Well, this is just a wacky idea that I want to get out of my head. It involves crossing over Sailor Moon with elements of the Jungle Book, namely Kaa the hypnotizing snake, and I am deleting the other Sailor Moon story just because I’m starting to regret making that story and I think this is ‘less intense’.


Warning: I DO NOT own Sailor Moon, the Jungle Book, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these stories that end up in this fanfiction! I am also not making any money off of it!


Second Warning: This story contains a bit of violence and blood, mild to explicit bad language, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including hypnosis, mind-control, and brainwashing, and X-rated adult theme/situations including elements that some readers might consider disturbing! If not of age or don’t like this material, please don’t read!


Third Warning: This story also contains some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) type situations and ‘personalities’ as well!


Note: Age of characters in this story:

Serena/Sailor Moon: Age 17

Rei/Sailor Mars: Age 17

Ami/Sailor Mercury: Age 17

Lita/Sailor Jupiter: Age 17

Hotaru/Sailor Saturn: Age 15

Amara/Sailor Uranus: Age 19

Michelle/Sailor Neptune: Age 19

Trista/Sailor Pluto: ageless, but physically 27 years of age.


The Snake’s Tail


Today, we find ourselves in the first-class section of an airplane where we find our Sailor Scouts relaxing and enjoying the fight with our Moon Princess, Serena Tsukino, looking at the window at the clouds.


Serena says, amazed, “This is so cool! A free trip to Africa!”


Ami says, with a nod, “Yes. This is going to be an enjoyable experience. I can’t wait to see the culture and peoples that live in that part of the world.”


Mina says, with a proud smile on her lips, “Well, remember who won the trip!”


Rei says, with a smug smile, “Yeah! It was amazing since you don’t have much in the way of luck!”


Mina yells out, annoyed, “Hey, that’s mean, Rei!”


Amara says, with a sly smile, “But she does have a point!”


Mina calls out, annoyed, “Whose said are you on Amara?”


Michelle tells Amara, with a kind smile, “I think that you and Rei-chan shouldn’t tease poor Mina-chan so much. It was indeed because of her that we won this trip.”


Hotaru says, with a nod, “Yes. And all of us can come along for the trip.”


Trista says, with a smile, “Yes. It is a good time to relax and stuff.”


Lita says, with a smile and whisper, “Especially we’ve had a problem since Serena saved us for Chaos and Galaxia.”


Rei says, with a serious tone, “Well, we can’t be too careful since it has been two years since any trouble came up.”


Serena tells Rei, with a smile, “Come on, Rei-chan! Don’t be a party pooper!”


Rei tells Serena, with a serious tone, “Look, I’m saying that we have to be on our guard at all times even if Trista said there is no trouble in our immediately future.”


Serena tells Rei, with a kind smile, “I know that, Rei-chan. But at least try to have fun while we are there.”

Rei sighs and she says, with a smile, “Okay, I’ll try.”


Serena says, with a warm smile, “Thanks, Rei-chan.”


As Rei warmly smiles at Serena, she thinks in her mind, “I can’t help myself to smile when I see that Meatball Head’s smile. Even through Trista said there is no trouble in the future, I shouldn’t lower my guard. But maybe Serena is right, I’m just too tense. For her, I should try to loosen up a bit. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have the good friends that I do have today.” Rei looks at Serena and she gives a warm smile at her.


(The following day; Somewhere within Africa)


Within the country of Zimbabwe in Africa, we find our heroes and heroines in assembled together in special vehicles within a Zimbabwean village as they prepare for their march through the African jungle. However, on the meanwhile, we find Serena looking at Zimbabwean trinkets with an amazed look on her face.


Rei yells out, annoyed, “Come on, Serena! We need to get going!”


Serena says, with a smile, “Just a minute!” Serena thinks, as she looks at the stuff, “Ooh, I should buy something for Darien! It was too bad that he couldn’t come with us!” FYI: Darien isn’t with the group since he was back in Japan working on getting his degree and he is ‘swamped’ with work lately. After the battle with Galaxia and Chaos came to end two years ago, Darien decided to stay in Japan instead of returning to America to continue his education. Just then Rei grabs one of Serena’s ears and she yelps out in pain.


Rei says, with an annoyed tone, “We are not going to be waiting around for you all day Meatball Head!”


Serena says, winching in pain from her ear getting pulled, “Okay! Okay!” Soon after, Rei has dragged Serena back to the vehicles.


When she gets inside, Mina asks Serena, “They were about to leave, Serena! Where were you?”


Serena says, with a plain tone, “I was trying to get something for Darien.”


Ami says, with a kind smile, “I know how you miss him, but you really need to make sure that you organization yourself, Serena.”

Rei says, with a serious tone, “No joke! This isn’t a time to flake off! We’re going into the jungle!”


Trista says, with a nod, “Yes. Rei-chan is right, Serena-hime.”


Amara says, nodding her head in agreement as well, “Yeah! The jungle is a harsh place and we need to be careful.”


Rei says, with a serious tone, “Yeah! You need to make sure to listen in on what to do while in the jungle!”


Serena asks, with a warm smile on her lips, “Oh, come on! What’s the worse that could happen?”


(Later on that day; Deep within the jungle)


Later that day, within the afternoon hours, we find Rei and Serena trudging through the forest with large survival gear strapped to their backs and simple clothes on them.


Serena is wearing a simple yellow shirt that’s sleeveless under a grey vest with a pink skirt that goes down to her kneecaps, white socks, and a pair of brown hiking shoes on her feet.


Rei is wearing a basic red shirt under a green vest, grey shorts that goes to the tops of kneecaps, black socks, and grey hiking boots on her feet.


The two of them are walking with Rei having an annoyed look on her face and she yells out, annoyed, “What’s the worse that can happen Serena?! We could get lost!” When they arrived at the jungle, it started out well, but then Serena and Rei got separated from the group since Serena followed a jungle bird that she thought was cute and Rei followed her.


Serena tells Rei, nervously, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I just couldn’t help myself!”


Rei says, with a sigh, “What else is new? Anyway, what’s done is done and we’ve got to find our way back to the others.” However, by this time, the two girls have been wondering the jungle for quite sometime and haven’t found signs of their friends or civilization. They’ve tried using their communicators, but for some reason or another, they won’t work and they don’t want to risk getting seen by natives by transforming unless they really need to.


Serena whines, with a groan, “Can we stop? This pack is giving me a backache.”


Rei says, with a moan, “Stop complaining Serena. We need to keep moving! The jungle is no place to dawdle.”


Serena says, with a moan, “I know, but this pack is getting heavy!” Serena then says, showing that her canteen is empty, “And I’m out of water.”


Rei sighs, she sets down her pack, and she says, plainly, “Well, if you didn’t drink so much, you wouldn’t be out. However, we have been walking for awhile, so, let’s take a break!”


Serena tells Rei, with a smile, “Thank you, Rei-chan!” Soon after, Rei sits down by a large tree and gets out her canteen. Rei then tells Serena, “Maybe you should try to find some fresh water.”


Serena asks, curiously, “Out there?”


Rei says, with a nod, “Yes. And if you run into trouble, just transform.”


Serena says, with a smile, “Oh, yeah! I mean, animals can’t talk!”


Rei then throws Serena a whistle and she says, “Right, but they can be dangerous. If you can’t transform run away and call me on that whistle.”


Serena says, with a kind smile, “I’m sure that I will be fine, Rei-chan.”


