FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS SPECIAL: SNACHERS AND HATE CRIMES (REVISED) BY: darkpower RATING: TV-14 LVDS DISCLAIMER: Sailor Moon is not mine, and neither is the name "Fight For Your Rights," which is an entity of MTV. AUTHORS NOTES: As you know, MTV is starting a campaign called "Fight For Your Rights: Take A Stand Against Hate Crimes And Discrimination" once again. As I am always a supporter of such movements, I have decided to make a fanfic that reflects how hate crimes affect America today. And who better subjects to use for the fanfic than Haruka and Michiru. This fic takes place before the S series. Also be advised that Haruka may be a bit different from the way she normally would be in the series. Just a warning to any Uranus fans out there. _____________________________________________________________________ It was 12:30 in the afternoon. Over in America, around the state of Virginia. There, two Sailors were searching for the three talismans that would form the Holy Grail. Those two Sailors were Sailor Uranus, or Haruka, and Sailor Neptune, Michiru. That had been informed that there might have been some people with the hearts that they needed to accomplish their mission in the United States. So they got on a plane quickly, from Japan, and headed straight for America. It was 12:30 in the afternoon when someone was trying to steal one of the heart crystals that a person had owned. It was fairly warm outside, and many people were out and about. However, that didn't really matter to the two frantically searching Sailors. They knew that something was going on at a bank in Norfolk. "We must hurry," Neptune had said, racing to the scene with Uranus. "I know. Whoever they are attacking may have the pure heart we are looking for," Uranus responded. ******************************************************************** They had gotten there, and within a minute, found out that the person being attacked did not have any type of pure heart. One that they were looking for, anyway. Once knowing this, the two stormed into the building, where a monster stood in their way of putting the crystal back into its rightful owner. "NEPTUNE DEEP SUMARGE!!" "URNAUS WORLD SHAKING!!" Those two attacks combined downed the hideous monster to a pile of dust, and the two Sailors quickly acted to put back the crystal into the owner's body. Suddenly, the owner of that crystal stood up and thanked them for everything. He was seemly a good hearted fellow, maybe around sixteen or seventeen, short, dark hair, brown eyes, around five foot, build like a high school football player stereotype. "It's only our job, mister," Uranus replied to him. "Hey, shouldn't we be going now. We have other things that we must be doing," Neptune asked to Uranus. "Sure, hon. We'll get back to our room in a hurry and plan..." Suddenly, the guy they saved interrupted them. "HON?!! OUR ROOM?!! Uhh, exactly what are you talking about?" "We're sharing a room together. What's the big deal with that," Neptune asked. "I don't know about you, but you two shouldn't have to share a room." "Well, we're not the way you think we are, mister," Uranus answered back. "Who I think you are? Looking at you right now, I think I'm seeing two DYKES in front of me. What a disgrace to have two queers to save my fucking ass." "WHAT," Neptune said in disgust. "You're lucky I don't kick both of your asses right here and right now. Now, you two DYKE asses better get the fuck out of my sight, or I'm going to fucking kill the both of your queer asses." "We're gone from here, but you better get your act straight. These two 'dykes' just saved you from dying, so you better be thankful that we were here," Neptune said to him before leaving with Uranus. "I would rather die than to have been saved by you two dykes." ***************************************************************** "Why did he say that to us," Michiru asked as she was combing her hair back in their room later that evening. "Who knows," Haruka asked. "I know what he meant by those words. Really mature, I would say," she said rather sarcastically. "I would think so too, but we can't worry about that right at the mome..." Michiru was starting to say before she heard a knock at the door, which roused her suspicions since they weren’t expecting anyone there that night. "Who's that," Michiru asked. "I'll go find out who it is." Haruka unlocked the door, and slowly opened it to peek at who it was. That was when suddenly, the guy that had been saved by them earlier, along with two of his friends, kicked the door