"Artemis's lover" by Oscar allias"Artemis's lover" E-mail= oscaralfonso@hotmail.com Author notes: Hi, i'm Oscar, i'm 13 years old, and this is my little white companion, Artemis. Anyway Artemis & i, are much more than just amaster and a pet , its more like a human-cat relation.Cuz when i'm home alone....well....i...him...we...well "have sex" actually we just masturbate each other.But it's amazing, it's like this cat can talk!, he comes every night to my bedroom door, and starts meowing, until i let him in, and when he does, he starts meowing a little softer and purrs, shall we say "erotically". Until i get with him on the bed and goes down my crotch trying to shred my underwear!. Unbelivable, but true, that's why i called him Artemis. Intro: "Hi, i'm Oscar". "And i'm Artemis, Minako's ex-white cat"..."we're here to tell you, how we met, how we fell in love with each other, and well how we lost our virginity. Oscar's an Hermaphrodite, i.e.=a boy that has a dick and pussy (with clit and everything) at the same time!!imagen that!" "HEY!!!SHUT THE FUCK UP ARTEMIS!!" "Oops!sorry, Oscar" "Well, nevermind Artemis,soooo let's get on with the show!" Artemis's lover: The day was unusually fresh, for being June/2/97 , Oscar was walking on a lonely street,only with a Sprite bottle, and a WWF magazine. His toughts were racing on why he was so depress, he had always spyed on the sailor scouts, ever since luna caught up with Usagi, but most of all, when Artemis joined the group. He always tought "Why am i obsesed with that cat?" he than realized he had a crush on Artemis!! , even tough he was a boy, even tough Artemis was a cat.But not an ordinary cat that is. He then squeezed the bottle so hard, it blew up, soaking his shirt, his pants, and his tennis. He was upset to know that he was in love with a cat! He knew were Minako lived, her adress, her phone number, and her P.O.BOX. He said to himself "I'll do it...but i'll probably hate myself in the morning" he ran to his house, ihis bedroom, and started to write a letter to Artemis, sending it to Minako's place. The next day, Minkao checked the mail and gasped when she saw an envelope that readed"To:Artemis From:.......". She then yelled "Artemis!", Artemis still asleep, yawned and stretched the last bit of sleep from his beautyfull little body ."What is it Minako?" he asked,still asleep. "Artemis, you have a letter!" said Minako,giving him the envelope."WHAT!??"he gasped"How can someone know my name, and my ability to talk?"he said shreding-open he envelope, and said to Minako"Minako-chan, could you leave me alone for a moment?". "Sure" replied Minako, stepping out of the bedroom.Artemis readed the letter that said: "Dear Artemis:You don't know who i am, don't know what i am, don't know anything about me. But belive me......i know everything there's to know about you... i liked you since the moment i saw you. No one deserves you but me. Some day, some time, at the right moment, we'll meet.and i'll have you. Until then see ya! Artemis gulped hard, and shivered, thinking that i would kill him. Minako entered the bedroom and said"Artemis, is everything all right?"Artemis looked whiter than usual "Yes quite fine" and left the room with a sigh.Minako looked for the letter but he had thrown it to the window. "I hope he's all right" Minako said stepping into the shower. Artemis knew that he'd better be on the look out, if someone tried to kidnap him.He had the same secuence in his mind, every second it passed.Asking himself things like= "Who's that person?" "Is he good or evil?" "What he'll do to me?". Around 9:00 pm Artemis showed up at Minako's house,curved up into a fuzzy ball and went to sleep. The next day Artemis woke up to the sound of chriiping birds "Damn birds"he said woking up.He got up before Minako did, so he went for a walk. Unfortunatelly, Luna caught him, "Hello Artemis,why are you so concerned". Artemis replied "Well luna, last day i recieved a letter from a secret person" Luna gasped"WHAT?!? That's impossible, no one except our sailor scouts know our name's and ability to talk"Artemis still upset responded "I know...it told me that, it liked me since it saw me, and that some day i'll meet it" Luna sighed "Well, lets hope that's not the negaverse." Atemis looked at luna and said "CAN'T YOU THINK ANYTHING THAT'S NOT THE NEGAVERSE?!" he frogned and left her."Luna said to herself "Poor Artemis, it's not his fault" and just continued her path. Artemis was too perturbated to notice the 6 cats that were hcasing him."Damn! i hate being such a sexy cat!!" Then a loud MEOW filled the air Artemis turned his back, and saw the other cats him "GET THE FUCK OFF MY BACK!YOU BASTARDS, I'M IN A REALLY BAD MOOD TODAY!"he said as he prepared his claws and teeth to fight, he knew that he'll lost, but he couldn't just let those cats kick his butt without a fight. The fight was rough, those cats began ripping him off, cutting him in the stomach, his arm, his leg, his back and his ear.