Rei says, with a smile, “You? The Jungle? Well, anyway, I know that you can take care of yourself, but this is a dangerous place and Darien and the others wouldn’t forgive me . . . Heck, I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything happened to you. So, take it . . . for me.”


Serena gives Rei a warm smile and she says, warmly, “Thank you, Rei-chan. You are a great friend.”


Rei says, with a warm smile, “No problem, but don’t think that I’m getting mushy on you, Meatball Head.” Serena gives a warm smile and giggle as she walks off to find some fresh water while Rei gets out her canteen. Rei think in her mind, “Hopefully, Serena won’t get into any trouble, but that Meatball Head has her way of finding trouble. Well, I’ll be there if she needs me.”


(A short time soon after; in another part of the rainforest)


Within another part of the jungle, we find our Moon Princess in front of a small freshwater lake and filling up her canteen with water after taking a ‘sample’ for herself. After she is done, Serena hears a slight moan and she stands up in surprise.


Serena thinks in her mind, perplexed, “What was that?” When Serena looks at the source of the moan, she looks to see a shocking sight at the other side of the lake. There is a young African woman dancing some kind of exotic dance with a large snake wrapped around her and totally in the nude. Serena can’t help to flush at the sight and she thinks, with a perplexed tone, “What is that? Some kind of local exotic dance. I shouldn’t even be looking at such stuff, but I can’t look away!” Serena looks at the sight as the African woman continues to dance in a sexy and seductive fashion with only the snake wrapped around her form, but what Serena doesn’t see is that her eyes are filled with multi-colored swirls and she had a large goofy smile on her lips. However, what Serena did notice that the snake was a bit unusual since it’s head look kind of cartoonish, but Serena shrugs her shoulders and she thinks, “Must be some kind of local tradition or something. Better get out of here before she sees me.” Just then thought of her doing this for Darien came into her mind and she shakes the thought off as she leaves to get back to Rei. However, what she doesn’t know is that the snake, with a large yellow eyes, saw her and he gets a sly smile on its lips.


The snake says, in a seductive male voice, “Interesssssssssssssssssssssting. I’ve never sssssssssssssssssssssssseen this kind of girl-cub before. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShe must be new to the jungle.”


The young African woman says, in a labored tone like in a trance, “What are you talking about, master?”


The snake tells young African woman, with a sly seductive tone, “Nothing, my dear. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStop.” The young African woman stops dancing and the snake slivers off her nude form. The snake tells the young African woman, “Put your clothessssssssssssssssssssssss back on and return to your village, girl-cub.”


The young African woman replies, in her labored tone, “Yesssssss, master.” Immediately, the entranced African woman walks off to retrieve her clothes which are nearby while the snake slivers off towards the spot where Serena was.


The snake thinks in its mind, slyly, “Mmm, thisssssssssssssssssssssssss new girl-cub might be better to have. I sssssssssssssssssssssshall get to know her better.”


(Back with Rei; A short time thereafter)


When we return to our Sailor Senshi of Mars, we find her resting by the large tree while Serena returns with her canteen with a smile on her lips.


Rei says, with a smile, “Hey, Serena.”


Serena says, with a smile, “Hey, Rei-chan!”


Rei tells Serena, throwing her canteen, “Can you do me a favor Meatball Head? My canteen just ran out of water. Can you fill me up?”


Serena catches Rei’s canteen and she says, annoyed, “Why don’t you do it? It is your canteen.”


Rei tells Serena, with a sly smile, “Because I didn’t drink all at once! I finished mine right now!”


Serena says, with an annoyed pout, “You are just so annoying, Pyro!”


Rei tells Serena, with a sly smile, “Like you aren’t, Meatball Head.”


Serena says, with a snort, “All right, I’ll do it!”


Rei tells Serena, with a sly grin, “Also, can you feel the water containers that we have. We might need extra water.”


Serena yells out, annoyed, “You are just mean, Pyro!” Soon after, Serena gathers all the water containers that they have and prepares to head off.


Rei tells Serena, with a kind smile, “Remember, Serena . . . be careful for all of our sakes, especially mine.”


Serena replies, with a kind smile, “I will.” Soon after, Serena heads off to fill Rei’s canteen and the water containers.


(Back at the jungle lake; Later on)


Returning to the lake, Serena puts Rei’s canteen and the water containers on the ground as she winches from a pain on her shoulder.


Serena thinks in her mind, annoyed, “Man! Why did they have to make those packs so annoying? My shoulders are killing me!” Serena prepares to fill Rei’s canteen and the water containers, but she looks around to make sure there is no danger around. Just then she looks to see the same snake wrapped around the African woman sliver towards her. Serena yelps out in shock, “Yipe! A snake!”


The snake says, with a seductive tone, “Easy, my dear girl-cub. I won’t hurt you.”


Serena’s fear immediately turns to shock and she says, surprised, “You can . . . You can talk?”


The snake says, with a seductive tone and smile, “Yessssssss, my dear girl-cub. My name issssssssssssssssssssssssss Kaa. It isssssssssssssssssssssssssssss pleassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssure to meet you.”


Serena says, nervously, “Um, likewise.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive smile and tone, “Do not worry, girl-cub. I am not poisonous. I am a python, a non-poisonous snake.”


Serena says, with a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness.”


Kaa asks Serena, with a seductive smile and tone, “I haven’t seen a girl-cub like you around here before. You are not from around here, are you?”


Serena says, shaking her head, “Nope! I come from a place far away from here! It is called Japan.”


Kaa says, with a seductive smile and tone, “Interessssssssssssssssssssssssting.”


Serena asks Kaa, curiously, “Um, Kaa, why did you call me ‘girl-cub’?”


Kaa tells Serena, with a sly smile, “Well, it is quite sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssimple my dear. Animalsssssssssssssssssssssssssss like me know your kind, humanssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, simply as ‘man’ and we call our children ‘cubsssssssssssssss’. With male human children, we call them ‘man cubssssssssssssssssssssssss’ and with female children, we call them ‘girl cubssssssssssssssssssssss’.”


Serena says, nodding in understanding, “Oh.”


Kaa asks Serena, with a curious tone, “You are quite surprised to see me talk, aren’t you?”


Serena replies, scratching her head nervously, “Yeah. I’m sorry if I’m being insulting, but it is kind of weird talking to a snake that can speak my language.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive smile, “Well, I am different from the other ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnake even those of my own kind. I’ve had this ability for all my life and it sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseem that I can sssssssssssssssssssssssssspeak any tongue of human kind since I’ve noticed many tongues or what you call language, so, thissssssssssssssssssssss why I am speaking your tongue. Thisssssssssssssssssssss issssssssssssssssss why I know that you aren’t around here because you don’t ssssssssssssssssssssspeak in a tongue spoken by man in my home.”


Serena says, amazed, “Wow! You are quite smart for a snake!”


Kaa tells Serena, with a sly smile, “Yessssssssssssssss, my intelligence rivalssssssssssssssssssss that of man. It is one of the ‘quirks’ as you would ssssssssssssay that makesssssssssssss me different from my own kind.” Kaa asks Serena, curiously, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo, what’s your name, girl cub?”


Serena tells Kaa, with a kind tone, “The name is Serena Tsukino. In my home, it means ‘calm of the moon’.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive tone, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena? What a beautiful name for a uniquely beautiful girl cub like you.”


Serena gains a wide flush on her cheeks and she says, “Thank you, Kaa-san.” Serena thinks in her mind, “Wow! Kaa has a beautiful and hypnotic voice for a snake.”


Kaa asks Serena, curiously, “Kaa-san?”


