Written by BHart
May 16, 2009


Act CI
Spirit of Alexandria


"It was an honor to fight with you."

"Our deaths will not be in vain, the others will succeed," replied Vlaad. They couldn't escape from Sailor Topaz's barrier.

"So long, you pitiful males; your kind will soon be extinct." Sailor Fluorite threw sharp, crystal fluorite shards, penetrating the barrier they were trapped inside.

An unknown power held the fluorite shards in place, frozen in air.

Vlaad and Rykel saw an apparition. "Is that.."

"Yes, it's her," confirmed Vlaad.

The spirit of Sailor Alexandria had appeared next to them. She had long brown hair, brown eyes and an earth tone sailor fuku.

"What?" The honorary sailor senshi were baffled.

"Who is that?" Sailor Aenigma attacked them with a silvery gush of acidic poison. The liquid went around them without touching them.

"What is this?" The honorary sailor senshi hesitated.

Sailor Alexandria closed her eyes, bowing her head to the floor with her hands open. A large, spherical shaped energy formed in between her hands. It resembled the planet Alexandria.

She raised her head up, opening her eyes. The sphere shot right out of her hands, striking the honorary sailor senshi. It was her terrene Alexandria globe attack.

The attack destroyed most of the fluorite shards suspended in air. The other shards reversed direction, flying towards sailor Fluorite. Sailor Fluorite and the other honorary senshi were slammed up against the wall behind them.

The spirit of Sailor Alexandria disappeared.

The fluorite shards struck Sailor Fluorite all over, deeply wounding her. A fluorite stone fell out of a broach around her neck. The fluorite stone shattered after hitting the ground. Sailor Fluorite turned back into a normal hume before dying.

"That's the source of their power," realized Vlaad.

Sailor Topaz's barrier was destroyed.

Vlaad ran over to Sailor Aenigma and stabbed her through the chest. His sword pierced through her broach, shattering the crystal within. A silver, burning, poisonous liquid oozed out of the crystal, covering her body. She turned back into a normal taru taru after dying.

Sailor Copper Kurokodairu knocked them down with her tail.

"We will avenge our fallen allies," swore Sailor Shika Tear. She made black rain fall upon them, piercing their armor like bullets. Vlaad held his shield over them.

Sailor Copper Kurokodairu charged at them with a device which resembled a metal broom; with a giant alligator's head at the end. It was chomping away at the floor. It bit Vlaad's leg armor, keeping a strong grip on him.

"Now you will die," laughed Sailor Topaz.

The honorary sailor senshi were attacked from behind by a fiery explosion.

Omatase, Bartinax and Erewan appeared.

"You guys are lifesavers," rejoiced Rykel.

"Where is Parne?" inquired Vlaad.

"He has fallen," responded Omatase.

"I see," said Vlaad, bowing his head down in sadness.

"Time to finish what we started," said Bartinax, looking over at the honorary sailor senshi, who were burned and beaten.

"You haven't won. We'll be back with reinforcements," threatened Sailor Topaz. They vanished.

"How are the troops doing out there?" asked Rykel.

"I don't know. It was too chaotic to keep track of everyone," replied Bartinax.

"We absconded with blueprints of this place. Follow me," instructed Bartinax.

Sailor Nix and Hydra were leading the sailor senshi, Mittens, Oona, Suhya and Maybel into deeper parts of the castle, taking them through some secret areas.

"How'd you find these places?" asked Oona.

"We've had a lot of time to look around," replied Sailor Hydra.

Mittens noticed a small pathway, leading off into a corner. She pointed it out.

"Let's go check it out. We've never noticed that before," said Sailor Nix.

It led them to a slightly opened door. They peeked through. They heard sounds of machines whirring. "What the heck have they got in there?"

"Maybe weapons of some sort?" speculated Suhya.

There was machinery everywhere, and a big monitor against one of the walls.

"What is this place?" Sailor Nix turned on the monitor. It displayed many different rooms from surveillance cameras throughout the castle.

"What luck! We can scope out other areas of this place safely from here," said Sailor Ares.

"We'll decide where to go after checking all these rooms under surveillance," suggested Oona.

"Good idea. But we shouldn't stay here long. Someone may find us," agreed Mittens.

Sailor Topaz, Shika Tear and Copper Kurokodairu were recovering from their injuries and planning how to kill Vlaad and Rykel.

Sailor Cordelia walked by them. "What happened? Where are the other two?"

"They fell in battle," answered Sailor Shika Tear.

"I'm sad to hear that. But at least you took the enemy down. How many of them did you kill?"

"None yet; we'll return and take care of them with reinforcements," replied Sailor Topaz.

Cordelia was disappointed.

