[Disclaimer: IF you are UNDERAGE, DON'T READ ANY MORE. IF you live in locality where erotic material is illegal, DO NOT READ FURTHER. Read this article at YOUR OWN RISK. The Author assume no responsibility, obligation, liability, etc. etc. of the consequence of reading this work. This story is copyright by the author. Permission is grant for archive, distribution, and print out for personal use. As long as this disclaimer and notice are included and the use is not of commercial nature.] Notice: This story is 100% DIC free. All characters retain their name, gender, attacks, equipments, etc. from the original Japanese TV series. DIC brought a great work of art and is destroying it through bad editing,bad dubbing, bad scripting and unnecessary plot change. The cowardly DIC even changed my favorite Dark Kingdom general, Zoisite, into female. There are nothing wrong for him to love Kunzite (Malachite) as a male. I don't care what those so-called Family Value groups or PTA says, but the notion that animation is only for kids is outdated. And they are wrong for children to be exposed to true love such as this. This move had essentially ruined the artistic integrity of the show. The choice of voice actor is also laughable. Terri Hawkes is nothing compared to the magnificent Mitsuishi Kitono. Comparing Japanese Sailor Moon and North America (Except the luckypeople of Quebec who got the superior French version) Sailor Moon is like comparing Jean Luc Picard and Locust-the-Borg. They may look alike. They may even composed of same material. But one is assimilated by the evil mass culture. If you agree with me, please write to DIC, its owner Capitol City/ABC, and the future owner Disney. The DIC had sunk so low I won't use the names they made up.(Amy Anderson, as if. She would always be Mizuno Ami to me.) But anyone who had watched more than 10 epsoides of North America version should be able to identify the characters. If you can't, tough. True fans buy imported Japanese laser disc set, only wanna-be watch the DIC blasphemy. The Shinto rituals depicted here are plot devices. They do not necessary reflect t he true practice of Shinto. As proper in Japanese, I placed their surname before given name. Bishoujo=Pretty Young Girl. Bishojo(without u)=Pretty Female Virgin. Senshi=fighter. "Sailor Moon" and the characters are copyrighted by Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TV Asahi, Toei Animation. Used here without permission as fair use parody. If you are really into story continuity, I would place this story at around Japanese epsoides 65 to 69. No, Chibi-Usa is not involved. She is too old for me at the age of 900. But I am planning to write about the Dark Lady and Mamoru, Zoisite and Mamoru, Fish Eye and Mamoru, Artemis and Luna, Shingo and Luna, etc. BISHOJO SENSHI SAILOR MOON Virgin Warrior Sailor Moon Warrior of Lust and Juice By Umino(I am not Melvin. I am not surfing the Internet.) "That brat Chibi-Usa did it AGAIN." cries Tsukino Usagi, 14 years old. Her room wasn't really messy, but it didn't looks right. She twists her long blonde pony tails around her fingers.(So often, she had to explains. Since she is such an air- head, it even overcome the genetic and made her a Japanese blonde.) Somebody had tampered the room. The drawers were half open and the closet was unlatched. It must be Chibi-Usa, the girl who fall out of the sky, searchs for the Silver Crystal. A black cat entered the room. She tilt her head up and began to inquire "What's wrong this time? Did you flunk another test again?" Usagi was furious, "No, well, I did. But that's not the reason I am angary. Some people had mess around with my stuff. Chibi-Usa most did it again. Didn't I told you to watch my room while I am in school? Where had you been?" Luna hangs her head low, seems to hiding the crescent mark on her forehead, "I went to Minako's place. There were some stuff I need to discuss with Artemis. Chibi-Usa went to the apartment of Chiba Mamoru to do homework. I saw them together on my way back." "I knew it! Mamoru had dumped me so he can sleep with that young tramp. And I should had let Minako neut that damn Artemis. If you two weren't fooling around, my room should be safe." Usagi griped. Suddenly, she senses the sound of footsteps. She quickly went silent and turn around, slaping her long pony tails into her own face. She looks to the