Serena tells Kaa, with a kind smile, “Well, ‘san’ is for people that are people that we trust and respect even friends with, ‘chan’ is for close female friends, and ‘kun’ is for close male friends.”


Kaa says, with a seductive sly tone, “I sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssee.”


Serena looks at Kaa and she says, amazed, “Wait! I remember you, Kaa-san. You were the snake on that woman doing that . . . native dance.”


Kaa says, with a seductive sly tone, “Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. She is one of the few friendsssssssssssssssssssssss that I have here. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShe is what you call a sssssssssssssssssnake dancer. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShe loves to come out to practice with me.”


Serena asks Kaa, with a blush, “Does she love to dance . . . without clothes on?”


Kaa says, with a seductive smile, “Yessssssssssssssssss, ssssssssssssssssssshe has a love for that. Needless to sssssssssssssssssssssssay, I admit that I don’t mind thissssssssssssssssssssss at all.”


Serena thinks in her mind, amazed, “A talking snake that’s kind of a pervert? That’s new.” Serena asks Kaa, curiously, “Kaa, why do you have few friends?”


Kaa says, solemnly, “They fear me. The insssssssssssssssstant that they ssssssssssssssssssssee me they attack me even try to kill me when I don’t have any intention of harming them.”


Serena says, solemnly, “That’s so wrong.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive smile, “Don’t worry, my dear girl-cub. I am quite ussssssssssssssssssed to it.” Kaa asks Serena, curiously, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo, what are you doing in the jungle my dear?”


Serena tells Kaa, with a plain tone, “Well, my friends and I came here to Africa from my home when my friend, Mina, won a trip for all of us to here.” Serena says, with an embarrassed tone, “However, I got my best friend, Rei, and I lost when I followed a cute jungle bird.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive smile, “I ssssssssssssssssssssssssee, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. You sssssssssssssssssssssshould be careful. There are animalsssssssssssssssssssssssssss that aren’t as friendly as me.”


Serena says, with a nod, “Yeah. Rei-chan told me that.” Just then Serena winches in pain and she rubs her back.


Kaa asks Serena, curiously, “Issssssssssssssssssss there sssssssssssssssssssssssssssomething wrong?”


Serena says, with a smile, “My back is just sore carrying those heavy packs that they want us to carry through the jungle. They are a real pain on my back.”


Kaa asks Serena, with a seductive smile, “I can help with that. Will you let me?”


Serena asks Kaa, curiously, “How?”


Kaa tells Serena, pointing to a tree with his tail, “Well, I need for you to stand by that tree.” When Serena stands by the tree, Kaa slivers up the tree and then wraps his coils around Serena’s shoulders starting to gently massage them causing Serena to sigh in relief.


Serena says, sighing in relief, “Oh, wow. Kaa-san, I didn’t know that you can do this.”


Kaa lowers his head from a nearby tree branch and Kaa says, with a seductive smile, “I’m glad that you like it, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena.”


Serena closes her eyes and she says, in pleasure, “You are incredible, Kaa. I’ve never known someone like you.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “I can do a lot, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. Maybe you and I sssssssssssssssssshould get to know each other better.”


Serena tells Kaa, in pleasure, “I wish that I could, Kaa-san. But my friend, Rei-chan, might become worried about me.”


Kaa then says, with a seductive sly tone, “I have an idea, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena.” Kaa’s eyes then become multi-colored spirals for a brief flash and he states, seductively, “There are some cavessssssssssssssssssss nearby and I’ve made them my home. Why don’t you take your friend there and we could get to know each other better?” At this moment, Serena opens her eyes to look at Kaa and look into his spirals causing her eyes to become dull for a few moments as the hypnotic suggestion implants itself in her mind. Serena has pretty strong mental defenses, but there are times to show that they can be broken. At this moment, Serena’s mental defenses were down since her trusting nature allowed her to trust Kaa since he didn’t show her any threat and she is being relaxed by Kaa’s massage on her shoulders.


When the hypnotic spirals leaves Kaa’s eyes, Serena’s eyes blink as they return to normal and she says, with a smile, “That sounds great, Kaa-san! Maybe I can introduce you to my friend, Rei-chan!”


Kaa tells Serena, with a plain tone, “I’m not ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssure that’s a good idea, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. Your friend might not be assssssssssssssssssssssssss trussssssssssssssssssssssssting assssssssssssssssssss you.”


Serena tells Kaa, with a nod, “Yeah. If Rei-chan saw you, she might think that you were so kind of demon or monster and try to kill you or something.” Serena tells Kaa, with a smile, “Why don’t we meet at your home and you can come with me to meet with Rei-chan?”


Kaa says, with a seductive smile and tone, “That’ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss a good idea, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. I’m ssssssssssssssssure that together we can ssssssssssssssssssssssssshow your friend that I am friendly.” Kaa then stops massaging Serena’s shoulders and slivers down the tree. Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “I’ll sssssssssssssssssssssssssee you later, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena.”


Serena tells Kaa, with a kind smile, “Later, Kaa-san!” Serena then prepares to fill up the canteens and water containers and she thinks, with a sly smile, “Wow! Kaa-san is really nice for a snake! He is really nice when you get to know him!”


As Kaa heads to the caves that he made his home, Kaa thinks in his mind, slyly, “Well, it wassssssssssssssssss easy. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShe issssssssssssssss quite the trusssssssssssssssssssssssssssting type. I will have plenty of fun with her and her friend.”


(In the afternoon hours; elsewhere within the jungle)


In another portion of the jungle, in the afternoon sun, we find Serena and Rei looking at a lot of caves in a nearby Cliffside in awe.


Serena yells out, amazed, “Wow! Look at all these caves!”


Rei says, with a plain tone, “Well, this looks like an interesting place to take a breather and a good one. We can keep ourselves safe if our problems come in one direction.”


Serena asks Rei, curiously and nervously, “Problems?”


Rei yells out, plainly, “You know what dangers there are in the jungle?!”


Serena says, nervously, “Don’t I know it? So, if all of the wild animals and stuff come from the direction of the cave entrance, we can run deep into the caves and stay safe.”


Rei says, with a sly smile, “Well, the Meatball Head can learn! There is hope for you after all!”


Serena says, with a pout-like expression, “You’re mean, Pyro!”

Rei says, with a plain tone, “Well, we need to find a cave that it would be safe for.” Just then Serena catches of glimpse of Kaa in the cave before he vanishes inside before he can be seen.


Serena runs over to the cave and she yells out, pointing her finger excitedly, “What about this one, Rei-chan?”


Rei slowly walks over to the cave, takes a look at it, and she says, with a nod, “Not bad, Serena. This cave is pretty good.”


Serena says, with a smile, “Thanks, Rei-chan.”


Rei tells Serena, with a serious tone, “Well, we should set up camp for the night. We’re going to need gather wood, but only gather wood that isn’t in the trees. This jungle along with the others in the world far fading away because of people and we don’t want to add to the problem.”


Serena says, with a nod, “Right.”


Rei says, with a plain tone, “We should also make sure that traps are ready. We don’t want anything getting to us while we sleep tonight.”


Serena says, nervously, “That’s a good idea.” As the two girls start to work on to prepare for their ‘camp’ for the night, Serena thinks in her mind, “I wonder if I will be able to see Kaa-san tonight.”


(Inside of the jungle cave; the evening hours)


Within the jungle cave, in the star-filled skies, we find Serena, wearing a pink nightgown that goes to her kneecaps and held together by two skinny lines, and Rei, wearing a dark red nightgown that goes to her kneecaps held together by two skinny lines, looking at the star-filled skies in front of two sleeping bags.


