Sailor Gay! Version 2. (format change) Note. If you do not like indecent material, please turn your head from the monitor as the text scrolls down your screen. You know the rules. One day Serena got fed up. "Fuck it," she said. The other Sailors glanced at her in surprise as she got up to make a declaration: "I'm tired of all this bullshit. You all can say what you want but what I want to know is, who in here wants to get butt-naked and fuck me?" The other Sailors glanced at each other, mouths wide open at this sudden and frank request. Amy, tugging her cuff nervously, said, "I would- like- to-" Serena stared her down, waiting for her to finish. "Well?" Mina and Lita were still in shock over the ordeal when Raye stood up. "Serena what is this?!!" she snarled in her face. Serena palmed Raye's face and pushed her backward. "Fuck off!" This angered Raye greatly. In a second she was on top of Serena, beating at her face and tugging her hair. Suddenly Amy leaped on the red-hot Raye and threw her off of Serena. Raye tumbled backward and hit her head on the wall, incapacitating her. Serena looked over at Raye before turning back to Amy. "Nice throw." Lita stood up. "Would someone please explain to me what the FUCK is going on?" Serena looked at her. "Why are you so mad, Lita-bee? Or, should I say Lita-Bi because you're bi-sexual, hence the reason I'm asking you in the first place!" Lita, normally given to violent fits of anger, tried to stay calm this time. "Serena?" "What?" "You're right." Lita ripped off her blouse and posed in the middle of the room. "I am Lita-Bi, champion of the lesbians of America! Thank you Sailor Moon, for helping me be proud of who I naturally am." She undid her bra and laid it softly on Serena's meatballs. "Uh, sure," replied Serena nervously. Mina was watching as the three were kissing and rubbing each other down. She listened to the sounds. "More breast, damn it!" "Shutup and fuck!" Then a sniffing noise. Haruka walked right into the house and leaped right into the middle of the heap of girls. Before anyone could say anything, she said, "I can smell pussy from anywhere! I just knew that you girls would show your true colors I'm so proud of you all!" At this point, Raye and Mina decided resistance to their sexual desires was futile, what with the pussy smell that was clouding the air around them. Staring at each other from across the room, they both undressed completely and made love to each other. A round of applause came from the four other girls. Serena looked at a camera on the wall and said, "Isn't this great we are sailor GAY!" "MOON LESBO POWER!!!" the others chanted in unison.