door, and saw her younger brother, Shingo, standing in the doorway. "Sis, are you talking to your cat again? Don't you know that's an early symptom of mental illness?" Shingo says casually and walks away. Usagi was going to yell at him, but she suddenly caught a glimpse of pink and white color flash out from his pant pocket. She immediately went to the drawer and confirmed her suspicion. Her favorite pink and white panty was missing. In a very rare occasion, Usagi made an logical evaluation. A sly smile surfaced on her face. Now she finally had a chance to get even with her brat little brother. She took out her Sailor Senshi communicator and began consulting with her friends. er brother is going to get a big surprise. After all, she is not an ordinary teenager girl. She is the Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon, the warrior of love and Justice. In the name of the Moon, she is going to punish Shingo. When everything settled, she walked to family room. Shingo was playing the "Sailor V" video game. Usagi can't help but smile when she caught another glimpse of her panty from Shingo's pocket. "Shingo, I just got a call from Rei from the shrine. Someone made a big offering today. They won't be able to eat all of it by themself. Let's go and help them out." Shingo considers the situation for a while and says "OK, let me go to my room and change." "No, no, your clothes is perfectly fine. Let's go NOW." Usagi drags her unenthusiastic brother to the Hikawa shrine. They went to Rei's room directly. Shingo glances around the room and saw nothing resemble foods . "Where are the foods?" "Shingo, it's impolite to ask those kind of question. Ah! I can really use some foods. But that can wait until we settle the more important things. Rei, is your grandpa around?" Hino Rei, as beautiful as ever with her long ravenous dark hair, dress in her usual red and white Miko(Shinto priestess) dress, replies "Of course not, I wouldn't had agreed to this if that dirty old man is around. He is going to be fasting for the next three days." Silently, Aino Minako, another pretty blonde, enters the entrance and closes the door. "I have closed all the entrance to the shrine. Nobody will bother us. Now we can deal with this naughty young boy." Shingo starts to panic. His sister had always been strange and weird. From time to time, he had been ashamed of her stupidity. And since she adopted that strange black cat, she had acted more eccentric from time to time. Now he was caught stealing her panty, she even told her beautiful friends. Shingo slips his hand into his pocket, fist clenched around the panty, unsure about a proper response. Out of despair, he starts to run toward the entrance. Shingo didn't run far before he hears some shouts. "Moon Crystal Power! Make up!" "Venus Star Power! Make up!" Shingo tries to turn his head back to see what's happening. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't move anymore. He heard "Venus Love Me Chain" and his body was restrained by a series of heart shaped illusions. Unable to keep his balance, he falls down on the ground hard. He was drag back and positioned in front of the altar. He saw Rei standing in front of him while Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus is busy striping him. Sailor Moon takes the panty out of his pocket and sniffs it. "Yuck, what had you done with it." Rei steps up and giggles "Don't worry. Males are like that. I had caught my grandpa wearing my stuff, too. In your brother's case, I think he may be possessed by some lecherous fox spirits. As a Shinto priestess, it's my duty to determined if he is possessed or just a healthy young boy." She took out a "akuryou taisan"(Begone! Evil Sprits) Ofuda(Ward) and gently places it on Shingo's chest. Rei kneed in front of Shingo and began to mediate. Abruptly, she begins to chant "Rin, pyou, tou, sha, kai, jin, retsu, sai, zen. Akuryou taisan!" alone with the hand gestures. Fire erupts from the altar and envelops Shingo. Strangely, Shingo didn't feel heat, but a strange sensation. It penetrates into his skin, probing, testing and stimulating EVERY parts of his body. It feels like tides of forces flow through his body, wash away the fifths. Except in one place. Shingo feel the force accumulates in his groin, building up the pressure and pleasure, until it erupted uncontrolablely. Rei picks up some of the