Serena says, awe-struck, “It is so beautiful!”


Rei says, with a nod, “I’ll have to agree with you there, Serena. This is one incredible sight.” The two of them prepare to head to sleep, but Serena gets an idea in her mind.


Serena thinks in her mind, curiously, “I wonder if Kaa-san is down here.” Serena then gets a flashlight and prepares to head off.


Rei sees this and asks, curiously, “Hey, Serena, where are you going?”


Serena replies, with an embarrassed look on her face, “Sorry, Rei-chan. I’ve got to go.”


Rei yells out, stunned, “Now?! After we set our alarms and traps at the front door of this cave?”


Serena tells Rei, nervously, “I’m sorry, Rei-chan! I can’t help it!”


Rei says, with a sigh, “Sometimes, I think that you are going to be the death of me, Serena.”


As Rei goes over to get something, Serena tells Rei, with a smile, “Don’t say things like that.” Soon after, Rei throws a whistle on a string like necklace to Serena and she catches it.


Rei tells Serena, with a plain tone, “We don’t know what is in this cave. If you see anything, transform or call on this whistle and I’ll transform to help.”


Serena tells Rei, with a kind smile, “Thank you, Rei-chan. But I’ll be okay.”


Rei tells Serena, with a sly smile, “You had better be, Meatball Head.”


Serena tells Rei, with a warm smile, “Thank you, Rei-chan. You are one of my greatest friends.”


Rei tells Serena, with a blush on her cheeks, “Well, don’t think that I’m going soft on you, Serena.”


Serena tells Rei, with a giggle, “Never.” Soon after, Serena turns on her flashlight and heads off into the distance.


As Serena leaves her sight, Rei thinks in her mind, concerned, “I hope that Serena will be okay without me.” When the image of Serena’s warm smile comes to her mind, Rei shakes her head and she prepares to head off to sleep.


(A short time afterwards; Deeper within the cave)


Deeper inside of cave, we find Serena looking around with her flashlight for any signs of the talking snake by the name of Kaa that she met earlier today.


Serena calls out, “Kaa-san? Kaa-san? Are you here?” When she gets to an intersection, she calls out, “Kaa-san?”


Kaa’s voice booms, “Over there, my dear.” When Serena goes to the left side of the intersection, she is awe-struck to see a series of torch within the cave that light up the ceiling causing it to spark like stars.


Serena yells out, amazed, “Oh, wow! What’s this?”


Kaa’s voice then calls out, “Thissssssssssssssssssssssssssss issssssssssssssssssssssssssss my home, dear. Welcome.” Soon after, Kaa slivers out of the shadows and Serena turns off her flashlight as she puts it down nearby.


Serena takes a few steps towards Kaa and she asks, amazed, “This is your home?”


Kaa replies, with a nod, “Yesssssssssssssssssssssss, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. Men came here and worked on thesssssssssssssssssssssse cavesssssssssssssssssssssssssss leaving behind all of thisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. I learned how to harness fire to keep these torchesssssssssssssss going. The effectsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss of the ceiling are more than worth it.”


Serena says, amazed, “Wow. I can see why Kaa-san. This is so amazing.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “I’m glad that you like it, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena.”


Kaa slivers up to nearby of Serena’s left side and Serena says, awe-struck, “And you made fire to keep the torches going? Wow! You really must be different from other snakes.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, dear girl-cub. Out of my kind, I am the only one that can do the things that I can do.”


Serena asks Kaa, curiously, “How did you gain this ability?”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive smile, “Like I ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaid before, I do not know. I have the ability to talk your kind for all my life. There are a few other differencesssssssssssssssssssss between me and my fellow ssssssssssssssssssssssssnake, but other than that, I am just like them.”


Serena tells Kaa, with a smile, “If my friend, Ami-chan, finds out about you, she would be very interested in you.”


Kaa asks, curiously, “Ami-chan?”


Serena tells Kaa, with a smile, “Yeah! I have a lot of friends, mainly girls, and Ami Mizuno, who I call ‘Ami-chan’ since we are close is my smart friend. She likes to study stuff and she would like to meet you.”


Kaa says, with a seductive sly smile, “Interesssssssssssssssssssting to know, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena.”


Serena says, rubbing her right shoulder in pain, “Ooh, my shoulder. I had to set up traps and alarms just in case we had some ‘unwanted visitors’.”


Kaa says, with a seductive sly smile, “That’ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss a good idea. You don’t know what kind of animalssssssssssssssssssss will ssssssssssssssssssneak in the night. There are plenty that have night visssssssssssssssssssssssion like me. I can see just fine, but the sight in the cave is why I keep these torchessssssssssssssssssssssssssss lit.”


Serena says, rubbing her shoulder, “Yeah, I know.”


Kaa asks Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “Would you let me rub your ssssssssssssssssssssssssssshoulder, my dear? However, thisssssssssssssssssssss time, I would have to sssssssssssssssssssssssliver up your body. You don’t mind.”


Serena says, with a smile, “No, I don’t. It sounds kind of weird allowing a snake to do that, but you are not a talking snake and plus, I trust you, Kaa-san.”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “That makesssssssssssssssssssssssssssss me happy to hear that SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena.” Soon after, Kaa slivers up Serena’s body and Serena gives a sigh of pleasure as she feels Kaa’s coils on her body even through the fabric of her nightgown. Kaa then wraps his coils around Serena’s shoulders while making sure that Serena keeps her balance and massages her shoulders causing Serena to sigh in pleasure and relief.


Serena tells Kaa, in a relaxed tone, “That’s great, Kaa-san . . . you are doing this perfectly . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “I’m glad that you like thissssssssssssssssssssssssssss, my dear.”


Serena tells Kaa, in a relaxed tone, “Why wouldn’t I like it? My whole body is so relaxed . . . you are one of a kind, Kaa-san . . .” Serena then closes her eyes as she continues to relax and she gives a yawn.


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “You ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssound tried SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. Would you like to get sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssome ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssleep?”


Serena says, with a yawn, “Yeah, I am kind of tried . . . I should get some sleep . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “Well, I can keep with that my dear.” Kaa’s eyes then become engulfed in multi-colored hypnotic spirals and when Serena looks at Kaa’s eyes, her eyes become filled with the same hypnotic spirals. Kaa then moves his coils under Serena’s nightgown, under bra, and allowing Kaa to massage one of Serena’s voluptuous breasts causing her to gasp and moan in pleasure as the hypnotic spirals fill her eyes. Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive hypnotic tone, “That’ssssssssssssssssssssssss right, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena . . . look deep into my eyesssssssssss and relax . . . lisssssssssssssssssssssssten to my voice . . . and trussssssssssssssssssssssssssst in me . . .” Kaa then moves his head from side to side to further the trace as he slides his coils down Serena’s body towards her panties causing her to gasp in pleasure. Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive hypnotic tone, “Doesssssssssssssssssss thisssssssssssssssssssssssss feel good? Do you like thisssssssssssssssssssssssssss?”


Serena says, in a labored tone, “Yesssssssssssssss . . . feelsssssssssssssssssssss really nice . . . but it feelsssssssssssssssssssss weird . . .”


