Italicized text written by – Pen Isaran
Normal text written by me – BHart
April 20, 2005

Act I
Part 1
Hidden evil in the forest

It was a very cold night in a deep, dark forest while a man and a woman were hunting.

As they were hunting for deer in the forest, they came across a well, just outside of a grove of trees. The lid to the well was closed, and they could hear a faint voice from inside the well. It sounded like the voice of a
small child saying "Mom, where are you?" They pushed the heavy stone
lid on top of the well, as a small opening was left; they saw something climbing up the well.

There was something glowing brightly in the smelly, dark, well; but it
was hard to see what was about to climb out. The voice that the man
and woman heard before was gone. The whole forest was still dark and
quiet. Then suddenly, the sound of thunder caused the well to shake violently while the stone lid was still on top.

A dark figure emerged from the well; all they could really see were
squirming tentacles shaped like giant fingers. An unsuspecting raccoon scampered about the area as it was strangled to death by the strange
aberration; by its large finger like tentacles. The couple, frightened,
began to flee. The creature flung its large diplodocus (large finger shaped tentacle) at them, as they tripped over it and fell.

The couple got up and kept running from the frightening creature. While
they were hiding, they spotted smoke that looked like it came from a campfire; about four miles away from them. Before they went off into
that direction to find some help, they looked around for the creature and suddenly the woman collapsed and fell to the ground.

The woman collapsed to the ground because the diplodocus had wrapped itself around her ankle. The large diplodocus slithered up the woman's
leg. The man tried kicking the diplodocus, but it was too thick and
wouldn't budge. The diplodocus squirt out a white, milky, substance from
its sides and gave the man light acid burns over his body. He backed off
and tried to get it off of him as the diplodocus pushed its way in the erogenous orifice of the woman. She passed out due to fright as the man yelled for help. Was there anyway to get help? The man hoped there was someone nearby where they saw the smoke earlier.

The wizard (even though he doesn't look like one but is one) by the
campfire saw trouble when he looked into the fire. He disappeared and
then reappeared next to the man and the unconscious woman. Then the wizard started chanting something while he looked at the diplodocus. Did the wizard save the couple from the diplodocus? He hoped that the
woman was still alive.

The diplodocus started catching fire as the wizard continued chanting. The diplodocus retreated and squirt out more of the white acid. The wizard's staff put a barrier around him and protected him from the attack. The diplodocus got angry and snatched his staff and snapped it in two. "I am
so screwed without my staff,” thought the wizard to himself. The wizard
and man tried to wake up the woman before the diplodocus came back to attack.

The fire was starting to go out, but the diplodocus was badly burned. The fire had hardened it as it stiffened up and was getting ready to fight back.

The wizard and the man didn't want to wait for the woman to wake up;
so the wizard told the man that he's going to warp them to safety. Before the man could ask the wizard anything, they were in an empty cottage
and the diplodocus was nowhere in sight. They both turned as the
woman finally started to whisper for water. The wizard waved his hand
and a mug of water appeared in her hand and she drank it. Then she
asked the man and the wizard about what had happened.

Part 2
Trouble in the woods, Mamoru's new hunting hobby

The wizard briefly told her what had happened as she vaguely
remembered being violated. Just then, there was a rumble outside as the wizard looked out the window and saw the hardened and stiff diplodocus.

"Oh my god, it found us. I guess I should've teleported farther away
instead of to the nearest log cabin in these woods,” thought the wizard to himself. The Tsukino family was nearby in the woods when Usagi said "Mamo-chan, I really don't like this hunting stuff Motoki has got you interested in."

"Don't worry Usako, I'll be careful,” said Mamoru. "Just leave the hunting
to us,” said Shingo as he came along too. Nearby at the log cabin, the wizard exited the door as the man and woman escaped the cabin. "I didn't
think you'd find us this quickly,” said the wizard to the diplodocus. The wizard began casting a spell, as the diplodocus thrust itself towards him. The wizard was almost done casting the spell when he was struck by
the diplodocus' penetrating thrust; the wizard was mortally wounded and
fell to the ground. The woman screamed in horror and kept on running alongside the man.

Usagi and the others could hear a nearby scream. "What was that?" asked Usagi. "Maybe someone being attacked by a wild animal up here; I'll go
see if I can help,” said Mamoru as he walked towards the direction of the scream. Shingo followed him as Usagi tried to stop him. "I'm gonna go
help him whether you want me to or not,” as he left with Mamoru. Usagi began following them as her two daughters Chibiusa and Kousagi
followed her. "You two must stay behind where it is safe,” said Usagi as
she told them to go back to their cabin. The two secretly followed her anyway.

