Lust Spell By Nofretari Rating NC- 17 for sexual sences & incest Author Sailor Moon was just about to destroy the youma when it screeched at them I curse you that anyone you feel the slightest attraction you won't be able to keep your hands off. As the tiara made contect with it a burst of red energy hit them knocking them out. Tuxedo Mask awoke first and as soon as he saw Sailor Moon he was overcome with desire. He was soovercome that he pulled her into his arms started raining kisses over her face, neck before pushing aside herfaku to envelope one of her nipples in his mouth. Sailor Moon awoke to this feeling very aroused. She was so aroused that she unbottoned his pants pushing them along with his boxers to his feet. Both them unable to control themselves stripped each other before Tuxedo Mask laid Sailor Moon on the ground. Sailor Moon panting begged him to fuck her. The more his lips teased her the more she wanted him. She finally decided to take matters into her own hands and impaled herself on his cock. They were still happly pumping awaywhen Sailor Mars awoke & demaned that Tuxedo Mask fuck her. Being a typical male in this department heagreed and was soon happly pumping away inside Sailor Mar. Sailor Moon jealous demaned he fuck her ass. Which he did before fucking Sailor Mar's ass. Within the next four hours he fucked everyone of the Sailor Scouts including fucking Sailor Moon four times. Needless to say he was happy when both Sailor Moon & Sailor Mars agreed to go home with him that night. Not surpising none of them got alot of sleep because they were too busy having sex. Darian was surpised the next morning to wake up between a naked Raye & Serena but soon the sight of naked teenage age girls had its affect. He quickly woke Serena up by sucking her nipples. Serena very aroused rolled on top of him quickly impaleing herself on him. They pumped away for the next hour both over come with desire. Darian was just pulling out Serena when Raye awake & demaned that Darian fuckher ass. Darian spent all day fucking the hell out of Serena & Raye. They were just falling asleep that night when the call came from Amy that a youma was attacking. Grumbling they all quickly transformed before heading to the park. It took longer then ever to destroy thisyouma because they were all feeling very horny. Finally they defeated the youma and were free to give into their desire. Tuxedo Mask was happly fucking Sailor Moon's ass when Zoisite appeared. As soon as Zoisite saw what was going on he started to laugh. He was surpised when Sailor Mercury instead of fighting him jumped him & started to pull his clothes off. Watching her pull off her faku he decided that he might as well take advantage of the lust spell. He quickly impaled Mercury with his huge cock and started fucking her at a rapid pace. At first what he was thinking how proud Queen Beryl would be of him if he managed to knock up one of the Sailor Scouts but as he contined to pump away memory of the past started flooding back reminding him ofwho he really was & that a thousand years before Mercury and him had been engaged . With his memory back the evil spell that had controled him was gone. Zoisite quickly picked Mercury up & carried her off into the night. The Other Scouts & Tuxedo Mask still controled by the spell didn't even hardly blinked just kept onfucking away. That night all the scouts except Mercury of course went home with Tuxedo Mask. One by oneDarian fucked each of the girls making them cry out in pleasure. They contined like this till the wee hours of the morning when out of exastion they fell asleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Author The Next morning Serena awake with a headache. At first she was confused not remembering yet that for the past two days they had all been under a lust spell. As soon as she remember all that had happened the last two days she screamed waking Darian up. Serena Waking up this morning I felt weird. I didn't know where I was. Looking round & seeing my friends and Darian all laying around me naked everything come flooding back with the realisation that I had beggedTuxedo Mask / Darian many times to fuck me. Which he had along with fucking the other scouts. Embrassed bymy actions I wondered how I was ever going to be able to look at Tuxedo Mask / Darian again. Then it acured tome that none of had used protection. Thinking about this I screamed waking Darian. Darian Waken by the sound of someone screaming I jerked awake and was stunned to see Serena & three of her friends laying naked around me. Then suddenly everything that had happened in the last two days flooded back to me & I remembered that under a lust spell I had repeating fucked each of the Sailor Scouts. All thou embrassed I was turned on especially on by the memories of fucking over and over again Serena. I desperatlywanted to make love to her. I wanted her so much that I rolled over on top of her & started kissing every inch of her bare skin. I could feel desire growing in Serena & parted her legs plunging into