Kaa says, with a seductive hypnotic sly tone, “Well, that will change ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoon enough, my dear . . .” Kaa then increases the intensity of his hypnotic spirals and puts his tail down in Serena’s ‘treasured area’ rubbing at it gently causing her to moan out in pleasure. Kaa continues to massage her breast and gently rub her ‘treasured area’ causing waves of pleasure to surge through Serena’s body causing her to fall deeper and deeper into Kaa’s hypnotic trance. After a minute of this, Kaa presses his forehead to Serena’s head causing Serena’s eyes to be filled with Kaa’s spiraling eyes. Just then a loud ringing sound goes through Serena’s mind causing her to become fully entranced and a large goofy smile appears on her lips. Kaa asks Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “That’sssssssssssssssssssssss better. Do you like being under the control of your new masssssssssssssssssssster?”


Serena replies, with an entranced tone, “Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . . it feels good being under your control . . .” When Kaa is sure that Serena is completely entranced, he returns his eyes to normal while Serena’s eyes remained fill with his hypnotic spirals and he takes his coils off of Serena’s body while slivering down her body.


When Kaa is off her body, Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive commanding tone, “Take off your clothesssssssssssssssssss, ssssssssssssssssssssweet girl-cub. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShow me your wonderful body.” Serena lifts the lines off her nightgown, lets her nightgown fall to the ground, her bra is next, and finally, her panties along with the whistle are thrown to the ground, leaving Serena totally nude in front of Kaa. Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “You have a wonderful body. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo beautiful.”


Serena blushes at this comment and she says, in her labored tone, “Thank you, master . . . I am glad that you are pleased . . .” Kaa then goes over and licks Serena’s navel causing her to giggle and she says, in her entranced tone, “Ooh . . . master . . . that tickles . . .” Kaa stops licking Serena’s navel and starts to sliver up her body causing her to moan in pleasure as scales of Kaa’s coil-like body goes up her skin. Kaa wraps his coils around Serena’s voluptuous breasts, puts his coil-like body in-between Serena’s legs, and wrap around her shoulders. Kaa then uses his coils to gently massage Serena’s breasts and her ‘treasured area’ causing Serena to moan in pleasure.


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “Do you like the feeling of my coilssssssssssssssssssss around you?”


Serena replies, entranced tone in her voice, “Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . . feels so good . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena, do you like the dance that you ssssssssssssssssaw me in earlier?


Serena’s cheeks give a major flush of embarrassment and she replies, entranced, “. . . Couldn’t take my eyes off it . . . master . . . never see anything like it . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “Good. Tonight, you are going to become a sssssssssssssseductive sssssssssssssssssssssnake dancer like her. You are going to like that, aren’t you?”


Serena tells Kaa, labored tone, “Sounds like fun, master . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, seductively, “Glad to hear it. Dance my lovely beauty. Follow my voice and dance, SSSSSSSSSSSSSerena.” Serena then starts to dance around the lighted cave as Kaa gives her instructions and Serena then starts to dance like an exotic dance in a snake dance in a sexy and seductive fashion. Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “You dance divine, my dear.”


Serena tells Kaa, entranced, “Thank you, master . . .” As Serena continues to dance, Kaa continues to gently massage her breasts and Serena gives moans in pleasure. Serena tells Kaa, moans out entranced, “Ooh . . . master . . . feels really good . . . Ah . . . you are touching me . . . Ah . . . all over . . . your coils . . . feels wonderful . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “I’m glad that you like it, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. Now, I think that it isssssssssssssssssssss time for usssssssssssss to get to know each other better. Tell me everything about you, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. Tell me every important detail.” Serena then tells Kaa everything about herself including being Sailor Moon, the Moon Princess, the Sailor Scouts, and her prince AKA Darien as well as her adventures. Kaa thinks in his mind, amazed, “Incredible! I have a princesssssssssssssssssss in my coilssssssssssssssssssssssssss and she is currently putty in my coilsssssssssssssssssssss. Plus, ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshe has friendsssssssssssssssssssssssssss that are also princessssssssssssssssssssss. Mmm, most likely, they are also human beautiessssssssssssssssssss. I have heard of animalssssssssssssssssssssssss that work together for ssssssssssssssssurvival including predatorssssssssssssssssssssssssss and maybe I ssssssssssssssssssssssssshouldn’t be different. Her prince could be a problem, but maybe her lovely princessssssssssssssssssss can convince her otherwisssssssssssssssssssse. But, firsssssssssssssssssssssssssssst . . .” Kaa tells the totally entranced and dancing Serena, seductively, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena, about your friend . . . do you share feelingssssssssssssssssssss for her?”


Serena replies, entranced, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . . Rei-chan is one of my closest friends . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “Is she more than a friend like your mate, Darien? Do you feel ssssssssssssssssssssomething different with her than with your other friendssssssssssssssssssss?”


Serena replies, with an entranced tone, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . . I feel so warm . . . knowing that even through we argue and bicker a lot . . . Rei-chan is always there for me . . . caring for me so much . . . I love her as I love Darien-kun . . . I don’t tell her because I don’t want to hurt her or my prince . . . my Darien-kun . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, seductively, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShe must feel the sssssssssssssssssssssssssame if sssssssssssssssssssssssssshe cares about you ssssssssssssssssssssssso much, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. It is time to tell her that. To ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshow how much you appreciate her.”


Serena replies, entranced, “You’re right, master . . . Rei-chan has done so much for me . . . I should tell her . . . how much I care for her . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, seductively, “Go to her, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. I ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshall guide your way back. Go.” Leaving her flashlight, whistle, and clothes behind, the entranced heroine with Kaa in tow with his coil-like body wrapped all over her body walks back towards Rei with Kaa guiding her way.


(Later that night; returning to the front of the cave)


Back at the front of the cave, we find Rei Hino curled up in her sleeping bag as she hears footsteps coming towards her causing her to yawn as unzips her sleeping bag and sleepily comes to a standing position.


Rei asks, sleepily, “Is that you Serena? W-What took you so long?” Just then a pair of familiar feminine arms wraps around her waist causing Rei to blush.


Serena’s voice says, seductively while sound a bit labored, “Sorry, Rei-chan . . . it was hard finding a place to go . . . but right now, since we are alone, I need to tell you something . . . something important . . .” Just then Rei feels Serena’s tongue gently lick her right ear.


Rei says, shocked, “Serena, w-what are you doing?”


Serena tells Rei, seductively, “Just showing you how much you . . . mean to me, Rei-chan . . . is that so wrong? Rei-chan, you mean so much to me and I do love Darien-kun, but I . . . I love you too.” Rei felt her heart skip a beat from Serena’s final remark and Serena puts her hands on Rei’s shoulder, gently massaging them, and she says, seductively, “Out of all the others . . . you have been there the most for me other than . . . Darien . . . you helped me a lot through the time he broke up with me . . . I love him so much . . . but you have a place in my heart, too, Rei-chan . . .”


Rei has a major blush on her cheeks and she thinks, “Geez! Couldn’t she think up a better time to tell me that? But then again, I . . . I really feel the same about her. She was the one that got me all the friends that I have. Those rotten girls at school never gave me the time a day. They thought of me as some kind of witch or something behind my back while giving me good praise to my face. Serena cares, trusted, and believed in me as well as gave me the cool friends that I have today. I believe that most men are nothing, but pigs through that doesn’t mean that I don’t like cute boys. There are plenty of cute boys that are really great and hot, like Darien, but being in a girl’s school has made me bisexual and I was so afraid to admit it. I didn’t argue with Serena about Darien since he is supposed to be hers to being with, but because I . . . I really cared for her a lot.” Just then Rei feels Serena’s lips plant kisses on her neck and collarbone causing her to gasp as Serena massage her back. Rei tells Serena, nervously, “Serena-chan, maybe we should . . .”