"Have you learned nothing about being a sailor senshi for the council? Never run from a battle with males, it is disgraceful. Either kill them or die in battle with honor," said Sailor Cordelia.

"We'll do that next time we see them," promised Copper Kurokodairu.

"I must take away your sailor senshi powers," said Cordelia.

"No. Please, don't."

She grabbed their broaches, crushing them in her hands. "We can't have weak people on our side, it only slows us down."

Sailor Cordelia stabbed them through the chest with three, giant energy needles. "How unfortunate; I'll have to clear out our intruders myself." Cordelia was standing amongst their dead bodies.

The girls were still in the computer surveillance room. They came across a room of nude bodies covering the walls. "What the hell is that?" asked Mittens.

"Zoom in," said Sailor Miranda.

The entire room was filled with naked, comatose males. There were tubes connected to them, giving them nourishment to keep them alive. There was also a tube latched on to their penises, extracting baby batter from them.

"I've heard the council is creating a large sperm bank to last decades; long after they plan to eradicate all males. They're working on a way to only have female births. By then women should be able to give birth without men," said Sailor Nix.

"You hear a lot of things eavesdropping around here," explained Sailor Hydra.

"These guys are really serious," exclaimed Sailor Parallel Moon.

An alarm sounded off.

"What's that?" asked Maybel.

"Let's see if we can find out on one of these security cameras," replied Suhya.

There was a long hall with red lights flashing. There were many open doors with people running out them.

"More Traliz soldiers?"

"I don't think so. They're not wearing uniforms," noticed Ares.

Omatase's group also heard the alarms.

"Where's that sound coming from?"

Bartinax looked at the blueprint. "It's probably coming from the north. There's an entire hallway where they keep sadistic women who enjoy torturing and dismembering males. They may have been released."

"Are you serious? How many are there?" asked Vlaad.

"I don't know, but we should be able to hold our own if we run into them."

"Is that why the alarms were going off?" Sailor Miranda pointed at women wearing something resembling hospital gowns, running towards them.

"More council crazies to kill," sighed Sailor Ares.

They attacked the council goonies from a safe distance. The crazy women kept coming at them.

"What the..?" They were taken by surprise. They were thrown back by energy bursts coming from the crazy mob. The crazy mob delivered crushing blows.

The sailor senshi, Mittens, Oona, Suhya and Maybel fought them off many times, only for them to keep coming back for more.

"They never seem to get tired. What the hell's been done to them?" asked Suhya.

Maybel noticed there were bracelets on the women's wrists and ankles that glowed pale white. "Look at those bracelets they wear. They look like the same color as metal infused with promathia."

"The energy emanating from them feels the same," noticed Kousagi.

"We'll never be able to beat them with those bracelets on," said Sailor Hydra.

Sailor Charon talked with Sailor Nix. "If you and I work together, we may be able to dispel the effects of those promathian bracelets. We'll have to give it our all. Are you up to it?"

"Yes. Let's give it a try," replied Sailor Nix. Sailor Charon and Nix were charging up their dark powers.

"Are you sure it will work?" asked Sailor Triton.

"We'll see," replied Anestus.

Vlaad's group was struggling to fight off the women as well. One of them had Omatase in a choke hold.

Omatase saw the bracelet around one of their wrists glow with a powerful energy. Rykel came to his rescue by attacking the woman with Bio II and Drain II. "Thanks, that was too close."

"These women are unusually strong. They recover quickly every time we beat them down," noticed Rykel.

"Those bracelets pulsate with a strong force," noticed Omatase.

"It could be the source of their limitless energy," thought Rykel.

"If it is their power source, we'll have to remove it," said Vlaad.

"Let's cut them off. Come, Rykel." Vlaad and Rykel struck the bracelets with great strength, but the bracelets remained intact.

"There must be another way," thought Omatase.

"Any ideas?" asked Rykel.

"If the two of us combine our black magic skills, we may be able to remove the power boost the bracelets are giving them," suggested Omatase.

"You two concentrate on doing that, and we'll fight them off the best we can. Hurry!" said Vlaad.

"Are you guys almost done? I don't know how much longer we can hold them off," said Rie.

"We're ready," replied Sailor Nix.

A black streak of dark energy struck the women, rendering their bracelets powerless. "It worked!" said an ecstatic Kousagi.

"It won't last long; hurry and remove them," warned Sailor Charon.

Mittens slashed the bracelets off with giant, metal claws. Suhya and Maybel assisted her. Once removed, they attacked them with everything they had until every last crazy woman died.

The spell wore off and the bracelets regained their power.

Omatase's and Rykel's powers also temporarily dispelled the effects of the bracelets on the mob they were fighting.

Vlaad ran towards the mob, yelling a galkan war cry, slashing the bracelets off, with Rykel following behind. They quickly disposed of them once the bracelets' power was gone.