Written By BHart
June 17, 2005

Act X
Death falls upon the Hino Residence

Rei was at the Hikawa shrine and chanting in front of the fire as she occasionally does. She saw an image of the new enemy. “She looks
familiar. I think I’ve seen her around in town somewhere,” thought Rei to herself. As she was concentrating and trying to remember where she had seen the woman in the fire, Yuuichirou opened the sliding doors. “What is
it Yuuichirou?” asked Rei. “It’s grandpa. It doesn’t look good either,” said Yuuichirou. “Oh great, what’s that old pervert gotten himself into this
time?” said Rei as she left with Yuuichirou.

Sailor Sun was in a remote part of Japan in the mountains somewhere.
There are pod shuttles high atop the mountain. She was talking with the creatures that had newly arrived a few days ago. The creatures are in the shadows and we can’t see many details about their appearance. “Just
make sure you all do your jobs right. My campaign will not fail,” said
Sailor Sun. “What of the new bills you wish to propose? How will you ever get those passed?” asked one of the creatures. “I already have that taken care of. Everything is in place. It won’t be much longer now. Go now; and
if you happen to run into the sailor senshi, kill them,” said Sailor Sun as
she disappeared.

Kiusako and Anna were at Usagi’s house having a sailor senshi meeting.
“So our new enemy is named Sailor Sun? I didn’t think we’d be seeing anymore evil sailor senshi,” said Artemis. “Was she wearing bracelets?” asked Luna. “No, I don’t think so,” said Chibiusa. “I wish we had more
data on her and why she’s brainwashing many people,” said Luna. The
phone rang and Usagi went to go answer it. “It doesn’t make any sense
that there’s a sailor senshi of the sun. It’s not a planet,” said Kousagi. “Hmmm, that is strange. Although I remember an ancient story I read
about the sun which was in the old moon kingdom royal library,” said
Luna. “I remember that place. There were so many books. Too many for
me to keep up with,” said Artemis. “What did the book say about the
sun?” asked Mamoru. “It talked about the birth of our solar system. It
said the sun was originally a planet. In fact, it was the first planet of this solar system. Soon after, other planets were born until we have the
planets we know about today. The moons were born next. Originally, each planet had at least one moon. The moons of each planet were made to
bring order and balance to the planets they protected. The people born on the planets were of a different race of the people born on the moons. The people who lived on the moons acted as a vigil of potential danger to the planets they watched over. The moons and stars gave off enough light to light up the solar system back then. The people of the planet sun didn’t think they had any need for a moon since they were stronger than anyone else in the solar system,” said Luna. “Why were they the strongest?”
asked Artemis. “Because the sun was at the center of the solar system where most of the solar system’s energy was,” said Luna. “So what happened? Did you read anything else about it?” asked Kousagi. “Well, I don’t remember much else. It did say the planet sun attacked their moon. They didn’t want to share their power with anyone else. They wanted to
rule over the solar system. The moon of the sun pleaded for help from the other planets and moons. The people of the planet sun eventually lost,
but not without having destroyed their own moon as well as the moons of Mercury and Venus. To prevent anyone else from living on the sun and repeating history, the people of the other planets used the great energy
of the center of the solar system to catch the planet sun on fire so that nobody else could inhabit it. Since then, the sun has been engulfed in flames and has been a great light source to our solar system,” said Luna.

“Hmm, that is a very interesting story. I wonder if you two will ever run
out of legends/stories to talk about,” said Mamoru. “Yeah, we had a lot of time on our hands. Besides, we were supposed to be advisors to the
sailor senshi so we had to study up on a lot of stuff,” said Artemis. Usagi walked into the room and was crying. “What’s the matter honey?” asked Mamoru. “It’s Rei. Something terrible happened,” said Usagi. “Oh? What
was it?” asked Mamoru. “Rei’s grandpa died earlier today,” said Usagi. Everyone was surprised even though he was really old. “I’ve called the
other sailor senshi and we’re going to go over and see what we can do to help,” said Usagi. “Okay, take your time. If you need anything, let me know,” said Mamoru embracing Usagi. “He was the sweetest little old perverted man I ever knew,” said Usagi.

The sailor senshi were over at Rei’s house. “Are you sure its okay for you
all to be here?” asked Rei. “Mamo-chan is holding down the fort for me,”
said Usagi “My husband is filling in for me at the clinic and my child is
with Usagi and Mamoru’s kids,” said Ami. “My husband is watching over
our shop and is watching our child,” said Makoto. “My husband took a
break off of work and is watching our child,” said Minako. “What about
your husband Rei?” asked Usagi. “He is helping me out here at the shrine and has taken off a few days from his teaching job,” said Rei. “How has Yuuichirou been taking it?” asked Ami. “He is taking it pretty hard. He is helping out quite a bit but he doesn’t seem the same anymore,” said Rei.
A day or two had passed and Kiusako, Anna, Chibiusa, and Kousagi were
at the Hikawa shrine. “Thanks for helping out guys,” said Rei.