The man and woman ran towards Mamoru as he asked them what was
going on. "There's some weird thing following us,” said the man. "You'd
best run for it too,” said the woman. The diplodocus caught up to the man and woman and struck them down with its strong and hard thrust. They
both fell down to the ground bleeding profusely. The diplodocus looked around for Mamoru but could not find him. "Hunting is meant for fun recreation for people who like to kill stuff with their family. How dare you interfere with this special family bonding,” said Tuxedo Kamen, standing
in a nearby tree. The diplodocus chased Tuxedo Kamen through the
woods. He threw many roses at the diplodocus as they stuck firmly in the diplodocus. The creature wasn't very hurt by them and kept moving. The diplodocus was very close to Tuxedo Kamen and was about to hit him
with its strong thrust attack. There was a strong blast of cold air/water as
it hit the diplodocus and made it cold. It shrunk in size a little and curled
up again to get itself warm and large again. "That's payback you #$$% creature. I won't forgive you for killing that man and woman,” said the wizard as he fell to the ground unconscious, having drained most of his energy in the attack.

Usagi and her kids caught up to Tuxedo Kamen. "What are you doing
here? It's too dangerous for you and the kids,” said Tuexdo Kamen. Usagi looked behind her and saw her two kids. "I told you two to stay back
where it's safe,” said Usagi angrily. The diplodocus started warming up
and getting bigger when Tuxedo Kamen said "My roses don't hurt it much; transform into Sailor Moon and kill it." "Ok,” said Usagi. She tried transforming and said "Um, it's been so long since I've transformed; I
forgot the words to do it." "Oh great,” said Tuxedo Kamen in disappointment. "I would transform, but my pink sugar heart attack is wussy,” said Chibiusa. In an instant, the diplodocus got up and thrust
itself towards Chibiusa.

Kousagi (Chibiusa's younger sister) screamed as a pink light surrounded
her. She was now wearing a lavender and white fuku which was similar to Chibiusa's when she transformed into Chibimoon. Everyone was stunned
and didn't know what to think. The diplodocus was stunned temporarily
from the light. "You will not hurt my family," yelled Kousagi as a giant,
pink, bunny fell from the sky and wrapped itself around the diplodocus
and began squeezing it hard. The diplodocus tried to get free, but
couldn't. The bunny kept on squeezing hard, as the giant diplodocus
began squirming around violently as a white fluid began to squirt right out
of it for a couple of minutes.

The diplodocus was exhausted of its power and fell to the ground, as it
lost its hardness and stiffness and became limp. Without its life giving
fluid, it shortly died thereafter. The creature who attacked them with its diplodocus earlier on, sensed that it had been killed and began to get
very angry. "What the hell was that?" asked Usagi. "I don't know, I just
got angry and knew I had to protect my family,” said Kousagi. They heard someone groaning nearby.

They saw the wizard lying there and quickly took him to their cabin to
help him recover from his wounds. "Whatever that was, I bet there's more
to come,” said Mamoru. "Why do you say that? It's been peaceful for so long,” said Usagi. "Things like this never end this quickly. You forget
easily,” said Mamoru. "Well, at least we're safe for now,” said Usagi. The
enraged creature whose diplodocus was destroyed began searching for the one's who killed its phallic organ.

The people who helped him during the battle earlier on, had him at their cabin with them to treat his wounds. The wizard was unconscious for
three days while he was restoring his powers. In the meantime, the
creature was still trying to find what or who destroyed its diplodocus.

Part 3
The real guardian of Earth awakens

"Thanks for helping me. I actually feel stronger than I did before,” said
the wizard. "What's your name?" asked Usagi. "Kiusako,” said the wizard.
"Nice to meet you; I'm Usagi, this is my husband Mamo-chan, my brother Shingo, and my two daughters Chibi-Usa and Kousagi." "I understand it
was your strange power which killed the monster,” said Kiusako. "Well,
um, yeah, I guess it was,” said Kousagi. "I am indebted to all of you. I
feel as if a strange new power is awakening in me,” said Kiusako as he looked at his hands. "That's because I'm awakening your true self,” said a voice. "Who's there?" said Mamoru as they all looked around the room wondering where the voice was coming from. They all heard something in
the chimney as a bright pink ball of light flew out of it. The pink light stopped shining as brightly as before; the others could start to see what
it was. "Who, or what are you?" asked Usagi. "I am the awakener of the defender of Earth,” said the 6-inch tall sprite which looked like a cat. "But
wait, I'm the defender of Earth. It's even in my name,” said Mamoru.