open hard, and immediately grabbed Haruka's arm. He then violently pulled her arm back, almost out of socket, and pulled a gun on her. "LOOK FOR THE OTHER QUEER," the man said to his cohorts. They followed heed, and they found Michiru and drug her out, both of them pinning her to the ground. "NOW, WHERE DO I START WITH YOU TWO DYKES?!! I KNOW, HOW ABOUT I TAKE YOU TO A LAKE, STUFFING BOTH OF YOU INTO A TRUCK, AND THEN, WHEN WE GET THERE, WE DROWN YOU!!" "You would only WISH," Haruka said, and she tried to break free of his grip. That was when one of the other men came over and punched her right in the ribs. "OKAY, DYKE, YOU'RE GOING TO BE JAKKED BY US!! DON'T EVEN TRY TO FUCK AROUND WITH US!! WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE, THOSE LITTLE SAILOR SUITS AND SHIT!! DO YOU THINK WE'RE THAT STUPID?!" Haruka knew that she did have a point about them not having any defenses at that point. Their transformation pens were not on them at that time, for some strange reason, so they couldn't transform. "Why do you want to hurt us. We saved you, remember," Michiru asked. "DID I SAY TO SHUT THE FUCK UP, QUEER?!!" With that, the men banged Michiru's head against the headboard on the bed very hard several times, so violently that they made a cut in her forehead, and she was staring to bleed down her face. One of them followed up with a punch to the face, making her head gash open with more blood. "MICHIRU!!!!!!!" "I'M GOING TO TELL YOU ONE MORE TIME TO SHUT YOUR MOTHER FUCKING QUEER ASS UP BEFORE WE DRAG YOU OUTSIDE AND DRAG YOU BEHIND OUR CAR!! SHE GOT WHAT SHE DESERVED FOR NOW, BUT YOU, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GO HOME EMPTY HANDED, YOU DYKE!!" He then took Haruka's head and banged it against the wall several times. Her head was banged so much that she suffered the same fate to her forehead as Michiru did, but with more blood coming out of it. "MAYBE YOU GET THE PICTURE NOW, HUH!! MAYBE YOU GET IT THAT WE'RE NOT PLAYING AROUND WHEN WE SPEAK, AND MAYBE YOU YOU GET IT THAT WE DON'T LIKE IT WHEN DYKES LIKE YOU ROAM AROUND, THINKING THAT THEY ARE SOME SORT OF HOT SHIT!! YOU'RE LUCKY THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE A DYKE FOR A...," He was interrupted by a police siren. It was the cops, coming in droves. "SHIT!! HOW THE FUCK THEY FIND OUT ABOUT US?!!! YOU'RE DAMN WELL LUCKY THIS TIME, YOU DYKES, BUT I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE NOW, AND IF YOU EVER AGAIN COME CLOSE TO ME, I WILL BE WAITING WITH ROPE IN MY HANDS, EAGER TO PULL YOUR QUEER ASS WITH MY 98 CHEVY!!" With that, all three of them fled, but not without the 'leader' of the three kicking Haruka in the gut a couple of times hard in the stomach. Haruka fell down onto her hands and knees, coughing up blood. The cops came into the room soon afterwards. "Oh my God," said one of the cops. "We have a major situation here, guys." "Uhhhh," was the only thing that Haruka could say while coughing up blood more and more as she tried to regain her composure. "WE NEED HELP OVER HERE," yelled the cop. Michiru tried to get up, despite her head being covered in blood. "NO, don't move," said the officer. "We're going to get you to a hospital. We'll ask you the questions there. But don't move. Just lie down and don't do anything." Michiru, surprisingly knowing that the officer knew what was best for them at the moment, lied back down. *************************************************************** Later, both Haruka and Michiru were in the emergency room, and it looked like both of them were going to be okay, but not with out some major scars both physically and emotionally. They were in the same room together, although in separate hospital beds. Michiru was the only one up and awake. Haruka was asleep, lying on her back with only her hospital gown on. Michiru didn't even bother to look at the room. She didn't really care what it looked like at the moment. All she did care about was what had happened back at their room. "Officer, the green haired one is awake. You can speak to her now," said a doctor out of the room. Michiru couldn't identify his looks all that well, since they were outside the room she was in." The officer, a black, middle aged man, about six foot, with black police attire on, entered the room, tipped his hat, and said, "Hello, miss, my name is Officer Mathews. I was the one who called the emergency room and have you brought in. How do you fell, miss?" "Well, a bit better, but I'm still hurting. I have a big headache right now," she responded. "Okay, I know you're not