachery. You will die swiftly, like they did."

Mittens ran forward with her kikoku blade drawn out. She was thrown down by the force of Cordelia's striking blades.

"I'm a warrior who is unmatched on the battlefield. You can't hope to best me at swordplay." Cordelia raised up her swords against Mittens. Her hands were being restrained. Mittens moved out of the way.

There were hydra tentacles wrapped around Cordelia's arms, pulling them back behind her head.

Cordelia pulled her arms forward, yanking Sailor Hydra over her. Sailor Hydra landed in front of Cordelia. She started retracting her tentacles. Cordelia cut off Sailor Hydra's tentacles with her swords.

Her severed tentacles writhed on the ground, with blood squirting out them. Sailor Nix ran to her aid. "I'll be okay. The pain won't last long." Her blood clotted quickly. "Don't worry, they will grow back in time," assured Sailor Hydra.

Sailor Ares used her volcanic meltdown attack. Cordelia stood still with her arms crossed. The shield of Aganippus protected her from the inferno. The fire slightly melted the shield.

Three water serpent heads sprouted out from behind Sailor Hydra's head, spitting out powerful jet streams. Cordelia defended herself with the shield. It was getting dented up.

Cordelia leapt towards Hydra with the shield in one hand and sword in the other. She cut off one of Sailor Hydra's serpent heads. Sailor Hydra was in a lot of pain. The serpent head would grow back over time.

Sailor Miranda used her weakening twister attack, blowing the shield out of Sailor Cordelia's hand.

Cordelia stuck both of her swords in the wall, hanging on to them while riding out the ferocious winds.

Cordelia threw a small bag at everyone. It was a bag of Leir's dowry.

Oona destroyed the bag with a Banish IV spell before it opened. A black dust with white particles inside the bag backfired, exploding on Sailor Cordelia after being destroyed. She picked up her shield, putting a temporary force field around her.

There was a rumbling sound, making the ground shake slightly.

"What is that?" wondered Sailor Cordelia.

The fallen, skeletal sailor senshi of the council: Sailors Pasiphae, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, Leda, Elara, Amalthea, Metis, Adrastea, Atlas, Pandora, Pan, Prometheus, Epimetheus, Dione, Phoebe, Hyperion, Rhea, Janus, Puck, Caliban, Titania, Oberon, Sycorax, Setebos, Cressida, Thalassa, Despina, Naiad, Galatea, Thalassa, Nereid, and Proteus rushed into the room armed with weapons, engaged in battle against Sailor Cordelia. She was overwhelmed and fell.

Sailor Charon had summoned the dead, evil sailor senshi from the grave with her necromantic abilities.

"We got her," said Sailor Ares, excitedly.

A powerful burst of energy coming from Sailor Cordelia disintegrated the undead sailor senshi. She had transformed into a moon princess.

"Damn," said Mittens.

Cordelia redirected each and every one of their attacks with her "the fool" ability.

Sailor Cordelia dropped her two swords, and unsheathed a silver shining two-handed sword. The hilt was emerald green. It was a giant sword weighing at least 20 pounds. It was the sword of the Britons.

As she swung it back and forth, shockwaves ran across the floor. It stunned and injured everyone.

The shockwaves cracked parts of the room, weakening its structural integrity.

Cordelia swung her sword downward into the ground, causing an enormous burst of energy to run across the floor, running down the middle of the room. Everyone but Sailor Hydra moved out of the way in time. She was struck down the middle by the attack. It tore her asunder, leaving only small remnants of her clothing.

"No!" screamed Sailor Nix.

"You will all end up like that," threatened Sailor Cordelia.

A strong rage buried within Sailor Nix, gave her enough power to transform into a moon princess.

"What? How is that possible?" Sailor Cordelia attacked her with a hanging fool card.

"You won't kill me that easily." Sailor Nix fought back with her Ixnay attack, negating Sailor Cordelia's hanging fool.

Sailor Nix used her nullifying braids ability. Cordelia was tangled up in the braids, nullifying her power. Cordelia was hanging upside down in the air from the braids.

"We went through so many things together in this hellish place; and then you killed her. You will forfeit your life for that," promised Sailor Nix.

Sailor Cordelia made the sword of the Britons levitate up into her hands. "No one will pass; even if it means taking all of you down with me."

With one last swing of the sword, a blast shook down the walls and ceiling. The room collapsed on everyone. There was a great pile of debris where the room once stood.

Some rocks fell off the top of the pile, caused by movement underneath. A large, devil creature with big wings emerged from the debris. It opened up its wings, revealing everyone underneath. Oona had summoned Diablos just in time to protect them.

"Great thinking; that was way too close," said Kousagi.

Sailor Nix reverted back to her sailor senshi form.

"What now?" asked Sailor Miranda.

"We start cleaning this debris away. It's blocking our path," said Mittens.

"That won't take long," said Sailor Ares.

"No, we can't use our powers to blow away the debris. We're already standing on unstable ground. Any large ruptures could make us fall to our deaths," warned Sailor Charon. They were on one of the highest floors of the castle.

"Doing this by hand will take forever," complained Sailor Ares.

The entire castle had yonic architectural designs everywhere on the outside and inside.

They were still clearing away the debris into the night. The sun had set, making it easier to see the stars in the sky.

Sailor Parallel Moon looked up, enjoying the beautiful sight. She looked at a moon orbiting the planet. Another moon appeared behind the first moon, shifted to the right a little; parallel to it.

"Anestus, isn't there only one moon orbiting this planet?"

"Yes, you don't remember that?"

"That's what I thought. Look up in the sky."

The second moon faded, but was still visible.

"What the hell?" said Sailor Anestus, confused.

"What do you think it is?" asked Oona.

"No idea," replied Sailor Charon.

They were tired, and went to sleep. They were exhausted.

Sailor Parallel Moon started feeling stronger as time progressed.

..to be continued..