Darians untold Temper Hello, this is a spur of a moment thing that i thought of during math class when i should have been paying attiention. Ohwell what is some silly little math test that i just so happen got a 30 on,, big whopty do. Well anyway you will be happy to know that i will hopefully be sending out a new chapter to I will always love you Raye..er Serena. But I wanted to start something new so here it goes.! Oh ya i almost forgot, this has no relation what so ever to the real Sailor Moon, and Serena nor any other scouts know that they are scouts. Discaimers:Pick your favorite, paste here. --}--}-@ At Darians apartment "Hey watch it Meatball head, can't you even manage to get out the plates without breaking them?" Darian asked wiht a touch of mischief in his voice. "I told you don't call me that!" Serena said. CRRAASSSHHHHH!!! "Stupied plate, i say we ordear Pizza and use paper plates." Serena said starring down at the glass plate taht had just slipped from her hand. Darian sighed fakeing saddness. "OH Serena,he said while walking over to her standing beside her he slids his arm around her waist, it is ok, we will all miss Phil the plate greatly." Darian said. Quickly turning Serena with his arm so that she was faceing him. Darian held her close and gave her a kiss. "mmmmm,," Serena said as she returned the kiss. Pulling away slightly she took a deep breath of air then said,"It is ashame, or 2 year anniversary had to be ruined by the death of Phil the plate." Serena said laughing. Darian smiled and kissed her again. --}--}-@ later that night at dinner "Yes the pizzas are here!" Serena said while leaping of the couch. "Yes who would have thought that i would need to ordear 4 pizzas for only 2 people." Darian said following her to the door. Serena took the pizzas while Darian payed the boy. After shutting the door and doing all the locks on it he went to join Serena at the kitchen table. When he saw her he almost kneeled over in laughter.He found one of the pizzas to be half way gone. Serena had tomato sauce spread all over her mouth, and was shoving in one slice while picking up anthor. Darian took then to notice what Serena was wearing. A short plain white dress with a small gold trim around the waist and as a trim at the bottem, she wore plain white boots that had a bit of heel not much. With gold earings and her hair up in the usaual 'meatball' style. Darian leaned agianst the doorways frame. Serena had noticed him and quickly wiped her face off. She turned to face him, she saw him leaning gently agianst the doorway frame! ! . He was wearing a loose black shit with black pants. He had let his hair grow a little bit so now his bangs toughed the tips of his eyelashes giving him a mysterious look. It also difned his midnight blue eyes. Darian stood up striaght and took a slice of pizza devoring it quickly. "Geez Meatball head save some for me!" Darian said while takeing anthor slice. As if just to mock him she took 3 slices of pizza and devored them before he had finished hald of his second one. Darian just glared at her then they both broke out laughing. --}--}-@ Serena and Darian where sitting on the couch the T.V was turned on to Ren and Stimpy. Serena decied to start a converstion, somthing has been bothering her for a long time now. "Darian? Why haven't I met your parents yet? And why are they never around? And you never speak of them?" Serena asked. Darian inhaled sharply,"Because,,just because OK SERENA!" Darian said his voice getting louder with each word. "GOD DARIAN! I just want to know about them! KNOW THAT THEY EXSIST AT LEAST!" Serena said anger filling her voice. Darian jumped up off the couch, and Serena followed him in to the small walk way where the door was. "SERENA! I JUST DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT MY PARENTS OK!", Darian replyed back anger daggers cutting through his words. "DARIAN WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CRUEL GOD I JUST WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR PARENTS!" Serena said wiht just as much anger in her voice. Darian whipped around and picked Serena up rather easily and threw her into the door. Serenas body hit the door ma! ! keing a loud thump then she collapsed to the floor. Then Darian started kicking her, everytime harder then the one before. Serena was soon crying. Darina blinded with his rage kicked harder and harder. "DARIAN PLEASE STOP!!! STOP PLEASE!", Serena yelled. But as the time went by and the kicks countinuing Serena was soon down to nothing but a whisper. "please darian,,stop." Serena whisperd through her tears. Her once white dress was stained with blood from her lip and cuts from nurmours parts of her body. Serena some how found the strenght to stand up useing the door knob to lean her weight on. Darian suddnly realiseing what he had done tryed to help her. Serena was shaking in fear as Darian took a step towards her. Darian tryed to hold her but Serena pushed him away. She looked up at him, and Darian saw something that he had never seen in her eyes, fear, fear for him. Serena undid the locks and stumbled slowly out the door. Darian followed, "Please wait Serena, please,my love."! ! , Darian begged following her to the elevator. Serena pushe! d the button for the elevator not answering Darian. The cheerful ding played signiling the elevator had come. The doors slid opened, Serena looked up to see a solitary figure standing in the elevator, it was Andrew. Serena fell and Andrew caught her, looking down seeing that she was caked in blood, some dried, but from somewhere a open cut still stained the dress. Andrew looked up in horror to see Darian standing there with pleading eyes filled with unshed tears. "How..Darian, How could you?" Andrews face was of pure hatered toward him. His eyes filled wiht shock and disbelif.Andrew repeated "How could you do this?", and the elvators doors slid shut. --}--}-@ So how you like it?? I hope you did like it. Well tell me what you think! I love to hear from ya (hint hint) even if it is just flames, i love email al lthe same. Al though only a physco likes flames, ohwell guess i am a physco Ja-Ne! Chibi Usa P.S my email, chibimoon_@alloymail.com ----------------------------------------------- Get your free email at http://www.alloymail.com