feeling well, but I must ask you some questions first. Please answer them to the best of your knowledge so we can get these three and put them where they belong." "Okay," she said, a bit weaker than before. "Do you know what these three look..." He was cut off by Haruka's coughing. She was looking as if she was waking up, but something was not right with her. She was starting to shiver a little. And it was getting more violent with the seconds that were passing. "Oh my God, Haruka," Michiru screamed to the best of her abilities, although her voice didn't go up as well as she wanted to. "We need some help over here now," the cop yelled outside the door, trying to get someone's attention. He did just that, as afterward, five to six different doctors came into the room, trying to get Haruka under control. "She's having a seizure," said one doctor. "She's coughing up more blood, too. It's as if she's choking on her own blood," said another doctor. "Let's get her to the OR, and NOW," said the doctor in charge. "Haruka, stay strong," said her lover. ********************************************************************* The next few hours were spent by Michiru waiting nervously. She didn't know whether Haruka would make it out of what she was going through alive or not. During that time, though, the officer tried to resume his questioning, and was successful in finishing the questioning, but not without some difficulty from Michiru's faint and weak voice. When those hours were up, Michiru saw Haruka being brought back into the room. "She's going to be fine," said the doctor wheeling her back into the room. "She'll just have to take it easy tomorrow." "You mean we'll be able to go tomorrow," asked Michiru, now a bit stronger in her voice. "Yes, but don't try to do anything that may aggravate your injuries. The injuries you two have sustained have taken a direct toll on your physical statuses. I don’t know what may happen to you two as a result if you don't let these wounds heal. Just don't let us find out what will happen if you don't let yourself heal up. Take it easy for the next few days, and everything will be easy going from then on out." "Thanks, doctor," Michiru said. ********************************************************************* After being released the next day, the two were being driven back by Officer Mathews to their place that they were staying. He dropped them off at their place, and then drove off, not knowing what they were about to find. Haruka needed a bit of help walking to the room, but Michiru helped her with the brightest smile. They then got to the room, and Michiru got the key out and went to unlock the door, when she discovered that the door was not only unlocked, but also half off of its hinges. "The hell," Haruka asked. Michiru opened the door, and immediately let out a loud gasp at what she found. Haruka went in to see what was going on, and was shocked to find what Michiru had found. Someone was definitely there. There were broken lamps all over, dressers and desks were scattered, sheets ripped. But most of all, there were words of "DYKE" and "queer" all over the walls, as well as over slurs meant to hurt homosexuals. Haruka immediately knew what was going on, and who was responsible. "Michiru, get me my pen. I'm going to find that son-of-a-bitch!!" "No, Haruka, you're not going to do this. I don't want to see you hurt again." "Michiru, I have to. You know me better than anyone. This is not going to happen. I can't take it any longer, Michiru. This has gone too far. We saved them, but now I regret saving him." "But Haruka, you might die if you try to face those three. In your condition alone, it's going to be a hassle, but doing it against three hateful men who think that they own the world by calling us dykes and threatening to kill us is even worse. I don't want to lose you, Haruka." "Believe me, Michiru, I don't want to die, either, and I don't want to lose you, either. But this is something that they are asking for, so I'm going to give it to them." "Well, you're not doing it without me. I'm coming with you. I want to make sure that you don't get hurt anymore by these three idiots." "Fine. You can come with me, but you're not going to get in my way. Nothing will be able to. I'm going to make sure those three never again hurt anyone else." And with that, Haruka went in and grabbed her pen, and transformed herself into Sailor Uranus. "I'll be coming in a minute. You go ahead," Michiru requested. Haruka nodded and went out to find them. When she was gone, Michiru went to the phone and