(OUCH!) Oscar was aruond that fight, returning from a baseball game, with his bat on the shoulder. Artemis was already badly wounded, and bleeding to death. Oscar passed by the alley were Artemis was. Oscar gasped as he instantly recognized Artemis, he took his bat and ran to help him, he hitted 3 cats simultaneusly with it.BOOMSHACALAKA! blood spurted out from the craneum of the other cats,he actually broke the head of the one that wounded Artemis!. The cats laid around dead, as Oscar grabbed Artemis, and huged him tightly, while covering him with his shirt, Artemis saw Oscar and he said weakly "W...Who are you?" then every thing went black...Oscar, with tears in his eyes, said to Artemis "Don't worry my dear Artemis, you'll be allright". Artemis woke up to the sound of a door closing.Oscar saw this and said crying "Artemis!!Thank god you're alive!!" Artemis tought "How does he know my name?" Artemis just meowed Oscar hearing this said "Oh Artemis, you don't have to pretend with me. It's all right you can talk". "Who are you?"Artemis asked still sour from the fight. Oscar took a deep breath...and said "Artemis, i'm that guy who sent you that letter". Artemis gasped "WHAT?!? So you're the one!". Oscar looked a little scared and said "Sorry Artemis, i didn't meant to scare you. But how could i said my feelings to you in person?" Artemis coughed "hmmmm...you may have a point there" Oscar looked him straight in the eyes and said "Artemis, i....i....love you. ever since i saw you, i knew it was our destiny to be together" Artemis got a little embarrased and said "I some how, feel the same for you Oscar, but doesn't it matter that you're a human and i'm a cat? Oscar blushed and said"Well Artemis, i have a little secret you know...." Artemis looked him with an evilly smile "Hmmm. What secret?" Oscar took another deep breath and said "Artemis..i'm an HERMAPHRODITE" Artemis went wide eyed "NO KIDDING?". Oscar said "No" as he started to undress, Artemis was paralized, as he looked Oscar's dick, and below that his pussy, Artemis had a goofy smile on his face. Oscar gasped "Uh? Oh you PERVERT!!" and slapped him silly "MEOWUCH!!". "Oops!sorry Artemis, how could i stay mad at you?" he then said "Now look Artemis, your wounds will get infected if i don't clean them,ok?" Artemis happily said "OK". And so Oscar turned the shower on, Artemis went inside with Oscar,and cleaned his soft fur, Artemis enjoyed Oscar's tact,rubbing his fur with a desinfectant soap,while purring softly, he didn't like baths very much, but this was with his lover, so how could he resist a bath with his true love? Then, they laid in the bed all stretched out, with Artemis's wounds now closed. Artemis broke the silence saying "Soooo" Oscar replied "Soo what?" Artemis said evily "Are you still a virgin?" Oscar responded a little embarrased "Why yes, in fact i have been saved myself for you...my love" Oscar said, as he hugged Artemis and kissed in his lips, Artemis eventually opened his mouth letting Oscar's tounge to play with his. Oscar then went south, caressing all of Artemis's parts along the way with his tounge. He didn't care for his fur.And reached his little dick,caressing it with his fingers, and licking it as if it was a clit. Artemis moaned silently with his eyes closed, as Oscar continued. Oscar looked the expression on Artemis's face and said "Artemis, you feel good, don't you?" Artemis was grabbing the bed with his nails, it was too much pleasure for him "AHH!.....Please....don't stop....AHH!" Oscar's fingers replaced his tounge,and it went licking it's way up, to his stomach, his chest, his chin, and again to his mouth, they locked tounges again,as Oscar's fingers continued to stroke artemis's dick, they parted tounges "AHH....That's it....OHH" Artemis said. Oscar again went south, but this time he began licking Artemis's dick like if it was a nipple."AHH...Please....don't....UHH...do that...AHH"Artemis said, feeling a little embarrased.Oscar still stroking his dick said"Why not?don't you feel good?". Artemis said "Yes...AHH...but....it's...embarrasing...UHH".Oscar kept sucking on Artemis's dick,as Artemis moaned louder, suddenly Artemis climaxed,letting out a part of his load in Oscar's mouth. Artemis saw Oscar's