juice with her finger and tastes it. "Yummy! Your brother is not possessed. But we should perform the rites of purification on him more often. Some one, clean him up. Now, let me finish the cleansing with the holy water." Rei drops her red skirt to the floor, as the customary, she does not wear panty under it. Shingo can hardly believe what he is witnessing. Rei lowers her crouch on top of Shingo's face. "Lick it, let the flow of the holy water cleanse you. Oh! YEAH! That's right, oh! no, over here. Yes, HARDER. Don't stop. There are more to come, suck on it." At the same time, Sailor Venus begin to clean Shingo up with her tongue. After she gets every drops possible, she put Shingo's penis into her mouth. It's not big, just about a mouthful. She murmurs "It feels good, I hadn't get a chance to suck one of those since I returned from England. Artemis is good, but it's gross to have his hair in my mouth." She holds Shingo with one hand, while using other hand on herself. Usagi/Sailor Moon looks on the side, licking her lips. She is helpingherself with the Moon Scepter. "Hey, shouldn't you two left some of him for me to punish him. I am the one who caught him, you know." Sailor Venus gives up Shingo's penis, clears her throat, "Yeah! You can help out. He is still soft. Let's use your "Moon Princess Halation" to make him hard again." "I am using it, damn it, it feels good to put it there, and I am not let it go, Minako. Oooh, all those fanboys would never suspect where I hides all my jewels." "Hey, you two, cut that out. I got an idea." Rei speaks as she fondling her own breast. Usagi looks at her with bewilderment "You, what do you know? You, the one who must be pure to remain a Miko?" "That's why I learned so much from grandpa. Everyone can just fuck, but you would have to be clever in my position. Not that the concept of cleverness is possible for you, dimwit. Hey, Shingo, just because I am talking doesn't mean you can stop. Ooh! Yes, keep going. Usagi, do you still have the Luna Transformation Pen down there. Ah! My Goddess! You got so many junks down there. With its power, you can have your brother's ass. But before that, give your brother a little help. Yes, Shingo, that's a nice way to repay me." Usagi takes her Moon Scepter out, with juice still dripping form it, she yelled "Moon Princess Halation" and draws a circle on air. Music suddenly came out from no where and Venus choked on Shingo's suddenly hardened penis. "Cough, cough, gosh. I know I asked for it. But next time, dimwit, can you please gimme a little early warning. People had died from this sort of things, you know." "Go back and suck him, you ungreatful brat. Turn him over. You can suck under him." Usagi picks up another one of her magic toy, the Luna Transformation Pen. "Moon Power! Transform me into a hermit. Oh! No! It's wrong. What the word I was trying to say? That's it, thanks, Rei. Moon power Transform me into a hermaphrodite." The power worked. Usagi looks down, giggles "Wow, it even bigger than Mamoru's. Well, since he ditched me for Chibi-Usa, I am going to have some fun myself." Usagi lubricate the new addition to her body with her own juice. Usagi spreads the butt cheeks of her brother. "Now you know what will happen if you steal my panty again." She position her penis to Shingo's anus. "For love and justice, I am the pretty sailor -suited soldier Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I will punish you!" she shout her trademark phrases as she entered her brother. It was hard at beginning, but Rei lend a hand guiding her until it was buried for it entire length. Usagi began to pull it up and stroke gently. "One, two, ......Ninety-eight, ninety-nine..." "No, it's one hundred already, moron." "What? Rei, you are the real moron, I am the one doing the deed." "I am not moron, moron." "You are" "Not" "You are" "Not" "Oooh! What ever, it feels so good, I don't care anymore." "Yeahh, rig... Ooh!" All four of them reach climax at the same time and collapsed. After a little rest, Usagi use the "Moon Princess Halation" again, again, again.........She and Shingo get home just in time for the curfew. Usagi was happy. "Luna, you don't need to lick me anymore. Shingo should had learned his lession and do it." But not tonight, she is going to experiment with the power of Luna transformation pen. Masturbation will never be the same for her.