called the police, telling them everything of what had happened, and what Haruka was going to do. She hung up the phone and went to get her pen. Unknowing to her, one of the three men entered the room with her, and was sneaking up on her from behind. Slowly, this man made his move on Michiru. And then he suddenly grabbed her and started to choke her, grabbing a knife and putting the blade right next to her throat. Michiru was suddenly scared, as she did not have any way of defending herself. Even her Neptune pen was unequipped, and with her current injuries, she was near defenseless. "Okay, you dyke, listen up. We're going to take you on a little trip, and if you don't like it, tough FUCKING shit." "Why are you doing this to us? We did nothing to you but save your friend." "In this country, men don't love men, and women don't love women. That's just the way it is around here. And if you do, the reward you get is you getting your ass kicked. And now that we know that all you two are crazed dykes, we are going to take you and your friend out for a little trip to the woods and leave you hanging to die." "You have a very one dimensional mind and a very small vocabulary, do you? Not very surprising. And you better not touch Haruka, you slime." "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU QUEER, BEFORE I DO THE SAME TO YOU AS I DID LAST NIGHT!!" "MICHIRU!!!!!" Uranus suddenly came into the room to find Michiru in this situation. She had a gut feeling that things were not right when she took longer than she said she was going to be. "LET HER GO!!" "AND WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO, DYKE?!! I CAN'T STAND IT WHEN DYKES ENTER INTO OUR TOWN!! WE DON'T APPRECIATE THAT!! AND I THINK YOU BETTER BACK OFF, OR SHE DIES!!" "DON'T YOU THINK ABOUT..." "SHUT YOUR QUEER ASS UP!!" He then heard sirens again. It was like last night, but this time, he wasn't going to run that easily. "So, you called the cops on us, did you, you fucking bitch? Very well, then. They won't get very far for you. We've got a surprise for them, too." Suddenly, they all heard gunshots being fired, and when Uranus looked outside, she saw that a few cops got shot, some being fatal shots. "I told you they were waiting for them. We know what you're up to now, dykes, and we are going to save this town by ridding it of you two..." "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND NOW!!" Uranus turned around to find Officer Mathews standing there, tall and firm, with gun pointing straight at the man. For some reason, Uranus knew that Mathews was going to not hurt Michiru with a bullet if he had to fire. "What?" "You're friends are under arrest, and so are you. Let her go." The man, which, in fact, was the leader of this group of thugs, knew that Michiru was the key factor in his defense. "YOU TRY ANYTHING, YOU DYKE LOVER, AND I'LL SLIT HER THROAT, AND MAKE SURE THAT HER HEAD COMES OFF WITH IT!! BACK OFF, NOW!!" "I'm warning you, mister, I never once missed my target when I needed to hit it. You can be sure that if I must, I will open fire. We can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. The easy way? You let her go and I put you into custody. The hard way? You continue and I open fire, which may kill you. I don't want to use the hard way, but I will if you force me to. Now, let's not make this difficult." During this, Haruka thought that this was the chance to get Michiru free, and knew how to do it, since the guy was now distracted by the cop. She sneaked up behind him. And then she struck him in the back with an ax-handle type move. He had no choice but to let go of his hostage, and went down in pain. Immediately, Michiru ran to Haruka and hugged her tightly, releasing the fear she had with tears streaming down her face. While this was going on, the man was being placed under arrest by Mathews, but not without difficulty and resent from the thug. "Don't think that you've won the war. We will eradicate all of the dykes from the world. You two just got lucky, but there are more, bitch-faggot. DON'T YOU FORGET THAT!!" "Come on, mister. I'm taking you in." Mathews left with the man, and then outside, he put the man with the two friends into one of the police cars outside, and the driver of that car drove off with sirens blasting. Meanwhile, inside, Haruka, now detransformed from Uranus, was comforting Michiru. "You all right, Michiru," she asked. "Yes, I'll be okay now," Michiru answered while trying to fight off the tears. "I knew something wasn't right with what had happened. Michiru, don't be scared now. It's