face and noticed the cum, "Oh,sorry Oscar, i just lost control" Oscar looked him with a smile "It's ok. Artemis, it's good to release it" he giggled and then, plunged his finger on Artemis's little hole "AAHHH!!!UHHHH!UUUMMM!!Yesss!"Artemis said, as his body was convulsioned by the motion of Oscar's finger, Artemis had tears in his eyes, he was enjoying it but it was painfull. Oscar pulled his finger out of Artemis's little hole,and then Artemis said "It's my turn now" Artemis began licking Oscar's big dick, ,and began giving him a blow job, Oscar tought "Wow, i've never seen a blow job this fast!" and said "AHH,OHH,YES,you make it good" Artemis smiled, as he continued, he then went his down, licking his way to Oscar's inner thighs. Oscar began breathing Quicker as Artemis's tounge got closer to his pink, swollen slit, now damped and wet from his love juices, Artemis then smiled as he reached his pussy, licking his clit in little circles, his tounge and chin were being soaked by Oscar's love juices. Oscar started to spasm, and his back arched up making his firm ass up bed, Artemis, with his paws opened Oscar's pussy lips, and now, Artemis's tounge darted in and out of Oscar's love hole. Artemis wanted to plunge into him here and there,but, alas, he was to small, even tough he had a big member for a cat, but just like Oscar could read the toughts of cats, said "Don't...AHH...worry Artemis..UHH...fuck me...AHH...please"he begged, Artemis gladly accepted, and trusted his little dick inside him, waving it across Oscar's inner walls. Oscar began to sweat like hell, and artemis, a little frustrated about his size, plunged his paws into him.Oscar feeling this, yelled "AAAHHHH!!!YESSSS,UUUHHHMM" gasping for air, as an inmense wave of pleasure ripped him. Artemis slowly moved his paws in and out from Oscar's slick love hole, bringing out more pre-cum, as Oscar got more excited,suddenly Oscar began stroking his own cock,Artemis saw this and took his paws out from Oscar's love hole.Artemis then grabbed-stroke Oscar's dick with his slippery paws,pumping Oscar's dick and putting it into his mouth. Oscar started fingering himself, his pussy easily accepted his first 2 fingers and eventually trusted another 3, Oscar pulled out a puddle of cum, and said to Artemis "Here artemis" Artemis licked the cum out of Oscar's fingers, retained it in his mouth, and went to Oscar's face, again they locked tounges, Artemis let out the cum from his mouth and into Oscar's mouth,they enjoyed the sweet flavor of the cum in their kiss. Artemis then returned to Oscar's crotch sucking on Oscar's dick,Oscar continued fingering himself as well, as Artemis pumped his dick over Oscar's tight pussy. Artemis then, straighten up his tail and entered the driping love hole with it, pumping it slowly making Oscar spasm even more.in one final trusth Artemis pumped all of his load over Oscar's tight pussy. The feeling of him spraying over his pussy, made Oscar go over the edge,he reached his fisrt orgasm,he grabbed the bed desesperately as he lost control, as his dick let out a high amount of sperm making Artemis feel what Oscar feelt,his cunt letting a great amount of cum,soaking the bed sheets and his lover's tail,and his cunt seized his fingers and Artemis pumping tail,he shoved even more deeply his fingers making a second orgasm hit him ,Artemis teased his clit as the last wave of pleasure runned by Oscar's sapmed body.he took out his fingers, enjoying the taste of his first cum, Artemis as well licked his paws, Artemis laid on him, flat on his stomach, tail out of his pussy,and said "OHH....Oscar...umm...i've never felt so satisfyed...." Oscar said exhausted "Thank you my love" they laid in the bed for about 18 min. and dose off to sleep. The next day...Oscar woke up and didn't saw Artemis anywhere,he grew concerned, "Artemis!?" he shouted to see if he was around, he looked everywhere, but only found a note that said "Dear Oscar=I went over to Minako's house to talk about what just happened between you and me, i'll be all right, i'll return for about 10:00am. Love you Artemis It was 9:35am. when Artemis returned, Oscar asked him "Soo, how did every thing went?" Artemis responded "Well...it was hard to Minako and the others tho admit, that i was in love with a hermaphrodite, but they at the end understood.even Luna" Artemis sighed . Oscar said "Well,i'll protect you in every battle you go with the sailor scouts" Artemis looked happy to hear that "Thanks Oscar,You're indeed a great person....and boyfriend" Oscar replied "Right" and they went to the kitchen to eat..... THE END.....FOR NOW