"You were just a substitute until the real Sailor Earth could come
forward,” said the cat sprite. "Wha-- what?" said everyone confused. "All
of the other sailor senshi of the other known planets in this solar system have been awakened; except for sailor earth. But now his time has
come,” said the sprite. "But wait..; I thought the sailor senshi were female,” said Usagi confused. "Well, you see, there was a mix up in the re-incarnation of sailor earth. Originally sailor earth was to be reborn as a
girl, but reincarnation doesn't always work how we expect it to. So, sailor earth was reborn as a male wizard instead,” said the sprite. "This is too weird. I don't believe it,” said Kiusako. "You will believe it,” said the
sprite as power surrounded Kiusako (the male wizard) as his wizard robes vanished. In a few seconds, he was wearing a brownish, green/blue fuku! Kiusako saw that he was now wearing a skirt and a vest. He blushed and said "What the hell is this? Why am I wearing girly clothes?" "That is the uniform of the sailor senshi of earth. Just be lucky you don't have to wear
a bow,” said the sprite. "Why is this happening to me? I've been a wizard my whole 20 years of life. Now I have to wear girls’ clothes?" asked

"You are at your peak power when wearing your uniform. You must use it
to fight a strange evil which has appeared on the earth,” said the sprite.
"You mean that weird looking thing that attacked us earlier?" asked
Usagi. "Yes, that is just one of the creatures that has come to be in existence recently. It is now mainly the responsibility of you Kiusako, and you Kousagi, to fight this new threat. Although others will aid you as
well,” said the sprite. "Me? But I'm only 9,” said Kousagi. "Your powers
were released today as well were they not?" asked the sprite. "Well, yeah,
I guess so,” said Kousagi. "That was some weird pink bunny magic,” said Shingo, surprised. "I would like to tell you more, but I must go now. We
will meet again,” said the sprite as she flew away and disappeared.

Part 4
Kiusako and Kousagi's journey begins

After the sprite departed, Usagi sent Chibiusa and Kousagi to their rooms. As they waited for the children to leave the room, Usagi turned to her husband, giving him an angry look. He knew that she was more worried about the children than being angry with him. The fact that their children could have gotten seriously hurt earlier from the fight was what upset her most. Kiusako and Mamoru both turned to Usagi and said “Don’t worry Usagi,” at the same time, knowing what she was thinking about. Usagi
and Mamoru turned their attention to Kiusako and asked if he would
remain in their home for a few more days. There’s no way to know what danger still lurks out there.

A few days later, the wizard told everyone that he’s well enough to depart for his journey. However, Kousagi would be leaving for the journey with Kiusako; because of what the sprite said to them during her visit.
Chibiusa helped Kousagi pack along with a few things in case of any
danger that they might run into. After they finished packing, they walked
out of their room to meet with the others. Ten minutes later, everyone
was at the door wishing them good luck. It took some time for everyone
to get Kousagi to leave home as she was only nine years old and scared. Kousagi was finally willing to leave her family behind to start on a
journey with Kiusako.

Shingo was nearby fishing at a lake and enjoying the last few moments of their family outing together in the woods. "We'll be leaving soon, so get ready packing," yelled Usagi. "Okay, just give me a few more minutes,”
said Shingo. Kousagi and Kiusako weren't really sure what to do, so they decided to head out of the woods and into the city. They saw Shingo
sitting at the shore of the lake fishing. "I guess they'll be leaving soon
since their vacation is almost over,” said Kiusako. "Yeah, we could've left with them, but I guess they wanted me to walk back home and be a little more independent,” said Kousagi. "Why is it that I don't have any
powers? I am related to Usagi after all. It's not fair, I want powers too!" thought Shingo to himself as he was fishing. The strange creature whose diplodocus was killed earlier, spotted Shingo fishing. The creature
descended into the lake and headed towards Shingo. Shingo felt a hard tug on his fish line as it broke. "What the hell..?" said Shingo. Just then, the creature ascended from the lake and wrapped its many large finger shaped tentacles around him and attached itself to Shingo's back as he was trying to run away. Shingo screamed from fright as his body was now hosting
the creature. Kousagi and Kiusako looked back and saw that Shingo was
in trouble; they began running towards him to help him. Meanwhile in the cabin, Usagi, Mamoru, and Chibiusa heard the scream as they ran out
to see what was wrong.