over. They will not bother us again." "She's right," said Mathews, coming back in. "They are being taken to the station now. They won't be coming back." "Thank you, officer," Haruka answered. "No problem, miss," he replied before exiting the room. Afterwards, Michiru could only chuckle a bit, which made Haruka question her sudden expression. "Michiru, why are you laughing at this," she asked. "Well," Michiru answered, "not all the time we are the ones that need saved. BY a cop, notherless." "Yeah," Haruka responded, chuckling herself a bit, "I guess they proved their worth one way or another." ********************************************************************* For the next month or so, the trial for the three men took place. Both Haruka and Michiru gave their accounts, and they were very incriminating. The three men got a life sentence without any chance of parole. ********************************************************************* The day after the sentencing took place, Haruka and Michiru got ready to go back to Japan to continue their quest. "I'm sorry that your trip here wasn't as great as we would've liked it to be," said Officer Mathews, who was escorting them to the airport. "Remember that not all of the people that are in America are like those three. There are just some people who are so unfortunate to look at the big picture, and see that there's nothing wrong with that lifestyle." "It's no problem, Officer," Haruka answered. "I don't think we'll leave America on a bad note," Michiru said. "I mean, those three got what they deserved, right?" "Well, they may have," Mathews responded, "but I don't know for sure if anything is the right sentence for hate crimes. You did get lucky, though. We would've not been too happy if it had turned out worse than it did." "Yeah," was the only word Michiru had to say in response to that. ********************************************************************* "Well, goodbye, officer. It was a pleasure meeting you," Haruka said as they were boarding the plane to leave. "Same to you," he answered. "We thank you for your kindness, mister," Michiru. "We won't ever forget it. Goodbye." And with that, they got onto the plane, which took off for Japan soon afterwards, to continue their mission to find the three Talisman, and no word about this incident was ever spoken about again to anyone. ___________________________________________________________________________ I made this fic because I don't think anyone should be judged by their sexuality. I believe that homosexuals are normal, just like everyone else. MTV's Fight For Your Rights: Take A Stand Against Discrimination is the perfect way for anyone to get themselves involved with curbing hate crimes. Haruka and Michiru were lucky. The officer was there at the right time, and the man that was holding Michiru hostage didn't have the chance to do much. However, we only wish that it was that easy to get out of such situations. Some aren't that lucky to make it out alive. One of these terrible incidents was one that shocked the nation. In October of 1998, the 22nd day, a 21-year- old college student named Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered because of his sexual orientation. Two men lured him to let them take him home, but instead took him to a secluded area, struck him about ten times with a gun, tied him up to a fence in the wilderness, and left him for dead. There is not a person in America that this story didn't touch. Matthew was a good-hearted person. He believed that homosexuals and heterosexuals could live together in peace. He had high hopes for his life. He got along with everyone, and had some real close friends. But now, we are only left with memories. We are only left with pain and suffering. His friends and family have to live each day with knowing the fact that he was killed by two people who had something against him being gay. How was that killing worth it to them? Why did they have to judge Matthew in that way, and act upon it? For whatever reason, we will never get to find out what would've been. But in a way, his dream still lives with his family and friends. All of them have vowed not to let anyone forget him and his dreams. MTV is not letting up on what happened that made his life end short (I don't think that should be erased, either. His murder was one of the most pitiful and hideous hate crimes to date). I hope that everyone has gotten the message from this fic. Please reply with your thoughts about this fic and how you think hate should be handled. I thank you for reading.