Serena tells Rei, with a seductive tone, “I’m just giving you a massage to show my appreciation for you . . . don’t worry, Rei-chan, we will get plenty of sleep . . . promise . . . please let show you my appreciation for you . . .”


For a minute, Rei doesn’t know what to say, but then she thinks, “Well, what would it hurt?” Rei gives a nod of her head and Serena continues her massage while secretly lifting Rei’s nightgown off her. Rei sighs in pleasure from the shoulder and back rub and she says, “Wow . . . this feels great, Meatball Head . . . where did you learn to do this?”


Serena replies, seductively, “Oh, I am a girl of many new talents, Rei-chan . . .” Rei closes her eyes and relaxes as Serena continues to massage her back while secretly taking Rei’s nightgown off her. The nightgown slips down Rei’s body until it reaches the end of her legs causing Rei to open her eyes to notice.


Rei says, with a relaxed tone, “Hey, Serena . . . what are you doing?”


Serena tells Rei, seductively, “Just want to make sure that massage is really good, Rei-chan . . . don’t worry . . . just trust me . . .”


Rei replies, a bit nervously, “Okay . . .” Rei then sees her nightgown set down in front of her legs while Serena puts her left hand on her stomach and gently massages it while massaging her right shoulder with her right hand causing Rei to gasp with pleasure. Rei says, her tone more relaxed than before, “Oh, wow . . . this is really good . . . I don’t know what’s gotten into you . . . but this is great . . .” However, what Rei doesn’t know or suspect is that Serena’s eyes are filled with hypnotic spirals with a large goofy smile on her lips while Kaa is in the shadows directing her moves. Just then Serena turns Rei’s head and kisses her passionately on the lips causing Rei’s cheeks to truly flush as she is unable to resist returning the same kiss with the same love and passion while Serena’s right hand goes under her bra and she starts to massage Rei’s right breast. When Rei opens her eyes, she meets the hypnotic spirals that fill Serena’s eyes and before she could get a thought in, her eyes start to fill up with the same hypnotic spirals while Serena moves her hand under Rei’s panties as she starts to massage her ‘treasured area’.


Serena releases from the kiss and tells Rei, in a seductive hypnotic voice, “Relax, Rei-chan . . . just relax . . . it’s all right . . . look into my eyes . . . and trust in me . . .” As Rei continues to look into Serena’s spiral filled eyes, her eyes start to mimic them as she falls deeply into the same trance that Serena is in. Normally, Rei has strong mental defense against stuff like that, but the way that this came unexpectedly and the relaxed state that Serena put Rei as well as the trust and caring that Rei has for Serena, Rei’s mental defenses are down and she is quickly falling into the trance. Rei gives moans of pleasure as Serena gently pinches her breast nipple as she continues to fondle it and massage her ‘treasured area’ causing her to fall deeper and deeper into the trance. Serena tells Rei, in a seductive hypnotic tone, “That’s it, Rei-chan . . . just relax . . . I’m glad that I could share this wonderful feeling with you . . . you mean so much to me . . .”


Rei replies, her tone getting labored, “You mean so much to me . . . too, Serena . . . I care about you so much . . . that’s why I didn’t argue with you . . . about Darien . . . You mean the world to me . . . not just as my princess . . .”


Serena tells Rei, in a seductive hypnotic tone, “I’m glad to hear that Rei-chan . . . now, trust in me . . . give in to this feeling . . . you will love it as much as I do . . . relax . . . and trust in me . . .” For the next minute, Serena continues to massage Rei’s breast and ‘treasured area’ and then Serena puts her forehead to Rei causing her only to see the hypnotic spirals which pushes her off the edge. With a loud ringing sound going through her mind, Rei becomes fully entranced and a large goofy smile appears on her face. Serena tells Rei, in a seductive entranced tone, “Do you like my master’s trance, Rei-chan . . .?”


Rei replies, entranced, “Yesssssssssssssssssssss, feels good . . .”


Just then Kaa’s voice booms, “I’m glad to hear that girl cub.” The two entranced girls look to see Kaa coming out of the shadows and he says, with a seductive sly tone, “My name is Kaa. I am SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena’s master at the moment. It isssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss a pleasssssssssssssssssssssssssure to meet you.”


Rei replies, entranced, “A pleasure to meet you, master . . .”


Kaa tells the two girls, with a seductive commanding tone, “Stand.” The two girls stand in front of Kaa with Serena’s bare form and Rei only wearing her bra and panties. Kaa tells Rei, in a seductive commanding tone, “Take off your clothessssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Rei. Don’t be assssssssssssssssshamed to show your body.” Rei then removes her bra and panties and leaves herself as bare as Serena is. Kaa tells Rei, with a seductive sly tone, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, beautiful. You are quite a beauty, Rei.”


Rei gains a blush on her cheeks and replies, in her entranced tone, “I am glad that you are pleased, master . . .” Just then Kaa slivers his coil-like body up Rei’s body and she moans in pleasure from the feeling of Kaa’s scale touching her skin.


Kaa tells Rei, with a seductive sly tone, “Do you like the feeling of my coilssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss on your lovely ssssssssssssssssssssssssskin, girl cub?”


Rei moans out, entranced, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . . your coils all around me . . . touching me . . . Ah . . . feels wonderful . . .” Kaa then continues to sliver around Rei’s bare form wrapping his coils around her breasts and in-between her legs causing Rei to gasp as surges of pleasure and excitement go through her body. On the meanwhile, the entranced Serena watches with her spiraled filled eyes and large goofy grin on her lips, but she shows elements of excitement as she watches.


After several minutes, Kaa slivers off her body and he asks Rei, seductively, “Did you enjoy that dear girl cub?”


Rei replies, entranced, “Yessssssssssssssssssss, I did enjoy that master . . . I loved your coils touching me all over . . .”


Kaa responds with a seductive sly tone, “That’sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss good to hear, Rei.” Kaa tells the two entranced girls, “Now, girl-cubssssssssssssssss, let’sssssssssssssssssssssss have sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssome fun. I sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshall whistle and hum a tune for you and you will dance like lovely Egyptian belly dancersssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Do you understand?”


The two girls reply in unison, entranced, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . .” Kaa then starts to whistle and hum an Egyptian snake charmer song and the two girls start to dance like Egyptian belly dancers onto Kaa’s coils as he continues to hum and whistle the snake charmer tune. Even through he prefers the jungle, Kaa has been well-traveled even to Egypt where he learned this tune. It annoyed him that humans used the tune to use his kind as show to humans, but he loves the irony of using it to ‘charm’ the two girls that fully entranced in his hypnosis. The two fully entranced Sailor Scouts continue to seductive belly dance on Kaa’s coils and sighing from the feeling that they get from Kaa’s coils on the soles of their bare feet. Kaa makes his coil-like body into upward and downward spirals and the two girls dance up that as Kaa continues to hum and whistle the snake charmer tune. For the next few minutes, the fully entranced girls continue their seductive belly dancing up, down, and all around Kaa’s coil-like body. Kaa then turns his body into a series of ‘hills’ that go up and down and the two entranced girls continue to dance up and down until Kaa stops humming and whistle the belly dancer tune causing the girls to stop dancing at the top of one of Kaa’s coiled hills. Then Kaa bounces the two girls up in the air slightly and he sides them up and down of his coils causing to flush red with excitement and pleasure from the feeling of Kaa’s coils on their bare backs and legs. Just then Kaa puts the two totally entranced girls on the end of his coil-like body and up in the air while turning his body into spiral-like coils in which he sends the two girls spiraling down into a cocoon of his coils entrapping them within.