Usagi and the others saw the weird thing attached to Shingo's back.
"What the hell is that..?" asked Usagi. Shingo began to laugh as he was becoming possessed by the evil aura of the creature. "I feel so powerful now. I really do have powers!!" said Shingo excitedly. "Don't worry, I'll
save you from that weird creature,” said Usagi. Kiusako and Kousagi
arrived and were getting ready to attack. "I am sailor Shingo of the seven seas. Anchors aweigh,” said Shingo. Shingo grabbed the anchor symbol on his t-shirt and began pulling out an anchor with a large chain attached to
it. "What in the hell is going on?" asked Kousagi. "He's not himself right now, that creature on his back has taken control of him,” said Mamoru. Shingo threw the anchor very quickly with great strength as the chain attached to it, wrapped itself around Mamoru and Chibiusa. The anchor
fell into the ground. "Damn, I wasn't fast enough to get away. It's up to
the rest of you now,” said Mamoru. "I cannot bring myself to fight my
uncle,” said Kousagi. Shingo's left arm turned into a metal hook as he leaped towards Kousagi to attack. "Get out of the way,” said Kiusako as
he grabbed Kousagi; the attack barely missed. Shingo's metal hook hand was stuck in the dirt as he struggled to get it out. Kiusako began
chanting as an electrical discharge zapped Shingo's metal hook as the electrical shock traveled up to the creature and electrocuted it. "Please
don't hurt my brother,” said Usagi. "Don't worry, I only used enough to disable his hook arm and attack the creature on his back,” said Kiusako.
The creature was hurt and became angry as it armed all of it's tentacles
with pirate swords. Shingo passed out due to the small electrical shock he received.

The creature moved towards Kiusako, brandishing pirate swords. Kiusako quickly teleported out of the way, and appeared a few feet behind the creature. The creature was confused at where Kiusako went and began looking for him. Usagi saw her opportunity and used the ginzuishou, and healed Shingo as the creature detached itself from him and began to
retreat. Usagi ran over to Shingo to see if he was okay. Mamoru had
finally freed himself and Chibiusa of the chain that was wrapped around them; Kiusako and Kousagi began chasing the creature. "It's too fast.
We're losing it,” said Kiusako as he and Kousagi were running out of
breath. Haruka and Michiru were driving in the woods in their jeep after enjoying some alone time together. "It's a pity we have to end it. You
were fantastic my love. You know all the right spots,” said Michiru putting her arms around Haruka. "All good things must come to an end I
suppose,” said Haruka. As they were driving, they saw Kousagi and
Kiusako running. "Isn't that Usagi's kid?" asked Haruka. "Yes, it is. I
wonder who she's with and what they're running for,” said Michiru. Haruka stopped the jeep. "Hi kiddo! Where ya off to in such a hurry?" asked
Haruka. "Haruka! Michiru! How are you? We're chasing some weird
creature which attacked us earlier. It's trying to get away,” said Kousagi. "Who's the guy in the skirt with you?" asked Haruka as she and Michiru began laughing at such a sight.

"Oh, he's sailor earth. It does look pretty funny doesn't it?" said Kousagi. "Hey, it wasn't my choice. I don't want to wear this,” said Kiusako
blushing. "But..." "I'll explain everything later, can you just give us a ride
and help us catch up to the weird creature?" asked Kousagi, interrupting Haruka. "Sure, hop in,” said Haruka as they hopped in and continued pursuing the weird creature. The creature came to the well where it came
from earlier and began to go down the well. Haruka stopped the jeep as
she and the others ran to the well. "What the hell is it doing down
there?" asked Kiusako. "I have no idea, but we've got to kill it before it
hurts anyone else,” said Kousagi. Haruka and Michiru transformed into
sailor Uranus and Neptune, respectively. "Let us handle this. It's too dangerous for any of us to go down there after it,” said Michiru. Haruka
used her world shaking attack as it headed down the well where
the creature was. After a few seconds, there was a huge blast as the creature shrieked in pain as it was destroyed. The well started to crumble and collapse from the blast. "Mommy,” said a faint and creepy voice.
"Who said that?" asked Haruka as they looked around to see where the
voice was coming from. A dark wind escaped from the well and blew the skirts up on Haruka and Michiru's sailor senshi uniforms. "Hmm. It looks
like we have nothing to worry about. Its dead,” said Haruka. "Yes, it
seems that way. But I feel a little strange now,” said Michiru as Haruka agreed that she felt the same way. They all got in the jeep and headed
for home.
