Chapter Two - Sailor's Revenge Amy Anderson was sitting in her room working on her homework when her communicator went off. Alarmed, she snatched it up and answered it. "Serena?" Amy said, seeing the troubled Sailor Moon's face on the small communicator screen. "Amy!" Serena cried. She seemed quite alarmed. "Amy, hurry! Meet us downtown, there's this terrible enemy down there!" "That's terrible! What kind of enemy? Are you all right?" "Yes, I'm fine. I'll fill you in on all the details when you get down here. Hurry up!" And Serena hung up. Amy followed suit and hurried out of her house. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serena sent the same distress call to all the other Sailor Scouts, and Raye, Lita, Mina, Michelle, Amara, and Rini had all said that they were on their way. Now the only Sailor left to contact was Trista. Serena paused before she contacted Sailor Pluto. She needed to savor the genius of her plan. Then she flipped open the communicator. After a moment, Trista's face appeared on the screen. Her anger from earlier seemed to have vanished, replaced by the worry that innocent people were in danger. "Sailor Moon! What is the matter?" "There's an enemy downtown. You have to come help us fight it, Sailor Pluto!" "What kind of enemy? Are you alright?" "Everyone's fine, don't worry. As for the enemy, you'll see for yourself, just hurry and get down here!" "Right," replied Trista, and she hung up. Serena's face broke out into a very broad grin. Everyone had fallen for the bait. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trista met up with Amara and Michelle and the trio transformed into Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto, then raced downtown with their increased agility that was due to their super powers. "What kind of enemy do you think this is that we're up against?" Amara wondered. "I don't know, but Sailor Moon's message seemed very urgent," replied Michelle. Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune turned to Sailor Pluto, who hadn't said anything since she shouted "Pluto Planet Power!" to transform. "I have no idea. We haven't had anyone to fight in the longest time," Pluto said rather distractedly. Sailor Pluto couldn't help but feel that Sailor Moon hadn't seemed very worried, or very distressed, when she contacted Sailor Pluto. It was almost as if... no, that can't be. No way. Serena may not be the brightest candle in the candelabra, but she certainly understood the responsibility that was laid on her shoulders as Sailor Moon. No senshi, not even Serena, would "cry wolf" and get all the other Sailor Scouts ready to fight for nothing. Yet... Sailor Pluto was dragged out of her train of thought as Sailor Neptune cried, "There they are!" and moved onward with increased speed. Sailors Uranus and Pluto hastened to follow her. When they reached downtown Tokyo, they found that Sailors Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Mini-Moon were already there. Everyone seemed to look rather confused, except for Sailor Moon, who actually looked kind of smug when she saw that Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto had arrived. "Well, it's good to see you guys, thanks for responding to my distress call!" Sailor Moon said cheerfully. The Outer Senshi exchanged a look. Something was seriously wrong with Sailor Moon. "Um, sure," Sailor Uranus replied, looking very unsure of how she should react to this cheerful Serena who not long ago had supposedly been worried about this enemy that, as she looked around, realized, was no where to be found. She and Neptune exchanged another glance, then looked at Sailor Pluto who was staring directly into Sailor Moon's eyes. Sailor Moon seemed to be feeling a bit uncomfortable, or maybe creeped out by Pluto's cold gaze, and she cleared her throat and backed up a few paces. "Sailor Pluto!" cried Sailor Chibi-Moon, and Sailor Pluto turned, relieving Serena of her glower, to see Rini running toward her. Trista smiled. "Small Lady!" she said happily, and side-stepped Sailor Moon to gather the pink-clad senshi into her arms for a quick embrace. As Rini and Sailor Pluto broke apart, Sailor Mars asked tentatively, "Where's this foe you were going on about, Serena? I don't see any danger!" Sailor Moon went very grave. "Oh, there's an enemy, alright." "Well, where is it?" cried Sailor Venus. "How do you even know?" asked Sailor Jupiter. There was a huge clamor as all the senshi started yelling at Sailor Moon. Luna, who had hidden nearby with Artemis and Diana, ran forward and called, "QUIET!" The noise from the Sailor Scouts died down, but everyone was still glaring at Serena. "Sailor Moon, explain to us what is going on THIS INSTANT!" shouted Luna, just as loudly as any of the Sailor Scouts. "Fine! I was going to, but then Sailor Venus started yelling at me, and everyone had to join in," Sailor Moon complained, glaring at Sailor Venus. Sailor Venus opened her mouth to talk back, but closed it again when she received glares from all of the Inner Senshi. Sailor Moon drew a shaky breath. "There is an enemy," she said again. She fixed her eyes on Sailor Pluto. She raised one trembling white-gloved hand and said boldly, "There is our foe. Sailor Pluto." A/N: Haha, yeah, I ended the chapter at a nice place, didn't I? Yeah, sorry it took so long to update. I think the next chapter's going to be the last one! Then the story will be complete! Yay! Please review and tell me what you thought about chapter 2!