Kaa asks the two girls, with a seductive sly tone, “Did you enjoy what happened my lovely girl-cubsssssssssssssssssssssss?”


Serena replies, entranced, “Yesssssssssssssssssss, master . . . Rei-chan enjoyed it a lot . . .”


Rei says, entranced, “It felt wonderful, master . . . your coils were touching us everywhere . . .”


Kaa tells the two girls, with a seductive sly tone, “That’sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss good. Now, you will enjoy what’ssssssssssssssssssssssss coming next.” Kaa then uses his cocoon of coils to massage the two girls’ bare bodies and the two girls moan, sigh, and gasp as surges of pleasure rip through their bodies as Kaa uses his coils to massage the two girls’ bodies and skin.


Serena moans out, entranced, “Yessssssssssssss, master . . . please keep going . . . Ah . . . please don’t stop . . .”


Rei moans out, in an entranced tone, “So good, master . . . just keep going . . . Ah . . . don’t let it end . . .”


Kaa tells the two girls, with a seductive sly tone, “I’m glad that you find it pleassssssssssssssssssssssssing, my lovely girl-cubssssssssssssssssss. Now, sssssssssssssssssssssshow each other who you love each other.” Serena and Rei then share a passionate and loving kiss as they mate their tongues and taste every nook and cranny of each other’s mouths.


Serena moans out, in a labored tone, “I love you, Rei-chan . . .”


Rei moans out in reply, “I love you, too, Meatball Head . . .”


Kaa thinks in his mind, with a sly smile, “Ah, yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss, Rei’s nickname for SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. She meant to tease her with it, but now, it has become a beloved nickname for her.” As two entranced girls continue to kiss passionately, their breasts mold against each other causing their nipple to harden as their excitement grows. And after a minute, Kaa increases his massage as high as he can go and Kaa says, in a seductive commanding tone, “Moan and sssssssssssssssssssssssssscream for me, my lovely beautiessssssssssssssssssssssssssss.” The two girls break off their kiss and they give loud moans of pure excitement and pleasure before calming down to catch their breaths. Kaa tells Rei and Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “You have lovely voicesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.”


Serena and Rei replies, with entranced tone and in unison, “Thank you, master . . .”


Kaa then tells them, in a seductive hypnotic tone, “Now, go to sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssleep . . . close your eyesssssssssssssssssssssss . . . and ssssssssssssssssssssssssleep . . .” Their eyes become heavy as they yawn and fall into a deep slumber. When Serena starts to snore, Kaa tells her, seductively, “You are snoring.”


Serena replies, sleepily, “Sorry.”


Rei says, with a giggle and sleepily, “Same old Serena-chan.” Soon after, the two girls fall into a deep hypnotic induced slumber and even through not fully entranced, they are somewhat still in Kaa’s trance.


Kaa asks Rei, seductively, “Did you enjoy our evening?”


Rei replies, sleepily, “Yes . . . felt wonderful . . . your coils . . . touching my whole body . . . never felt anything like it . . .”


Kaa tells Rei, seductively, “That’sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss good to hear, Rei. I want you to put that feeling and the image of my coils touching you and all around in your mind as well as the feeling of my hypnosis. Underssssssssssssssssssssssssstand?” Rei nods her head in understand and Kaa then goes over to Serena causing him to ask, seductively, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena, did you enjoy our evening too?”


Serena replies, sleepily, “It was incredible . . . my body is tingling . . . your spell . . . so entrancing . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone and smile, “I’m glad that you enjoyed it, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena. Keep that memory deep within your mind. The feeling of my coilssssssssssssssssss, the feeling of my hypnosissssssssssssssssssssssss, and the wonderful feelings that you felt for our evening with me and Rei, okay?”


Serena replies, sleepily, “Anything you say . . .” Soon enough, the two girls were in a deep slumber wrapped in Kaa’s coils as he smirks at the two lovely ladies he has entrapped in his coils while slumbering peacefully.


Kaa thinks in his mind, slyly, “And sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoon, my lovely girl-cubsssssssssssssssssssssss, the best is yet to come.” Soon after, Kaa falls into a deep sleep as he continues to think for his plans to come with the two girls that he has entrapped in his coils.


(Three days later; elsewhere within the jungle)


Three days later, we find the rest of our Sailor Scouts searching around frantically for any signs of Rei and Serena. It has been three days since they were lost and the girls were starting to panic. Darien called about the situation and he immediately wanted to come over to aid the search, but the girls assured him that they would be able to find them. However, Darien warned that if he didn’t hear by them that Serena and Rei were all right by the end of the day, he is taking the next flight to Africa to aid in the search.


Hotaru calls out, worriedly, “Rei-chan? Serena-hime? Where are you?”


Mina states, worriedly, “How could we let this happen? Maybe I shouldn’t have won this contest after all.”


Lita tells Mina, reassuringly, “This isn’t your fault, Mina-chan. We’ll find them.”


Amara says, with a serious tone, “I’ll never forgive myself if anything happened to Kitten.”


Trista says, with a plain tone, “We all are responsible Amara. We should have made sure that Serena and Rei were still with us.”


Ami says, using her computer, “I can’t seem to get a lock on them with my computer.”


Hotaru calls out, worriedly, “Rei-chan! Serena-hime! Please answer me!”


Just then Rei’s voice booms, “It’s about time!” The girls look happily to see Serena and Rei, wearing the similar clothes that they had on when Serena met Kaa and with their survival packs on their backs, come out of the bush and trees with Hotaru immediately hugging Serena.


Mina says, excitedly, “You are okay!” Mina then immediately hugs Rei in a bear hug and Rei gently pushes her off.


Rei says, with a smile, “We’re okay! We’re just fine!”


Ami says, with a concerned tone, “You’ve been missing for three days! Did something happen?”


Serena says, with a slight fearful tone, “Other than get lost in the spooky parts of the jungle? No!”


Amara asks, concerned, “Are you sure? Are you hurt?”


Rei says, with a smile, “We’re just fine! We got lucky and we weren’t attacked by vicious jungle predators!”


Lita says, with a nod, “No joke!”


Ami says, with a concerned tone, “Darien was really worried about and he was about to leave to come find you.”


Serena says, with a loving smile, “That’s my Darien-kun! I hope that I didn’t worry him too much!”


Rei tells Serena, with a sly smile, “He worries about you if you stub your toe!”


Serena says, with a nod, “Yeah, I know! Can we let him know that I’m okay? I would be so horrified that I worry him to death any longer.”


Michelle says, with a sly smile, “We know. Come on, we can lead you to a place where we can make a call.”


Serena says, with a smile, “Great! Let’s go!” Immediately, Serena heads off into the distance with the others running to catch up to her.


Lita yells out, strongly, “Serena, wait up or you will get lost again!”

Rei says, with a sly grin, “Same old Serena! Say the word ‘Darien’ and she is off like a rocket!”


Amara asks Rei, curiously, “Are you sure that nothing happened while you were out there?”


Rei tells Amara, with a smile, “Didn’t I say that nothing happened Amara? Serena and I are just fine.” Amara felt something off, but decided not to pursue it. However, what the others didn’t notice is something slivering inside of Rei’s backpack giving off a snake-like hiss of a giggle.


(Sometime later; Within another Zimbabwe town)


Inside of another Zimbabwe town, we find Serena inside of hotel room with Rei as she talks to Darien on the phone to assure him that he is all right. However, the door is closed and locked with some Shinto talismans with the Japanese kanji for ‘silence’ on them stuck the door and nearby walls.