“Hey Rei, where should I put these?” asked Yuuichirou holding a heavy
box of magazines. Rei looked inside the box. The box was filled with porn magazines. Rei rolled her eyes and said “Just put it in the back room and we’ll get rid of it later.” “Are you serious? You’re getting rid of your
grandpa’s belongings?” asked Chibiusa. “Just his porn stuff. I love him,
but his porn magazines have to go,” said Rei firmly. They walked into
Rei’s grandpa’s room. “Okay, I think everything else can stay. I think we took out all of his porn,” said Rei. “Hey Rei, what about this over here?” asked Kiusako. Kiusako was looking at a laptop on a desk in grandpa’s
room. There were porn websites which were on his laptop. His email
account was open and an email he had received was viewable. It was an email from somebody named Stacey Gardner. It read as follows: “I
enjoyed the last few dates we had together and the intimate nights we shared together. Call me whenever you need my services again.” There
was a picture of a fairly good looking woman with a nice figure who was naked. “Oh god, it’s embarrassing to be his granddaughter sometimes,”
said Rei blushing. “Turn it off and we’ll store it in the back room. I’ll clear off his laptop of all of those stupid porn sites later,” continued Rei. Rei
noticed a paper left on his desk which had the following written on it in
his handwriting: “Vote for Soleil Lunere mayoral candidate.” “Hmm, how strange. Grandpa was never interested in politics before,” thought Rei to herself.

The following weekend arrived and everyone was getting ready for the funeral proceedings. “What did he die from anyways?” asked Usagi. “He
died from old age. He was 86,” said Rei. “Aren’t you sad Rei? You are the only one of us not crying,” said Usagi. “Of course I am! But we all have to
go sometime,” said Rei. Rei looked around to see who all came to the funeral. Most of them were old people and women. “What a lecherous old coot he was,” thought Rei to herself. Rei spotted someone who looked familiar. “Who is that woman over there?” asked Rei walking over to Yuuichirou. “Oh, she came by the shrine yesterday asking for your
grandpa. I told her about what had happened and she said she wanted to come to the funeral. I think her name is Stacey or something,” said Yuuichirou. “Oh god, it’s that hussy we saw on grandpa’s computer earlier,” thought Rei to herself walking over to Stacey. “Listen, I don’t care if you were one of grandpa’s loose friends. I don’t think it’s appropriate for you
to be here,” said Rei. “I was his female escort for the last two months. Despite what you think, we were close,” said Stacey. “You’re an escort for many people. It’s your job. Anyways, I don’t think you understood me before. I want you to leave!” said Rei. “I am here to find more clients,”
said Stacey. “How disgusting. You’re not even thinking of the funeral anymore,” said Rei.

Rei grabbed Stacey by the hand and began to take her away from the funeral. “You’re messing with the wrong person,” said Stacey as she
revealed her true self. Stacey’s large nose turned into a bird beak. Black wings grew on her back and her feet turned into talons. “I am Gardner.”
Rei tried to transform but was blasted back by the strong wind gust generated by Gardner’s wings flapping. The other sailor senshi
transformed. Gardner’s fingernails grew very long and wrapped around the sailor senshi before they could attack. The sailor senshi were confined
and trying to break free. Rei transformed. “I just wanted to have a
respectful funeral service with my friends and then a traditional Japanese funeral with family,” said Sailor Mars. Gardner turned around and was distracted. “Gaia Rache,” said Kiusako as his attack destroyed her fingernails. The sailor senshi were freed. “Mars Flame Sniper.” The fire
arrow hit Gardner in the chest and pierced right through her. She fell to
the ground and was in much pain.

Her wings spread wide open and knocked over sailor mars and the other sailor senshi. Gardner flew up in the air and did a nose dive towards
sailor earth. Sailor earth was trying to pick himself up off of the ground
and saw her heading towards him. Yuuichirou jumped out in front of Sailor Earth and swung a guitar at Gardner. She flew back a few feet and landed hard on the ground. “Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss” said Usagi as her attack destroyed Gardner. A pile of black feathers fell to the ground. A smaller bird person emerged from the black feathers. It was a small boy
with blond hair and blue eyes. His name was Ellison. He flapped his
yellow wings and many feathers flew toward the sailor senshi. The sailor senshi dodged the attack as the feathers stuck in the ground. “Penta Star Ray,” said Sailor Star. Ellison was very fast and dodged all five of the star rays as he flew quickly and strategically in the air. He flapped his wings furiously again and a whirlwind of feathers flew around everywhere,
blinding the sailor senshi’s vision. Ellison got ready for his ultimate
attack. “Gage Dive Bomber.” He flew down towards the sailor senshi who couldn’t see him coming. “Dead Scream.” Sailor Pluto’s attack hit him
head on as he was descending very quickly. The impact of the attack at
him going at such quick speeds destroyed him. “Thanks for you help guys.
I didn’t know if you’d show up or not,” said Rei. “Sure, we’ll always be
here to support you,” said Haruka. “If you need anything, just let us
know,” said Michiru.

Later that day, Rei and her family had a traditional Japanese funeral.
They passed around some of grandpa’s bones with chopsticks and put
them into an urn with his ashes in it. They then proceeded with the rest
of the funeral. Yuuichirou was very quiet and didn’t speak much the whole day. “Are you okay?” asked Rei. “I just can’t believe he’s gone. He let me stay here and work. I learned a lot from him and you,” said Yuuichirou. “If you need some time off, go ahead and take as long as you like. It’s hard
for all of us to think about work right now,” said Rei. “What will you do?
You will be understaffed,” said Yuuichirou. “My husband will be helping around here for a little while. Go ahead and take some time off if you
need to,” said Rei. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer,” said Yuuichirou.

Rei was talking with the other sailor senshi. “I can’t believe the enemy is using their own escort service to brainwash people. If only I knew what
they were brainwashing people about,” said Rei. “That’s a good question. But whatever it was, that plan of theirs is over now,” said Makoto. “Even
if your grandpa was brainwashed, he’s free of that now,” said Ami. Later
that night before Rei went to bed, she looked at a picture of herself and
her grandpa. “Goodbye grandpa. I love you,” said Rei turning off the lights with tears running down her cheeks.