her. Wanting her to know what it was like to have someone make love you not fuck you I purposely went slow and contined to kiss her.We were still making love when Raye, Lita and Mina awoke. Raye When awoke the first thing I see is Darian making love to Serena. Seeing this everything come floodingback. Remembering how I had many times in the last two days asked Darian to fuck me I blushed. I couldn't but think what a weird way to lose your virginity. I quickly dressed and looked around to see Lita & Mina quickly dressing while blushing deeply. It then acured to me that We had all given are virginities to Darian. Lita Within seconds of waking I remember everything that had happened in the last two days. Majorly turnedon I decided that sometime soon I would get Darian to fuck me again. Yes I could see that he was crazy aboutSerena but It doesn't bother me that I will have to share Darian attention. As soon as I saw him pull out of Serena I walked over to him pulled my clothes off again & told him to fuck me. He looked at me funny & saidLita I am in love with Serena. To my surpise Serena said Darian I love you too and because of that I will agree to letting you having sex with the other scouts. Darian after kissing Serena laid me on his bed & proceeded to fuck the hell out of my pussy. Mina I woke to the sight of Darian making love to Serena & instantly remeber everything. I was surpised whena few minutes later Lita walks over to Darian and demands that he fuck her. Darian after getting permission from Serena then lays Lita on his bed & fucks the hell out her pussy. Majorly turned on demand that as soon ashe is done he fuck me too. Which he does. Before fucking Raye's ass. Darian Despite the spell ending I find out these girls are still very horny and proceed to fuck each one of themexcept Amy who I assume is still with Zoisite. We spent all day fucking and falling sleep holding Serena it acuresto me that I have not only gained a girlfriend with Serena but a personal harem. I dreamed that night that I have fucked them so much that they would all carry my child. This dream both excited & scared me because thegirls were only fifteen. I could just picture how well their families would reaction to not only finding out they were pregnet but by the same guy. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Author Within two months Serena & Raye both found out they were pregnet, three months after this Minaturns up pregnet and six months after Serena & Raye had their babies Lita turned up pregnet. Their families when they found out who had impregneted them were furious forcing The girls and Darian to hide for the next two years only appearing inside Tokoyo in their super hero forms. Soon after Serena turned Eighteen Darian married Serena. Three years later when they were declaredKing & Queen over the Earth & Moon Darian took Raye, Lita & Mina as cocubines. Within five years Darian had six children with Serena, two with Lita, three with Raye & four with Mina. Giving Darian with the fourchildren he had before becoming king a total of nineteen children most of them daughters. Needless to say Darian is very happy and so is Serena, Lita, Raye, & Mina. Serena seeing that Amy & Zoisite were still in love allowed them to marry. Their union quickly produceda daughter. Within five years they had seven children. Zoisite still gets jealous that his king got to take Amyvirginity but reminds himself that he was the one that sent that youma putting a lust spell over the Scouts &Tuxedo Mask. Darian Looking Back I am actually grateful for the lust spell. After because of it I not only got a beautiful wife I adore but a small harem filled with women that have strong sex drives. The only thing that worries me is that if my daughters take after their mothers how am I going to keep young men out of their bedroom till they turn sixteen ( the age when they are allowed to marry ). I brush this thought aside when Raye pulls me against her & whispers in my ear she wants me to fuck her again. After fucking her I fuck Mina ( while fucking Mina I can't help but remeber the time that I ass fucked a sixteen year old Mina on a busy subway) before fucking Lita. Then retrying for the night I head to my chambers and make love to Serena. To tell you the truth despite the fact that it can be trying sometimes I can't complain that I get to fuck four different women pussy &ass whenever I want. The other day right in front of a bunch of male government officals I ass fucked Raye before fucking the hell out of her pussy . I could see the jealously & envy in their eyes that I could fuck whenever I wanted four of the most beautiful women in the universe. Serena It might surpise some but I don't mind my husband fucking my friends because not only do I love himbut I love my friends. They will always be my best friends. It surpises other government's officals that I can even watch my husband fuck my friends & smile without jealously. What annoys me is when other governments offical's think that just because I don't mind him fucking