Serena tells Darien, over the phone and in a loving tone, “I’m okay, Darien-kun! Yes, I was scared especially knowing that you were around to protect me! However, I had Rei-chan with me during the whole time!”


Darien says, over the phone, “I’m just glad that you are all right, Serena-chan. The jungle is a dangerous place!”


Serena tells Darien, with a loving tone, “Don’t worry, love, I’m all right. I miss you and I’ll be okay. I’ve learned my lesson and I’ll make sure to be more careful. I’m sorry.”


Darien tells Serena, in a loving tone, “It’s all right, my odango. I am just so relieved that you are okay.”


Serena tells Darien, with a loving tone, “I know, love. Sorry to worry you. How about a date when I get back to make it up to you?”


Darien tells Serena, lovingly, “Odango, you really don’t have to.”


Serena tells Darien, lovingly, “Yes, I have to. After all that I put you through, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t? Through I might have problems paying for anything that costs too much.”


Darien giggles over the phone and he says, lovingly, “We’ll work everything out when you get back. Please be careful and I love you, too.”


Serena tells Darien, lovingly, “I love you, too, Darien-kun. Later.” Serena kisses the receiver and hangs up the phone. Soon enough, Kaa appears from under the bed and looks at the two girls.


Kaa tells the two girls, seductively, “I hope that I have a place in your heartsssssssssssssssssssss, too, my loveliesssssssssssssssssss.”


Rei and Serena smile slyly at Kaa and Rei replies, seductively, “Of course, Kaa-kun. You gave us such a wonderful experience in your caves. How can’t Serena-chan and I have a place for you?” Rei then gently pets Kaa’s head and coil-like neck causing him to smile seductively.


Kaa then starts his hypnosis again and as the girls’ eyes start to swirl with his own, he says, seductively, “SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShall we get ssssssssssssssssssssssssstarted, my beautiful girl-cubssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss?”


The two girls don’t resist Kaa’s hypnosis and they said in unison, starting to become entranced and small smiles forming on their lips, “Sure . . .”


As Kaa sways his head back and forth, he says, seductively, “Look deep into my eyessssssssssssssssssssssssssss and take off your clothessssssssss, my dearssssssssssssssssssssss.” Without looking away at Kaa, the two girls slowly and seductively take off their clothes and thrown them all on the floor leaving the two of them in their bare skin. After a few minutes of gazing deep into Kaa’s eyes, a loud ringing sound goes through their minds and the two girls gain large goofy smiles on their lips to show that they are totally under Kaa’s control. Kaa slivers onto the bed and he says, seductively, “Come to me.”


Serena and Rei reply in unison, entranced, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . .” The two immediately join Kaa on the bed and when he is satisfied that they are under his complete control, he lets his eyes return to normal while Serena’s and Rei’s eyes are still filled with his hypnotic spirals. Kaa wraps his coils around Serena and Rei especially around their breasts and gently massages their shoulders, breasts, and waists causing them to sigh and moan in pleasure.


Rei moans out, in a pleasured entranced tone, “Oh . . . Ah . . . Wow, master . . . you really are good at this . . . you really know how to turn a girl on . . .”


Serena moans out, completely enraptured by Kaa’s spell, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssssss, master . . . Ah . . . Right there . . . just so wonderful . . .”


Kaa tells the two completely hypnotized girls, seductively, “I’m glad that you enjoy my coilsssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, my dearssssssssssssssss.” Kaa tells Serena, seductively, “Now, SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSerena, about your mate, this Darien, I would like to meet him ssssssssssssssssssssssometime.”


Serena replies, entranced, “Sure, master . . . Ah . . . I’m sure that when he meets you . . . he will love you like I do . . . Ooh . . .”


Kaa tells Serena, with a seductive sly tone, “We sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssshall ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssee, my ssssssssssssssssssssweet girl-cub.” Kaa tells Rei, with a seductive sly tone, “And you are jussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst perfect to make ssssssssssssssssssssssssure that we aren’t disssssssssssssssssssssssturbed.”


Rei moans out, “Thank you . . . Ah . . . master . . . those talismans will make sure that aren’t . . . Ah . . . disturbed . . .”


Kaa says, with a seductive sly tone, “Yessssssssssssssssssssssss, I am most pleassssssssssssssssssssssssed. Now, let usssssssssssssssssssssss continue, shall we?”


Serena and Rei say in unison, totally entranced, “Please do master . . .” Soon after, Kaa continues to use his coils to massage and ‘play around’ with the two totally hypnotized Sailor Scouts with a wide sly grin on his lips.


(Many days later; Back in Japan)


Now, we find ourselves back in Japan and inside of Rei’s room within her temple home, but her door is closed completely and we find her wrapped in Kaa’s coils with her shrine maiden uniform on the form. After the Sailor Scouts’ vacation in Africa was done, they went home with Kaa sneaking into Japan by the sub-space pockets that they have. It doesn’t sound possible, but with infinite space that can store unlimited items, that wasn’t a problem especially for Kaa to get into Japan totally undetected. Right now, we find Rei is relaxing on her bed with hypnotic spirals filling her eyes and a large goofy grin on her lips while a pair of earmuffs is on her ears covering them up.


Rei moans out in pleasure, as Kaa continues to massage her breasts and in-between her legs, “Ah . . . Oh, master . . . Wow . . . Yes . . . Right there . . .” Just then the phone rings, but thanks to the earmuffs, Rei can’t hear it all.


Kaa stops his massage and he asks, curiously, “Who can thisssssssssssssssssssssssssss be?” Kaa picks up the phone and hangs it to Rei while knocking off her earmuffs. Kaa tells Rei, seductively, “It’s for you.” Rei nods her head and puts the phone to her ear.


Serena’s voice coming over the phone, with an excited tone, “Hey, Rei-chan, what’s up?”


Rei tells Serena in reply, with her entranced tone, “Nothing much, Serena-chan . . .”


Serena says, with a seductive tone in her voice, “I see.” Serena tells Rei, with a sly tone, “Well, Darien-kun and I are coming over for a visit. We will be there soon.”


Rei tells Serena, with a seductive entranced tone, “We will be ready, Serena . . .” When Serena hangs up the phone, Rei hands the phone to Kaa and Kaa uses his coils to return the phone to where it was while disconnecting the phone line at the same time.


Kaa tells Rei, seductively, “We need to get ready for their arrival, my dear. Prepare your clothesssssssssssssssss and let’s get ready.”


Rei replies, with a seductive labored tone, “Of course, master . . .” Kaa then releases Rei from his coils as she goes over to her shrine maiden uniform and other clothes and prepares to put them on.


(A short time later; at the steps to Rei’s shrine)


At the bottom of the steps at Rei’s shrine, we find Serena and Darien walking up to it with Serena hugging Darien’s left arm as usual and he can’t help to smile at it.


Darien asks Serena, with a loving smile on his lips “What is so special at Rei’s place?”


Serena tells Darien, with a sly loving smile, “It is a special surprise Darien-kun.”


Darien tells Serena, with a curious look, “I’m not sure.”


Serena tells Darien, with a sly loving tone, “Don’t worry, love.” Serena kisses him on the lips and she says, with a seductive loving tone, “I’m sure that you will really love this surprise.” Darien shrugs and decides to go along with it not knowing what or who awaited him within Rei’s shrine.


The End?


Well, this is it! Like I said, I’m replacing that last Sailor Moon story with this since it is somewhat ‘less intense’ than the last one. Love it? Hate it? Well, this is a wacky idea that I wanted to get out of my head. Later and best wishes!