my friends that I am opened to offers. I remember the time when some Prince named Seyia pinned me to wall pushed my skirt up & had the nerve to rub his penis between my legs. He didn't get more then his tip in before I managed to fight him off. Unfortunly later that day he managed to grab me pulling me into a closet. Then showing his lack of respect jarled at me that he was going to fuck the most powerful women in the universe before pushing my skirt up and pulled my legs apart then proceeded to fuck me. What was horrible was after a few minutes my horniness kicked in & enjoyed having the Prince fuck me. In the end the Prince not only fucked the hell out of my horny pussy but fucked my ass. I was so horny that I even sucked him off. Knowing Darian wanted a treaty with the Prince's kingdom I never said anything afraid that he might kill that Prince. Another time a government offical sneaked into my room while I was napping & proceeded to fuck my ass. I didn't wake up till he turned me over & started to fuckmy pussy. Despite enjoying the attention to my pussy I had him killed for daring to touch me. The man was lucky because Darian wanted not only to kill him to toture him. Despite killing the one government offical I have had serval princes & officals grab at me some even going as far as fucking me. They knew that I wouldn't want the universe to know that the Most powerful women in the Universe is not only as horny as hell but a easy target if caught off guard. I am lucky that none of these encouters have ever produced children. Raye I am heaven despite the fact that I have to share my lover with three other women. Something aboutDarian makes me extremely horny. The other day I was so horny I let Darian fuck my ass in front of a room full of male government officals. I was so horny I almost asked if I could fuck every guy in the room. I quicklysquashed this impluse and let Darian contine to fuck my ass before he laid me on a long table fucking the hellout of my pussy. Just thinking about it turns me on. I am so turned on that when Darian's son born from Mina pins me to my bed I rip his clothes off before begging him to fuck the hell out of my pussy. Which he does. Lita Having the most powerful & gorgerous man in the universe fuck you over & over is wonderful. No matterhow many times he fucks me I want more. No matter where he goes it seems that he is always fucking one of us. Last month in front of two hundred people he fucked Mina's ass. I think he enjoys letting the world now that he can fuck us anywhere he wants. I heard one guy ask why his harem is so small compared to other kingsand Darian reply as horny as my women are I don't need more women. I get all the pussy & ass I can handle already. What I don't tell Darian is now not is he fucking but two of his sons are fucking me. Mina Not surpising being Sailor Venus I have a very strong sex drive. My sex drive is so strong that I let Darianfuck my ass in front of two hundred people while he gave a speech despite my embrassment over the way my breasts were jiggling for all to see. My sex drive is so strong that when the other day Serena & Darian's son asked to fuck me I let him. I of course this time used a magical form of birthcontrol.Now I not only fuck Darian but his son who has a pretty amazing cock too. My fantisy is for them to fuck me at the same time. Horny as I am I still was disgusted when Darian offered our bodies services for a week to Serena's father when he came to visit Serena at the palace. Of course we still let him fuck us his heart's or should I say cock's contentment. Needless to say he given his blessing on Serena's marriage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Amy Seeing how sex crazy my friends have become I smile & think about how glad I am reunited with Zoisite.Of course I won't tell my husband that despite the fact I love him I don't regret Darian fucking me that couple times or giving my virginity to Darian. Zoisite I still get jealous that my king Darian took my love's virginity. Its not only that makes me jealous but the fact that it is easy to see that she has fond memories of him fucking her. What keeps me calm is reminding myself that I sent the youma that put the lust spell over them. It also helps that I have Amy in my arms everynight now & she loves me more then anything else in the universe. Author Everyone despite a few problems lived happly ever after. Darian wasn't even angry when he found out that all his women had other lovers knowing what strong sex drives they had but he did ask them to be discret. Darian with the help of his oldest son even fullied Mina's sexual dream of them both fucking her at the same time. Darian after fucking each of his daughters at least one time married them off to neighboring kings, princes and a select few choosen government officals. Other kings when they found out that the moon kingdom was okay with incest all decided to deflower their daughters too. The practice of incest spread threw out the universe along with ideas of open door marriages.